Galactic Union Japan
Part 4: New Year's Eve 11 Years After Travel TNE.
Why are we talking about this? If asked......
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't know, blah
For some reason, the situation is that the story of TNE is told here. Well, I was wondering if that could happen.
So the world in ten years. So, at the end of the year. So the dimension that this world is about to enter a world eleven years later than it was.
Moon Hill did a dong patch at the UN, and then he was able to communicate with Zestal, but he reconciled with the Union, and proceeded in that step, and we talked about Zestal and the Union, and when Japan began to show calm in their relationship...
So every New Year's Eve.
In the Yarmartia of the planet Harma, such music also sounds - hence what the Tilians call the "beginning of the cycle".
"Masatosan Masatosan"
"Yes, sir."
"We have a new cycle, sir."
Mr. Fell, wear your kimono and say hello to your husband with three fingers. The dressing of the kimono was done by Mrs. Eldilla, the founder of Ti Lian Kimono Road.
"Yes, congratulations"
His Excellency the Secretary General of Kashiwagi United Defense Department also took a seat at the table to greet him.
"Fluffy. Open the door."
Hime greets you, too.
"Yes, thank you. So, yes, go ahead."
Also popular in this day and age, Kashiwaki Daddy gives the princess something in a pouch bag of "Yellow-like Mice that emit a Million Volts of Electric Shock". Princess, you're getting old balls!
You know, Japanese kids are like living for this, and they look so happy. Totetote and the safe on the spot. I stripped the pouch bag and put 10,000 yen in the safe.
Well, even if it looks like five years old, since the actual age is ten years old princess Ka in Earthlings' conversion, a Kyobi child would get about 10,000 yen at this age.
The princess says she'll save a lot for now.
"Thank God we're celebrating New Year's Eve this year, Fell."
"Death ~. Especially Sakunen, because there is also the Zestal Lusan case, and there have been various movements in the Tilian world..."
"Yeah. I'm as busy as I've ever been, because I have a lot of things to do this year. We'll be exploring the galaxy of the heavenly river at a fully habitable planetary exploration level soon."
'That's the thing. Sure, it looks like Farda Zeldoa of the Expedition Fleet is getting you into the expedition, Death.'
"Yeah. There's going to be some future stuff about that and Fujido wants me to coordinate with the Defense Department as well. I'm asking you to go to Mars now..."
It's also because of this couple that we start talking about such work early in the New Year, and so on.
So that world that he said was ten years older than it was. The current timeline is, to be precise, the story of allowing me to coordinate with the world in a year's time…
Nevertheless, Happy New Year early to talk about such a job.
"So, they're all coming, right? To us."
"Unh. I'm inviting you, so you should be here by now, Death."
and soon some of that "everyone" will come along.
Ping-pong and ringing interphone. So, I'm coming...
"Hey, Kashiwagi. Omei."
"Open your eyes, Director Kashiwagi."
It was Shiraki and Reiko...... so,
"Uncle Kashiwagi. Thank you very much."
What a very expensive costume to say hello to Kashiwaki's Ojisama! First appearance in Japan. daughter of Shiraki and Reiko,
"Sayuko Shiraki"...... no, it can be a lady.
Kashiwagi always thinks when he looks at this liko... he has this parent and this kid, Ali...
By the way, Lily. In fact, it seems that Shiraki had initially plotted to make the names "Lily" and "Lily Incense" or something like that, but Reiko had the command to "Be sure to put the word" child ”on the name".
I thought, "Oh I see," Shiraki told me about that. Kashiwagi also thought, "I see," and the reason for that...
Oh, my God, Reiko's parents, the Gotsuji family, said they were from the old Chinese family, and for generations the Gotsuji girls have learned the nomenclature of the royal women and put the letter of the child on them. Therefore, this time, it depends on the fact that Shiraki and Reiko's daughter also wore the letter of the child and became "Liriko". So, he's eight years old. He looks older than Himeka, but at his real age, Lily is two things below. This is the reality of his age gap.
"Yuriko-chan, open the door."
"Yes, thank you. Himeka-chan is funny..."
Shiraki Daddy tweaks into my daughter on the oi and boulder. The kid gave the kid his old balls, and he said, "Sorry."
