Galactic Union Japan
- Outside, Bureau of Investigation report 1. Mr. Fell's Christmas...
"Just ~ now"
Kashiwaki returns home from the official residence.
Unlock Kachan and the house, one voice.
Until now, the next thing I know, I'm about to switch on the fluorescent lights in a dark room where no one else is...
"It's O Returning Nasai, Masatosan"
There was Fell. Running over to the front door with Totetote, he posos off Kashiwagi's jacket.
Kashiwagi can illuminate something.
Clearly, it's "Mr. Leah Chung"...
Well, that's acceptable if you get to 37. Kashiwagi is 37. It's going to be 38 years old.
It is forty in two years. Arafat. Normally, he has one of his junior high school kids, like the Big View, and he's no stranger.
Plus Fell is 46 years old in terms of earth time. It's going to be called a sister pushing wife, but well there are differences in life expectancy, differences in metabolism, biological differences, and physically 23 years old, which is also where this place is interstellar heterogeneous love.
Kashiwagi enjoys this unlikely mukatsuki situation with Iseira being physically younger, Earthlingly being older.
"Mr. Fell didn't go anywhere today?
"Masatosan, with" Sun "......"
"Oh, well, I'm sorry. Njafel."
"It's Hi...... Ha ha today, I've been shopping with Keller Espy at the place where I say sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
"Hmm? Shopping or your first monetary economy experience."
"Hi, Keller. You gave Espy a lot of advice."
Fell is offered a penny by the Japanese government for a considerable sum of money… well, if you ask me.
She said she wanted to try that, so the female sp went out with me. That's where they taught me shopping tips.
When I heard about it, people at SP also laughed when they found out that the sale was going to start at this time, and that this product at this time had a chance to wait a little longer and replace the product.
But the people in the mall who saw Fell are already in a big commotion, and it's already tough because Fell, the extraordinary beauty of Butchgiri, wandered around the city in grandeur, but also the normal shopping district there.
The outfit is skinny jeans on a beige off turtleneck one-piece tunic bought by Kashiwaki. Other, several kinds.
Exactly, if I wandered around in an Izeira Bureau of Investigation uniform, it would be cosplay, so the day after Kashiwaki and Nani, on my way home from the official residence, as soon as I went to buy clothes to Shibuya.
Regardless of the luxury of Kashiwagi, I ended up leaving it to the store people to know nothing about Japanese clothes, but here it is again: 'Aliens are here to buy clothes!' And it becomes a mayhem, and a black mountain crowd.
It is already in total crushing state.
The charisma clerk at Shibuya's challenged store was also quite worried about whether it should be that one or this one. As a result, it is a vegan and flashy fer, so clothes should be qualitative, which makes it such clothes.
As such, it has a great presence in the shopping district, and it stands out because the skin color, eyes, hair and hair are allergic. It stands out. It seems that normal Japanese women's clothing will stand out in reverse. But Fell doesn't even seem to care.
Neighborhood curious girls middle school students, high school students get commemorative photos, shopping wives, young to Obaghan the same way, smartphones take pictures on their phones. So, although it's good to hear that Fell doesn't mind anything else, SP was also a considerable workload.
But there were also a lot of good things, 800 shops in the mall got a lot of omelettes, the butcher got incremental service, and the supermarket's end-of-year gift voucher tripled to win a tablet with first-class fruit marks.
Well, he said it was a mild fuss.
While we talked about that, Fell was cooking us dinner with the ingredients we bought today.
"Ah, Fell, I can cook..."
"Su in front of a. I still wear the survival technique when I go to an undisclosed planet. Otherwise, you can't fuck an FBI agent."
"Oh, I see."
"I searched for a knob that resembled Iseira's ingredients... but I brought the seasoning na do from Yarburn de"
And he lined up the dishes that seemed so good, smelling like he'd never smelled before, and served the main dish warmed from the pan.
Clearly, it's good. It's a little sweet and spicy, but that's probably where Fell's taste is added and subtracted.
It was a meal like that, like Borsicici, where beef for curry was well simmered. There comes bread.
Fell seems to be able to do satisfactorily while saying 'un' too, and Kashiki thinks it's a big deal.
After the meal, Kashiwagi did the laundry and colluded with a cocktail. Open a beer to a pinch of persimmon peas that Fell has liked lately for dinner, etc.
Fell goes out with him, too, but Fell doesn't get drunk, even if he drinks beer. Well, it's a relationship.
The Izeiran Explorer crew keeps nanomachines in their bodies to combat germs, pathogenic viruses and poisons, so even if alcohol enters their bodies, it doesn't make sense because the nanomachines will be considered foreign and degraded.
I don't even know if I drink alcohol and get drunk in the first place.
It seems that some things are like Iseira alcohol in the story, but they modify their bodies a little that way, so alcoholic things don't make much sense.
