Galactic Union Japan
- Outside. Twenty-seven Melvens inhabited by aliens everyday.
It is about the so-called currency. What's more, the point is' money '.
What is the essence of this money?
In the primitive era, humankind with wisdom learned to exchange goods willingly between others and others.
It is called 'barter'.
It's the beginning of primitive capitalism.
There are only humans on the planet who act like this.
Whatever this primitive capitalism brought to an organism called man, it brought to man the concept of 'values' for the Mori Monument.
In other words, barter would mean 'exchange of value and value'.
For example, one fur and three bananas can be exchanged, or seven apples can be exchanged.
Normally, if it is the same food, it is better to get seven apples. That's what everyone thinks.
But if you want to sell fur, you really want to trade it for bananas. If it is not a banana, it is no good. Banana life.
But if it's a banana, I can only trade it for three.
Now, for this furry guy, which gets three bananas or seven apples? I mean, is it something of value?
Furry people, beginners. Trade the fur for three bananas.
Next came a person who asked me to replace three bananas with four fish and five pineapples.
In the brain market data of furry people, pineapples seemed more valuable, so I traded them for five pineapples.
In addition, five pineapples, a little further away, were worth two sheets of fur. Replace quickly. The person, in the end, increased one piece of fur to two.
And when I go back to where I was, and I trade three bananas for that one extra piece of fur, the furry guy would have gotten the three bananas he wanted as his net profit.
Well, if this is about apples and furs, it's still fine, but if we talk about big things like land and houses, services and technology, it can't be about exchanging goods.
Thus, the idea arose of replacing the value of things with other things, with the idea that the former tightening of the Community and, hence, something like the State, would manage logistics with strict determinations and penalties.
One plate of copper is worth one apple. Silver plates are worth ten apples and gold plates are worth a hundred apples.
As for Kole, Japan in the Edo period had the exact same idea. In other words, Japan in the Edo period had the same idea as this because 'rice' was moving as a monetary value criterion.
So the samurai got paid in rice. Therefore, the economic position of the samurai is described as "Ishigao".
The samurai had exchanged the rice they received for money to buy everyday goods, etc.
In other words, instead of 'value of things' or 'value of acts', 'money' or 'money' was invented as a tool to facilitate logistics, transactions.
Nothing has changed from this primitive capitalism to the great principles of capitalism, now or ever.
For example, the fact that "800 houses made money selling vegetables and buying computers" is actually no different than the fact that they are indirectly "bartering vegetables and computers". Therefore, the normal principle that good things and low numbers are expensive, and that a lot of things that can be made are cheap.
But that's where I looked at saying that the same thing also changes its value due to "where it can be made", "who can make it", "organization", "region" and its "demand" due to human meanness.
And there was even a guy who thought, "If everyone wants something, buy it up, control the teller, and you'll get as much value as you want".
If this is to be said, it is the starting point for futures trading today.
"You! This is all I'm going to make!! He is the one who deals in the right to book things that are not yet available.
I also learned how a person trades with this kind of imagination and prediction just because wisdom turns around.
It all ends up like this because of the concept of 'value of things'.
This is all the work of the earth society today.
There have been attempts by socialism and communism to escape this notion, but in the end socialists and communists defeated without knowing the essence of this' value '.
And the problem of the bankruptcy of an item named Electronic Currency, which is now a problem in Japan, is also in the eyes of bankruptcy because it doesn't understand this essence.
Currency requires a "value" of that currency, a large number of people who share and guarantee the "values" that recognize it as a value, and a powerful power organization that oversees that person.
It can't exist as a currency without it.
... and well, Fell from Kashiwagi's house is studying that.
Lately, when I find time, Kashiwaki teaches as a tutor.
Fell says, "Tell me," so I let him do these economic and social studies as well as writing.
It's time for the spring season.
At a desk full of cottage futons, Fell sits down and writes down a textbook of an understandable copy made by Kashiwagi.
The notebook to write off has a cute "get it!" A monster is depicted and labeled [Koko], etc.
They say it is quite treasured by foreigners and others who learn Japanese.
"Eh... Sa Ki Bu Tsu and Ri Hi Ki"
Write kanji, read next to it. Write pseudonym, Fell.
It's somewhat of a cuckoo letter...... well it's not really Umai. That doesn't mean it's hectic.
Fells is an alphabetical Japanese character in their native language.
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's"
"A, well... I made a mistake ta... it's hard to write Nihon, des ne"
"Well, hey, even we Japanese think," Hey, I can remember so many letters "..."
Fells, the letters in Iseira have 36 alphabets. Other symbols vary. The number is ten characters...... The Iseira people seem to have the decimal method used in many parts of the planet as the criterion...... The design, literature, of that letter is such that the triangle is the one on which it was founded, with an atmosphere like that of 'refined ancient Assyrian letters', for example, in the letters that existed on the planet.
"Masatosan, this system called" Saki Monotrihiki, "it's a mess."
"I thought Fell thought so, too?
"Hi. If you use it well, you'll get a lot of money. But if you fail, you'll be in big trouble, sir."
"Oh, you know exactly what I mean. In fact, the system originated in Japan."
"Is that so?
"Yeah, it's where Fell originally trades his favorite rice, too, in a place called Oosaka, where he started buying and selling rice turnover and stuff on the books."
"Well, the Futures Exchange called the“ Dojima Rice Club ”in that Oosaka ended up not having that rice, but I made it look like it was there, and I couldn't do it if I thought," This is how much rice I would be able to do this year, "and I ended up crushing it. That's how I just got ahead of the good things and the bad things about trading in futures right now. It was a groundbreaking economic system, and with all the improvements that we've made to it, there's a global futures trading market today, and this grand island rice venue is respected by financial officials around the world, and it's the kind of place that's in all the economic textbooks on the planet."
"Soray is awesome...... Shikashi...... Hum, I'm not sure what it feels like to“ trickle ”just in anticipation even though the wasp doesn't have that kind of thing...... Nihon Sun in Oosaka is a sun because of it"
"Hahahahaha, it's true that people in Osaka are responsible for this, I'll keep an eye on the good part ~"
Kashiki also has dealings with Osaka's "Idea Raku" president and Takada. It is certainly like that. Most importantly, he also has a long experience living in Osaka. What Fell said made me laugh somewhat hazy.
Well, this is true, because Osaka Valve's "Maido!" or "Ho! Unique greeting words such as" Maido "were also omitted to become" Maido ", and" If you really want to "was omitted to become" ho ".
Even now I still refer to the hamburger with the letter "M" as "Macdo" and the ice coffee as "Cold (Lei) Co" because of that feeling.
It is a word created by the merchant temperament of the Osakas, sometimes golden, and the regionality of efficiency prioritism.
And in this proud three-dimensional universe of the Osaka people, the shortest ultimate words that have the longest and greatest meaning…
Translate this "Doya" as follows:
"Hi Hi, how is the economy? Huh? Ambiguous, that's a lot for each other. What about us? I don't know, Arta. It's a bad idea, huh? If you know what I mean, it's such an economy. My nose bleeds. So, your house, did you go yesterday? What? What kind of antagonist is that? I hit 250 yesterday, and I don't know what it is, but I think it's better to watch" Commissioners "at home... (abbreviated about 1,000 words below)"
It feels like
It is the ultimate word for telepathy. It is only by using this word on a case-by-case basis that I can be considered an Osaka.
"So Fell, how about a double way of studying monetary economy and learning Japanese characters?
"A, hi. Very good de shin. I remember a lot of Japanese characters, yo. '
The Isailans are smart. Indeed, Fell learned quite a few Japanese characters over this short period of time.
Earlier “Sakibushi" is also a good way to make a mistake. I remember how to read 'Things'.
The foundations of the economy also seem to have become quite clear.
Kashiwagi is also a merchant, so I can tell you about the size of small and medium-sized enterprises. Even Yalburn's more academic microeconomic and macroeconomic difficulties called for Treasury bureaucrats and prominent economists and managers in the introduction to the main wall to conduct regular courses.
Fell is in on it, too.
"If you don't study this properly, I can't plan for an example, sir, I'll gambari yo"
"Fine, but I can teach you how to declare Japanese and blue. hahahaha"
"Blue declaration? Sora is not the same as Gensencho Shu. Ka?
"Oh, you're learning a lot, Fell. Withholding, I think Fell already knows, is a tax collection system invented by the infamous dictatorship Nazi Germany that once existed on Earth..."