Reiko's mom said, "You're only ten years early, Lily Sun, Ojoho," etc. Kashiwagi sticks it in for only ten years.
So, the next thing you know,
"Open up, Kashigi-kun!
"Congratulations, Uncle Kashiwaki"
It was Mika to Misato. So, the other one.
It was Dawn Takawa who pierced Kashiwagi with "Ukai".
"Ah, this is Dawn. I have to say hello to Uncle Kashiwaki and Aunt Fell and Uncle Shiraki and Aunt Reiko."
And Dawn, who is made to peck "Congratulations" to Misato.
Dawn, the son of Takawa and Shie, is currently kept by Misato. Aunt Misato is used to making Dawn look like her own son.
Until yesterday, I spent time with Ichio Takawa, Takawa's brother, but now Ichio is also an executive of Kinoshima Heavy Industries, and I have to go as far as Regnos Prefecture on a sudden matter from the company, depending on how quickly Misato batons touched.
So, the princess is, of course, familiar with Dawn, so the phase is the same, but for some reason, when Lily deals with Dawn, she is strangely grown up, aware of Princess Ka... so it depends on how many circumstances are there for you as a child.
So these three are playing some games with Wye in Himeka's room.
"Haa, Misato. I'm already an aunt too..."
If I were to tell Reiko about Obasan before, the sanctions would have been activated, but lately she seems to be conscious and pretty rounded up.
"Ala, did you care? But it's not 36 yet. Plus, you're anti-aging the Titans, right?
"Well, yes... Misato too, right?
"Sort of. If we think about it, we'll still be okay."
"Sure, I guess so - I envy Mr. Fell's look"
"E? Keller Leiko isn't young enough, either, Ka," said Fell, who looks at past Reiko and Misato footage on PVMCG. Sure, he looks only slightly older, but he hasn't changed his appearance. This is the anti-aging technology of this era.
Such a conversation is also about an earthly woman. A lively Kashiwagi family. Because of the women, I stood in the kitchen wondering if I could even make a broth. I'm surprised Reiko stands, but she's surprisingly good at cooking with this. I guess so, because you're in a position to eat delicious food from all over the world, I thought so... Shiraki said it's totally family.
"Misato, I'm sorry about this year, O."
and Kashiwaki apologizing to Misato.
"I can't help it, Kashiwagi-kun, all of this ~. I can use Zell communication, so my husband says he can feel like New Year's Eve, too, haha"
Yes, by this time, Omi was still on a survey mission on the planet Ilnut. Ma, they're over there, talking about doing something that looks like New Year's Eve in a special risk militia outfit. I thought you had rice cakes.
"Sie and Keller Tagawa are also at your disposal for this year's Oshougatsu. Akatsukiku looks a little cute too, Death. '
"Well, there's something like that tomorrow, and I'm gonna let you use the Zell communications facility in Yalburn."
There is this kind of thing, and dawn is also a wacko where parents and children are able to meet each other, so Zell communication is still an amazing thing.
... and when you're thrilled with that story, your last customer comes.
"I'm sorry to disturb you," said Kazuhiro Tsukihill, visiting the Kashigi family.
"It's Akeomee ~," said Brightly Pril Liz Sher.
"You're sprouting New Year's Eve," said His Excellency Nayo.
So, at the end of the day...
Silently observing the surroundings is the Civia Lula survey and representative council.
"Hey, Mr. Civia, there you are"
"Dozo, please rise, Death."
Together, gaze is concentrated on the heterogeneous intellectual personality cybias of the Zestals, formerly feared as Gargderas, precisely the presence known as the 'Zestal Kausa Council'.
"… We cannot recognize as normal the state in which so many important organisms of this planet's Nihon regime, belonging to intelligent organisms 4201 and 3303 and other celestial 999001 governmental organisms in our investigation, are gathered. Explain the status quo. '
Ms. Sivia seemed to feel that the situation so far gathered by the members of the Security Investigation Committee Heavy Town + some of the general public was an anomaly. She “s moving into alert mode on her own.
"Oh, she's a cynical!
A pair of princess Kazas Gakincho, who were playing in the back room, rush over with a patter when they see Sivia.
You can get tangled up in Ucah and Sybia.
