"Hi! Marcelo, long time no see, how are you?"

Sanchez laughed and greeted the middle-aged man named Marcelo on the sidelines.

Marcelo saw Sanchez and a smile appeared on his originally serious face.

"Sanchez, my old friend, how come you have time to come to me? Is there any talented player you want to recommend to me?"

Obviously, Marcelo knew that the other party would not come to the temple for no reason.

"Haha! You know me well. I came here today to give you a talented player."

Sanchez said, turning to look at Lin Rui and said,"Lin, let me introduce you to Mr. Marcelo, the head coach of Atletico Madrid B. Marcelo, this is the player I want to recommend to you today, Lin Rui."


Marcelo looked at Lin Rui with some curiosity.

Seeing Lin Rui's burly body, he nodded. This guy looks like he has a good physique.

But football can't just be about the body, so he waved to a young coach in his thirties who ran over.

"Santos, you take this... Um, Lin, go change a jersey and organize a tryout match. Let me see what this guy is capable of."

""Yes, sir."

The assistant coach named Santos agreed, turned to look at Lin Rui and said,"Come with me.""


Lin Rui obediently followed Santos to the locker room to change clothes.

Soon, Lin Rui, who had changed his jersey, returned to the court.

Marcelo had also stopped the game.

Seeing Lin Rui coming out, he asked,"Chinese boy, what position do you play?"

"I play forward, sir."

Lin Rui answered truthfully.

"Okay, then you go to the main lineup and replace Sais."

Then he called a young man in his twenties off the court, and motioned Lin Rui to go up.

Lin Rui waited on the sidelines, and when the young man named Sais came off the court, he walked over and clapped his hands with him, and then ran onto the court.

Seeing this scene, Marcello nodded secretly. This young man knows the rules very well. This gave him a good first impression.

He waved and called the captain of Lin Rui's team, a young man in his twenties, and ordered:"Silvio, pass the ball to that Chinese guy more often later, I want to see his true strength."

Silvio has seen many players like this come for trials, so he immediately nodded and said:"Understood! Sir."

Soon, the game resumed.

Lin Rui, as the team's forward, was at the front.

The other players also knew that this was a player who came to the team for a trial.

The players were used to this kind of thing, so they didn't take any special care of Lin Rui.

Lin Rui's team was the team's main lineup, and his opponent was the team's substitute lineup.

So the level of his teammates was obviously much higher than that of their opponents.

At this time, the main lineup was attacking.

After the midfielder Noguera dribbled past the opponent's intercepting player, he quickly advanced across the center line.

Immediately, two defensive players came up to intercept.

Noguera didn't want to fight, but handed the ball directly to Silvio who was running forward on the right.

After Silvio received the ball, he took two steps and observed the situation in the front court while dribbling the ball.

Then he saw that Lin Rui, who had just come on the court, had already When he reached the front of the penalty area, there was no defensive player around him, so he immediately made a long diagonal pass and kicked the ball to Lin Rui's position.

Seeing the ball flying towards him, Lin Rui subconsciously stretched out his foot to catch the ball.

However, Silvio's pass was very powerful. Although his outstretched right foot caught the ball, he did not have time to relieve the force, and the ball bounced out and was out of his control area.

When he wanted to chase the ball again, the opponent's defensive player had directly kicked it out.

Lin Rui was immediately annoyed.

His ball-stopping skills were really rubbish.

He could only raise his hand apologetically towards Silvio who passed the ball.

Silvio did not say anything, but the expression on his face was not very good.

Marcello, who saw this scene on the sidelines, couldn't help shaking his head.

He wrote in his little notebook and said,"Poor ball-stopping skills."

And Sanchez next to him also had a depressed look on his face.

Did he make a mistake?

But this was just the beginning, and a mistake in one ball didn't mean anything.

So the two continued to observe the game on the field.

Although Lin Rui's mistake just now allowed the opponent's defender to successfully clear the ball, it did not form an effective counterattack, and the ball was intercepted in the midfield.

The home team defender Lopez headed the flying ball back to the front court.

Silvio stepped forward to take the ball, then changed direction with a heel kick, and shook off the defensive player who came up to steal the ball.

After taking a few steps, he immediately passed the ball to Lin Rui at the top of the penalty area.

This time the ball was not fast, and Lin Rui stopped the ball at his feet.

But at this time, his back was facing the direction of the goal, and there were two defensive players behind him. If he turned around forcefully, the ball would most likely be lost.

So this time he chose to pass the ball.

He kicked the ball to a figure on the right side of the penalty area.

That was the team's other striker, Atenza.

But his pass did not take into account the lead time.

As a result, when the ball was passed, Atenza had already run past.

The ball rolled past Atenza's back, causing Atenza, who was rushing forward, to freeze in place.

Lin Rui was speechless again, thinking of his poor passing skills.

If a passing expert had passed the ball just now, he would have definitely taken Atenza's sprinting speed into consideration, and then...���Give the ball with a lead time, so as to maximize the opponent's speed advantage.

As for Lin Rui, he only knew to watch people pass the ball. When his ball arrived, the receiver would either run past or wait in place. In this way, he would not miss the ball, but at the same time, the opportunity to attack would be lost.

Marcello, who was watching this scene on the sidelines, had an ugly expression on his face, and wrote a few words casually in the small notebook.

"His passing skills are rubbish."

He was already a little impatient when he wrote this. He turned his head and looked at Sanchez next to him and said,"Is this the genius you are talking about? I don't see how he looks like a genius. I think it's time for him to finish this test. I'm very busy and don't have time to play with him."

""No, old friend, let's wait and see. Lin's footwork is not good, but his header is very powerful, and his body is very strong. I saw him knock a nearly two-meter tall guy away easily."

Sanchez was a little anxious.

If Lin Rui could not be selected this time, it would be a big blow to him, the team's senior scout.

So he also tried his best to defend Lin Rui.


Marcello turned his head to look at the field and waved to Silvio who was running near him.

"You should pass the ball a few more times and let the big guy from China compete for the header."

""Yes, sir."

Silvio was very cooperative, nodded in agreement, and then continued to play.

Soon, he got the ball on the wing, and thinking of the coach's instructions, he immediately started to dribble the ball down the bottom.

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