Galactic Union Japan
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Not long before the ISS comes into contact with "Gigahexa".
Business Negotiator (self-proclaimed) Makoto Kashiwagi was at the Osaka Industrial Dome, an exhibition venue in Chuo-ku, Osaka.
There was now a joint trade fair sponsored by the Osaka Prefecture External Relations Association, known as the Osaka Venture Support Association, at the Osaka Industrial Dome.
Kashiwagi had been asked by a venture in Osaka to participate in the trade fair to make a presentation selling the goods to a leading manufacturer of heavy industrial machinery in Tokyo.
Regardless, that Osaka venture was involved from the product development stage, and he also helped with numerous sales like work, such as sourcing parts and securing production lines, and this time he was able to successfully wrap up the business negotiations.
These kinds of ventures are often started with the technical and creative skills of their founders.
Very few other ventures are gorgeous, such as those featured on television, and most others often have problems with their sales and presentation skills, which means that ventures often have problems with the ability to communicate effectively outside the policies and product appeal of the late venture company.
Especially when the patterns common to founders from technicians explain their products outside, when people like people who have never done sales or anything like that explain their products to people who know nothing, they explain professional things to people who know nothing in the same line of sight as they do, and end up failing to understand half of the story to the other person, so many patterns par the attractive products because of it.
This is what it is if you compare it.
In the instruction manual for an OS
"This operating system provides an exciting feeling for your computer life. In short installation times, easy-to-understand graphical user systems and, after start-up, multitasking systems with plenty of memory provide a comfortable computing environment."
Suppose it said:
How old are you to show your age 70 or 80 Jeez or Bar more explanations for Katakana than this Hiragana?
That is, the same thing as this one.
We're going to sell into sales of other companies that don't know anything about it in these ways, so that also fails.
The company that Kashiwaki requested this time is also a company of this hand, the founder is from a skilled field and his technical skills are picky, but he has no sales or publicity skills. So Kashiwaki bought help and left.
"Thank you, Kashiwagi-san, for your help. All of our employees are technologists, so I don't like these types of external negotiations, and I was right to talk to TES."
Takada, president of this venture company "Idea Inc.", is from a leading parts manufacturer who once delivered parts to TES, and independently developed a revolutionary motor two years ago, but was in a pretty tight state of business without being able to promote the attractiveness of the motor for such reasons as just now. Therefore, when TES was consulted, Kashiwaki was introduced, and Kashiwaki was helping to promote and sell this motor in the form of a sales commission agreement.
"No, good for you, Mr. President. It was easy for me to do this job too, no, I think that motor made by the president's company, a really good motor. This time it was an order for heavy industrial machinery, but if it was miniaturized, you could use a robot servo or something?
If miniaturization succeeds, invite me again. There are a few industrial robot manufacturers out there, so I'm going to talk to them. "
"Huh? Are you a homma!? Glad you could make it to Kashiwagi-san. Thank you again at that time. Oh, that was really helpful this time, so I'll let the payer color it a little too."
Takada seems to really appreciate it and bows his head deeply.
"No, that's fine, Mr. President, he said that I don't mind the amount you properly contracted. 'Cause I just got my job kicked in too."
"No, I won't. Because if this fails, I really thought I'd go to the store. This time, it's such a big deal. And it's amazing to have a ten-year contract, besides withdrawing it to the next R&D fund to secure the production line, and even mentoring our sales, and that's absolutely per bee."
"Ha, okay. That's fine if I get it as per your contract, so you can do whatever the president wants."
"Okay. We'll do whatever you want. I'll let you know that the amount of color will be used by Kashiwagi in the future."
"Ha, got it. Let's do that."
This is the end of the contract. Kashiwagi cooked the other major manufacturer considerably this time until he signed an exclusive development contract. And if Kashiwaki put the idea of Kashiwaki on its motor and made it easier to apply for a patent, and used a motor with Kashiwaki idea, it was also a pretty good job in Kashiwaki because a major manufacturer contracted me to multiply the unit price of the parts that used that motor by 10 percent so that I could make it easier to think about 7 percent of it and pay Kashiwaki a 3 percent patent fee.
The truth is, we wanted to make it a commodity unit price, but if we did that because it is a heavy industrial machine, the manufacturer's commodity price would be higher and they would not be able to sell it, so we settled down in the form of multiplying the unit price of the parts by one another because it would not taste good.
Well, either way, it takes a lot of time for the patent to formally pass, and besides, I don't know if that patent will pass, so it's like an omelet there. If the patents go through, the major manufacturers will also have exclusive agreements, so we can have a point of sale on the product, which makes it a good deal for each other. And if Thinking Easy could be a takeover by a major manufacturer in the future, I explained it to Takada around there as this is not one good direction.
Being able to get a major company to acquire for a venture is by no means a bad thing in management.
"But Kashigi-san, it's your house, you speak the standard language, but there's a Kansai valve in the intonation."
"Do you understand?" Kashiwagi laughed nymmari. "Actually, I lived a thousand miles from Elementary 6 to High 1. So, I was at Kanye University in college."
"Oh, yeah, I can't believe it! I see. I thought it would be easy to hang out with you."
"Once again, I know Kansai's business habits."
and respond with Kansai valves.
