When Lin Rui came with the team to the Real Madrid Sports City Stadium, a stadium that he was very familiar with, he still felt a little emotional.

It was here that he was kicked out by the Real Madrid B team.

Now he has returned here as a challenger.

Can he succeed in revenge?

Lin Rui is now extremely eager to fight.

After an adaptive warm-up on the court, all the players returned to the away team's locker room.

In the simple away team locker room, Marcelo stood in front of all the players and said in a deep voice:"Today's game, I don't need to emphasize too much, you all know it is of great significance. We Atletico Madrid can lose to any opponent, but we can't lose to Real Madrid. I hope you will remember this firmly."

"Moggi, how long have you been in the team?"

Marcello suddenly looked at the captain of the team, Moggi.

"It's been five years, sir." Mogi answered truthfully.

"It’s been 5 years, so tell me, how was our result in the match against Real Madrid?"

"Um... In the past five years, we have played against Real Madrid 13 times, with 3 wins, 3 draws and 7 losses."

Moggi's voice was a little low.

"Well, 3 wins, 3 draws, 7 losses, this result is a bit bad, it can be said to be very bad. But I hope that after today, we can change the result to 4 wins, 3 draws, 7 losses, instead of 3 wins, 3 draws, 8 losses. I want to ask you, do you have confidence?"

Marcello's voice suddenly became high-pitched.

"Yes!" the players shouted

"Very good, I'll remember it, and I hope you can keep your word."

Marcello said, his eyes swept through the crowd again, and finally fixed on Lin Rui.

"Lin, I know you came from Real Madrid and now you are back here, tell me, do you want to beat them?"

"Yes, I want to win, and I think we can win! I can guarantee that!"

Lin Rui's voice was filled with great confidence.

"Very good! You also remember what you said. After today's game, you can prove to everyone whether it is Real Madrid who has no vision or you are just a fake."

"I hope you can prove that Real Madrid has no vision, then you can laugh at that old guy Torres as much as you want."

Marcelo's words immediately caused the players to laugh.

Lin Rui also secretly admired the old man Marcelo. This guy mobilized everyone's emotions with just a few words.

If he was really just a teenager, he would have been aroused by the fighting spirit at this time.

Of course, although he is not affected by the words of others now, his will to fight is not comparable to those young players who are easily aroused by the words of others.

Seeing that the players' emotions were mobilized, Marcelo nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand and walked out of the locker room first..

The players followed Marcelo and entered the stadium through the player tunnel.

At this time, the stands were already full.

Madrid is indeed a big city, and the football market has always been hot.

There are nearly ten thousand fans coming to support such a second-tier league.

Most of them are Real Madrid fans wearing white jerseys, and only a small number are Atletico fans who followed the visiting team.

However, in this small group of Atletico fans, there is a small square formation with about twenty or thirty fans. They all wore jerseys with Lin Rui's number and name printed on them, and the banners they held had"Lin Rui, come on!" was written on the banners and flags in English, which was very conspicuous.

At the front of these fans were Aunt Claudia with an excited face and Rey with a big beard.

These fans were members of their fan organization [Forward Elite].

Since the last game, these fans have all become fans of Lin Rui.

This time they came to watch the game, and they also came to cheer for Lin Rui.

Although these fans are not many in number, they are very organized.

They shouted Lin Rui's name in unison and cheered him up.

The shouts of dozens of people passed through the stands and made the people walking in the stadium Lin Rui on the field heard it clearly.

Lin Rui was slightly stunned, and then immediately waved in the direction of the sound.

This immediately excited all his fans, and they cheered even harder.

However, this is the home of Real Madrid after all. Seeing that Atletico fans were so high-profile, Real Madrid fans immediately became unhappy.

They booed even louder, and immediately suppressed the cheers of Atletico fans.

This scene was faithfully recorded by the cameraman.

At this time, in the live broadcast room of"Sports Weekly", netizens who saw this scene instantly became lively

"Hey! I saw the fans holding banners with Chinese characters, and the people holding the banners were foreigners. What did they say? Um... Lin Rui, come on! Holy crap! Is Lin Rui so awesome that he has foreign fans now?"

"The guy above, you are making a fuss about nothing. Lin Rui is a good football player, so what's wrong with a few fans? Isn't this a normal thing?"

"Damn! Why do I hate what you say? Do you think it is easy to have fans supporting you abroad? If it is that easy, why don't other Chinese players have such strong support?"

"It is not easy to make foreigners admire a player. After all, their country is a football powerhouse with many football stars. It is absolutely amazing that Lin Rui can win the love of fans there."


Looking at the comments on the screen, the three hosts nodded.