Fell is also close to becoming a top notch accountant...... maybe.
And what an irony that the system of collecting taxes from salaries in a country where politicians screaming 'Nazi gar' in the world are using the system devised by Nazi Germany for the rest of their lives...
"Murata, this is about the establishment of an example corporation, how does it feel to make progress?
Reiko Gotsuji, Managing Director of Itsuji Group, Inc., ran PVMCG on his home terrace and was doing paperwork with gorgeous tapping.
Big mansion that even violin solos are likely to hear.
Next to the keyboard created by PVMCG is Mycen's teacup...... rich.
"Yes, initially we plan to do so in a third-sector way where the government holds 50 percent of the shares. Sometimes employees are still studying the monetary economy of the global community, and we plan to do so in the form of OGH, your island, and government offices."
Reiko's secretary, Murata, reports as she slides the tablet with her fingers.
Reiko would like to be a butler... but that's just the case in Japan.
"Is it tri-sek...... uhh...... if you are fully privatized in the future, are you able to make a commitment from the government?
"It doesn't seem that easy."
"What do you mean?
"Yes...... if fully privatized, I still had concerns about the 'garg' and I can't really clear up that issue. It still doesn't seem easy..."
"I see... do you still have that... right, because if you throw it into the market, it's already a free economy there"
"Yes, and even though Iseira and other races are scientifically and technologically superior, when it comes to the economy, it's not like we're talking about it again... No matter how much this world needs to be accounted for and experienced, so come on..."
"Sure... if we can manage with excellent systems and science and technology, we can drive it away before the recession."
"That's what this is about... So as things stand, it feels like we have to become a real, state-owned company, executive director."
"Is it a state-owned company… it's ironic that people like us who are typically the spinners of the capitalist economy have to lend a hand in creating a state-owned company"
"Hahaha, seriously...... but well I was wondering if I could think of it as an investment in a future country"
"Oh, that's what I'm talking about."
Reiko said, come on, lift your hips off the terrace chair.
"Murata, are you ready for an example?
"Ha... I'm ready... because are you sure?
"I know my current situation with you. You can't be stuck with me for four or six hours with a bodyguard, and... you know you're gonna take notes anyway."
"Yeah, well... I don't really want to think about it, as far as I'm concerned... but the arr I brought, if I suck, I'll touch the law..."
"Really? My knowledge is that I should not touch it? Uhhhhh."
"Ha... sure, but... I'll keep an eye out for you"
"Yes, yes, please, don't worry about it"
I don't really want to think about touching the law or how my bodyguard is... Reiko and Murata are saying something noisy...
Reiko then enters a secret lab in the basement of her home... even though it's just a place where she remodeled the warehouse yesterday... [Death penalty if she walks into the door on her own] and other bills that she doesn't know are on... it's no secret at all...
"Managing Director, this is it"
In front of Reiko is the bolt-action rifle 'Steer Marinka'
Murata uses it in his hobby shooting, he says it's his property.
It's an Austrian steer hunting rifle.
For hunting, this rifle has a military-imaged design with a rare handguard extending to the tip of the barrel.
The engine department was also used for the famous SF movie prop gun in "Two Enough".
"Well, I'll try... Murata, put some bullets on this rifle"
"Ha ha..."
Murata can put a bullet in the rifle.
"Done, Managing Director"
"Yes, thank you. Okay then..."
Reiko tries to scan Malinka with PVMCG... but sounds a warning
[Not scannable per fixed security_]
And out.
"Well, I guess so"
Convinced Reiko.
"But my prediction is... Murata, pull out the bullet"
"Yes, sir."
Murata pulled all the bullets out of Malinka.
Reiko scans Malinka again... then... sounds pyroline
[Scanning finished. Makes possible_]
"Yes!... Managing Director, Ko, this is! ……
Amazing Murata. Murata also knew what PVMCG was like when Reiko told me.
So you should be surprised. When Mika was previously invited to Yarburn by Reiko, Omi, and Misato, the PVMCG I asked Liberty for and received was for civilian use, and armed security should be fixed. It's something that can't be created or scanned, such as a murder weapon. When it was "unplugged," it was easy to scan and create.
And, surprisingly, the actual packet of bullets was also easily scanned.
In other words, if you create a separate VMC for the gun body and the bullet, it will be splendidly usable as a 'rifle'.
"Did you still..."
Reiko niggling with her arms together.
"Duh, what do you mean? Managing Director"
"Yeah, my prediction is that this PVMCG is probably a mechanism for simulating the physical actuation process of the entire system to be scanned to determine if it is dangerous… So just the gun body, the PVMCG decides it's 'just a machine made of iron and wood I'm not sure'. Because it's actually not dangerous or anything, like a gun without bullets. Even if it's a bullet, it's actually a single packet, and it's like," It's just a metal cylinder with combustible materials. "
This was what Kashiwaki predicted from the data he had previously told me through Shiraki.
Because I heard that even though you can create a knife, knife, or even a compound bow, you can't create an air gun with illegal pressure if it's more than a certain gas pressure.
Indeed, Kashiwagi created the FG-42I with the magazine attached.
Kashiwaki's PVMCG is for VIP, so security decisions are slightly different from those for civilian use. But still, the security of the FG-42I modification was hung at the 'quasi-air gun' level.
What would have happened if Reiko had created it in the same way...
Reiko continues.
"Even when Kashiwagi-san was able to create a" compound bow, "it was probably just the bow body, and this PVMCG has become a system that is not responsible for what he created once. Perhaps you can shoot this rifle with your balls."
"But executive director... then it's probably an irresponsible system, the security of this PVMCG..."
"Oh, really? I don't think so."
"Because it must be," Reiko said, creating a knife that had previously taken data, "is there any difference between cutting and cooking meat with this knife and tearing and shimmering live animals?
"Oh well..."
"Yeah, that's right. You won't be able to judge the behavior of people like that, and systems that monitor things like that don't serve as a tool for life infrastructure..."
"Perhaps in Thielkmasca, these forms of weapons like“ guns ”no longer exist… for that reason there is no data on weapons of these lineages. So I guess we Earthlings can also make this kind of backgammon."
"Sure... their weapons are all like the originally integrated launch device body and energy source, and there will be system data for those weapons... as security data for their weapons, it wouldn't be strange if they were pre-registered, I see,"
Murata convinced with a complex face.
"Well, if you figure this out, it's enough. It's a quick story...... well that's just because the data on this rifle is too dangerous, and Murata is right, and you get caught up in the law. Besides, I've never fired a gun or anything, so let's erase this data... oh, but Murata... you must have bought that thing you asked for, right?
"Yes... over there..."
There were a lot of things there that I didn't understand.
Long dos on a tuna demolition knife, a Zoringen luxury army knife, a stick-handed backsword on a cross-handed sword, and a domed hemispherical capsule with an unidentified transparent, crushed iron sphere for huge building demolitions. The tip of a diamond drill for mine mining... and it was priced at 320,000 yen on a pico hammer, even an M134 mini-gun air gun... I don't know what you're willing to do...
"Now, if you have to, you might have to go 'discuss' this, eh, Ojoho?"
"Yes, no executive director... that's why it's better not to..."
"Eh, it's a motilone, you'd better not have it... so? Well, in view of the precedent... hey? Ho ho ho ho."
What the hell is Reiko talking about... the term 'discussion' that means so much... well when it comes to types like Reiko being interesting... it's generally decided that it's not even Loc...
"So, Shirano-sensei, I'm glad that Yokohama City will cooperate on this matter."
"Yes, Prime Minister. If you are in general obsolete, no problem. No, rather, the mayor was extremely aggressive."
"So if you're looking for debris in the northeast, Valme will relay it to the current collection site for recovery."
"Yes. Osaka got an understanding of the example mayor and governor combination. I'll make use of that Izumi Sano City landfill to collect it. This also means using Valme. Those in Shikoku, China, Kyushu, Okinawa and Hokkaido also have a vision."
"Fine. Now you can also say that the Yalburn Organisation for Economic Cooperation has done a decent job, hahahaha"
The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Akinori Shibano, was visiting Gotobe to report on the progress of the Yalburn Economic Cooperation Organization.
"Right, Prime Minister. This will move the foundation to Sansek as it is, and come on, Yalburn, if it can operate as a proprietary corporation. Well, I don't know how many years ahead the complete transition to the Yalburn side..."
"Well, you just have to take your time with that. But was it that Yalburn science bureau? Director Jilma Ders Teller there is quite an idea man."