SMEs in Kansai have very strong horizontal connections. That is no exception to venture. There is a unique business habit, especially since some industries are almost like federated companies, turning jobs around. Conversely, the job is turning. If the underlying client company is crushed, there is a risk of a huge number of chain bankruptcies, so there is a long and short way around it, and this Kansai-style business habit is tending to collapse in the global economy these days.
"Ha ha, let's go swallow again next time"
"Yeah, definitely."
"So, are you planning something today?
"Yeah, actually, I thought I'd go to Chili Newtown for a bit. I thought I'd see what was going on where I lived when I was a kid... I've been to Osaka quite a bit, but I haven't had a chance to go..."
"Which one of the thousand miles?
"It's near the expo. It's Yamada."
"Yamada... I'm sure our guy had business going to Blowta today, I'll let him send it to him, so tell him where you want to go"
Takada is calling his men out loud.
"Uh, no, no, boss, it doesn't matter, you don't have to do that."
"What are you talking about, I already called the car. It's too late."
And I'm forced to be finalised laughing. This is Osaka. Once it is decided... No, anything is confirmed before it is decided, so it has to be kindly sweetened here already.
Kashiki runs north on the Osaka Sakami muscle in a light van driven by Takada's men.
Ride the Shingodo muscle from Umeda, further north.
Through Ezaka, it becomes a landscape with a lot of greenery from around over Hattori Green Space.
Osaka is often said to be less green, but if you look under Osaka Prefecture, North Osaka is very green. It is, in other words, a bedtowned inaca. The dongtsuki of the new mighty museum is the sanctuary of Lord Eth, the facade.
Then we arrive in the center of Thousand Miles, Toyonaka City.
Thousand Miles Central is a place in Toyonaka City, but on the border between Suita City and a single road, often mistaken for Suita City.
If you're going to Yamada, you can use the Osaka Monorail from here to stretch your legs to Expo, you'll arrive at another station, so it's just fine.
Kashiki says thank you to Takada's men. And for the first time in a long time, he entered a large commercial establishment in the center of a thousand miles.
Sometimes I'm just getting hungry, so I look for an empty restaurant somewhere. But it's really the first institution in a long time, so it doesn't match my childhood memories at all.
The toy store I used to go to was no longer bankrupt, and the bowling alley my parents used to take me to was gone.
To be honest, it feels like another facility already, somewhat nostalgic and over time.
Well, but the structure of the facility is barely the same as it once was, so don't get lost.
I said there was a dining hall on the top floor of a large appliance mass retailer building that I had recently been able to do, so I decided to go there.
I will also try the laptop regulations that I intend to buy again soon.
I've been busy working these days, and when I'm free, I go to all the gun shops, so it's been a long time since I've come to one of these appliance mass retailers, and I keep an eye on recent advances in new models, at the same time.
"My current notebook is cheap for splitting specs..."
And I squeal. Speaking of which, when I went to the TV corner and wanted to buy a new TV, I was amazed at how cheap the large LCD TV made by a major manufacturer was for 59800 yen on a special offer.
I guess I can buy cheaper if it's true, but Kashiwaki, who is oblivious to this kind of price, thinks it's cheaper at this price, and seriously thinks I should buy it again with my income from this job.
Kashiwagi is an office and living in a concession apartment at home. Since college, I have never had a tonne of feminine living, so I am very reluctant to this kind of furniture, appliances, sprinkled interiors, etc.
Speaking of AV equipment, I just have a 20 "small TV and Blu-ray deck at home, a computer on my console, and then a gun decorated the wall with a slack, and the hanger is divided into me taking it and wearing it at work and taking it camouflage.
There's only one small room in the reception room, and the living room is like an arsenal, so it's not very much, but it's not the kind of house where you can call a woman. It's like a field camp house, so it seems like you might not be able to call guests without that little reception room.
(If I were to corporation, that room would be a little bad...)
In fact, Kashiwagi himself may be aware of it.
With that in mind, I seriously started to pick up TV.
Its large mass retailer was equipped with a pole-shaped bench, and Kashiwaki, who had a little difficulty walking, sat on that bench and watched TV for comparative analysis in his head.
Then something strange happened.
Televisions from appliance mass retailers show shows from various TV stations in demonstrations. This is the time to rebroadcast a period play, rebroadcast a show that was popular the other day, and an information variety show. These shows are shown from dozens of lined up TVs...
Breaking news sounded simultaneously from those TVs, and breaking news telops were streamed.
And the progression of the information variety program system of live broadcasts had been temporarily stopped, and a manuscript of breaking news had been passed to MC.
The stations that were streaming the other programmes will also successively stop broadcasting their current broadcasts and switch to images from the press centre. Dozens of TVs switched images almost simultaneously, so that was quite different.
In that unusual situation, customers who were visiting mass retailers just stopped to watch it on TV.
There was a housewife with children. Some couples didn't know what they were doing this midday weekday. Is it a break, or was there an OL in uniform?
Those customers stopped to watch TV in the store in that different situation.
And Kashiwaki watched the TV streaming the information variety show in front of him. In an attempt to hear faintly audible audio, he rises off the bench and approaches its television.
TV's male famous MC speaks out.
He's also a very famous professional MC, and upon first reading that manuscript, he goes to AD across the camera...
"Huh? Do you read this manuscript?
