Everyone looked closely and saw that the figure that flew out was none other than the huge Delas.

Delas's body was like hitting a wall. Under the effect of the reaction force, he flew several meters away and fell to the ground and could not get up again.

The person he hit, Lin Rui, only shook his body slightly at this time, took a small step back, and then stabilized his body.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers all took a breath of cold air.

What kind of terrifying power is this? Under this kind of impact, this guy was not affected at all.

And his opponent, at this time, fell to the ground, groaning and unable to stand up.

Seeing this, everyone looked at Lin Rui with a trace of fear in their eyes.

This is a pervert. If he collides with the opponent on the court, he will either die or be disabled. For a moment, everyone trembled in their hearts.

At this moment, an angry voice came.

"Damn it! What are you doing?"

Everyone heard this voice and���They shuddered, and then immediately dispersed.

Lin Rui turned around and saw a bald man in his forties, staring at him with a ferocious look.

The man was Alberto Torres, the head coach of Real Madrid B team, and Lin Rui's current head coach.

Torres walked up quickly and saw De Las lying on the ground. He was stunned.

Then he shouted angrily:"Who can tell me what's going on?"

Seeing the head coach angry, the players were all silent and dared not speak.

"Eras, you tell it."

Torres said to Eras, the team goalkeeper and captain.

Eras stepped forward reluctantly and told Torres what had just happened. Torres was furious when he heard that it was the Chinese player whom he had always looked down upon who knocked away Delas, the defensive general he relied on.

He turned his head and looked fiercely at Lin Rui, who looked as if nothing had happened, and roared:"Damn yellow monkey! Who told you to fight here?"

Hearing Torres' impolite tone, Lin Rui couldn't help but frown.

He had heard that Torres was a racist a long time ago, but he had never felt much about it.

Today, the other party was furious and finally exposed his true nature.

Of course, he was not inferior to the other party, and said calmly:"Mr.

Torres, please pay attention to the tone of your voice, otherwise I will teach you a lesson.

In addition, as for why the fight, you need to investigate the cause of this matter carefully, and don't get angry at me right away.


""Waterfake! What did you say?"

Torres looked a little bit unbelieving of his ears, with a look of disbelief on his face.

In his opinion, the Chinese were all soft persimmons, and they were also his players. He could scold them however he wanted, and he never thought that the other party would dare to talk back to him.

This made him extremely angry for a moment.

However, looking at the other party's strong body, he took back the swear words that were about to blurt out.

After calming down, he said with a gloomy face:"My team does not welcome violent elements. From now on, you are fired. Now, take your things and get out of my stadium."

As he said, he raised his hand and pointed outside the stadium, motioning Lin Rui to get out quickly.

Hearing the other party's words, Lin Rui curled his lips in disdain and said:"Mr. Torres, I don't think you have the right to expel me. Because my coming here is the result of a joint discussion between our Football Association and the top management of your club. We have an agreement. If you dare to expel me unilaterally, I will sue the Football Association, and you will suffer the loss then."


Torres couldn't help cursing after hearing Lin Rui's words.

He really forgot about it just now. This kid is not like the other players under him. He can do whatever he wants.

This guy can come here because the club has specially made an exchange activity for the Chinese market.

If he drives the other party away, then the other party only needs to appeal to his own football association, and then the other football association will protest to the club. Even if he is not expelled, he will probably be scolded.

Moreover, there are reporters following the game on the sidelines today. There are also one or two hundred spectators in the audience.

In this way, if he simply and rudely drives a foreign player away, it will be very detrimental to his reputation.

Thinking of this, Torres calmed down completely.

He looked at the Chinese youth in front of him with a gloomy face, and said word by word:"Very good, then you can stay, but don't be too proud. After today's game, you will definitely be kicked out. I promise!"

"That's after the game is over."

Lin Rui responded sharply, not giving in.

Torres was almost choked to death by Lin Rui's words. He glared at Lin Rui fiercely, ignored him, and turned to walk to De Las who was still lying on the ground.

"How are you doing?"

"Coach, my shoulder hurts so much."Dras said in pain.


Torres was so angry that he cursed again.

He waved his hand to let the team doctor come over to check on De Las.

After a check by the team doctor, it was finally determined that De Las had a dislocated right shoulder and several bruises all over his body. He needed to rest for at least two weeks.

Hearing this news, Torres felt a little relieved. Fortunately, the injury was not serious, otherwise he would have to worry about the team's defense.

But this also made him hate Lin Rui even more. This damn Chinese guy almost made him lose a general. He must make the other party pay the price.

Torres waved his hand to let the team doctor send De Las to the infirmary for treatment.

Before De Las left the court,���He stared at Lin Rui with hatred and threatened:"Chinese boy, just wait for me, I won't let you go."

Lin Rui looked at him, curled his lips in disdain, and responded calmly:"Next time you'd better train stronger, otherwise it will be meaningless if you fall down at the first touch."

"you he……"

Delas was enraged again and wanted to fight Lin Rui. However, he did not expect to hurt his wound, and he immediately cried out in pain.

"Boy, you'd better not be impulsive, otherwise I'm not sure if your arm will be disabled."

The team doctor next to him hurried forward to dissuade him.

De Las could only give up in disappointment. In the end, he could only limp off the court with the team doctor.

When De Las left the court, Torres no longer paid attention to Lin Rui.

He looked at the watch and the scheduled game time was about to arrive.

So he clapped his hands to focus everyone's attention.

"Now we start the grouping process."

Torres said, pulling out a small notebook and calling out the names of the players in the group.

"Group 1: Goalkeeper: Eras, Defenders: Casemiro, Alvarez..., Forwards: Wooldridge and Lucas"

"Group 2: Goalkeeper: Saraga, Defenders: Zuzayo, Jon Tolan..., Forwards: Klios and Alves"

"I'll give you ten minutes to warm up. The game will start on time in ten minutes. Everyone, cheer up."

When Torres finished speaking, the players immediately dispersed and started warming up.

Lin Rui frowned because he didn't hear his name.

In other words, he was left on the bench.

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