"Lin, I checked and found that your next opponent is our city rival Real Madrid. I heard that you came from Real Madrid. If they don't want you, it's their loss. This time we must prove to them how blind they are."

Klauia said indignantly. Obviously, he was deeply indignant about the unfair treatment Lin Rui had received.

"Don't worry, Aunt Claudia, I will teach them a lesson. But I'm not trying to prove anything, I just want to win."

Lin Rui said with a smile

"Well said! We have to beat them. Let's go eat. The restaurant has fresh steaks today."

Lin Rui agreed and went to eat.

He consumed a lot of energy this morning and needed to replenish it.


In an office of the Atletico Madrid first team, assistant coach Hermann was watching the match between Atletico Madrid B and Bilbao B last week.

He already knew that Atletico Madrid B won 5-1.

But he was not surprised by this, after all, the strength of Bilbao B was worse than that of Atletico Madrid B. What he was most concerned about now was whether there were any players in Atletico Madrid B who could meet Mr. Simeone's requirements.

This matter was very important, and it might be related to whether their predetermined goals this year could be achieved.

At the beginning of the season, Simeone had set a goal for this season, which was to win at least one championship in the league, the King's Cup and the Europa League, and strive for two championships.

But now that the season has just begun, the team's main striker is injured, which is a huge blow to the team.

And most importantly, the substitute striker cannot satisfy Simeone.

So what is urgently needed now is to find a suitable player for the striker position.

But Hermann also knows that in this case, it is really difficult to find players who meet the requirements of the first team from the reserve team.

Although each club has its own echelon, there are still very few players who can directly enter the first team from the echelon.

Especially for quasi-giant teams like Atletico Madrid, they prefer to buy outstanding players from outside. For echelon players, they usually rent them out to some weak teams in the A-League or some teams in small leagues for training.

Only the players who really play well may be lucky enough to enter the first team.

Therefore, Hermann did not have much hope of selecting qualified players from Team B this time.

The reason why he is still investigating is just a formality. After all, there is no way to buy suitable players from outside.

It is better to treat a dead horse as a living one.

The scene of the game soon came to Lin Rui's first goal.

When seeing Lin Rui volley directly and hit the ball into the net, Hermann couldn't help but stand up.

"Good shot! Beautiful"

"A fairy from the sky!"

"Who is this guy? An Asian player."

This goal made Herman immediately notice Lin Rui, an Asian player.

He quickly found the list of players of Team B and immediately found Lin Rui's name after searching for a while.



Herman couldn't help but frowned.

Maybe the ball just now was just a lucky ball for that guy?

After all, I haven't heard of any good players in China.

Let's continue to watch.

Herman calmed down, sat on the chair and continued to observe the game, but this time he observed Lin Rui more carefully.

After watching for a while, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Sure enough, the ball just now should be a lucky ball.

In the past ten minutes or so, Lin Rui's footwork skills really made him not flattering.

His stopping skills were rubbish, his passing skills were rubbish, and his dribbling skills were even worse. In other words, his physical fitness was really abnormal.

Maybe this is also This is probably the reason why Marcello was able to recruit him into the team.

After all, it is the second division league, and as long as you have a good physique and decent skills, it will be fine.

But to meet the requirements of the first division league, it is far from enough to have a good physique.


It's a pity to have such a good physique.

Hermann thought depressedly.

But at this time, Lin Rui's second goal appeared.

When Hermann saw Lin Rui violently jump up under the siege of several defenders of the opponent, and then headed the ball into the goal like a heavy bomber, he was stunned.

Then he slapped the armrest of the chair heavily and burst out with a swear word.


"Is this guy a monster? Is this okay?"

No wonder he was surprised, because what Lin Rui showed in this goal was really amazing.

The suppression of several tall and strong defenders of Bilbao did not interfere with him at all, and he was squeezed all over the place.

What kind of abnormal physical fitness is this?

Moreover, this guy's heading ability is also very good, and his judgment of the landing point is also very accurate.

Just based on this header skill, the opponent can have a place in the La Liga team.

This time Hermann could no longer sit still, and now Lin Rui is the object of his key observation.

Of course, with just these two moves of the opponent, if he enters the first team, he can only be a substitute.

So he has to see if the opponent has any other abilities.

Soon, the scene of Lin Rui making a penalty kick appeared.