And I ask surprisingly. Then with a faint voice: 'Yes, please. It's urgent,' they say.
The camera shows the face of a guest commentator who is equally surprised. And then the camera went back to MC,
'Yes, uh... I just got breaking news that I'm not sure what's going on.'
and after prepositioning, with his neck clenched
'Earlier, in an emergency government announcement, they announced that the --ISS-International Space Station had come into contact with an unidentified giant man-made object. Uh, so the CNA also tells us that a similar announcement was made in the form of a joint announcement between the U.S. government and NASA.... what does this mean?'
and MC was swinging to the guests on the show...... and
'Uh, I'll keep you posted as soon as I know what this news is going to be. So, the next topic......'
The national ramen eating and walking beauty topic seems to take precedence over this news.
"Oh, clerk, hey"
Kashiwagi called a mass merchant clerk who was mixing with customers to watch this show.
"The NHK audio on that TV, I wonder if it's going to be louder"
And please.
The clerk also noticed that things were not normal and brought the remote control to turn up only the NHK audio.
'… I repeat. As an urgent government announcement, we have just announced that ISS - the International Space Station - is in contact with a large unidentified artificial object and is currently monitoring that unidentified artificial object. And CNN reports that the U.S. government and NASA -- NASA -- are making similar emergency announcements. Also starting at 1 p.m., an urgent press conference is scheduled by the Prime Minister on this matter…'
As soon as they turn up the NHK audio, people gather in the TV corner successively to present what street TV looks like.
When I heard the crowd gathered, I said, "An alien raid? Amateur speculation flies like" er no way - it could be a new weapon in China "and" if you have time to make something like that, let PM2.5 do something about it. "
Kashiwaki watched this situation in silence.
NHK announcer that repeats the same contents over and over again. That was giving a sense of urgency to this situation where I wasn't sure what it was. And
"Huh? Yes?... Ah, now we have footage taken by the Tabemi Astronaut, who is staying in the ISS for a long time. Check it out." - - Then he switches to the footage that Tanabe shot, and on TV he switches to the face of Tanabe, who has a difficult face while filming himself.
"Eh, this is the ISS Japanese module Kibo..."
Tanabe, the mild expression she usually sees on TV news and science shows, had a pale expression of time, history, etc. with an extremely serious look.
'OK, I'll shoot now......'
The perspective of Tanabe's camera changes. Because he's switching cameras, the grime and landscape surround him, and when he stares, he's about to turn his eyes.
He seems to be talking to his neighbor's crew in English, but I don't know what he's saying to Kashiwaki, who doesn't understand English.
The camera is then directed to the ISS window and the focus of the automatic focus is adjusted. And the footage of that shock was heavily shown on a 60-inch LCD TV from a mass retailer.
"Yeah yeah! What is that!" "Damn! Seriously......"
A crowd of customers flock to the mass retailer's television.
The spare clerk also forgot to serve the customer and looked at the screen.
"Huh?... like this..."
Kashiwagi also drinks spit by accident.
And I got goosebumps.
There's an impossible sight on TV if it's normal. This feels as if that's when I saw footage of a passenger plane crashing into the International Trade Center building in the 9/11 terrorist incident.
At that time, I thought SFX of Hollywood movies at first, the unrealistic footage that jumped in first the moment I turned on the TV.
The footage in front of me now felt exactly the same way then.
"It's impossible..."
Poso twinkles.
And on TV, the announcer goes on.
"This footage, which was distributed earlier by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to each press agency, was, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, taking place at the Tsukuba Space Center, which is due to come to Japan in a few days' time, during a meeting of the visit to the Tsukuba Space Center by the Indian Minister of Science, at which time it was commissioned by JAXA staff to provide it to officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japanese Government. The Japanese government has continued to request ISS Tabemi Astronauts to provide information on the details of this situation… '
"Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Indian Minister?... Shiraki!
I accidentally put it in my mouth.
In fact, this topic came up at the launch tavern drinking party after the survival game the other day.
Normally, it's not a good idea to talk to civilians like Kashiwaki, such as a schedule of these foreign dignitaries, but, well, there it is, one of my friends is a militia executive. One is a Business Negotiator trusted by the famous General Contractor president. In other words, the confidential ones have talked to each other because of trusted friends who have no problem keeping their mouths shut.
But its content was dominated by the tragic story of Shiraki up to his Hindi mastery, which was a laughing story at that time.
But if the news says "Indian" in the "Foreign Ministry," it's pretty much definitive.
Kashiwaki leaves the full TV corner as he draws people apart. And once I went outside, I took out my smartphone and called Shiraki.
'... the phone is very crowded right now and it won't take long. It's been awhile...'
I thought if I asked Shiraki, I might be able to ask him something more specific, but this is the state. Probably all over Japan. Nevertheless, even assuming I was connected, I was wondering if you could just talk to a single civilian about an issue that could be related to these national systems, but I tried to make another call.
... I still couldn't.
But then, Kashiwaki's phone rang.
When I saw the incoming call, it was from a big look.
Answer the phone in a hurry.
"Oh, honey?
"Ooh! Kashiwaki, it's me. Yay, you're connected... you've already seen the news with that voice. '
"Oh, what is that? Are you giving Mr. militia any information, too?