"Yeah, I didn't think you could get suggestions from the other side in that way. I still think they study the situation quite well on the Japanese side...... but...... haha...... that one is 164 years old on Earth time...... is 82 years old on earth for physical age? He's a healthy old man."
Shirano gives a look like "I'm here" because of his head.
And Gotobe.
"So was that deputy director, Neela Ders Meml? Are you sure it's the Director's granddaughter? You..."
"Yes, I'm 32 years old at Earth age and 16 years old at physical age. Iseira still seems to be a 'child', but because of her excellence, she said she was promoted to deputy director in 'flying class' globally. This one looks like an adorable Iseira daughter, but this one is so good that she can't beat her grandfather again, and she seems to be acting as Director Zilma's excellent right arm."
"Ha, you seem to have a lot of talent, Yalburn has..."
"Not at all, Prime Minister."
What the hell are Gotobe and Shirano talking about, we were talking about a business plan for the advancement of the Yalburn Organization for Economic Cooperation, a 'foundation' approved by Congress to acquire foreign currency in Yalburn.
So, what the hell kind of business are we going to do?
This was taken and considered by various Japanese parties, namely the Yalburn Economic Cooperation Organization, among which ideas came up from various ministries, such as' tourism ',' transport 'and' energy '.
But none of that makes me feel bad. In other words, if you do all of them, you can make a lot of money, but if you do it, all of Japan's competitors will suffer a lot of damage as originally expected.
The only leading one was' tourism '...... less fruitful.
So, on the contrary, Zilma and Neela, scientists on the Yalburn side, suggested
"Obsolescence Recovery and Rehabilitation"
Looking back at what Zilma and Neela said in the Japan Extraterritorial Zone conference hall when they suggested this...
"Huh... When I listen to Nihon's officials, I think you're all making some kind of weird misconception, Na."
Zilma speaks with a touch of a feathered beard grown on her chin with a mosha mosha.
The appearance is that slightly moist feathered hair is jizzy, like a scholar of a theory of relativity.
"Misunderstood?... say?
and one of the officials asks Zilma
"Um, thank you, Nihon. Everyone seems to think of the highquan as a miracle device that creates a presence from scratch... that's not true."
"No, but our understanding is that it is..."
"The Lord of A, such a convenient mon, can't be in this world."
With that said, Zilma gets up with Yoisho, goes all the way to the top, and starts writing something cuckoo with a pen on the whiteboard.
What Japanese. That's the director of the science bureau, Japanese characters seem to have been mastered at last. Japanese staff were also surprised by this.
"First things first, Na, when you make things out of high quarns, you need elements. The lady from Felferia said it before... but the eagles will be traveling by boat for a long time, so the supply in kind must remain. So, from various places… well, we're going to take the interstellar matter from the universe and the material collected from all kinds of planetary satellites and store it at atomic level in a high quan, in waste, in the bodies of our compatriots, in excreta. '
All staff on the Japanese side become students and listen to Jirma.
"For example, carbon is carbon, carbon that elemented people's shit, carbon that broke down from Kaboom Phew Phew Phew Phew Phew Phew Phew Phew Phew Phew Phew Phew Phew, carbon is carbon, you know?
"Uhm, it's the high quarn that allows you to freely bond the elements you collect from all those places to produce matter. And another characteristic of highquarn is that you can tease the elements into converting them into other elements... For example, you don't...“ gold ”in a way that the Nihons can easily understand. Whether it's gold or not, it takes too much monetary economy to say" rubber "in your scientific power, right? But with Washi and other technologies, it's easy to convert“ Swiggin ”to gold, which can be obtained anywhere as waste, for example, on Earth."
It is also well known today in science that gold can be produced by irradiating mercury with gamma rays and causing atomic nuclei to collapse.
But when it comes to doing this, it takes years and money to make virtually no sense.
Tierkumasuka's scientific skills and technology, Heikuan, which makes it easy, are truly Tondemonai.
With that in mind, the staff on the Japanese side listens to the lecture of the director and the oyster to notes and notes.
"I mean, then, it doesn't take the right kind of" scrubbing. "If you can make anything pompous, you don't need a high-quan distribution right, because it takes the corresponding" rub, "so you control the creation with those" distribution rights. "
"That means, Mr. Zilma, the cost when you make things in high quarns is when you translate them into our monetary economy..."
'Uhm, Lord, you've noticed a pretty good place, that's not what I'm talking about. In other words, in your concept of "rubbing"... it's unusually "cheap". I can't even put "nedan" on a unit called "okane" anymore... but it still takes a rub. So it's in Washi and other countries that we all have equal distribution systems, with the constraint of highquarn usage rights. "
The staff on the Japanese side were convinced. Then there will be some way to open it.
"So hey, here's a suggestion from me and the others... it's really my granddaughter's idea... don't let Neela, Omae's idea, and everyone in Japan hear it."
Zilma invites her pretty granddaughter to call her.
"Ha Yi, Uncle Sama"
Neela has a back length of about 150 cm and a small twin-tailed feathery hairstyle look is an adorable girl.
The Japanese staff will be surprised by their appearance and review the list of participants.
I don't care how you look at it, it's about a freshman year in high school.
However, the list of participants reads' Deputy Director '.
The Japanese staff meets each other in the face.
Go next to Totetote and Zilma...... no, I stumbled on it as soon as I tried to go and bitched it straight from the front! and cocked to banzai.
Beat up the Japanese documents that I had and the very important character brush boxes, writing equipment and character notes that I bought in Japan.
Writing equipment on the brush box and a picture of a pretty noseless cat character on the notebook.
"Phew ~..."
Neela that makes me half cry.
The Japanese staff will gather documents and writing equipment in advance.
Hi Doji, looks like you have a daughter attribute... The staff on the Japanese side is a little anxious.
So, I get an introduction from Zilma.
Thielkmasca salute, Pecori and Neela bowing her head.
Looks a little bumpy.
"Er... earlier, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry Nasai... Er, I'll explain what I thought of Jiggio."
Neela has created a VMC monitor to show certain data to Japanese staff.
"Et, this is the data that I researched and researched after researching the materials submitted by the Japanese government, but in Nihon, recycling garbage and waste is now being used as a national policy, sir."
That said, the staff shakes their necks vertically with the un.
"But, Mo, my research suggests that even municipalities that have a lot of garbage and waste reconstitution rates are about 30 percent of total garbage emissions, so, so, so, that Hotondo is burned."
Humhum and listening staff.
"Na, so take that garbage, sir. Uh, if you leave it with us, we'll elementally disassemble it and reconfigure it into all sorts of materials you want, so I want you to buy that reconstituted material by serving an octopus."
Neela says.
In particular, he wants us to buy it because the huge amount of debris and debris generated by the massive crust fluctuation disaster that occurred before Yalburn came to Earth, which is now a problem in Japan, will also be elementally decomposed and reconstructed into materials and rebuilt.
Japanese staff became noisy after hearing this story.
So is that. Because it was the most headache problem in Japan today.
One of the Japanese staff asks Neela excitedly.
"Chi, hey, wait a minute, Mr. Neela. Now, we have the problem that the earthquake debris is contaminated with something harmful in our world called“ radioactivity, "and you're saying we can do something about it?
"Uh, hi. I think you might have mentioned“ zirail fission line capability material "in the scientific terms of the eagles, but you can... when decomposing the elements, you can micro-transfer only zirail fission line material, transfer it to about 1,000 kilometers in the ground, fill it up, put it in space, throw it away."
After listening to the words, the Japanese staff becomes even more colorful.
"Uh, uh, so, everyone in Nihon seems to be using this“ zirail fission phenomenon, "but that energy production facility was damaged by a catastrophe, and it's a big deal, isn't it?
The staff all nod again in total.
The angle of nodding increases step by step.
'It may only take a moment, but this facility, too, if you can elementally break it down by facility, I'll do it...'
The staff who listened to this word are no longer at the meeting.
The one who just stood up and jumped out of the room, knocking down a chair on the way. Who takes out their smartphones and speaks out loud. It became a slight fuss.
"E?...... e?... Did I say something nice? ……
Neela stunned by that sama, slamming her hands and horny...... I wolf to see the Japanese making a fuss about leaving Neela alone on the way to the meeting.
Almost cried again...
My grandfather was nicoting next to it...
"... and that's how it felt, and the rep said it was a real shock then"
Shirano talks with a laugh hahahaha.