This made Hermann gasp again, this guy is too fierce! He was knocked down in the air, but he actually knocked the opponent unconscious with his backhand.

It seems that this guy's physical fitness is no longer ordinary strong.

When he saw Lin Rui's third goal, he was completely dumbfounded.

"This... Batti heavy artillery?"

"This guy's shot is so powerful?"

"This is simply a natural born super center forward."

Hermann had no hesitation this time, it was him.

He was sure that he should have picked up a treasure this time.

He should be able to successfully complete the task given to him by Simeone.

Seeing this, he couldn't wait to meet Lin Rui.

But before that, he must greet Simeone first.

Without waiting for the game video to be played, he hurried to Simeone's office and replayed the video of Lin Rui for Simeone.

Of course, this time he played it in a skipped manner, and only let Simeone watch the videos of several goals scored by Lin Rui.

When the video was finished, Simeone looked at Hermann with satisfaction and said,"Hermann, this Lin is the type of player I need, but now only one game is not enough, I need more videos of his games and training. So you go and do this. This will be your focus for some time to come. Do you understand?"

""Okay, boss. Leave it to me. I will definitely give you a detailed report." Herman patted his chest and promised.


In the head coach's office of Real Madrid B, head coach Torres and assistant coach Moya were studying this weekend's league opponent, Atletico Madrid B, their city rival.

When Torres saw Lin Rui's name on the Atletico B team's player list, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

He still had some impression of this name. Wasn't that the Chinese waste that he had kicked out?

Why did he appear in Atletico Madrid B?

In order to confirm his idea, he asked Moya to find the video of Atletico Madrid B

's last game. When Torres saw that Lin Rui's figure really appeared in the Atletico B team, he couldn't help but be disdainful.

Atletico B is really getting worse and worse, and it can even accept the garbage that was kicked out by itself.

But when he saw Lin Rui's performance on the field, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Is this the performance that the waste can play?

Three goals, one assist and one penalty.

This performance is really amazing.

He studied a game video for more than an hour.

In the end, Torres seemed to have found some clues.

The expression on his face was also relaxed a lot

"Moya, do you see the problem with that Chinese guy?

Torres turned to his assistant Moya and asked

"What's the problem?"

Moya had a rough conclusion in his mind, but he couldn't say it directly.

He knew that Torres was a conceited person, and if his views were not consistent with those of the other party, the other party would be very unhappy.

For the sake of his own job, he could only play dumb.

Sure enough, hearing Moya's flattery, Torres was very satisfied, and said with some pride:"The Chinese man's shooting and physical strength are indeed very good, but his shortcomings are also very obvious. Throughout the game, he had almost no dribbling, and the limited passes were also of poor accuracy. In addition, as a striker, the most important thing is to stop the ball, he is also very bad."

"Such a player who has no ball control and pass���, it is actually very simple to deal with a striker with poor ball control. It’s just that the head coach of Bilbao was not prepared, so he was caught off guard by the opponent. But now they are facing us, I think I will let that Chinese guy know that he is still just trash."

It has to be said that Torres is still quite capable. He only watched a video of the game and roughly saw the strengths and weaknesses of Lin Rui.

However, Moya next to him still reminded:"But the opponent's physical strength is indeed abnormal, and his shooting technique seems to be very good. We still have to pay attention to this.""

"Well, I have already thought about this. I will let De Las keep an eye on him. I remember that De Las was slightly injured because of him last time. I think he will definitely want to get revenge this time. I will give him this opportunity."

Marcello said confidently.

"As for De Las...his physical strength and defensive ability are indeed good. But I see that the players defending Lin Rui in Bilbao seem to be very strong, but it seems to be of no use to him. Besides, De Las has just recovered. Can his body adapt to the fierce confrontation?"

Moya finally couldn't help but raise his doubts.

"This is not a problem. I have great confidence in De Las' ability. He is not comparable to the big fool in Bilbao. And the Chinese guy is just lucky to meet a weak team like Bilbao. When he meets Real Madrid, I believe he will show his true colors.��"

Torres appears confident


"There is nothing wrong with that. What? Are you questioning my judgment? Mr. Moya.

Torres was already a little unhappy.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Moya knew that he had no way to change the other party's opinion.

He could only sigh and stop talking.

Seeing that Moya didn't speak, Torres showed a satisfied smile.

He silently made up his mind that in this weekend's game, he must let the Chinese man reveal his true colors.

His vision could not be wrong.

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