Liu Jian said with a smile:"What the netizens said is indeed very reasonable. If you want to win the ball in a foreign country, especially in such a football powerhouse,���It is not easy to be loved by others. It is not easy for Lin Rui to achieve this step."

"Yes, we in China have not seen such a player for a long time. It is really sad to think about it."Zhang Lu also said with emotion

"Wow! Lin Rui looks so tall and handsome! I think I'm going to be his fan." Shu Fan turned into a fangirl, and immediately caused the other two old men to laugh.

After laughing, Liu Jian said seriously:"Okay, the game is about to start, let's go back to the scene. Hey! Lin Rui seems to be talking to Real Madrid's No. 3 big man. They seem to know each other, but judging from their expressions, it seems that the conversation is not very pleasant."

Hearing Liu Jian's words, everyone began to pay attention to what was happening on the court.

This was the moment when the players from both sides shook hands.

The one shaking hands with Lin Rui was the De Las who was injured by Lin Rui during his trial at Real Madrid.

It can be said that the two were enemies meeting and were extremely jealous.

De Las' eyes turned red the first time he saw Lin Rui.

When the two sides shook hands, De Las directly used force with his palm, wanting to give Lin Rui a warning.

But Lin Rui did not indulge him, and also used force on his hand.

De Las immediately felt that his hand was like being pinched on a piece of steel.

This made him shocked, and when he wanted to withdraw his palm, he found that he could not withdraw it anyway.

At the same time, a great force came from the opponent's palm, and he instantly felt a sharp pain.

De Las' face turned red in an instant, and he almost cried out.

But at least he still had some endurance, gritting his teeth and struggling to support it. Of course,

Lin Rui did not intend to crush the opponent's palm. Seeing that the other party had been taught a lesson, he smiled and let go of his palm

"Idiot! When you want to step on someone in the future, think carefully about your own abilities."

Lin Rui whispered in Tesla's ear.


Delas was furious and wanted to teach Lin Rui a lesson immediately.

Lin Rui glared at him with a cold gaze, which immediately made Delas scared. After weighing it, he realized that he might not be able to beat the other party, so he could only turn around and leave in dismay.

Before leaving, he also left a cruel word.

"Don't be complacent, we'll see you on the court later, I'll definitely make you look good."

Lin Rui smiled and said nothing, but when he looked at De Las's back, his eyes shot out two cold rays.

This little episode did not affect the opening ceremony.

Soon, the brief opening ceremony was completed, and the players of both sides stood in their own half, waiting for the kick-off.


The referee blew the whistle and the game started.

"Dear fans, good evening, welcome to the second round of the Spanish Second Division, exclusively broadcast by Sports Weekly, where Real Madrid B will host Atletico Madrid B. I am the host Liu Jian, and this game will be hosted by me and my old partner Zhang Luyi.���Our beautiful host Shu Fan will explain it to you together."

In the live broadcast room, Liu Jian began to speak the opening remarks.

When introducing Zhang Lu and Shu Fan, the camera also gave them the two of them, and they both smiled and waved to the camera to say hello

"Now let's take a look at the starting lineups for both teams, starting with the home team Real Madrid B."

"Goalkeeper: No. 1 Eras"

"Defenders: Casemiro No. 2, De Las No. 3, Alvaro No. 5, Salarga No. 8"

"Midfielders: No. 7 Zuzayo, No. 11 Jon Tolan, No. 14 Denis Serovich, No. 17 Ricardo Lauz"

"Forwards: No. 10 Woodridge, No. 9 Lucas Vazquez"

"Real Madrid B's formation today is 4-4-2"

"For Atletico Madrid B, first is the goalkeeper: No. 1 Moggi "

""Defenders: No. 3 Ruben Perez, No. 2 Antonio Lopez, No. 5 Regalon, No. 8 Pedro, No. 16 Capa"

"Midfielders: Silvio No. 7, Noguera No. 9, Kader No. 12, Javi Lara No. 15, Atenza No. 10"

"Forward: No. 18 Lin Rui"

"Atletico Madrid B team lined up in a 4-2-3-1 formation today, with Lin Rui as the team's center forward at the front."

"OK, now the referee has blown the whistle to start the first half of the game. The home team Real Madrid B team kicks off first."

"Woodridge knocked the ball back to Zuzayo behind him, and he rushed forward quickly. After Zuzayo got the ball, he stepped forward, and hey! The ball was intercepted by... Lin Rui. What was he going to do? Oh! God! He shot directly!"

In the live broadcast room, Liu Jian was shocked! The other two hosts were also shocked! All the fans who saw this scene were shocked!!!

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