"Yeah, I doubted my ears when I got that report too... but that's Tierkmaska or Izeira, I can't believe I could really do that..."
"Yes, now we can return the inhabitants who live there"
But Gotobe gets a little silent.
"Prime Minister?"
"Hmm? Oh, excuse me, Dr. Shirano... yes, aside from that story, the Yalburn side, after high-quarn elemental reductions and conversions of waste, garbage, etc., materializes and regenerates what we need minus the elements. So it feels good in the direction of the business of selling it?
"Ah, yes. I thought that was pretty much settled. And then the rest of the tourist business will continue to do so in collaboration with government-designated tourists."
"I see, but you also thought to yourself, Mr. Neela... if they use all sorts of things on the planet to create resources in the highquarn, the planet's economy will be in havoc..."
"Yeah, so I think Umai's way of letting me use the unnecessary stuff I've been using, the stuff I'm going to dispose of, and take that 'regeneration fee'"
"Right, this won't even have that much impact on the market. Anyway, we're just talking about returning the waste to its original raw materials, and the kind of garbage and industrial waste that we dump illegally could be returned to fine resources to make money, so companies and industrial scrappers in the world would wish and fulfill it."
"Yeah, well, there's also the possibility that if it works, it can be returned to the budgets of each municipality. So I guess every municipality is cooperative."
"Now, in that direction, please"
"Yes... but..."
Shirano puts his hand on his forehead and looks a little sinister.
"? Is there a problem?
"Yeah, it's a planned gathering place in Osaka, but there's a little trouble left... so I have to fix that..."
"Trouble? Are you kidding me, Garg?
"Well... it depends on the way you look at whether that's a garg or not, well, it's a garg, and whatever... for once, there's nothing I can't solve with gold (kane), but if I do that, there seems to be a lot of problems..."
"So, yes, the Itsuji Group's Yarburn business representative has also told me that Koch wants me to take care of it..."
What's this all about? And Gotobe looked a little surprised...
Rinku Town, Izumi Sano, Osaka Prefecture
At the same time as Kansai International Airport opened, it was a city planned by the Osaka Prefecture Enterprise Bureau as a sub-urban center of Osaka as part of its urban planning project, but until about 2002 only about 45 percent of its concessions were filled, a city famous as a major failure of the Osaka Prefecture's urban planning project… or "vacant land area", but since 2003, as a result of the introduction of the Osaka Prefecture's regular land rental system, there has been a corporate rush to enter and now 95 percent of the land is filled with results.
However, with about five percent remaining, the vast amount of land on the north side of Rinwun Town has not yet been filled, and he wanted to fill it as a province as well, but the Itsuzi Group planned to buy up this remaining five percent of the land and move it to Yalburn as a repository for the production and disposal of renewable resources.
And because of the proximity of the port, it was also to be used as a base for exporting highly precise recycled materials in Yalburn......
"I see, is this what you mean? It's a common pattern......" Shiraki talks with a nibble.
"I've never negotiated with these people..." said Kashiwaki, who seems depressed with his head.
'Peaceful ni solution. It won't be deadbeat. Ka......' anxious looking Fell.
"Mr. Felferia, I don't listen to these people with their mouths, so it's a good idea to teach them with your body once..."
and Reiko with her index finger up and teaching Fell.
Reiko had now come all the way to Osaka for an inspection of the planned construction site of the facility in that Rindown.
Kashiwaki and Fell as officials.
I'm taking my fiancée Shiraki with me in a relationship.
The site is to be built with a large tread and a tall tongue wall on the barbed wire.
Inside the premises, it is impossible to find out.
And there they are, with huge cross sections, big letters like you wanted to paint them with paint.
[Opposition to the construction of industrial and abandoned agglomerations!
[Don't pollute the city!
[Don't turn Rinku into a garbage dump!
It says... but...
If you look closely... in small letters...
[The Japanese government apologizes to service comfort women!
[Toshima is my territory!
[Aliens go home!
[Long live the Earth Federation!
It says etc...... haha......
[Long live the Emperor!
[Hachi Ichiyu]
[We don't need aliens in Japan!
etc... so...
"Ha... what the heck these guys..."
Kashiwagi with his hands on his forehead.
"Really... what you're saying is a mess, Kukuku... it's them."
Laughing Shiraki.
And Reiko invites Fel with a choice...
"Mr. Felferia, Mr. Feriferia, look, read this, uhhhhhhhhhh"
"E?... is this deadbeat?... uh, y... y... la... '
Here's what it said there.
[Iseira's bird head is a grilled chicken.]
"Triatama?... Why does our hair have to do with Yakitori?
"Ugh, you know," Birdhead, "Gonyo Gonyo..."
Reiko tells Fell to ear.
Between the frowns of Fell's face, I can see the wrinkles coming in step by step...
And after the ultimate wrinkle came by, he gradually moved to a calm face... his eyes sat still and Fell moved to Golden Ivos Cara Mode...
Yes... bird head (Tori Atama)... meaning so-called 'idiot'.
"Chickens forget things in three steps." That's what I put on Fells' hair.
(Ahhh, I don't know, Oi...)
And Kashiki thinks...... but it's too late. At this point a peaceful solution became impossible…
"So, Reiko, these ultimate idiots, what the hell are these guys"
Seems like Shiraki is already enjoying the situation as well, passing through the shock.
"Yeah, he's called a sitter."
"A sitter?... Doesn't that mean UEF, right wing or left wing or something like that?
"Of course, why can [Long Live the Emperor] live with people who say [Solo Island is our territory] or something like that?"
"That's right, but there's also a lot of Attch on the right wing of the street, right?
"Well, you know, there are some of them, but it's got research on it. Not this time."
"Then what is it?"
"Yakuza, or gang. The guys from the Indulgence Castle Island group."
Then Kashiwagi.
"Eh... when I say the Gondo Castle Island group... isn't it the biggest wide-area gang in Kansai!
"Well, they're sitting there pretending to be local residents. You're lying about opposing the construction of a gathering place here, after all, you're the money. Evacuation fees, bid rigging, all sorts of things."
"I see..."
"So, you're sitting there posing as a left-wing tissue."
But...... and Shiraki...
"So [Long Live the Emperor] or [Hachi Ichiyu] isn't it, Kukukuku..."
"I mean the contents of the head to that extent, uhhhhhhhh"
Then I sat my eyes down and I heard Fell.
"Keller Leiko, I mean, the anothers can be considered a“ garg "de shin..."
"Well, could it be something similar? Either way, I'm pretty sure it's social rubbish."
"Wow, so, what do I do? The quickest way to blow up this castle fortress is with a zilfeld blaster. Ga...... '
Well, that's just a joke... Fell seems to be coming to the 'Chicken Crown (or something)' as the word goes...
Kashiwaki sympathized with these thugs... I don't know, what kind of weapon is Jilfeld Blaster...
"Either way, this land is' our land legally and historically 'in fashionable terms right now, so we need to put Chacha and Kata on to get the example plan on track... why take too much care of it?"
"But Reiko, I knew you'd call the police here..."
"What are you talking about? Mr. Kashiwagi... so please let these people do the art of" Ah - Our City - Uh-huh "and" State Power - "in front of the press. It would be like feeding that abata-faced attorney around Mr. Gotobe. That would stretch the plan again, and that would allow for a real 'garg' bounce… even if you solve it with the money, you'll taste it and do the same thing elsewhere again. And now that we have the revised assault laws, if we solve it with money, our company will be as guilty as they are."
So Shiraki...
"That's right, Kashiwagi, oh those guys are professionals in those 'vulnerable crime'. Sometimes a yakuza could have been replaced by a real left wing... Seriously, if you don't put it on quickly, this is where the dust comes from."
"But hey... Yakuza, right? I need to think about thanking you."
"So don't worry about this one, yo, Masatosan."
"Contact Keller Yamamoto in Ato and tell Shie and Chief Zerue that if anything happens to us, we will raid the home of the“ Jouji Magmi ”..."
"Ahhh! Ok, ok...... (" Birdhead "is forbidden to Fell...... oh Kowa)"
... That's why Reiko and his line went back to the hotel and showed everyone what Reiko had in mind. I decided to decide on the operation the next night.
Kashiwaki contacted Yamamoto for now and told him the details of the matter...
"Well, if Mr. Felferia's here, you'll be fine, keep it that way. Let me know when you're done. I'm sending in the Osaka Prefectural Police."