Sybia stays upright, strangely missed by the three of us...... oh, no, not exactly missed by the two of us. Side by side.
"Akatsuki-kun and Himeka-chan are right now," said Lily Lady, who is making a statement she didn't really want to get involved with either.
'Mmm... ah... Tsukioka biological. We do not understand why such a toddler exists in this setting. Explain... wow...'
Sit down and play, Sybia, who can be turned into Dawn and Princess Ka.
"Ha, well, don't come to that, have a seat, Mr. Civia"
and cynical who, prompted by Kashiwagi, claws over the tatami without knowing what it is. Princess Ka sits in front of Sybia with her chin in formation.
Sybian council popular with kids for some reason. In fact, she had also visited Shiraki's house, at which time Lily also nostalgic and familiar with her face.
Today, the Kashiwagi family is in a big place like this, and the usual table table is also cleaned up, making the room a large Japanese room specification with PVMCG, and a low table specification that can be sat over a tatami.
It is so that it can be loaded there and done with Wye.
"Tsukioka organism, Kashiwagi organism. Still no answer to our question earlier...... fugafuga '
Dawn is playing with the sheer cheeks of her face. So, Moon Hill answers her questions.
"Ha, Mr. Civia, this rally is, in the custom of this country... in your style, it's like an event like that, celebrating one cycle separated by Earth time and the next being successfully welcomed. Before you guys became Srl, there was no such thing as a national event?
'Denial. We also have cyclical conversion methods based on the rotation of stars, but the habit of holding special events for each period beyond… does not even exist as an "inter-ethnic” habit that existed for us at the time… but the situation understood. If it is such a celebratory festival of this government, it is also understandable that those with deep connections as such biologically related continuums pass through each other together. We continue our investigation. Keep going.'
"Ha... ha, keep going. If you understand, Secretary Kashiwagi."
"Why don't you just give me Mr. Zestal's understanding? So why don't you investigate the events in this country? Even when Fel first came to Japan and lived with me, it was like this."
"Woof, but I understood more honestly, Death."
"But that modified kite of Iseira science, that was hard after that. Some toymaker was in that place, and it was so stuffed."
And that incident a little over a decade ago. I have to talk about that later, too. But we'll talk about it another time.
So it looks like the rice cake has been cooked and will be delicious for everyone.
"Yes, please, enjoy yourselves."
Today's broth is tailored with Kyoto-style white miso direct from Reiko. Reiko's mother seems to be from Kyoto, Reiko was born in Tokyo, but the New Year's broth was always white miso style.
If you are a rice cake, you can't pet the boulder, so bake the commercially available cutlery in the oven and put in the desired number of pieces for everyone.
'Hmm, this is delicious. After all, Yarmartian cuisine is in the mouth of the concubine. Fell's elephants were curry flavored before, but white miso is also a good thing.'
My lord Nayo pulled the cake with gnon like it looked delicious. That's usually normal that way. Everyone laughed bitterly that Fell was curry after all. But I think maybe it would be good to be good. In fact, the cake and curry go very well together.
"But I didn't know that this kind of nowadays called" combat food "would be Yarmartia's signature dish."
In response to that word "combat food," Secretary Kashiwagi.
"Huh? Mr. Nayo, didn't you know about the broth?
"Uhm. My concubine ate this form of mochi cuisine only after she became what she is now."
"Huh? That means..."
In other words, Shiraki, an East University graduate, shows off his proud knowledge of history around it.
"Kashiwagi, braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised braised in
Then Reiko, too,
"Indeed, the rice cake itself dates back to the time when the earthenware was being used in Japan, when the rice was being" steamed, "because the rice cake was a preserved food in the first place."
Yes, rice cakes are the same in modern times, but in the first place, they are inherently preserved foods. Since everyone rests from the store on New Year's Eve as well, it is a preserved meal to eat in the meantime because it cannot be bought out, etc.
So, because it is a preserved food, naturally it can also be combat food, the braised is said to be the origin of a kind of lation made by the samurai at the time to simmer dry food together and eat it on the battlefield, in the first place it is the so-called 'millimeter rice' that is the braised. It is therefore known that this broth is a dish that has developed in the martial family society since the peacetime (* with theories)
Everyone hears this explanation from the Shiraki family. Interested...