'No, I just got a standby order from above. That's about it... I get a standby order because even if there's an earthquake, it's not uncommon. Well, even if I had any information, I wouldn't be able to tell you exactly.'
"Well, sure. You're welcome."
It is a natural story. This would disqualify the militia if we were talking about it.
But Shiraki talks, so Kashiki wonders. Well, Shiraki standards are not always known to people, so I decided to go through.
"So, what? That means you're working now."
'No, the superior officer told me. It's not just me, but gather information. It's hard to get in touch with the top anyway. "
"You can't have a crisis management headquarters?
'Looks like it. Things will have to be the only thing. It's not a near crisis... so I called Shiraki, but it's not connected at all. Did you make the call?
"Oh, I was calling you now. But so am I."
'Right...... ok. Excuse me.'
"No, that's fine, I'll take a look and take a few calls too. I'll call you when I know something."
'I'm sorry, so, I need another favor...'
I'll tell you what I'm afraid of.
"What? Don't hesitate to go. If that's what I can do."
"Why don't you go home and tell Misato about me?
"Hmm? Can't you connect?
'Oh, they're a lot mixed up. We're meeting now. "
Here, some might think, "If you can't connect, why don't you just email me?"
However, in the militia, it is forbidden to bring smartphones into the squad for reasons of confidentiality.
There is also a method called short mail in a gala cake, but Big Sight is actually very bad at hitting email with tenky.
"Okay. Even mobile carriers will be a lot different, so I'll give you a call, so make an effort to hit the text!
'If I text you in a gallery, it'll take a day. You know that too.'
and laughing and talking big sight
"Uh, you did, okay. I'll see what I can do. You can text me."
'Oh, please, I'm sorry about the overlap. Well, I have work to do. "
"Oh, I'll call you back."
Hang up the phone...... Kashiki puts his smartphone on his forehead and thinks.
(This is quite a mess in the world...... artifacts? If you have an artifact in space, there are only aliens... this is not going to end like this, maybe...)
That's what Kashiwaki's sense of smell tells him.
Kashiwaki returns to the mass retailer and goes straight to the tablet corner. And call off the clerk,
"Excuse me, do you have a tablet that can see a one-size-fits-all, about 7" or 10 "?
Tokyo - Prime Minister's residence
It was still a mayhem here at the official residence.
The first report of this development was brought over the phone by US President George Harrison. And the video data and various types of files that serve as evidence of this have been sent with hilar data without undergoing sensitive encryption, and it was understood how critical the situation was.
Conversely, there were times when I could not help but keep it confidential because if there was such a big fat ass in heaven, if the place was a place, if I looked up at the sky, everyone would know.
Russia will probably be getting the data at the same time as well, so there may have been some desire to disseminate it to the world first anyway and take an initiative on this matter.
The government...... honestly didn't really know what to do with this situation.
As I said earlier, there's nothing like a manual when you encounter aliens.
If the "giant artifact" were to be "from space," it would be decided by the aliens.
If "aliens" then the basic treatment is "foreign".
If so, it was not separately violated territorial airspace, nor was it attacked with long-range weapons. Besides, there is no concept of space in space. Jianmae is an internationally jointly managed property under the Space Treaty, but conversely, it doesn't belong to anyone, so we can't claim any sovereignty.
The fact that the ISS was heavily impacted and interfered with does not mean that it was otherwise damaged, nor can the cause of its impact be identified.
So even after consulting with the Cabinet Legislative Service, I can't find an answer, and in the end, as a matter of fact, the reality is that as things stand, I just have to look aside as a fire across the shore.
But Shinzo Shinzo, the president of the Liberal Conservative Party and now Prime Minister Gotobe, struck his hand for the time being.
Retrieving power from the Party for Democratic Living, which was the previous liberal regime abandoned by the people, won big elections in both the Senate elections. This is what happened when the economic measures proposed by Gotobe are also well under way for now. If you hit badly here, you could collapse into power.
The Folk Life Party, which was the previous regime, was so naive in its measures during the Great East Japan Earthquake that, besides, its important ministers and parliamentarians were decisively ignored by the people because they had run a considerate regime of China, South Korea and North Korea.
The worst part was before the earthquake, when a Chinese fishing boat crashed into a Coast Guard vessel. The case of the confidential designation of the video and its non-publication to the public was decisive and was thoroughly criticized as to "which country this party is from".
Later, the footage was posted on a video posting site anonymously by Haibao officials and became known to the world.
In this case, for the sake of external negotiations, Gotobe, who happened to know that Tsukuba Space Center had officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, instructed them to bring information immediately, and instructed the press companies to provide information as soon as possible because the route would be anything.
This is irrespective of the lessons learned from the Chinese fishing boat collision, and the Gotobe administration instructed that the data, especially video data, of the current situation be immediately released to the press.
And he gathered the intellectuals as soon as possible and was preparing for an impending emergency press conference at 1: 00.
"... but can't we just keep watching?
Gotobe asks the Secretary of the Cabinet Legal Office, Horimoto.
"Yes, Prime Minister. But the difficulty, as I said earlier, is that nothing has happened to our country, and it is not the so-called" crisis management "that is the necklace."