And well, like that. It was accepted to treat it as a "Garg case” at first.
Shiraki reported to the new view and proceeded.
How did both react when I reported this to Gotobe and Mishima...
"Well... for once... it's a garg... wouldn't it be nice?... Is it a garg? Here," said Gotobe.
"Shinmi, it's you... tell the teachers everything you need to know..." said Mishima.
Since this is a domestic matter under the supervision of security committee members Shiraki and Kashiwagi...
"Eight Thousand Spear-led Melven Mandate Handling"
It was possible to respond within the scope of the Joint Japan Disaster Security Agreement as
… and the next day……
Shiraki contacted me. Omi meets me.
Thereafter, Fell contacted Sie and Zerue to rendezvous in Japanese mode... Sie is still horny. And Zerue is scared.
Kashiwagi, Shiraki, Omi, Reiko, Fer, Sie, Zerue… It is the "Seven Mervens".
"I'm listening to you for a second, but you're going to drive me out..." Big eyes, but motivated man.
"Chiateyal with Tanoshi Soudakara" and Shie, grinding hook nails in Japanese.
"Sooooooooo here it is. Because my body was dull here, Na 'and Zerue, the prep movement is complete. Adjusting Stan Rifle.
"Well... it's been a" garg project ”for a while, so I'm not dressed up without you guys, I'm sorry..."
"Well, fine, either way, if we don't do something about that place, the example 'business plan' won't move forward, will it?
"That's right... Itsuji, it's pretty serious."
"Hum, Sono Atari Hawakatta...... de, Fermo Join Sulnoka?
Kashiwagi says so, and he looks at Fell all the time.
Felsan sits his eyes and puts out or pulls a light sphere in his right hand...... he is ready.
".................. Hi, Sonoyodes..."
So, Zellye.
"So, what do you do with Dana from Keller Shiraki?
"Ah? Is that me?... Kashiwagi, FG-42I, make me another one with your PVMCG, I'm sure it's been scoped, so I can cover it."
"Huh? Shiraki, you in too!?
"There's no way you won't - because you're one of the directors for once... well, I'll pull the most legs out of this, so I'll even let you back up"
I wonder what "backward support” is...
"Hi... ha... oh, yeah, what about Reiko?
"Don't worry about me, I'm ready. Ohohohohoho."
Kashiwaki waves his mouth, convinced.
"Uh... but well... once I make an" eviction recommendation ”to them... otherwise, there will be no negotiator's position..."
But I feel like it's useless...
('Cause why am I taking my head off at some point!! When it came to Reiko...!!
and Kashiwaki screaming in my heart......
Pretty bad foreboding.
"Keller Shiraki"
Fell goes by Shiraki and talks to him.
"Hmm? What is it? Mr. Felferia."
"Lend me Keller's Zerquote"
"Huh? Huh... go ahead"
When Shiraki removes the civilian PVMCG from his arm, he passes it to Fell.
Fell implanted it to penetrate the whitewood PVMCG when he removed a small medal form from the pouch.
"Keller, I've upgraded Keller's civilian zel quote with this chip. Now you can use your personal shield yo '
"Personal Shield? Did Kashiwagi use it before?"
"That would help. Excuse me."
Shiraki thanking Pecori.
"Keller Omi, you too..."
"Oh, Mr. Felferia, I'm fine. The Eight Thousand Spear Task Force is all receiving a new local PVMCG."
"A, yes Ka, I get it Ta...... then Keller Leiko too......"
Trying to say that, Reiko...
"Ah, Mr. Felferia, I'm fine, too, ufff"
"E? De too......"
"Just how you feel is enough. But I'm fine. Well, it means fun then."
"Ha, ha..."
Fell puts his neck up. Without a personal shield. How? and…
"Hmm? What?
That said, Fell sent some data to Kashiwaki's PVMCG.
"Oh? What's this?"
"Hi, this is a slightly modified data from the“ Bibi "used by Masatosan for the joo called" Efuji-Menjoo ”."
"Huh? Modifying BB bullets?
"Hi. In proportion to the acceleration of the balls at the moment of firing, I kept it in such a way that the balls would charge. This will give you the same effect as a stun blaster. At the same time, I have disarmed Zerquot's 'Armed Level 2', Ta. '
"Haha, well, thanks Fell"
I guess this is also Fell's compassion for Kashiwaki.
Kashiwagi slaps Fell's head gently with a pom. And Fell, who looks happy in Nico...... but his eyes are still sitting still for a bit.
Looking at Fell's face like that... Kashiwagi is getting more and more annoyed at the people who say, "Birdhead eat roasted chicken" about the Fells Iseira people too...
Now, what the hell are the Kashiwagis going to do?
... Well, I guess I'll see...
Rather than Reiko's maneuver... there's talk of just rich Daoists... well, everyone who reconfirms the maneuver.
............... and the middle of the night came.
Seven people who came by car rental to a planned assembly site.
Open the butterflies and doors and step down jarring the unpaved ground.
Speaking of “The Seven," I'd love to play Elmer Bernstein's song refreshingly, but that doesn't suit me either in this schematic of midnight.
Which place is Fumio Hayasaka?
Kashiwagi looks like his usual double suit. Hold a loudspeaker in your hand.
Fell is in his usual Iseira uniform. My eyes are still set.
Shiraki is in light cotton bread for urban camouflage. Niyake-face with both hands in a pocket.
Reiko dresses up somewhat like an expedition...... wears an expedition hat and says patsy with a beautiful fan. It was worn during the Southeast Asian Public-Private Joint Undertaking.
At first glance, he wore jeans in a denim jacket. That doesn't exactly translate into camouflage clothing.
Sie is in the usual Japanese mode. The model walk is colorful.
Zerue's Japanese mode is...... Koch is more yakuza.
What Kashiwagi and the others are trying to do... it's...
"… testes… Ah, everyone occupying the land owned by Itsuji Group, Inc. Can you hear me!? … you have been illegally occupying the property of corporations for a long time. No, no, no, no. Evacuate!... I'll give you a respite for the next hour! Oops! If you do not leave, the Japanese government will authorize you to execute the" Enforcement Fee "in accordance with Paragraph 15 of the JTT Convention!
Kashiwagi speaks out loud, with the loudspeaker against his mouth and the occasional sound of pi ~.
"Enforcement on Enforcement" … it is a compulsory exercise of administrative authority by the Administrative Agency of what the obliged person is supposed to do in the event that the obliged person does not fulfil an administrative or legal obligation.
It is usually an act of coercion carried out in various forms, such as administrative powers and court orders, such as the exclusion of persons who do not comply with laws and regulations, such as those who illegally occupy and privatize public places, or publicly annoying beings like garbage mansions.
In this case, there is an obstacle to the implementation of the treaty with Yalburn to the illegal occupation of private land, the possibility of criminal concealment, well, a lot.
It was certified as "Garg," and Kashiwagida's security committee members came with the authority of the executor.
Then some people peek this way from the lookout (Yagura).
"Hi, this! It's a warrant, too. Come on, I don't want to do anything stupid, I wonder if you'll leave me alone! ……
That said, a few men wearing masks from the
"Huh? This is how I occupy it because I'd be in trouble if they brought me dirty dirty trash. I'm doing this for the residents, I don't want to say anything stupid, just go home - hehehehahahahahaha!
"Tyranny of state power. Hang on. Yikes! hehe."
"Can I have a seven-person potch? If you're a different lady there, you're welcome."
It must be about Sie.
"Oh, hey you guys, look over there, there's a bird head...... korah - you can see it in the bird eye at this hour - sleep quietly in the bird hut hey - hehahahaha!
Finally, they said something they shouldn't...
Fell's eyes sat perfectly.
His eyes are sitting still, but in Fell's brain he says, 'Dockern! in a' state.
(Ah-ah, I told you...) and Kashiwaki on the head. Take Fell's shoulder, I don't know what to do.
(You're dead... these guys...) and Shiraki with his head on. I'll chant the Buddha to them.
(Don't be shy...) I'm going to start setting up PVMCG at a glance.
(Triatama? Souit, ferha rage renoka......) I'm going to say it next time sie.
(I'm not sure if it's Na, but is it time?) and Zerue who will feel like a man with seven wounds.
"What a creature are you, Nanode Ka?
That said, Reiko.
"It's a vicious beast called Yakuza, Mr. Felferia. Don't hesitate... Kashiwagi-san, it's a negotiated decision, isn't it?
