After the call with Mendes, Lin Rui went to the stadium to continue training as planned.

Throughout the morning, his training content was only one, that is, cut-in shooting.

Although the system gave him the skill of Robben's cut-in, it only allowed him to obtain the key points of this skill.

If you want to use this skill proficiently, you still have to practice continuously.

It's just that his practice effect is many times better than others.

It is possible that only a few days of practice can be equivalent to several years or even more than ten years of practice for others.

To put it bluntly, the actual practice is just to make him familiar with this action quickly.

We all know that Robben's cut-in is done with his left foot, while Lin Rui is just the opposite, he uses his right foot.

Of course, the effect is the same, but in the game, he needs to go to the left side of the penalty area to get the ball and cut in.

After practicing for several hours in a row, Lin Rui gradually became familiar with the mastery of the cut-in technique.

By the time of the lunch break, he was already able to use the cut-in technique proficiently.

If someone watched his training throughout the whole process at this time, he would probably be shocked by his speed of progress.

He went back to the dormitory to wash up and went to the restaurant for lunch.

When Lin Rui was about to go back to the dormitory to rest, the phone rang again.

He picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

Lin Rui pressed the answer button and a strange man's voice came from the phone.

"Lin, hello, I am Tananes. Mr. Mendes arranged for me to contact you. He should have introduced me to you, right?"

Hearing this name, Lin Rui immediately remembered that when Mendes called him in the morning, he said that he would find a reporter to come and do an exclusive interview with him, and the name of the reporter he found was Tananes.

This reporter is also the head reporter of the famous"Marca".

The article praising Lin Rui was written by him.

So when Lin Rui heard that it was him, he also hurriedly said enthusiastically:"Hello, Mr. Tananes, I am very happy to receive your call. Mr. Mendes has already told me about you."

"That's great. I called you to ask you when you are free. I want to meet you for an interview."

"Let's do it now. I have time now. I have training in the afternoon."

"Well, I'll go there right now. Let's meet at the Starbucks next to your training base in half an hour."

The two ended the call, Lin Rui changed his clothes and went out.

Half an hour later, at the Starbucks next to the training base, Lin Rui met Tananes.

He was a middle-aged man in his forties with a slicked-back hair and a well-maintained body.

After the two met, they exchanged a few simple pleasantries, and Tananes went straight to the point.

He took out a recorder and a notebook and began to interview Lin Rui.

"Lin, please first introduce your personal situation and family situation."

"I am 18 years old and I used to learn football in a football school in China. My mother is in the foreign trade business and my father is a teacher. I am the only child in the family. This is basically it."

"So you are a rich second generation, why do you want to play football? You know, it is very hard."

"Of course, it was because I liked it. You know, the level of football in China is relatively low. I remember that it was in 2001, during the World Cup qualifiers, when our national team made it to the World Cup for the first time. That’s when I started to like football. Later, many football schools were opened in China, and that’s when I went to learn how to play football."

"Wow! It seems like you are someone who strives for your dreams. Do you have any idols that you like?"

"Yes, actually I liked Ronaldo very much at that time. Although he scored one goal in the match against our national team, I just liked him."

"Why do you like him?"

"How should I put it? I just think he looks better when he plays football. Although he doesn't look that good, he is indeed the most handsome when he plays football."

"Haha! Very interesting comments. Do you think you will become a player like Ronaldo in the future?"

"I think my playing style is different from his. I may never be able to reach his footwork skills, but I also have advantages, that is, my physical condition, strength and heading skills, which are definitely incomparable to him. We are each good at our own strengths, and I hope that my future achievements can surpass his, and I am working hard every day for this."

"Are you confident? You just talked about your physical condition, strength, and heading skills. Are these your killer weapons now?"

"It can be said that these abilities are some of my more important means of scoring, but I don’t have only these means. As for what other means are, you will slowly see them in the future."

"Haha! Okay, I'll follow you, then tell me how you feel about the team you're on now."

"I think Atletico Madrid is a very competitive team. My teammates are all very good. They are very motivated and friendly to me. In addition, the team's head coach Simeone is also a very thoughtful coach. I think our team will achieve good results this season."

"It seems that you are very satisfied with the current team. You mentioned the results just now. What kind of results do you think Atletico Madrid can achieve this season?"

"It may seem a little hard to say now, but I'll still say it boldly. I think this season we can win at least two of the three championships: La Liga, Copa del Rey and Europa League."

"Haha! It seems that you are very courageous. It seems that none of these championships are easy to win. Why are you so confident?"

"There is no reason. I just feel that, yes, it is a feeling. Because I am in this team, I feel that this team should win the championship. You can say that I am arrogant, but I think this is my confidence in myself. If you don't even have this confidence, then there is no need to mix in this circle."

Hearing Lin Rui's sonorous and powerful answer, Tananes was really surprised this time.

He could feel that when Lin Rui said this, it was from the heart. It was not the kind of amazing statement made just to show his uniqueness.

This makes people wonder, how can a small new player have such strong confidence?

Tananes was puzzled.

But this is a very good gimmick. If it is processed well, it can become a label of Lin Rui's personal characteristics.

The interview lasted for nearly an hour. Through carefully designed questions, Tanawas basically got a general idea of Lin Rui's situation.

At this time, he closed his notebook, stood up and shook hands with Lin Rui to say goodbye.

Next, it was time for him to build momentum for Lin Rui.

However, before leaving, Tananes still warned:"I will do my best to package and promote you, but you know, competitive sports ultimately rely on strength. No matter how well I package you, if your strength cannot convince the public in the end, then all this will be in vain. So in order for me not to do useless work, I hope you can continue to work hard, improve your strength, and achieve better results."

Lin Rui agreed with Tanawas's warning and nodded, saying,"Thank you for your reminder. I will work hard. I believe that everything you do is worth it. I firmly believe this."

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