"But I'm sure it's an anomaly worldwide, even if it's not a crisis. Yeah, you wouldn't have a problem launching something like an" alien headquarters. "
"That's it. We haven't even been able to determine if it's an" alien ". Nevertheless, as the Prime Minister said, there is no such thing as a country on Earth that can make such artifacts, so I guess there's no mistake, but I don't know if there might be that" alien "" person. "
At the authority of cosmic physics, Professor Mamimura, Todai Astrophysics over seventy, interrupts and speaks.
"Exactly, Prime Minister. Even from Drake's equation, there's the possibility of an unmanned artifact."
"D, Drake's equation?
To a word I had never even heard, Gotobe rehearsed it.
Taro Mishima, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, cracks it and enters the commentary.
"Prime Minister, Drake's equation is, in plain sight, an equation that is as broad as this idiot's, like a guiding principle of how much alien civilization a guy can do, and how much chance of that civilization entering space without perishing, building a starship, and making contact with other alien civilizations. Sure... some astronomer in America, Frank Drake, that's the kind of equation that a guy with that name had in mind."
That's Mishima, a pop culture minister familiar with Japanese cartoons, cartoons, miscellaneous, etc.
In Akihabara, we boast tremendous support, like the straight wall, over seventy years old, but the idea is still unbeatable by the young. Vigorous. He is a politician who always slashes the world in its flattering tone and always believes in the potential of Japan and does not doubt it.
And he is an indispensable politician in these stories.
"That's Dr. Mishima. Exactly."
I also admire the straight wall.
"So you think it can be discussed at the UN as it is, and that it can be a destruction process?
Gotobe visits. but Mishima immediately denied it with that pop culture knowledge.
"That won't be possible, Prime Minister."
"In that artificial object, uh, Ame, sure, you called it by a code name called Gigahexa.
That Gigahexa, Mr. Tanabe from JAXA, suddenly distorted the space and appeared with the flash, didn't you?
When I visited Kiichi (Aiichi), the chief information officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who was present, Shiichi snorted.
And Mishima continues.
"Maybe that's a 'warp' guy."
"Wah, warp!?... is that the one who came out to call that starship Nantka?
Gotobe fed on a word that was never going to come out in this kind of political setting.
"Well, that's it... and that means I've smashed up the space and flown in. I don't know much about it either, but in some animated world, we've done it using artificially constructed black holes or white holes, distorting spaces and traveling through a different space than this one called subspace. Isn't it supposed to work as a weapon in our world on a spacecraft that comes distorting space like that? Maybe you can't scratch one with a nuclear weapon?
When Gotobe said, "What do you think?" and just turned to the straight wall, and the straight wall laughed cuckoo
"No, that seems to be the analogy Mishima Sensei, but I generally agree. I'll skip it because it doesn't make much sense to say something academic here, but a ship that has the strength to use such a" warp "to fly through subspace would mean nothing, such as nuclear weapons. If you want to destroy it from the inside, it's still impossible to destroy it from the outside."
Gotobe arms up and thinks. Mishima advised him to change his mind.
"The point is, if we could always mark that customer, we could just create a good organization, right? Then you can create an" Unconfirmed Artificial Surveillance Commission "and, in the unlikely event that something happens to Japan, promote it to the Crisis Preparedness Headquarters. So, assuming you seem to want to negotiate with humanity, the rest is the work of the United Nations. Why don't we just think about it then?
Well, the crisis management center can be used, even if it's not a crisis, so you can do a meeting or something over there. Crisis management centers are often called, but the official name there is "Cabinet Information Aggregation Center."
"That seems to be all there is to it, then let's do it"
Anyway, politics is a mess. Without proper reason and step-by-step, creating one organization can also be difficult. Often in the press and elsewhere, when something happens, the corresponding organization seems to be able to pomp, but conversely, if it cannot cope or is delayed, the corresponding organization can hardly do so.
Because we still need a corresponding legal basis to create such an organisation.
The previous regime was created like an idiot by a stupid prime minister who mistakenly thought he was great, thanks to the idea that an organization similar to Pompom was created like an idiot, and the inconsistencies of the organization created inconsistencies and put him in a situation where nothing could be decided.
Because such things must be avoided, they seem seemingly dull, but this is also an important ritual of passage in a decent political world.
Kashiwagi was now in the middle of a thousand miles, in the udon shop of a large commercial establishment.
I was eating tempura udon set meals. After all, udon is limited to Kansai-style stock. For Kashiwaki, who has a long experience of residing in Kansai, Kansai-style stock is preferred to Kansai-style stock, which has a strong flavour.
There is only one Kashiwaki in the store.
Yes, because all the other customers started coming home after that story came to light.
Whatever the earthquake or typhoon, it's just that the coverage of "something unexplainable came from space," which makes idle birds sound at the commercial establishment that was busy with this lot of people.
Since 3.11, the Japanese have become more sensitive to disasters. No, there's no such thing as a disaster right now, but I guess the Hollywood preconceived notion for the most part, "what attacks when it comes to aliens," makes it so.
And if someone starts going home because of it, me and I both start going home, and that multiplies and makes us go home simultaneously... anyway, human collective psychology is horrible.
Sometimes, Kashiwagi gave up riding the rugged Kitaosaka Express, not knowing when he could take it, and likewise gave up taking a cab. Even if we could go to Shin-Osaka, the seats would probably be full with reservations. It's just tough to spend two and a half hours riding back to Tokyo.
