In a corner of the stands, Atletico Madrid's chief scout Camiro was looking at Lin Rui who was celebrating the goal in the field with a serious face.

He was sent by Atletico Madrid's first-team coach Simeone to observe Lin Rui.

Before coming, he heard that he was going to observe a Chinese player playing for Team B, and he didn't understand it.

In his opinion, there seemed to be no players in China worthy of him as the chief scout of the club.

You know, the players who need him to personally inspect must be players with great potential, or big-name stars who have already achieved success.

As for a Chinese player from Team B, he really didn't care too much.

But he couldn't disobey Simeone's orders.

This head coach is not an easy person to deal with. No matter how unwilling he is, he must follow the other party's orders.

But when the game just started, he knew that he might be wrong.

The Chinese player he was going to inspect today might really be a player he needed to take seriously.

Just 9 seconds after the start of the game, he scored a long-range shot for the team.

This kind of goal, no matter where it is, should be an extremely exciting performance.

Of course, there was a certain amount of luck involved in that goal, and it is possible that the opponent was lucky.

Therefore, after the excitement, Camiro immediately calmed down and began to carefully observe Lin Rui's performance.

At this time, he was no longer careless as at the beginning.

After careful observation, Camiro found more information.

The opponent's strength is super strong, his header is good, his shooting ability, and his ability to grab points in front of the goal are also good.

But at the same time, his footwork is rough, his dribbling is not good, his passing is not accurate enough, and his defensive skills are not very good.

It can be said that Lin Rui is a player with very obvious advantages and disadvantages.

This makes Camiro a little entangled.

In the current football environment, the requirements for players' comprehensiveness are getting higher and higher.

And players like Lin Rui, who have very distinct advantages and disadvantages, are becoming less and less popular.

But Lin Rui is a little special, his strength is too strong.

Camiro has never seen any player with such strong strength.

It can be said that even if Lin Rui is put in the La Liga where there are many strong players, his strength is unique.

And he also has a good header and shot.

This is simply the best candidate for the perfect standing center.

And this is the kind of player Atletico Madrid is lacking right now.

From this point of view, Lin Rui does meet the requirements of the first team.

So Camilo decided to continue observing.

If Lin Rui only has the characteristic of being strong, then even if he is promoted to the first team, he can only be used as a substitute player. He cannot be entrusted with important tasks.

But soon, he saw another ability of Lin Rui.

"This guy's free kick is quite interesting!"

Camiro wrote down this feature of Lin Rui in his notebook.

The free kick is excellent, powerful, and has the shadow of Carlos.

This free kick made Lin Rui's image rise to a higher level in Camiro's heart.

Now he can be sure that Lin Rui, a Chinese player, can now play in the La Liga.

It may be difficult to get a position in a giant team like Atletico Madrid. However, considering the opponent's age, this is definitely a very promising future star.

So Camiro's interest in Lin Rui is getting stronger and stronger. At this time on the court, the game has started again.

Real Madrid B, which was two goals behind, was eager to equalize the score, so it launched a shot at Atletico B's goal at the beginning of the game.

In the 25th minute of the game, Zuzayo launched an attack on the right. He passed Perez who came up to steal the ball from him, and then made a diagonal pass. After the football passed through the gap between two defensive players of Atletico B team, it was caught by Woodridge.

Woodridge took the ball directly into the penalty area, and before the Atletico defender came up to block it, he made a direct push shot.

However, his shot was a bit straight and was saved by Atletico goalkeeper Moggi who fell to the ground. In the 28th minute of the game, Real Madrid made a comeback.

This time, Real Madrid's right-back Salarga took the ball directly from the right and made a cross.

Vasquez, who followed up in the middle, grabbed the first landing point and headed for the goal.

Unfortunately, when he jumped, he was interfered by Atletico defender Regalon, leading to As a result, he missed the target and the ball went over the crossbar. In the 34th minute of the game, Real Madrid got a corner kick.

Lin Rui also returned to the penalty area to participate in the defense.

His defensive target was De Las.

And the corner kick sent by Zuzayo was aimed at the tall De Las.

This was also a tactic often used by Real Madrid B team in the past.

After all, De Las is nearly two meters tall and is a natural header.

But this time De Las is destined to capsize.

Because he is followed by Lin Rui.

Although Lin Rui is not as tall as De Las, he doesn't seem to be as strong as the other party. But when the two people confronted each other, they immediately distinguished who was better.

The two people jumped up at the same time to meet the ball, and at the same time, their bodies inevitably collided with each other.

After the collision, Lin Rui's body just paused slightly, and then he jumped up without any hindrance.

And De Las's body flew sideways immediately after the collision.