So, aliens, speaking of the people who are here, Fell has a prick, Lord Nayo and Sivia, but Fell has been living in Japan for a long time, so the Japanese New Year's habit is something I'm already used to. Even if it's a pril, her own experience of staying in Japan is still a few years old, but since Japan joined Tilian, Japanese culture has already established itself as' one of Tilian's cultures' in the Tilian people as permanently popular content in Tilian, so these New Year's customs are also known to them.
Now around Iseira, some Tibetan Member States are also doing things like "New Year's Eve High Quarn Usage Rights" in the new cycle. In such a place, the aliens who live in Japan and there are now uncomfortable stories about such cultural habits in Japan... that's already a pattern of promises, or what...
Sivia was pulling the cake to gnaw ~ n and eating the broth with some strange look on her face.
"Tsukioka Biology...... Mogmog"
"Haha, yes, what is it, Mr. Civia?"
"Earlier, in the words and deeds of Nayo Calvaryta, this food was ancient combat food in this country."
"Sounds like it. I'm not familiar with that sort of thing, so I'm not sure."
'I don't really think such a viscous food would be suitable for food in combat... chul'
"Sure, if you ask me. Well, it's a historic food, so I guess that's what you want to do if it lasts for now? It's not like we had refrigeration or freeze-drying in those days."
Nevertheless, the famous Takano tofu (frozen tofu), which appears during the Ando Peach Mountain period, is the ancestor of the freeze-dry method.
Besides, cakes are not just cakes to be softened and eaten similarly. Like that, it's also a snack-shaped food that can be processed.
"So, Mr. Civia, how's the broth taste?
Question is, Mrs. Reiko seasoned. The Shiraki family says the New Year won't start without this braised meal. Liriko stretches out a myon and a cake next to my dad and pounds his tongue.
"Extremely affirmative. It is also nutritious and can be highly regarded in order to maintain the living '
"Oh, thank you very much for that. Ohohohohoho."
Sivia also said something, and seemed to like the broth and the cake. I mean, they once didn't have these forms of meals in Zestal in the first place...... Sivia, ask me instead to 'hope to serve them again, if possible'.
… and after this, we are all set to go to the neighborhood shrine for the first time.
This event is also a Yarmartian event known to the Ti Legion for ten years now, and there is nothing like it, but it seems that Sybia is wondering about it again.
Well, the cultural difference was the same when the Fells came to Japan ten years ago, so it's a similar story around there, but the one difference is that they Zestals say...
"We all understood the customs of the Nihon nation. There are many similarities between that and customary data from when we Zestal once had flesh. I don't feel particularly uncomfortable as far as we are concerned '
Then Kashiwagi,
"Does that mean that before the Zestals became what they are today, there was a culture of worshipping religion, or some kind of 'god Buddha', in faith?
'Affirmation. If we compared the culture of this planet to the results of our survey, there were several similar religious forms called' polytheism ''
"I see, so, things like monotheism are in Zestal..."
"Affirmation. It existed. But he was a very small minority."
Nodding Kashiwaki. I could deduce that they Zestal civilizations were once similar to the Earth's.
It seems that Sybia was also a follower of its zestal and populist polytheism at the time, that is, 800 years ago.
"But to such imaginary beings and things of the same kind, we are now..."
Everyone says, "Huh? 'I think. Because it's an emotional statement for cynics.
I come to this planet and hang out with Moon Hill and Kashiwagi and the others, and I feel that somehow Sybian words and deeds become a little more and more distinctive every day, but especially Moon Hill, in that event that Moon Hill calls itself the 'Chili Sauce Cocktail Incident' that Sybian showed me during the confrontation with an earlier North Korean operative, I may feel something like that...
Well, the place has changed and the planet Ilnut.
SWAT militia and United Ministry of Defense troops are currently building full-scale stronghold bases by sweeping the depressing botanical zirals in the vicinity.
Are the faces currently known here as members of the Security Investigation Committee, such as Sie, Takawa, Riassa, Charli, Omi and Melferia? That's where this new fellow, Nemea Hamor of the Zestal Combat Council, joins his crew.
"Oomi, high quarn causing sitemi taga, conna sensation jidei squid?
