Two days later, the match between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid came as scheduled.

This is the 26th round of the La Liga.

Before this, the two teams, Atletico Madrid won 22 games and drew 3 games in 25 games, accumulated 69 points, remained unbeaten, and ranked first in the league.

Real Madrid won 18 games, drew 4 games and lost 3 games, accumulated 58 points, and ranked third in the league.

The points gap between the two teams has now reached 11 points.

This is something no one dared to imagine before the start of the season.

Who would have thought that the Galacticos would be so far behind their rivals in the same city.

This is also the reason why Simeone dared to send all the main players in the last King's Cup game and strategically gave up this game.

After all, the points gap of 11 points is not something that can be caught up in one or two games.

Even if Atletico Madrid loses this city derby in the end, it will not have much impact on the ranking.

But this game is a very important game for Real Madrid.

So far, they are 11 points behind Atletico Madrid and 7 points behind Barcelona.

And there are still 13 rounds of league games left this season.

If they want to catch up with the two teams ahead in the remaining 13 league rounds, they must play well in every game.

They must not lose any more points.

Therefore, Real Madrid attaches great importance to this derby with Atletico Madrid.

It is no wonder that the bookmakers give such high odds for this game.

The game time is set at 8 o'clock in the evening.

More than an hour before the game started, the entire Calderon Stadium was already full.

《The live broadcast room of"Sports Weekly" has already started warming up.

This time they did not send anyone to the scene for live broadcast.

This is mainly because the final result of this game may be unfavorable to Atletico Madrid. At that time, it may be very uncomfortable to broadcast it on the spot.

So they didn't go to find that uncomfortable one.

The three hosts are of course pessimistic about this game.

This can also be heard from the words of the three.

During the entire pre-match time, Liu Jian did one more thing, which was to build up the psychological strength for the fans of China.

Let them understand that the situation of both sides in this game is not equal.

In this way, even if Atletico Madrid loses the game in the end, the fans will not be too difficult to accept.

The other two hosts are of course actively cooperating.

It proves from all aspects that as long as Atletico Madrid does not lose too badly, it is a theory of winning.

"We know that Atletico Madrid just returned to Madrid two days ago after a long journey from Bilbao. Before that, they had played three away games in a row within ten days, including an away game in Kazan, Russia."

"It can be said that the physical condition of all Atletico Madrid players must be very bad at this time. After all, no matter who it is, they will not be in good physical condition after traveling tens of thousands of miles and playing three intense football games."

"In addition, Simeone fielded most of the team's main players in the last game against Athletic Bilbao. This means that if these players play in this game, their physical condition will definitely become a serious problem. If they do not play and let the substitutes come on, the overall strength of the team will be greatly reduced."

"In this dilemma, it is really difficult for Atletico Madrid to win at home."

"On the other hand, Real Madrid only used most of their rotation lineup in the last match against Getafe. And it was at their home ground. So most of their main players got enough rest."

"In this way, they will be able to send most of the main lineup who have been well rested to play in this game."

"In this comparison, Atletico Madrid's disadvantage is too obvious. So I am not optimistic about the result of this game."

"Of course, even if Atletico Madrid loses this game, I still hope to see our player Lin Rui perform well. This is also one of the important points we will see today."

"In addition, in the last Madrid derby, Lin Rui performed a hat trick, completely suppressing the brilliance of superstar Cristiano Ronaldo. So what kind of sparks will the two sides produce in this game? This is another important highlight of this game."

"In short, our fans must calm down, let go of winning or losing, and enjoy the joy that the game brings us. Then cheer for our player Lin Rui and hope that he can have a good performance. That's enough."

Liu Jian talked about it and immediately guided the public opinion in the comment area of the live broadcast room.

Soon, in the comment area of the live broadcast room, the fans also became active.

"You're right! Keep calm and don't worry about winning or losing. This game was not equal to begin with. I can accept it if Atletico Madrid doesn't lose by a big margin."

"It's a pity that Atletico Madrid's unbeaten record is about to be broken. And Lin Rui's 18-game winning streak that he mentioned some time ago is probably not going to be realized."

"Okay, be content. It's a miracle that Atletico Madrid can achieve the current results. Do you really want to go a season without losing? Where does that put Barcelona and Real Madrid?"

"Yes, it is a miracle that Atletico Madrid can still be ranked first this season. We can't ask for too much."

"I would say we should do as Liu Jian said and see if Lin Rui can perform well in this game. We don't ask him to perform a hat trick like he did in the last derby. As long as he can score a goal, we will be thankful."

"There is also the duel with Ronaldo. I can't say I will crush him, but at least I won't lose too badly."

"You guys are done, isn't this a bit too much for Lin Rui? After all, football is not a one-man sport, it requires the cooperation of eleven people. The difference in strength between Lin Rui and Ronaldo's teammates is a bit large. In this case, it is enough for Lin Rui to have some shining points. Don't ask for too much."


The entire comment area was overwhelmingly pessimistic about Atletico Madrid's prospects in this game.

Except for a few fanatical fans who thought Atletico Madrid would win, everyone else was relatively rational.

It was in this one-sided pessimistic voice that the derby between Atletico Madrid and Real Madrid began.

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