The resurrected Bai miserable roared, "come on! Attack the old ghost of Qingyang. Don't let him recover until his secret time!"

How can Dongfang Dihong and others not know this excellent fighter, and the battle preparation passed by the sledgehammer just now... They are waiting for this moment

"Well done!"

All together

The ghost of Qingyang sect, Xiu Qingfeng and others have been encircled!

Seven ancestors, such as qingmo, took most of them to arrange the corpse soul array... The ancestor of Qingyang was seriously injured by the explosion. Before he recovered, he was besieged by powerful people such as the royal family

Even with the soul refining technique, the cultivation of his seal has not been removed in time, and he can't give full play to its power. Qingyang can only use his powerful flesh to block their attack, and there is no space to remove the seal

"Ah ~ I hate! Come and block them for me!" Qingyang roars!

Green ink and others who smell the noise suddenly know that something has happened to Lao Zu again... Hurry back!

Bai miserable directly follows the strong, absorbs the ghost spirit, and ruthlessly kills the ghost repair of Qingyang sect

For a time, the whole Qingyang sect ghost repair was beaten down. Coupled with the disgusting bastard Bai miserable from time to time, they slipped in, and then boom, they really became dead ghosts!

Qingyang is worthy of being the first ancestor of Qingyang sect. Only when his accomplishments are sealed by himself can he expand the strength of the palace in the early stage

Even with the integration of the mother corpse soul flag, the physical defense can not be easily broken by a group of strong men

Bai Nai also saw that the ghost practitioners from Qingyang sect must be killed before they come!

Just when the strong royal family and others were about to kill Qingyang, seven ancestors of Qingyang sect, qingmo, Qingdao, Qinghuo, Qinghuo, Qingxiang, Qingzhu and qingfeiyang, took the lead to lead the seven ghosts to kill and save Qingyang!

It's terrible. My hands and feet are broken, my skin is torn, my fur is stripped, and a huge broad sword is still inserted in my ass!

Qingfeng and other ghost practitioners rolled and climbed to qingmo and others

This time, it was too miserable to be hit by the white tragic pit... The loss was heavy and almost destroyed by the regiment

Bai miserable continues to attack the remaining ghost Xiu of Qingyang sect with others. These ghost Xiu know that if Qingyang's ancestors can't get up, they will also be dead ghosts

However... At the moment of crisis, Qingyang finally took advantage of a short gap to untie his seal, then took out the body and swallowed it to recover his body

A huge crisis hit everyone

"No! The old ghost of Qingyang has recovered!" Dongfang Dihong roared.

Then quickly arrange the young generation such as Dongfang ruoxian to escape from the secret road

At the moment, Qingyang is no longer Qingyang, he no longer conceals

But show the true face of the corpse soul family!

A voice that did not belong to Qingyang sounded, "Jie... Powerful, powerful, almost capsized in the gutter..."

Qingmo and others found something wrong, because... Qingyang's voice and expression are not like their ancestors, but another person

"Lao Zu... What are you?"


Qingyang directly uses the corpse soul refining technique, and this time is different from before. This time, the ghost of the corpse soul refining technique is gasified into a three-dimensional ghost, standing in different directions, regular and with the charm of formation

"I didn't expect that after resurrection, you would be honored to die in this small world to re perform the real soul refining skill!" Qingyang smiled.

"No! It's not our ancestor. We've been cheated!"

Green ink was the first to react, and others responded one after another!

"Jie... Useless waste. It's useless to keep it. I almost fell. Go to hell!"

Qingyang shouted, his hands were sealed, and qingmo and others couldn't move all over

Suddenly, qingmo and others roared in horror, their bodies burst into pieces, and the ghost gas condensed into a ghost!