Fell always has a Japanese front seat when entering the kotatsu.
Kashiwagi says to Fell, "Break your legs because it'll be hard," but says this outfit is the easiest. So, he won't be paralyzed in the front seat. It's a biological thing here, so it's like, "Oh, really?"
By the way, the Earthlings, they better not drink anything like Iseira's liquor.
Not all of them, but some Earthlings say they contain toxic acotinin, so I was told it's better not to drink it.
Conversely, it means that acotinine is not a poison to the Isailans.
This is a substance found on Earth, such as tricabuts.
Well, like that, Fell talks about things that seem uncommon like what happened today. There's no such thing as a Japanese topic, but he says it's just unusual for Tierkumasuka and Iseira.
"Ah, Souda, Masatosan, Takoma and Ga you asked..."
"I bought it today. That's what it says in this document. Ga..."
Looks like Fell bought a women's magazine somewhere. But the letters are in Iseira.
Probably a virtual replication of the magazine I bought by converting the language in PVMCG.
In other words, this is the original legitimate use of PVMCG virtual replication. Never let a hobby airgun replicate and play.
"Co's, why is" tickling "su?
"Christmas... oh well, it's that time of year already... I totally forgot about Christmas because I hadn't been aware of it in years"
"Do you mean enough?
"Ah, it was a long time ago, about this one... never mind"
It's about my time as a student. If we talk about this, it is absolutely imperative that Fell swells up again with Pooh, so I will handle it appropriately.
So, answer Fell's question.
"Hmm, it was originally a foreign event, but the habit was imported into Japan and we do it every December 24-25... well, it's like a celebration. We celebrate Christmas almost all over the world, except in some parts of the world."
"Sora is amazing, what the hell are you celebrating su?
Sure, again, 'What's Christmas?' When asked, 'there will be no' Japanese 'who can explain it accurately, regardless, including Kashiwaki.
"Um, I'm not an expert either, so I can't explain it in detail..." he prefaced, "To Fern... yes, to Iseira. The idea of 'God', is there?
Kamisama, Ka? 'And Fell puts out a Po VMC monitor, searching for' The Creator '? Answer'
"Um, when I can answer that, it's a little complicated, but, well, no, it"
'Ha, there is. Noctal Genesis Tte is Amus. Su in the story of the Creators that all Isailans know. It's old...... in Japanese, it's' Shinwa ', sir'
"I see, on Earth, its creator is what I call 'Yahaweh', but its replacement for Mr. Yahaweh, or something..."
Kashiki is born to explain the idea of Christianity's 'Son of God'.
Because I'm not saying it's a child born between God's crotches. To explain this concept to aliens would be quite boring.
"Well, like that, there was a Earthling who was endowed with the same power as the Creator, and there was a man called Jesus Christ, and it was Christmas to celebrate that man's birth,"
It is, precisely, the day of his birth. It is not the day of birth. But it seems gutsy to explain the concept of "birth" again, so I decided, well, "day of birth".
And Kashiwaki sarahs an explanation about Christ. Well, a degree of knowledge I learned at school.
"Naru, so this person is symbolized in such a different way."
And I say the figure of Christ wagered on the cross that was in the magazine.
Indeed, if an alien who knows nothing sees it, it would be odd to worship the figure of a human being affixed to a tool of torture with gratitude.
"De is also a fine man, sir, the words liberty, equality and fraternity are also common to Thielkmasca"
"Yes, well, that's how I'm treated as God... Iseira speaking, like a spokesperson for the Creator.
... Well, you're being worshipped as one of God. That's the kind of day God came to Earth for Christmas. "
"The more Naru, so, the organization that worships that Keller Christ, and the thing called Shu Kyo of the faithful, is the presence of" Christ Kyo "Desne...... Demo......"
"What? Something you don't know?
"I don't really know about the concept of So-so, Shu-kyu... The concept of Kamisama is largely understood, but the Creators shouldn't be there, Na. There are many kinds of creators on this planet, right?
Fell asks why the Creators have all sorts of Hinduism in Christianity, Islam and Buddhism when they only have its pillars.
"Is it possible that Iseira only has a way of thinking about the Creator, who appears in a story called its Noctal Genesis?
"Looks high and su. Ma, there is a faith unique to its creators Ga...... '
"From what I've just heard, I'm saying the Creators" they, "Iseira is polytheistic?
"Oh... how many of those creators are there?
"Hi," Lord of the Stars and Lord Fabbar, "right?" Lord of the earth, Deeds, "right? To" Marsha, the Lord of the Skies "......"
"I see... then you're just like Japan"
"Is that so?
"Yeah, Japan is the same as Iseira. What? God of the Sun, God of Power in the Great God of Sky (Amaterus Omicami), and the idea that in Japan there is a God in everything in the world, there is a God in this PVMCG, too."
and Kashiwaki laughs.