"Ok...... then Reiko, please hahahaha"
"Yes, I accept. Okay then..."
Kashiwaki creates two FG-42I stands and throws one of them, with a scope, onto Shiraki and gives it to him.
When Shiraki receives it in a puff, he unloads the bipot and lowers the bolt in a bash.
At first glance, Stan Rapid Gun. Zerue is a Stan Rifle. Cie causes the hook claws to be created in both hands.
And Fell charges his right hand.
I saw that, and the yakuza side said, "Hey, what the hell!" "What are they doing!" and began to move hastily.
Reiko walked to the front barricade gate and activated the PVMCG…
Made a fucking stupid big guy, "Diamond Drill for Mine Mining," into the air.
"Hey, what are you doing!
Yakuza panics and yells.
"Here's what we're gonna do. Yo!
Reiko hits the barricade gate at the same time as a "sooooooooooooo" gesture as she spins the drill fast with Gungu.
Kashiwaki and Shiraki, Osamu, who had heard the story as an operation, were also astonished when they saw the sight...
Even Sie, Zerue and Fer are pokens for too unscrupulous an act.
Fell didn't think.
"Keller, Leiko! Your Zerquot is definitely for folk...... mo but hacking!
"Ohohohoho, no, Mr. Felferia, I'll tell you later."
"Ha, yes......"
With that sight in mind, the sitting eyes became normal, too, Fell.
The drill breaks the steel cannula at the gate and crushes it to pieces.
Reiko swings the drill to the left and to the right in a freakishly free-flowing manner.
The front barricade area was completely crushed.
"All right! Let's go!
Going first is a big look.
Thereafter Sie and Zerue continue.
"Well, here I am. Give it to me."
Shiraki lines up in a promising position, stands a bipot of FG-42I, and peeks into the scope.
"Well, let's go, Fell."
"Hi. Masatosan, cover me, sir. '
"Aye, Fell is more professional like this."
Fell and Kashiwaki also entered.
"Thank you for your support, Chong-hyung."
"Yes, yes, please go"
A sitting gang elimination operation has begun in the name of "Enforcement Bills Enforcement"...
The entire contents of the site barricade were unexpectedly heavy.
The gangsters built their own warehouses at some point, and although there was a surge, it was a fine facility for something.
And there seems to be a hundred people inside.
I'm also surprised at the number of people, but they thought it was pretty organized behavior.
And it's been quite a riot.
Chimps attacking with Japanese swords and geba sticks. Zerue buries those people with bats, bare hands and a stanrifle...... no, he stuns them.
"Nah, is this what this is all about?
Zerue can afford it.
Shie is a sharp hook claw, slashing the leg of the wax... the wax falls down with a sound of a mistletoe.
The asshole who was inside is thrown out, losing his mind.
From behind, a big sight restrains the noob chimps from one end. And cover Sie and Zerue. Stan Rapid Gun protects the two backs.
Fell kicks the wall upstairs in the warehouse with its lightness and the power of the suit and runs up with a shortcut.
Defeat the protective chimp at the second floor entrance in a flash with a light sphere emitted from the charged right arm.
"Fell... wow..."
Kashiwagi also climbed the stairs and hurried upstairs.
Osamu understood the words of Shie, who had previously said in Hokkaido, to that appearance of the fer.
Then...... I hear multiple 'gunshots' from upstairs.
I heard Fell's disgusting voice.
"Huh!? Gunshots!"
Kashiwagi is wary.
"It's okay, Death! Masatosan! '
Kashiwaki approaches Fell, who hides herself in a drum can.
"Are you hurt?
"Hi. I was surprised because it was sudden. '
Kashiwagi looks at Fell's body... and is relieved that he seems indifferent.
Well, I also have a personal shield, so I guess I'll be okay.
"But... what do you mean by gunfire? It wasn't just a chimpy yakuza..."
"Masatosan, I'm going to look at that... it's the same shape that Masatosan saw in our house."
"What! Huh!? That's AK!
Avtomat Karasinikov type 47. It is a gun manufactured in Russia today by the company Konzern Karasinikov, which has become a private company. It is generally known for its AK and Karasinico rifles.
In Japan, it is a substitute for what has become famous for past large-scale terrorist attacks by emerging religious groups.
Assault rifles used in Russia and the former Communist countries, with few copies.
It is the most used gun in the world. The nickname attached is' The World's Smallest Weapons of Mass Destruction '
It is also a terrible weapon, whether buried in the sand or operating normally, from a structure whose structure is simple and not deliberately precise and whose “yawning” is high.
In China, copies of the licensed product Modoki, also known in formula 56.
Communication enters Kashiwaki's PVMCG... It's a big sight working hard outside.
"Hey Kashiwaki! Isn't that the shooting right now!?
"Oh! Oh, they've got AKs... and whoa, whoa, whoa... whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
"This is a clam pull... it's not 'like a garg', it's a real 'garg', you guys!... mixed up with white people."
The white man seems to be talking with a curly tongue when he does.
Everyone who heard that communication sharpened their eyeballs.
"Reiko, back off! These guys are gags. Yakuza and I are stuck! I can't do this with an amateur!
Shiraki releases FG42 with a bang to yakuza and unidentified white opponents springing up from nowhere in the vast grounds.
The sniper arm I worked out with Savage was not in vain. Cover Reiko's retreat.
They also shoot a tattered AK and fight back.
One white garg came shooting at Reiko...
Shiraki screams...
Reiko's PVMCG sounded a warning... Then I wondered if the area around Reiko had glowed, and the domed object covered her up.
AK's 7.62 mm bullet hits that dome, but plays a bullet once dull with Bishibishi.
"Oh ho ho ho ho ho! No use, no use!
Reiko laughs high with her hands on her mouth and in the rain of a bullet.
"Nani! Zerquote de for folk life, shield dato!
Sie looking at it, looking away, genuinely surprised.
He is grabbing the collar of a chimp with a swollen face on his right hand.
'Oh, come on, what do you mean? Miss Leiko, what did you do?
I'm surprised at the unlikely situation of Zerue either.
Around Zerue, there were about five disoriented chimps, their corpses... no, they were exposed to ugliness.
"Reiko! Oh, what have you done..."
What did you say? It's easy. We just virtually created a bulletproof ultra-hard acrylic glass dome made by Sean Security, USA… what a wonderful thing to do with these bean cannons. "
Shiraki shrugged back at me when I heard that... he said he couldn't get a normal guy like that... that's rich.
"Mi, zelquot de for folk life, sonna usage y gaatta toha......"
Seriously amazing sie.
"Ah, that lady, she's not the same."
Zerue agrees.
When Shiraki honks at once, he communicates to Kashiwagi.
"Hey Kashiwaki! I'm sorry this isn't just enforcement! Don't call the police!
'Okay! And contact me so I can turn the 8,000 spear squad around too! Kolya, this is not normal!
"Duh, what's up!?
'Now I've got the second floor of the warehouse under control with Fell... but I've discovered tons of smuggled weapons! ……
"... I have ten cases... I also found RPG..."
"What the hell! ……
"Anyway, please hurry up"
"Wow, okay."
Kashiwagi had fought the evidence before.
I didn't expect such a bump to be able to seize so much in this Japan... it's not normal.
"Masatosan... what's the big barrel ahead of you, Des?
"Oh, that's an anti-tank rocket launcher called RPG-7..."
"Yeah, it's a weapon that infantry grabs when they attack tanks on this planet..."
"Do you want Sensha?... thats ha... maybe even personal shield can't prevent death '
"Oh... the Garg guys, they were using this place as a yakuza and a base for weapons smuggling..."
Rocket launchers and grenade launchers are among the weapons recently seized from gangs in Japan as well. It also includes grenades and assault rifles.
Kashiwaki, who had a good eye for such news, wondered if the route to its acquisition came from places like this...
(What if... Barrett at the dedication ceremony also came from something like this? ……
Naturally, it was a question to think about...
"Ohhhhhhhh! That's it! That's it! Are we done here?
Reiko sometime caused two M134 mini guns Reiko custom air guns, creating a separate belt of bullets.
He was holding Kashiwaki's FG42 coarsely powerful Gatling Air Gun in both hands and shooting it around with high laughter.
Voaaaaaaaaa...... roaring a creepy spinning sound like that, showering bullets at the gargoons to discharge water.
Besides, while doing that, he was letting the air create a cross-handed backsword, a stick-handed backsword, a knife, a tuna knife and a pico pico hammer to track down the escaping yakuza...... it is a whisper "Mr. Full Armor Reiko Dendrobium".