I just checked online and the business hotels near Umeda from Shin-Osaka are also full...
Kashiwaki has become a returning refugee.
In the meantime, I'll call Big See's house while eating udon, but this isn't quite connected again. I don't have a choice, so I'll hit the e-mail.
"Hiccup. This is Kashiwagi. My husband just called. Looks like there was a wait. She asked me to text her instead because I couldn't connect. So there's no problem. I won't even go for another drink with my husband. Kashiwagi '
I gave up calling Shiraki. I hear Shiraki's smartphone is an official offering, and the email isn't very nice because my job is to do it. I decide to try to find another opportunity.
Kashiwagi opens the seal on the 10-inch tablet device he just bought and starts the one-seg TV app after chatting it all up.
"Oh, I'm sorry - can I borrow the power?
Ask the owner of the store for permission and watch a one-size-fits-all TV while plugging the AC adapter into the power supply under your feet and charging it. Because it will be an urgent press conference of the Prime Minister soon.
Looking at the wang, at some point the owner of the store also stood behind him and watched the wang of Kashiwaki. Kashiwagi pulls out the earphone jack distracting him, turning the volume up so he can hear it.
"Oh, I'm sorry"
My husband frightens me.
"No, I knew it bothered you?
"Oh man, we've been doing business here a lot, but this is the first time it's been so easy... I've been working and watching the news. Was it amazing?
"Yeah, I've already been pulled out of a doggie. I can't believe that happened while I was alive."
When Kashiwaki and my husband started chatting, my husband made me tea and brought it to Kashiwaki. My husband also pulls out the chair in the next seat, sits next to Kashiwagi, and looks at the wang.
As I was rinsing my tea, an emergency press conference began.
The tablet showed Gotobe saluting toward the flag and rising on the stage, with the letter 'Emergency Press Conference of the Prime Minister' largely reflected.
'Uh, now we're going to have a press conference with Prime Minister Gotobe. Uh, I have a statement to make from the Prime Minister at the beginning. Prime Minister, please.'
"Well, in general, and to the public, as some of you have already seen in the press and elsewhere, a large unidentified artifact has suddenly appeared in Earth satellite orbit and the ISS-International Space Station has encountered it. This was also provided by the U.S. government, NASA, and confirmed by a report from our national space research organization, JAXA… '
And Gotobe talks about how he got this information, etc., and talks about future national policies
'… in the present case, the Government has set up the - Unconfirmed Man-made Objects Monitoring Committee - a policy of sharing information and continuing surveillance with the countries of the United States, Russia, Canada and the EU, which are ISS participating countries. To the public, it is our policy to disseminate information immediately, by whatever means and history, as soon as there is any movement in unidentified artificial objects in the future…'.
Talk about the changes discussed at the Prime Minister's residence on one street on a step-by-step basis, and then move on to the reporter's question.
'Uh, I would now like to take your questions. My person will nominate you, so please clarify your affiliation and name before asking any questions. Uh, there are times when many of you would like to ask questions, and I ask you to be as concise as possible. Well, if you'd like to ask a question, raise your hand.'
"My name is Shimada, and I was just about to set up an unconfirmed artificial object monitoring committee, but is this another thing from a crisis management organization?
'As it stands, you're right. It's not like a crisis management organization. In fact, as things stand, our country is not in what is termed a "crisis". It has not been subjected to any act of aggression or infringement, and so it is. However, in the unlikely event that the artificial object reaches out to our country or another country in the future, this monitoring committee should be promoted to a crisis management organization immediately.'
'My name is Kiuchi from the industrial newspaper. We are now calling it an unconfirmed artificial object, but can that object be considered to belong to a so-called "alien"?
'This object, as you've all seen the footage, is clearly an artificial object. Moreover, from the testimony of the Tabe-shou astronaut during his stay at the ISS, there is a high degree of certainty that, in the view of the expert, he clearly emerged with the skill of jumping through space. Therefore, there is no doubt that it is owned by some sort of advanced civilization that far surpasses the scientific and technological level of the planet. However, it is not currently possible to ascertain whether an intelligent life form called an alien exists within the object.
"Does the technology of jumping through space mean that you've been warping?
"You can think of it as something similar to the" warp "method that is often used in cartoons, SF works, etc."
At this moment, the press conference hall followed at the same time, as did the reporters running out to the press club.
Apparently, the fact that this word "warp" came out of the Prime Minister's mouth was of considerable impact.
And that will be the last question.
"Are Japan, the US, etc. trying to make contact with that artificial object?
'That hasn't been done yet. Rather than that, the current situation is that I have no idea how to do that. In fact, the problem is, I don't know if they will solve our language, and I don't know if they will try to communicate on radio waves or anything like that frequency. I'm not even sure if I'm using something called a radio wave. And now that we're still sitting in Earth satellite orbit, we're going to call this a matter under consideration in various countries.'
The press conference ended after about an hour and a half.
Nor did the newspaper usually take the frying feet of the government or, if anything, visit Yasukuni, weave the article 9 of the Constitution, the so-called service comfort lady, into the question as you were supposed to, just this time around. Prior to that, this time, press companies also valued the government's relatively high speed of communicating information this time.
At the end of the broadcast of the press conference, he was then streaming footage taken by the example Tanabe pilot while the commentator explained. It also streamed footage from NASA-provided ISS external cameras that came in afterwards.
