Lin Rui stood on the grass of the Calderon Stadium, listening to the deafening cheers coming from all around, and watching the movements of tens of thousands of fans around him.

His adrenaline began to soar.

Compared with the current scene, the scene of thousands of people in the Spanish Second Division before was nothing.

He was about to perform his own glory in this place, under the witness of tens of thousands of people.

When he thought of this, Lin Rui's heart was filled with excitement.

Soon, the players finished warming up, and the players from both sides returned to the locker room.

Simeone was already waiting there with a serious face.

Seeing the head coach's expression, all the players sat down in their chairs obediently, waiting for the other side's training.

"Today's game is at our home ground, and our opponent will definitely play a defensive counterattack. So today we have to be more aggressive in our attack, and try to knock on the opponent's door at the beginning. In addition, when we are attacking, our back line must always pay attention to the protection behind us to prevent the opponent from counterattacking us."

"Falcao, your task is to use your speed and technical advantages in the front court to create opportunities. My request to you is to attack and try to score as soon as possible."

"Adrian, you have to pay attention to Falcao. When he attracts the opponent's defensive pressure, you have to be able to open up the gap in time. If there is a chance, you can also shoot directly."


Simeone explained in detail the tasks that each player on the field was responsible for.

This is Simeone's coaching style, which allows each player to clearly know what to do on the field and what precautions to take.

In this way, everyone's goals are very clear, and they only need to play according to the pre-set tasks on the field.

However, this also has a disadvantage, that is, it gives players less freedom, which can easily make the team fall into a rigid routine.

After all, sometimes football games are full of variables. Strict tactical execution is important, but sometimes a player's personal flash of inspiration can also affect the progress of the game.

Now Simeone's approach obviously suppresses the individual performance of the players.

But there is nothing to do about it.

Everything has two sides. If there are good aspects, there must be bad aspects.

As for how to choose, it depends on one's opinion.

Of course, from the actual effect, Simeone's coaching style is still relatively successful.

At least he pulled Atletico Madrid up from the lows of previous years.

So for his detailed explanation, no one dared to show impatience, and they all listened carefully.

They knew that their boss would never tolerate any harm.

After explaining everything to each player, Simeone looked at his watch, and then at one command, all the players walked out of the locker room and headed for the stadium.

When they arrived at the player tunnel, the players lined up and followed the referee and linesman of the game onto the field.

When the players appeared on the field, the entire stadium erupted in thunderous cheers.

Of course, most of these cheers were for the home team Atletico Madrid.

As for the visiting team Real Betis, the home fans did not boo them, which was already very respectful.

If it was Atletico's mortal enemy, such as Real Madrid or Barcelona, it would probably be booed at this time.

Lin Rui sat on the bench, watching the main players of both sides on the field complete the pre-match ceremony in an orderly manner. Seeing the main players in the center of the field accepting the cheers of the fans, it was impossible for Lin Rui not to envy them in his heart.

At this time, these main players were the most beautiful ones in the field. Everyone was shining.

When the on-site DJ introduced the name of each player, he would receive a round of applause and cheers, big or small.

This made Lin Rui, who was sitting on the bench, feel very excited.

When will he be treated like this?

At this time, the captains of both teams on the field had finished guessing the sides. Atletico Madrid got the right to kick off, and Real Beti got the right to choose the sides.

When the players of both teams lined up in their respective half, the referee blew the whistle to start the game.

"Dear fans, welcome to the live broadcast room of Sports Weekly. Now we bring you the third round of the 2012-13 La Liga season, Atletico Madrid vs. Real Betis at home."

"First, let's take a look at the starting lineups of both teams."

"Atletico Madrid"

"Goalkeeper: No. 13 Courtois"

"Defenders: No. 23 Miranda, No. 3 Felipe, No. 2 Godin, No. 20 Juan Fran"

"Midfield: No. 14 Gabi, No. 4 Mario Suarez, No. 8 Raul Garcia and No. 10 Turan"

"Forward: No. 7 Adrian and No. 9 Falcao"

"Atletico Madrid's formation today is still their usual 4-4-2"

"Let's take a look at Real Betis"

"First is their goalkeeper: No. 1 Casto"

"Defenders: No. 6 Martinez, No. 23 Nacho, No. 4 Amaya and No. 5 Dorado"

"Midfielders: No. 8 Ruben Peruz, No. 10 Benat Etxeberria, No. 14 Salva Sevilla, No. 20 Nosa Ikibo and No. 21 Canas"

"Forward: No. 17 Juan Carlos"

"Real Betis' formation today is 4-2-3-1. It seems that they are planning to strangle Atletico in the midfield today."

"Well, let's get back to the game. The referee has already blown the whistle to start the game. The team wearing red and white striped shirts attacking from the left side of the screen to the right side is the home team Real Madrid, and the team wearing green and white striped shirts attacking from the right side of the screen to the left side is the visiting team Real Betis."

"Atletico Madrid kicked off first and launched a fierce attack right from the start. It seemed that they wanted to see if they could score first at the beginning of the game when their opponents had not yet gained a foothold."

"On the other side, Real Betis was clearly ready for a counterattack. Facing Atletico Madrid's attack, they did not panic, but quickly recovered their formation and fought a positional battle with their opponents."

In the live broadcast room, Liu Jian introduced the starting lineups of both sides and began to analyze the situation of both sides.

At this time, Atletico Madrid was attacking on the field.

Falcao received a through ball from Turan at the top of the penalty area. He took the ball and passed Martinez who came up to steal the ball, and then broke into the penalty area. Before the other Real Betis defenders rushed over, he shot directly.

However, his shot was a bit hasty, and he did not adjust the angle well, and the Real Betis goalkeeper Castor caught the ball in his arms.

Castor quickly stood up with the ball, and then threw the ball directly to launch a counterattack.

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