The Gargs and the Yakuzas were all screaming and rolling around... it must have hurt pretty bad... naturally.
And Reiko... that's rich...
Sie and Zerue are already intangible.
It was Reiko's private arena...
Three people see Reiko's high figure like that: Shiraki, Shie and Zerue.
Doing so, I could hear the siren in the police car coming from the other side...... but it had already been cleared up in advance.
... but...
Dogga! and smashed through the warehouse door, and a large truck popped out.
Shiraki screaming. Reiko screaming.
Reiko also has good motor nerves...... he threw out a minigun and said, "Ha!" Turn around and turn yourself away from the truck rampage.
Then Fell and Kashiwaki jumped out that butch torn door.
"Hey! Stop that truck!
"So's Toraku! It's tough stuff! Stop it!
and scream.
"Duh, what's up, Kashiwaki!
Big sight screams.
"Fine, stop it!
The truck was trying to escape the first buch-breaking barricade.
"I get it! You can stop it!
Reiko brilliantly touches PVMCG and deploys a VMC monitor.
And punch the icon with the bomb mark on it...... set your aim on the truck trying to escape and push it punchy.
A giant crushed iron sphere like the one that worked in the "Asama Mountain Villa Incident" was created directly above the truck, and the momentum dropped to good effect.
What a hard to describe dodecai metal sound, like sounding around, the carrier is pulverized and the truck is rolled over, stopped? I did....
"Alright! Handle it! Reiko!"
"It's Subarashii, Keller Leiko"
Two people honoring Reiko.
"You're welcome...... by the way Kashiwagi-san, what's wrong with that truck?
"Yeah, you can tell if you go"
"Hi, that“ Toraku "was loaded with the worst of the worst..."
Kashiwaki has a slightly more serious look. Same with Fell.
Everyone is surprised by the words and rushes over to the truck...
"Ko, koru......" he said. It's a messy face.
"Oh... I've never seen the real thing before, either," Shiraki said.
"Chicuunimo, Collega Arnoca...... Yulsen......" and Sie.
'Ah, this can't be the only one...' said Zerue.
"No way, so many... how..." Reiko said.
The load was smashed to one side of the road with Reiko's unleashed crushed iron ball.
What's in it...
It was drugs...
Ten billion dollars at the end price, a lot of drugs.
"If a lot of these bumps go out into the city, I'm sorry I'm joking..."
Shiraki arms up and talks with a reluctant face that doesn't seem like it.
"Oh, with this amount, don't let one municipality perish..."
At first sight, wrinkles between the eyebrows as well.
"Katsute, the old Nidastalno colonial planet Ga, Kolede One Destroyed Nda...... Koleja Kono Space Niatte Hanaranai Monoda......"
Sie puts a pitiful look in his eyes.
Saying so, Sie goes to the driver's seat of the truck, kicks through the window doggedly, grabs the driver's chest inside... but the driver is so frightened.
When Sie tongues "chip," he releases his hand.
Doing that, an Osaka Prefectural Police patrol car sounded a siren and came without a herd.
Behind it is also accompanied by trucks of land militias. Yes, a new 8,000 spear unit.
"You finally arrived... it's our turn here. Hey, big look, let's go."
"Yeah, I got it."
Osamu and Shiraki spoke to the detective in charge of the "Organized Crime Department" of the Osaka Prefectural Police who arrived.
When the two showed detectives their security commissioner IDs, the detectives were gently saluting.
Provincial police detain and arrest stunned yakuzas and whites rolling all over the place.
Looks like quite a few of them escaped, putting up an emergency alert line quickly.
There will probably be an interrogation going on all over Kansai right now.
The provincial police also seemed to be just surprised by the amount of weapons and drugs they had seized, and the story was that it was unprecedented to seize this much of the bump.
Kashiwagi and the others will then accompany them to the prefectural police headquarters in the central district and accompany them to the prefectural police inquiry.
Well, regarding this, there's also the rooting of Mishima, and it'll be over soon.
Even then, Fell and the prefectural police detective were a little surprised to hear about the Zerue and Sie Japanese versions of the situation.
So, where's Reiko? … said that before the provincial police arrived, Fell immediately transferred him to his home with a transfer device.
Because of these seven, the only civilians were Reiko.
Exactly a civilian, the act is a lot more complicated, so Reiko decided to do it with six people except Reiko, and Reiko immediately returned it to the house.
Well, with Fell, Sie, and Zellye, there's no excuse whatsoever.
Besides, the provincial police who made me put up all those big handles couldn't keep them down.
In the police, solving cases of guns, drugs and counterfeit bills is the highest point of birth…
Now, after that, the land in Rinwun Town, which also completed the site verification, was properly maintained and the construction of the assembly site began.
Construction was also carried out under the strict operational control of Itsuzi to inspect estimates and check whether they were being carried out for a legitimate amount, even when Itsuzi-led former, properly competitive tenders were made and the successful construction company requested work from subcontractors. This is so that they will not be forced to carry out unattended work.
Now Yalburn's foreign-currency acquisition business will finally be on track.
Iseira technicians are also involved in its assembly site construction, and it appears that considerable advanced facilities have been constructed.
Its construction speed was also fairly fast, and Valme flew in regularly to Rinkutown, where he was also seen building chemical treatment facilities and such in a flash like a 3D printer with high quarn technology, making it also a little specialty of Rinkutown...
Kashiwagi is then called to the official residence in Gotobe and Mishima.
He wanted me to lend him a little wisdom...
"Good morning, Prime Minister, Mishima Sensei"
"Good morning, Doctor."
"Good morning, Kashiwagi-san."
Kashiwaki faces the Prime Minister's office at his usual rate.
"Looks like you had a rough day, Dr. Kashiwagi."
"hey - looks like they attached to executive director Gotsuji's road trip, what the hell no more... at some point it's like I'm getting my head off... I don't mind, hahahaha"
Kashiwagi responds with a sinister face but a smile.
"Hahaha, there are rumors on the security committee that the Seven Guards are the Seven Mervens."
Fujibe, who watches the movie a lot, laughs and responds.
"Privately, I thought it might be 'Nantka Without Benevolence'... Ah, no, no, it's not what government officials call a movie"
"Huh? I like that movie"
"Oh, really?"
That means Mishima.
"But you were handy, Dr. Kashiwagi. I did think it might be a little unscrupulous, but I didn't know it was a real gag..."
"Yeah, I thought it was a yakuza money sitting case too... but not just weapons, I didn't even know they were coming out with drugs... and the killer is the one."
An array is a foreigner... with a curly tongue pronunciation.
"Oh, there may be similar patterns in other parts of Japan."
"Yeah, it's a theory of results... maybe it's a good thing the municipality didn't respond"
The reason for this was that when municipalities responded and treated each local police case, evidence could have been erased around the preparation and they could have escaped.
Solving cases like this takes time anyway. Taking time also means' giving them time to think '.
According to the stories of Gotobe and the others, since then, there have also been extensive house searches in the Castle Island group, and all the members below the group leader have been arrested. In fact, the Castle Island group seems to have been disbanded.
He said that it was not a malicious riot on the march party either, but that he had access to public security and posed a considerable threat to the march party.
There's no way we're gonna crush this neighborhood as thoroughly as the Mafia in a gang-to-police relationship.
Because there is a great deal of ethics and ethics in the extreme. If you crush this, the extremes become just villains and mafia. Because then it could transform into a vicious organization that you can't get your hands on like a half grey.
It is a paradoxical story, but the existence of extreme roads in order not to make the evils of the world vicious can be illegal but necessary.
Extreme roads are like the walls of the world on the surface and behind. When this wall breaks down, it becomes a mafia, and the world behind it flows into the table and has a huge impact on good civil life.
This is the rule behind the world, unlike the "mafia" of other countries in Japan.
"Well, that changes the story, Doctor, but have you read the report on the industrial rehabilitation project?
"Yes, that's quite an interesting idea, is that Deputy Director Neela? I've never met him in person, but he said he's pretty good."
"Oh, everything looks Japanese, like a high school girl there, but she's the one who came up with the idea of getting rid of her baby."
"Surely if this business is established, the garbage problem in Japan and around the world will improve considerably... just..."
Kashiwaki takes the report out of the bag and turns the corresponding page in pieces.
"This is it... the idea of elementing that nuclear power station by facility... this is a bit of a catch..."