The master of the udon shop sitting next to him rather looked to eat into the footage and looked at the screen with a pocan face.
And my husband has a word.
"I don't know what will happen to this planet..."
It is a word that pokes at the core.
Kashiwaki realizes that the reporter hasn't said this word either. Thinking about it, I wondered how much better this udon shop master would be than the press guys who were at the press conference.
And now that there are no more people in this central thousand mile commercial facility, I guess it's because everyone thought of this word.
"Admiral, please make an account."
"Yes, 750 yen."
"I'm sorry it's been so long, sit down."
"No, no, thank you so much for showing me the TV."
The change that I gave you 1,000 yen was 300 yen. It made me 50 yen.
Kashiwaki thanking you with his gaze.
"Oh, yes, Admiral, where can I stay?
"Huh? There's no one here?
"Yep, I was here on business trip from Tokyo... it's me on this one, I checked online and the hotel was full, and I became a returning refugee"
"Uh, that's not difficult. Oh, there's a Grand Rapid Hotel outside this facility, and, uh... there's a lot of cartoon coffee at Wandering Rapid University, so I guess I'll use that. Oh, Grand Rapid Hotel serves well, so I'll ask you."
The Grand Rapid Hotel! Kashiwaki struck her hand, wondering if she had the hand. Because of its proximity to Eden Airport, this hotel is often used before weddings and subsequent honeymoons, and does not feel like a night in business.
When the Admiral calls, he tells me there's a room for two.
A little expensive, but I hope that's good, I got an appointment. It is dark with the lighthouse. If everyone is going home, the dimension is that no one else is going out of their way to stay in this thousand-mile center of North Osaka.
Kashiwagi thanked his husband and one of his children was gone... but people also head to the sparse commercial establishment square.
Next to that square, there is a soaring high-rise apartment, which blinds you to the height that scares you when you look up.
The udon shop just now seems to be closing today. Kashiwaki left the store and shut the shutter.
And there's the sound of shutters closing everywhere. I guess it's because I won't be in business today anymore. Time has only gone around 2 o'clock at noon. I found it hard to close the store at 2 o'clock on such a beautiful weekday.
Sit back on a nearby bench and view the main street of the facility.
Commercial facilities with no people...... I think this is what shopping malls are like.
(If I played a survival game in the middle of the night here, it would burn a mess...... why don't you tell President Omori?
I think to myself (what are you thinking...) to stupid thoughts that don't think about the situation, etc.
(What will happen to the Earth...... some things will happen to Japan more than to the Earth......)
I take out my smartphone to call Shiraki again, but I still stop. I make the call. I don't care what happens. I feel a little cooled down in my head myself.
(I came all the way to Earth with warp, what are you doing here...... invasion?... if so, you're a pretty hippo alien)
Kashiwagi has his own philosophy of these aliens based on his experience with the masterpieces of SF games in the past. He can't think of an alien invading this planet.
Though the season at the beginning of autumn, when summer is over, the world is still warm. With that in mind, there was a lot going on today, a relaxed sleeper came and stayed on the bench and fell asleep...
Kashiwaki's smartphone rings.
I accidentally fell asleep. My neck hurts a little because I fell asleep in an impossible position.
But the ringtone is a little strange, and I wander around because it's different from the ringtone I usually set.
I snagged my suit's chest pocket, took out my smartphone, looked at the screen and jerked off...
[Information on civil protection: firing information. It appears that some kind of flying body was fired from an unidentified artificial object stationary in satellite orbit earlier]
[Target area: All of Japan]
"Eh! ……
Kashiwagi was grumpy.
When I looked at the watch in a hurry, he'd been asleep for two hours.
Kashiwaki removes the tablet from the bag and turns on the one-size-fits-all TV.
Then the NHK announcer was talking in a stronger, stabbing tone than usual.
'… Now the Japanese government has issued a vigilance alert to all citizens. Earlier, according to information from NASA, and JAXA, it appears that a large number of flying bodies were fired from unidentified large artificial objects in Earth satellite orbit, commonly known as "gigahexas", towards various parts of the Earth. The flying body appears to have approached the ISS-International Space Station, emitted rays that penetrated the wall and irradiated the JAXA crew, but so far there has been no damage to the ISS installations and no injuries or anything to the JAXA crew.
(Whoa, whoa, are you serious... now from that flying body and do it, if even three legs come out, you won't be in a spill!
"At present, the flying bodies are confirmed all over the world and Japan, illuminating mysterious rays into humans, buildings, automobiles, etc. According to the story of the ISS crew and the Tabe Shoku astronaut, the fact that exposure to that ray does not particularly affect the body, etc., makes the Japanese government careful not to force it to resist and never to engage in counter-attacks, etc., even if it does so from the flying body. … The Government has announced its policy of promoting the" Unconfirmed Artificial Objects Monitoring Committee "to the" Unconfirmed Artificial Objects Control Headquarters "at 4 p.m. to assume command at the Cabinet Information Aggregation Centre. Aircraft militias, the U.S. Air Force in Japan and the U.S. Marine Corps in Japan are currently responding to the flying bodies that have entered Japanese airspace, but so far no information has been received that they have shot down the flying bodies'
Then the roar subsided from Kashiwaki's head, and as he looked up, he saw three Aeronautical militia F4 Phantom fighters flying away.