It seems Liassa made something, and she's inviting Big View to call it.
"Ha, yeah, doesn't that sound good? I don't know if it's enough, but it's okay."
"Souka. Deja,“ Here. "Toy. Mono production. Double hanging cal. Data Hamorattai Renode, Athamakasetekre '
"Okay. Please."
Liatha said. What are you doing here at the base of the planet Ilnut depends on building a temple in a birdhouse, a simple but shrine. The understanding of the Tilians is that we worship the Creator here, so we are working on "it's good".
So, when it comes to why we talked about building something like that again, well, sometimes the base is a special risk militia base under Japanese control, and sometimes it's time for New Year's Eve.
So, over there, we collect the dead remains of the earlier crushed botanical zirals and other tree-based dead trees, and we burn them and do something with Hoo-hoo. General Takawa's complement.
The wind is blowing smoke towards me, making my eyes gleam.
"Hey, Sie. You got it?
"Un, konna sensation didato siuga, yikana?
"Oh, superior"
It was Pestle that Shie brought with him on his shoulder.
"Us” toiunoha, konna sensation jideyinoka?
"Oh, boulder. Well done."
"Um, last year the Town No Autonomous Association Nihou Ballettatki, Dawn Toishioni Cake Tsuki Games Ni participated in Sitakarana. Ni Ritta as Ni Ritta Data Ga at Sono Time"
... the autonomous people who come to that house behind the mountains are also quite a hard story...
And, here's the story, as you can see in this conversation, I was prepared to celebrate the New Year on the planet Ilnut as Mr. But Takawa's husband is in the middle of cooking rice with firewood.
Because it's the end of another universe of galaxies like this, things like this want to come to a proper conclusion.
But I think it would be okay to use plant type zirale as firewood, but it doesn't seem to be toxic, so it burns well, so it can be a good fuel, etc.
"Tagawa's husband, first round, you want to cook. What are we gonna do with this?
"Ah, Mr. Charlie, put it in the silo made by Sie, and leave it there."
And when I was wierd at that place, Melferia and Nemea came back from regular reconnaissance.
Here at Ilnut, these two often work together. Hi. I hear Nemea likes Mel.
The two of us came home with two asses to the Pyra. Mel reacts first to the good smell of rice cake cooking.
"I'm home..." Ahhh! Are you making something delicious? Master Tagawa! '
Mel leaps off the pyra and hoofs firewood. Approaching Takawa.
"Ha, well. of Japan... what should I go about? We were all prepared to do a traditional event at the beginning of the cycle."
Then Nemea scratched every time,
"Tagawa Biology. The rotational cycle of this planet Ilnut and what you call the planet differs considerably from the rotational cycle of the planet Chicu that we were given. Therefore, even if the initial state of the cycle is converted, it is determined that there is a considerable error?
"Oh, that's him there according to the Earth's cycle, Mr. Nemea. Right now, on Earth, at the beginning of the cycle, all over Japan, no, in different formats, we're doing the same thing all over the world."
"I understand the situation."
I guess Nemea also remembered her past before becoming a Srl, in the streets of Civia earlier. I seem to understand that it is such a cultural festival.
So I did Wye to recreate Yarmartia's New Year here with a total Tilian soldier out to militia members, and I'm ready.
In the meantime, in terms of the structure of the military organization, how about someone with a tone head? That's why His Excellency General Takawa gave us a lesson before the rice cake tournament.
"Congratulations, gentlemen."
Congratulations and a word of congratulations.
"I've been a mess ever since I got here. I'm a little late to get ready, but, well, it's the New Year on Earth. Let's do something like that over here. Enjoy yourselves today. So, Tilian gentlemen, Japan has been a member for ten years. They all understand that Japan has this habit, don't they?
That said, everyone "OK" and gently raised their hands to complain Nashi. Then it is now, especially in Iseira and Dustal, that the format for celebrating the Japanese New Year is about to be now celebrated as a kind of carnival, according to the Japanese calendar. It's like having a festive Christmas or Halloween, a festival of foreign religions that isn't originally very relevant to Japan.
"Well, I'm ready, so let's get started."
Wu ~ S, so it goes hand in hand with starting Mr. "New Year"...
So, for some reason, Nemea holds a pestle in the first row of the rice cake tournament.