"Hehe, it's similar to Iseira, sir"
"Well, that's polytheism, and the idea that there's only one creator, like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and God has only one pillar, is monotheism."
"What's going on?
Fell seems to have gone to the same questioning as the Earthlings.
"Na, aren't those monotheistic or monotheistic and polytheistic people unfriendly, Ka?
"What makes you think that?
"When polytheistic, other ways of thinking like shukiya can be counted as kamisama with lots of them, but monotheism is because of the idea that there is only its creator," the kamisama of watashitachi is more tadashi, real da! 'Or something like that, and I feel like I can...'
"Actually, you're right. Sometimes, on Earth, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, they're not close to each other, and they're based on the same scriptures."
"De shun yeh... the fact that we are not close to each other by teaching the same principles is a bit unwacky from the point of view of the eagles"
Kashiwagi stopped because he didn't have Kiri when he just started telling me what it was like to be Islam or even Judaism.
We're talking about Christmas for now.
"Well, that meant that haha... Christmas meant a celebratory day in a foreign country to spend time with family members and make sure that family members gave gifts to each other to confirm their family ties"
"Sora is nice, I think that's a good idea."
The Isailans seem empathetic in this respect, as they have a racial ethnicity that takes care of family members, prospective family members, that is, lovers, etc.
"Well as that goes by, from my family... well... somehow... between lovers? So it developed into the feeling that we would spend time together. So it's customary for lovers to exchange presents with each other, even in modern times."
Fell heard the words and said, 'So, is that right, Ka?' and dye his cheeks.
"Yes, hahaha, even in women's magazines like that, at this time of year, articles celebrating Christmas in Japan will be published in such a great way."
"Nana, su in Narhodo...... Sita as you study"
But...... Kashiwaki continues.
"Japan was originally... I mean, it's still not a Christian country. On the contrary, there were times when we persecuted and killed Christians."
'So, really?
"Yeah, well, I'll explain that again, but then the regime changed, and Christianity was also recognized... just now, was it about 90 years on Earth time?... About that time ago, His Majesty the Emperor of Japan at the time... Uh, His Majesty the Emperor of Japan collapsed, and just that day was the 25th of December, and Japan became a holiday at the time."
"So, Christmas is December 24-25, right? It was also a holiday in Japan just that day, so it was in Japan in the middle of trying to incorporate a lot of foreign culture, and Christmas habits also got into Japan in Dompisha."
"Ah, so Christmas is celebrated even in Japan, which is not directly related to Keller Christ."
"Yeah, well, that's what we call an epidemic. Therefore, there is a slight difference between a foreign Christmas and a foreign one in Japan. At the time, Japan was so rich and free that it was said to be a Daejong Democracy. Often the custom of Christmas in Japan is the global regional state conflict that took place on Earth? I tend to think of it as a story after, but it's actually been there ever since."
"Narhodo ~... I was very much into studying"
"Well, I don't know the details either, so I think some of them are wrong, and I have theories, so I don't think they're very helpful."
"Yea... deja me mo, I have to give Mr. Masato... that... gift. That day (d)...... '
Fell speaks dyeing her cheeks.
"Huh!? Ah, hahahaha......"
Kashiwaki lights up with his head on.
Christmas, December 25th.
Kashiwagi gave Fell a Christmas present with a platinum necklace that seemed to flourish in Fell's skin color.
"Ah, Aligato, Masatosan... take care of yourself for the rest of your life Shimazu... I'll wear it every day sir..."
Looks messy, Fell.
Look in the mirror and do not pose or take various poses.
"Deja, I'm here..."
Elongated box in a silver box.
When you open the paca, there's...
"Ko, what is this!?
After much thought, Fell still thought that as an Iseira who could make anything in high quarn, he would prefer something handmade, and fished various male magazines to find something that earthly men might like.
So, Kashiwagi is a businessman, so whether the writing equipment is okay or not.
So what caught my eye was the picture that was in the movie's publicity article.
It is one scene in a pirate movie.
There was a picture of the scene where the actor was writing something with a feather pen.
"Here it is!
Fell, who came up with it, went back to Yarburn and made a gift for Kashiwaki by various attempts and errors.
It pulls one out as you look in the mirror at the best part of your feather hair, and designs and creates a high quarn of pen shafts and ink tanks and pen tips to match that hair, crafted by hand in a variety of ways.
So, what I could do was write a pen-shaped fountain pen-like device made of Fell's hair feathers.
I don't have any more gifts of love and feeling.
Fell tells me to use it for work.
"This... this is a waste of time and I can't use it for work..."
Kashiwaki almost cried for such a wonderful gift.
Fell's beautiful, blue feather-haired pen fountain pen.
This gift has now been taken care of in a locked drawer for the signing of important documents in the office of the official residence.
And one more Japanese statement was added to Fell's investigation report file.
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