The game was over, and Lin Rui won the best player of the game without any suspense.

As the best player of the game, Lin Rui received a bottle of champagne as a reward.

This bottle of champagne is much more advanced than the champagne he won when he was awarded the best player of the game in the Spanish Second Division, and it is worth hundreds of euros.

In addition, he performed a hat trick in this game, and the match ball of this game also belonged to his collection.

After the game, Lin Rui also became the object of interviews by major media.

In the media interview area, Lin Rui accepted an interview with reporters.

Reporter:"Lin, first of all, congratulations on your team's victory in the game. Are you satisfied with the result of today's game?"

Lin Rui:"I am quite satisfied. Although there were many twists and turns in the game, we still won in the end. As long as we win, there will be no other problems."

Reporter:"Then are you satisfied with your performance today? If you give a score, how many points would you give yourself?"

Lin Rui:"I will give myself 85 points. After all, I scored 3 goals today. Although there is a luck factor, it is undeniable that my performance is still good. Of course, I still have some technical deficiencies, which I am aware of, so I can't give myself a higher score."

Reporter:"I think you are very modest. Speaking of luck, I want to ask you, about your last goal, do you think it was a lucky goal?"

Lin Rui:"To be honest, when I kicked that ball, I really didn't think too much. In the end, I was able to score a goal. There was an element of luck, but it was more of a reflection of my strength. After all, if the football I kicked was soft and weak, it would not have been scored."

Reporter:"Speaking of the last goal, I have to ask, do you have anything to say about breaking the opponent's goalkeeper's hand today?"

Hearing this question, Lin Rui frowned.

This question is not easy to answer.

If you don't handle it well, it will affect your reputation.

Lin Rui thought for a while before slowly speaking:"First of all, I feel very sorry for the opponent's goalkeeper's injury.

This is not the result I want to see.

But this is the case on the football field.

There are fierce confrontations, and injuries are inevitable.

I think as a professional player, everyone has this awareness.

And I want to correct one thing.

The opponent's goalkeeper was injured, not because of my kick, but because he was hit by the football I kicked.

This can only be said to be an accident.


Hearing that Lin Rui did not fall for it, the local reporter in Seville secretly cried out in his heart that it was a pity.

However, he did not give up, but continued to ask:"Then I would like to ask you, the football you kicked is so powerful, and it is very likely to cause personal injury to other players. Do you have any ideas about this? Or preventive measures or something like that."

Hearing the reporter's question, Lin Rui blinked, and then said seriously:"For your question, I can only say that you may not know much about professional football. On this field, it is a place where strength and courage are intertwined. Everyone who walks onto the field is a warrior. They are not afraid of any injuries, which is the patent of cowards."

"I can only guarantee that the football I kick will not intentionally hurt others, but I cannot guarantee that accidents will not happen. If I really hold back because I am afraid of hurting others, which is what you call a preventive measure, then it is disrespectful to my opponents. I think my opponents think so too. As long as they are truly courageous professional players"


Hearing Lin Rui talking seriously, the reporter didn't know how to continue asking questions for a moment.

If you say that what Lin Rui said doesn't make sense, then he still has some truth to it. If you say that it does make sense, then something seems to be wrong.

Are those professional players really as brave as Lin Rui said?

For a moment, the atmosphere fell into awkwardness.

In the end, the reporter could only ask a few more small questions casually and ended the interview in a hurry.

Back in the locker room, Lin Rui was also warmly welcomed by his teammates.

Except for Adrian who was not very happy, everyone else completely accepted Lin Rui.

Captain Gabi came over and hugged Lin Rui and said,"Lin, you saved the team today, so we decided to celebrate it later. You must come."

"Oh, are there any girls there?" Lin Rui asked with a smile

"Yes, of course, and we have as many as you want."

Gabi laughed and said

"Lin, what kind do you want? Petite? Or plump? Black or white? I can find them all for you."

Cork said jokingly.

His words immediately made everyone laugh.

"Right! Lin, tell me, what kind do you like? Then let Cork and the captain treat us."

Everyone started to make a noise.

Hearing everyone's noise, Lin Rui didn't feel embarrassed at all, and laughed and said,"Only children make choices, adults of course want them all."


Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and then after they reacted, they were all amused.

The atmosphere in the entire locker room suddenly became extremely warm.

No one expected that Lin Rui would be so interesting.

This completely overturned their impression of the Chinese.

In their opinion, the Chinese are low-key, introverted, and have no interest.

And Lin Rui gave them a completely different feeling. He has a flamboyant personality, speaks interestingly, but treats friends very kindly. Who can not like such a person?

At this time, Simeone, who had just finished the post-match press conference, also returned to the locker room.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the locker room seemed very cheerful, his mood also became better.

Today's game has twists and turns, and the pressure he needs to bear as the head coach of the team is actually very great.

Although the game was won in the end, this tension will not disappear all at once.

Now there is a relaxed atmosphere, which is also what he is happy to see.

When he is in a good mood, he becomes particularly generous.

"The team has a day off tomorrow, so you can go out and have fun today."

"Yeah! Long live!"

Hearing Simeone's words, the players immediately shouted long live


Simeone waited until the cheers died down, then immediately warned,"You can have fun, but I don't want you to do anything out of line. If I find out, you'll be in big trouble. Do you understand?""


""Don't worry, coach!"

The players agreed, of course. As for whether they could comply, that would be discussed later.

Since it was a home game, Simeone did not ask the players to return to the training base together, but disbanded on the spot.

When Simeone left, a group of players happily went straight to the largest nightclub in Madrid.

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