"Huh? Mr. Nemea, do you know what the cake is?" and an unexpected look at his face. Then,
'Affirmation. Now Civia has provided me with information about this festival. reproducible'
A convenient council system at times like this. I understand that Sybias and the others were having a rice cake tournament in the near future. It is the strength of the Zestals who quickly share the information obtained by others.
But now Civia dresses a little more exposed.
Because its body line is nemea of nice proportions equal to or greater than sie......
When I started wearing cakes, the eyes of the Deln Self-Defense Officer focused on the lower rear of the cake… they said it was a virtual life form. I thought you knew.
As a character, she is the only healthy sisterhood of brown descent in the book. So actually, even from the crew stationed at Ilnut, Nemea has a lot of hidden fans.
"Ha... and? What's up, Mr. Nemea?"
Takagawa's hand stops, which matches the mortar.
"Tagawa Biology. I feel gaze from male organisms more intensively than multidirectionally, but are we acting on them in any problematic way?
When asked, Kukku Tagawa laughed,
"You guys! Mr. Zestal, but don't let Mr. Nemea get a glance at you! Look, step on the mesh, Cora!
Then Sie told Nemea,
"Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu, Omaegasoledake, the Deln guys kara favor taletail toi ukotoda. I mo negative ketai larenna. Kukukukukukukuku '
Mr. Sie, I'm not telling you that there's a lot of problems with her lower body behavior when lowering her pestle. I was wondering if that would be good again...
So you guys depressed your tongue drums on freshly stocked cakes.
Special risk militia broth is famous for its type of rice cake in pork juice and its two types in curry soup. Of course, the curry soup type is popular with aliens. This is actually very tasty or something.
'But hey, I don't like this curry soup. Umai, but hey.'
and it is Colonel Charli who is troubling you. Mogmog while stretching the cake and it looks delicious somehow.
"Why not?," Big Sight asks,
"It's hard to take care of my hair, this is it."
What worries Charlie is that Curry's Lou splashes and sticks to Charlie's beautiful body hair, which is hard to take care of. Speaking of which, indeed, Charli becomes more often donned patsy and muddy with dust all over the front line, but his body hair is always beautiful when the assignment is over. Outreach I think that kind of place is mame, Big View.
So, beside it...
"O-Mihiko, O-Mihiko. Something's wrong with you."
Mel is the one eating Ambrose while mossing it in his mouth. Try stretching it out.
Haila says it's funny and delicious because she doesn't have this kind of food. Especially when he said he liked this' Anko 'because it was sweet.
So, Nemea, who has been certified by the Sexy Zestals, says what, she really liked 'Isobe Cake' where it's sinister.
'This food is nutritious. Virtual organisms, we don't really mean anything other than that taste elements are a preference, because what we do orally only converts basic molecules into Kausa's power source, but we can appreciate the fact that it can be a good source of nutrition for you people. "
The point is' good '. In Mr. Nemea's council, he fought over his taste for' thump ', but in Isobe Cake 6: thump 4, Isobe Cake won.
Loosen the pepper and the soy sauce on your fingers,
'We need two more. Make it.'
And tell the person in charge. Even with all that said, if you're Mr. Nemea, you get a cold glance at the Deln bastards who make highs. Female Special Crisis Squad members and Tilian military personnel.
And it's unacceptable that such delicious things are exclusive only to ground troops, so they sign up for high quarn data and behave to the entire fleet that is currently in orbit.
Of course, Second Colonel Nyotta, the captain of the spacecraft Heavy Escort "Do It", will keep it with you. Captain Nyotta's favorite was the "Mushroom Cake".
Well, after such a New Year's dinner party, it's not considered the first time... but I visited the Mini Shrine created by Liassa and the others earlier.
Prayer and silent prayer for the success of this mission, the safety of the soldiers and the Zirar victims of a former civilization who do not even know the name of this planet.
"Our God, we call it eight million, what kind of God was there on this planet?
Otomi leaks such a thing.
"I don't know... but if there was a god on this planet, why didn't you help the ordinary people on this planet?"
That's Takawa.
"Anna“ Zirar ”Noyouna Mono Research Cite, Weapon Ni Usage Citanoda. Bachi Tokai Umonoga Our Tattano Camona. Irrational Na Tales Daga '
Says Sie.