With the continuous spread of Qingyang ghost gas, the touched people and ghost repair have been suppressed and can't move

Bai miserable hurried to let the people escape. He ran towards Qingyang with a firewood chopper. He wanted to control the detoxification beads to absorb the ghost gas

It was found that the detoxification bead could not enter the body in the soul and was sealed by a strange force

Qingyang saw Bai miserable's intention, "kid, it's useless. The true meaning of corpse soul refining should be called corpse soul refining array! In my array, your own strength is too weak and has been suppressed by my corpse soul refining array. No one can run away unless you kill me..."


Bai miserable found that his strength and body were also imprisoned. In other words, he is now equivalent to a conscious vegetable. He can't move except to speak!

"Plus the array source stone arranged by Qingyang sect before, it should cover half of the King City. The corpse soul refining ghost array, up!" Qingyang shouted angrily.


For a moment, the dark gray ghost fog shrouded half of the King City, and all Dongfang Dihong and others were imprisoned, including Dongfang ruoxian and others who couldn't escape

The ghost practitioners of Qingyang sect, some soldiers and corpse ghost army were also imprisoned... Qingfeng is one of them

At the moment, Qingfeng said, "why is this? Why?"

Qingyang controls the crowd. Half of the dead people in the King City... Turn into standing ghosts and evolve into corpse soul refining array

"Although the materials such as array source stone are not enough, it's good to develop slowly again. Hey! Let you be an understanding ghost..."

With the sound of the ghost in the green sun, people realized the truth

It turned out that the corpse soul clan was caught after the defeat. After secretly solving the ghost curse with ghost killing, they rushed out of the Siege

In order to preserve the inheritance, one of the strong members of the corpse soul family poured a trace of residual soul and inheritance into the ghost stone, broke into the void, and finally drifted to a secret place. By chance, he was obtained by Qingyang who came into the secret place

Qingyang got the ghost stone. With the inheritance of the corpse soul family, the remnant soul also entered Qingyang's body and slowly recovered!

With the several rebirth of Qingyang, this remnant soul imperceptibly occupied the leading position and began to accelerate the layout... Fast and strong strength

Build a base... Refine ghosts and kill... Take the East... Seize the West... Take the North... Destroy the red moon... Take the South... Seek the Kingdom... Master Yunwu!

The so-called plan to seek the kingdom is actually to deceive the people of Qingyang sect and help them conquer Tianyun Kingdom

The so-called corpse soul array is the corpse soul refining ghost array. Once the layout is completed, it can maximize the power of the corpse soul refining ghost array, speed up his refining life and quickly restore his strength... Then Qingyang will kill everyone, including the people of Qingyang sect

All refining... Strengthen yourself, and then spread the corpse soul refining ghost array until the whole Yunwu continent is shrouded and all life is refined

After completion, they will go to other small worlds and nibble away step by step until they return to their previous strongest strength

Then... Go to that world... To restore the glory of the corpse soul family!

After that, the seven ghosts were killed by Qingyang and turned into seven array eyes... Maintain the corpse soul refining ghost array

Then he grabbed Qingfeng and came to the center of the array, because the secret time of fusing corpse soul flag is coming

The corpse soul clan is ready to absorb the rebirth of Qingfeng's body, and then absorb the huge power of the King City... Restore its strength

As soon as the secret time comes, the mother corpse soul flag is separated from Qingyang's body. Qingyang is trembling and turning into a skinny... Decaying old man... As if he would die in the next second

Dry hands, insert the last bit of strength into the body of Qingfeng... Qingfeng wails

The blood essence and soul were swallowed by the green sun... The dry hands recovered their vitality... The hair grew slowly, and the body recovered its vitality

After a while, he became a middle-aged man... But he didn't have cultivation, and Qingfeng became a corpse and died

Qingyang looked weakly at Bai miserable and others, showed an evil smile, and then began to meditate and practice

The majestic power began to flow into Qingyang's body, and Qingyang's strength was growing significantly

People's energy and spirit are constantly pulled away from death!

Dongfang Dihong roared, "young man... Stop him and kill him before he recovers his strength. This is a chance... Otherwise we will all die!"

Bai Zhen wants to, but he can't move!

"Wait... I think of a way!"

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