After landing, he staggered a few steps and almost fell down.

At this time, the football was naturally headed by Lin Rui easily.

Lin Rui shook his head, and the football was headed to Silvio outside the penalty area.

Silvio stopped the ball at his feet, pulled the ball and turned around, and passed Shelovich who was on the ground.

Then he took the ball forward and launched a quick counterattack.

However, in the end, because no one responded, he was caught up by Shelovich and pulled him to the ground using a foul tactic.

For this, Shelovich also paid the price of a yellow card.

This made Torres on the sidelines so angry that he almost smashed the cup.

""What's wrong with this idiot De Las? Why did he become a weakling when he met that Chinese guy?"

Torres complained indignantly to his assistant Moya next to him.

Moya could only spread his hands helplessly, saying that he couldn't understand it either, but he was secretly complaining in his heart.

"That Chinese guy was driven away by you, but now he has become our biggest trouble. You should reflect on what you have done."

Of course, he could only complain about this in his heart and dared not say it out loud.

On the court, De Las, who had just stabilized his body, saw that because he lost in the confrontation, he was immediately counterattacked by the opponent, which directly led to his team receiving a yellow card.

He felt so aggrieved in his heart.

He looked at Lin Rui with eyes full of unwillingness and resentment, and a little bit of fear.

After several confrontations, no matter how stupid he was, he understood that his strength was no match for Lin Rui.

This made him understand in addition to his resentment that it would be difficult for him to crush the opponent with his body.

So he could only find another way.

After the game resumed, De Las began to consciously reduce the physical confrontation with Lin Rui, and instead started to do small moves. In the 37th minute of the game, Lin Rui jumped at the top of the penalty area to head the ball. This time De Las did not go head-on with Lin Rui, but secretly grabbed the corner of Lin Rui's clothes and pulled hard, which immediately made Lin Rui's body stagnate in the air.

In the end, although Lin Rui also headed the football, he did not hit the right part, and the football flew high out of the baseline.

After landing, Lin Rui looked at his deformed collar, and then looked at De Las who was next to him with a smug look on his face. He did not speak, but his eyes were a little colder.

"How do you feel, kid? Is it great? I tell you, I have plenty of ways to deal with you, so you'd better behave yourself."

When Delas saw Lin Rui looking at him, he became even more arrogant and provocative. He tried to use verbal stimulation to make Lin Rui do something extreme.

He was ready. If Lin Rui attacked him, he would fall to the ground directly, and then the Chinese kid would have fun.

But to his disappointment, Lin Rui just looked at him coldly, cursed"idiot!" and turned and left.

This made Delas very unhappy

"Boy, don't be so complacent, you'll be in trouble."

Dras thought fiercely, he had already decided to use his little tricks to break the other party's mentality, preferably directly.

He didn't believe that the other party, a young man, could resist his constant teasing.

"This time it should be a foul by Real Madrid B team. Their No. 3 big player pulled Lin Rui's jersey, causing his header to lose its accuracy. Strictly speaking, this ball should be awarded a penalty kick."

In the live broadcast room, Liu Jian said indignantly

"Strictly speaking, this foul should indeed be awarded a penalty kick, but the referee obviously did not notice the opponent's little trick, which allowed the opponent to escape. Now I just hope that Lin Rui can control his temper and not let the opponent affect his mentality. Otherwise, he may fall into the opponent's calculations."

There was some worry in Zhang Lu's voice.

He has been a player, and of course he knows that if this kind of little trick is not whistled, it will definitely make the fouled player feel very unhappy.

There are many young and energetic players who will be affected by this and make some irrational actions.

And now Lin Rui is also a young player. As for whether he is angry or not, it depends on the opponent's performance later.

Zhang Lu was also sweating.

But soon, his worries disappeared. In the 42nd minute of the game, Atletico B team once again launched an attack in the frontcourt.

Silvio kicked the ball again from the wing.

The target of his pass was, of course, the tall Lin Rui.

At this time, De Las, who was still following Lin Rui, saw the ball coming and wanted to He wanted to repeat the same trick.

He secretly observed the position of the referee, then moved his body to a position that was not easily discovered by the referee.

Then he quietly stretched out his right hand, ready to grab the corner of Lin Rui's clothes again to affect the opponent's header.

But before his hand touched the opponent's clothes, he suddenly felt a huge force hit his waist.

De La suddenly felt a sharp pain, so that he could no longer maintain his balance. He fell to the ground, covering his waist.

On the other side, Lin Rui, who succeeded in the sneak attack, headed the ball directly.

The football was headed to the upper right corner of the goal.

Eras couldn't save it in time, and the football went straight into the net.

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