"Soledemo General National Nadha Relations Nakaloh. I, Hasono, Chiku, Jinno, Wu,“ God ”, no concepts, Hayokwakaranga, Moshi existence, Surnonara, Civilization, Live Cass Killing, Sno Criteria, Listen Itemi Thai Monoda."
Liassa talks about typical Tilian questions. Surely they would have that question.
If you ask this on Earth, it will be concluded with the words' It is only God who knows', 'Insanity, lawlessness'. Well, that's true...
'But we were driven into the narrow of the dimension, without any sin. Explain how your gods interpret it. "
With a slightly sad eye, Nemea asks Sie and Liassa.
The people of Zestal lived in peace. I didn't commit any major crimes. But now he looks like this. Nemea asks how that can be explained.
"Soudana...... In the end Hasolega Reality Deali, More Than Sole Demona Keleva Sole Below Demo Night Iu Thing Da"
God has nothing to do with this, Shie says.
"But our God is forgiving. There's no harm in praying. They'll take care of you till you pass the exam. But only to the guy who worked really hard."
Nodding nemea. Her council now seems to understand concepts such as the so-called "edge bearer".
Nemea turns back to the temple and restarts the palm she remembers in appearance.
They don't mean anything advanced AI. It's an emotional personality. However, its expression is only rare. However, like Kashiwagi, Omi and Takagawa feel that since Nemea brought up interaction with the Japanese and Tilians, a little bit of emotion has emerged from the mechanical image like before. I felt that my friendship with Mel was the most symbolic.
(But now you are like the god Buddha, from our point of view...)
And I think to Nemea and the rest of the Zestal people at first glance, but I won't say it in words...
So everyone, the Japanese crew is taught the classic play of saying comma around to kite flying, and they enjoy the play of developmental process civilization.
Alien Special Crisis operatives who have lived on Earth for a long time already know that the entertainment of these hands is normally known, even when it comes to kites, they also make kates and things made in the US that manipulate them in a freakishly free way with two lines...
So, in cochlear...
"Enemy target, flying body speed, 86 bar mills per hour, average angle of entry, starboard 3267..."
and such system characters are begun with a flickering calculation from Mr. Nemea's point of view. So, on Nemea's face now, "O" is written around her left eye and "X" is written in her right eye.
"Kukukuk, boulder combat council tho word warelkot dakehaal. Madamada chi hanukenna! Ixo! '
Cancer! And if it sounds hard, 'Wings' suffocates at the speed of the bullet
Nemea's 'Featherboard' reacts to its blade behavior and bounces back instantly
Yes! Now the two of them are doing 'haunting'...... here was that figure of 'Murder is Nesting', which is called the speed of its wings, the power to wield its featherboards, and later becomes the legend of the Special Risk militia.
... so how about we two get smeared in the face and have a blade meeting at such a seriously bullet-like speed... sie has a baron beard on her face and eyes written like a girl cartoon on her eyelids.
Its killing feathers were also carried out in Mel vs. Charli!... so the battle between such a cyborg and the great swordsman wielding a horse-slashing knife is also treated as a death fight... well, he still enjoys this for once...
By the way, Liassa is a smear to the loser. The point is, if I got caught up in the recreation of these perverted soldiers, it depends on Tamaran, so I ran away. No Liatha loose there...... now that Mel has taken about a blow of Charli and swept it empty, Mel is written a WO commark on his cheek from Liatha. "Shit," he said.
The men drink non-albeer and look at the deaths of such women with great laughter. But the face at first sight also says "O". Talk about being snuck up on by Sie. I hear the boulder didn't work like a hand-to-hand fight.
"This is the global standard, but I hope it's a good year, Takawa."
"Right...... haha, that current nemea, that was Gargdera who fought on the outer edge of the solar system and stuff until a while ago...... I hope it goes on like this all the time......"
Well, I have a feeling that won't happen since this time...
Later on, the hunch will be intermediate.
The ongoing Gloom Empire project to combat Zirard's Monster Flowers.
Kashiwagida on Moon Hill, and Tilian soldiers on Special Crisis Squad.
I just want to look forward to their work this year as well...
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