Kashiwaki puts his head on and worries a little.
Then Gotobe...
"Did Kashiwaki still bother you there too..."
"Yes, this idea, in Japan, is something I'd like to do tomorrow... but on Earth today, there are a lot of problems... it's troubling."
"Yes, if I consider the nuclear power business as a Japanese energy problem today, even if it reduces nuclear dependence in the future, if I have that idea, I can use the nuclear power station safely, so I hope or fulfill it... If I publish that technology, I can get the nuclear power stations throughout Japan back into operation even tomorrow."
"Yep. With this technology from Thielkmasca, the nuclear power station is no longer dangerous at all..."
When Kashiwagi read this report, Kashiwagi's biased knowledge spinned in full.
The result of that knowledge is…
"With this technology... it means that nuclear weapons will also become 'usable weapons'..."
Gotobe and Mishima snort...
The three views were unanimous.
If that nuclear power station uses this Tierkmasca technique, disassembling the nuclear power station and easily 'decontaminating' the radioactivity, that means making the nuclear weapon itself a weapon that can be used.
Until World War II, yes, until before the advent of nuclear weapons, the world's most aggressive weapon in this Earth world was the 'Battleship'.
You could have said battleship equals national power.
Later its seat will be replaced by an aircraft carrier, but it is a weapon that can still be described as a symbol of national power, be it its aircraft carrier.
Until the advent of the atomic bomb, the world was open to shipbuilding competition.
In fact, even in Japan at the time, the ability to domesticate outstanding military ships was said to be a 'power' because it was the only one in Asia.
But since the advent of the atomic bomb, the world has focused on ballistic ballistic development.
And the advent of intercontinental ballistics opens the curtain for the Detant era.
By the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, mankind learned that 'nuclear weapons cannot be used'.
But its power is immense, and it does not make 'winners', but it also does not make 'losers'.
It is' nuclear weapons' whose 'unusable weapons' act like the thunderbolt of God appearing in the apocalyptic world, presiding over the stability of today's world.
Nonetheless, its' unusable 'cause is' radioactivity '.
The radioactivity brought about by nuclear weapons makes it impossible to 'dominate and occupy and occupy the enemy', the original meaning of war.
Such a weapon makes no sense as a weapon in military operations.
It is the war that crushes the enemy nation to profit, but it means nothing to the war that does not profit from it.
In other words, it can only be used for "threats".
So North Korea also wants nuclear weapons.
I want Iran too.
Pakistan and India deployed by pushing out the opposition of the world.
Thielkmasca's technology makes such nuclear weapons' usable weapons'.
Instead of decontaminating radioactivity, if we use technology to remove it for nuclear disasters, what would the world react to...... especially the nuclear possessor countries?
If you do it badly, the time Yalburn dismantles the nuclear power station can be a case that could end up counting down the world.
Together, it could mean that Japan pushes the switch that turns the gear of its history.
If that happens to this country, the only atomic bomb-affected country in the world, that's where the main fall is good too.
If a politically disturbed country or neighboring power finds out about this….
The ballistic firing buttons of those countries weigh so much lighter than those of the liberal countries.
So Gotobe also carelessly said, 'That's awesome! Do it now!' I can't say...
... It's a headache story...
"I guess that's still what Kashiwagi means to have the same idea as us..."
"Yeah... but Japan today, how far away are the people that can think of that, they won't be"
"Well... if you accidentally talk about that, the opposition can say do it right away, even tomorrow,"
"That's the hard part..."
The three of them are often silent...
Once again, Tierkumasuka's technology makes us realize that its impact on the world is so much more than sole...
And in the end it was decided to discuss the matter with the Yalburn side a little more, also taking into account the 'political dimension of the Earth world'.
For the time being, it will proceed with general industrial decommissioning and debris and the re-resourcing of debris with radioactive concentrations below the prescribed values.
And we decided to reserve it for the announcement to the public to the extent that 'Yarburn has an excellent technique of radioactive low concentration'...
And then the "Yalburn Economic Cooperation Organization" became a corporation...
"Iseira Resource Regeneration and Development Research Institute, Inc."
officially inaugurated as the third sector that
Production and abandonment, which cannot be handled by domestic vendors and municipalities throughout Japan, continue to come to each municipality's holding base.
Since its inception, it has been in full operation due to its rarity.
Reiko is also a know-how. Is that what you call a merchant?
It's not just charity. Chah, and I make money.
Now, in describing this project, the following system is in place.
1) An industrial scrapper comes and goes on trucks, loads of garbage.
2) Measure what elements can be reduced to for each carrier and scanning device of the truck.
3) Present the measurement data to the customer and give it a menu of resources, substances, etc. that can be re-resourced.
4) Customers mall and submit to the resources and substances they want.
5) Use and convert production abandonment and garbage in Valme installed in each facility.
6) The vendor pays a fee and brings back the materialized resources.
7) No fee is taken from the vendor who does not bring back the materials, and after collecting the elements required by Yalburn, the remaining materials are sold through Itsuji.
It is like that.
And in order to make this facility known to the citizen public, it is open not only to vendors but also to the general public, and we also do 'material output services' that resourced raw and ordinary garbage brought by citizens to convert and sell shapes to character goods and so on as a 3D printer, which can also be enjoyed as entertainment facilities.
It was an idea of working with the public and private sectors and Iseira.
Especially "Material Output Service" is a huge flourish, and it feels like families with trash in their hands come in line day after day.
Well, I guess so, because you can experience alien supertechnology up close, everyone's going.
In each municipality, there seems to be a lot of thinking about resourcing tourism.
Offers have also arrived from around the world, especially when companies from neighboring troublesome countries are coming to ask for them with big faces…
For the time being, transactions through security committee designated contractors such as Itsuji are mandatory.
But there are also crimes like 'garbage collection fraud' by this...
The story is that there are idiots out there who deceive people and forcefully retrieve electronics and other things that get precious metals, but well that can also be somewhat of a risk of having to be prepared if something new like this starts... it's a troublesome thing.
Kashiwagi was also coming to Chiba Prefecture facilities with garbage in his hand with Fell, after an inspection.
Quite side by side, the goods I got converted...
Fell has a brooch. Kashiwagi has a 'Pear Fairy' figure...
"Masatosan...... is that Nan? That weird O doll... '
"No, it's fashionable now..."
Fell doesn't seem to understand what a character is...
I said I'm the neighborhood's loosely characterized...
"Fell, but now Yarburn has access to Japanese and foreign currencies."
"Hi. I'm very happy, sir. The“ Gaika "that I got from this will be kept by the Yalburn administration for now and properly stored before being paid to the crew."
"Oh well, there's a highquarn in Yalburn, so it doesn't make sense to pay like a salary."
"So that's what you mean."
"Nice - Iseira... you don't have to worry about salaries in that respect"
"Soudes - I do think I can make that point, S. So now even Yarburn has a new project coming up, yo. '
"Hmm? Like what?
"The plan is to always open a shop where only the Japanese yen can be used to make the Yalburn crew accustomed to the monetary economy… something like the National Transportation Festival can be held at all times. So to the Nihons who came to Yalburn, with a plan to sell something handmade, s'.
The Fells will use the currency of the Japanese yen for the barter shop that was held at the National Transportation Festival.
So they want us to learn the importance of these "octopuses" in the monetary economy and society.
"Oh! That's funny. You have to do it."
With that talk, Kashiwagi enters a coffee shop in the facility.
When Fell arrives in the coffee shop, it becomes a temporary commotion.
"Ha, you're still a celebrity here, Fell."
"Mo, I'm used to it. So su. Uhhhhh."
Ask the waiter for a coffee set Kashiwaki.
Fell has hot lemon tea and cheesecake.
And Kashiwagi rinses his coffee...
"Yeah, well, Fell, at the dedication ceremony, that's what I promised... shall we go next week or so"
"Look, I told you I'd go on a trip with you, I finally booked a hotel, but I kept you waiting."
"A! That's right, Ta!... Hi!
Looks messy, Fell.
"Dude, you forgot...... hahaha, well Fell was in a different mode then"
"A, so, that's not true, Death Yo. I remembered cha cha. '
"Yes, yes, I get it. Right, hahahaha"
"De, so, Masatosan! Where are you taking me, Des!?
"That's... well, it's also where I remember..."
The Tierkumaska Federation and I have made a national deal...
Japanese everyday with aliens.
of that one day...... well there are some events that are not even a little tonnes...... one event.
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