Shortly afterwards, from somewhere far away, an air raid alarm sounds like a siren.
(Oh, my God. It's not normal for fighters to be flying in Osaka!... you should go to the hotel soon...)
Then I heard a loud woman scream from beyond the unpopular commercial establishment.
The direction is the largest hall where concerts and such are held in this facility.
Kashiwagi runs in that direction reflexively. As a man, if it becomes a woman's scream, you must not listen.
Then, as he plugged into the entrance to the hall, Kashiwagi suddenly stopped his leg, unwittingly lagging behind.
And blued.
In front of him, a hexagonal shaped object about ten metres long, descended and stagnated until it was close to landing in the hall, stationary in the air.
The object was structured as if layers of metal had been superimposed, circulating sparkling rays from its superimposed slits.
And I've never heard anything like a bass machine sound and I'm stuck.
If you look closely, one vertex of that hexagonal object is accompanied by something like a longitudinal rectangular sensor, which you seem to be observing toward your goal.
The woman, the Lord of Screams, had completely lost her hips and had come to the occasion. And he was looking up at the object with a blue expression. Apparently an employee of a store somewhere at this facility. I think I ran into this place while evacuating.
"Are you ok!!
I shouted out loud at the woman.
The woman is snorting.
Kashiwagi removed an empty can of can juice from the trash can that was nearby and turned behind the object's sensors and thoughts to throw an empty can.
Empty cans are panned and soaked up somewhere just before they come into contact with an object.
Shields! Shields! Are you serious!
The object then turned the fuselage in a glue, pointing the sensor towards Kashiwaki.
At that moment, Kashiwaki waved her hand "run away" loudly towards the woman after her sheep pose, and the woman nodded and thanked her greatly and took off and ran away.
The object slowly approaches Kashiwagi.
I may have escaped if I wanted to, but my curiosity took precedence. Looking at the situation of the woman ahead, she didn't mean any harm.
Did the object have considerable interest in Kashiwaki, who would not escape, or descended to near landing height and stagnated, approaching the nose of Kashiwaki.
Then Kashiwagi turns and bashes the example rays.
Kashiwagi kept his eyes on the eyelids of the rays, leaving them to be.
Its rays penetrate the body of the cedar tree, fan-shaped to the right to the left, wandering the body of the cedar tree so that it can be swept up and down, stopping irradiation.
And the moment the object distanced itself from Kashiwaki and tried to stay away, Kashiwaki...
"Hey... wait a minute!
Kashiwaki got angry about something. And I often forgot the situation and shouted at the object.
I don't know if you understood the word. But the object that responded to the voice stopped.
Now Kashiwagi approaches the object and speaks with his fingers protruding toward the sensor-like object.
"You know... I know very well that you guys are not going to do harm to people... but there is courtesy in things... all of a sudden you come into people's houses without even knocking, and you're not messing with the fridge..."
Something's getting tense, though I don't even know myself.
"First, when you visit a stranger's house, you ring a ping-pong and say, 'Nice to meet you, where have I come from? Something. Could you please listen to me?' Though I suppose it's from! Don't you stars have such courtesy either!!
Kashiwagi kept his eyes set, clutching his suit pockets with Nosonoso, taking out his business card holder,
"Hey alien, if you have any complaints, I'll take them anytime...... I'm a business negociator Mayumi Kashiwagi! Remember!!!
Saying so, Kashiwagi skunked a bunch of his business cards across the slit of the object.
The object suddenly retreated and soared as if it had been eaten.
It quickly dotted and flew away at a tremendous speed towards the south.
Kashiwagi returned to me,
(What am I doing? ……
and I get stunned by my thoughtless behavior myself.
Thinking of it, the fear boiled later when it was something that didn't blow up well on the shield.
Apparently, there are certain conditions for the shield to activate.
Kashiwaki walked into the spot, frightened by his actions...
Then the smartphone rings that sound again.
Remove the smartphone by squeezing your chest in disgust.
I can't help it...... I'm about to drop my smartphone.
And I saw the screen...
[Information on civil protection: proximity information. An unidentified man-made object that will be stationary in satellite orbit earlier descends into Earth. In progress to the Far East region. Possible transit over Tokyo]
[Target area: All of Japan]
"?!... What the hell!
Kashiwaki shouts in his voice unexpectedly.
Unfabricate the tablet from the bag and turn on the news.
The announcer was speaking in a rather hurry, but also in a strong tone.
'... new information has come in. According to the announcement by the U.S. Pacific Command, the large unidentified artificial object that just descended to Earth begins to move intact. A point 40 km south of Wake Island, towards the Far East, is in progress at a speed of about 60 km/h. It appears that the U.S. Seventh Fleet is currently alerting and tracking unidentified large artificial objects, but will pass over Tokyo if it maintains its path, and the government will issue an emergency alert to all of Kanto today at 5 p.m. We have issued a de facto martial law that will be the first after the war. It appears there will be an emergency press conference later from the Prime Minister's residence......'
Kashiwaki snaps.
"Hey... it's me?... Could it be me? ……
I preach to strange objects of aliens, and I say to you, 'If you have a complaint, come to me!' and it is an event shortly after he punctured and drove back even his own business card.
I couldn't help but think about it...
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