Galactic Union Japan
- 19 - (Bottom)
Congress of the Interstellar Republic of Izeira.
Izeira's Parliament consists of a unicameral system. The total number of its members is 1,000. More than the number of Members of the Parliament of the Union of Tierkumaska.
In the case of Japan, there are currently 475 members of the House and 242 members of the Senate. In the 43 prefectures of the Japanese capital, 1 road and 2 prefectures, the number of citizens is about 120 million.
In the case of Izeira, the number of municipally owned planets, satellites is 250, with the exception of autonomous dispatched explorers, which cannot be compared with regional states like Japan. There are four systems of stars that possess them. The capital city, Iseira, has a total population of 3 billion, and when viewed across the interstellar republic, it is about 60 billion.
Nevertheless, since most municipalities enact themselves as states with autonomy on a planetary basis, Iseira is in fact a federal state.
The distribution of the population varies. Some of them are in one state of the planet, with a population of only 100,000.
From that state, the elected deputies decide political cases involving the entire republic in the centre.
Thus, as regards the number of people in national political assemblies, this is by no means a higher number than on a national scale.
Of these, 150 are the number of former royal senators for life, out of a thousand members.
In other words, this number of former royal councillors is proportional to the number of times when each municipal planet was the territory of the former royal nobility.
So the number of political parties, that's a huge number.
It is unlikely that in Iseira a single party will run the regime by a single majority. Most patterns take majority in coalition political parties and run the regime. So there are circumstances where we cannot do politics unless we are a pure policy group.
Well, though, the number of 1000 people is in itself a physically significant number apart from the ratio. Question-and-answer here is that's what equates to the mood of a talent singing a song alone to a thousand audiences in some concert.
If you make one thing right and bother the floor, a thousand people will go out of their way and the booing will eat a thousand booing too.
Kashiwagi was now in the guest seat of this Parliament where no one was yet present.
After contacting Verdeo, Shiraki and the Japanese government about the earlier summit request, he asked Cyval to visit Fell's Q&A.
Then, unexpectedly, instead of visiting, Cyval asked me to give a speech to the council and said, "What!?" So it went hand in hand.
Cyval says that because Verdeo was allowed to speak in Congress, it is natural that Kashiwagi should also be allowed to speak one shot in Izeira's parliament. You say you'd rather ask for it here.
Well, naturally if you say so... I asked Verdeo to address me, to be honest, to boast about the relationship between Japan and Tierkmaska-Izeira in the Earth world... Honestly, there were some aspects that were a little political, some aspects of the so-called kind of play on top of the meeting with each other, but this time they are asked to speak purely as a customer.
It was him who got into trouble with Choi about what to talk about.
The speech comes after Fell's question.
I mean, I guess Cyval's idea is that he wants Fell to look at the question as to why he was summoned, to know the atmosphere and content of it, and then to talk to him.
In a way, is he being tried by Cyval? I also think.
(Steady, I knew it would be a cosmos-sized parliament...)
Looking over the floor, this frightens me again. Oh, my God.
Probably on the floor of these national politics, when it comes to decay, all the people in China and so on are well known.
I always wondered what the hell I was gonna do on that stupid decay floor, but this place is more than that.
I was wondering if it would be appropriate to have about half the floor on the baseball field.
Really, I think I'm going to open a concert or something.
According to the staff stories that guided us through the floor, there are still only 10,000 people on the floor, and the Q&A facilities are amazing, and the senators are devised to appeal to the entire floor, such as using VMC monitors, etc., while on the spot.
Like the Japanese parliament, they say, "How many times do you..." and they don't either stand or sit on the stage.
It is true that a parliament of this size would not have enough time, no matter how much time it had, to do something so prescriptive. Not to mention interacting with explorer dispatchers such as Yalburn, I wonder if there are things I'm sorry about just the communications.
Honestly, even from the size of the table, or from the guest seats with Kashiwagi, the most seats over there are the bean grains.
Kashiki sees the clock function of PVMCG.
Iseira time is displayed in Arabic numerals. Kashiwagi doesn't know how to read Iseira time, so just tell me the number of hours, just look at the count of those numbers, and understand how much more congressional questions there are. Earth time is about half an hour away.
Kashiwagi's guest seat now is said to be the seat where Emperor Iseira used to sit.
Here the emperor said he saw how the proceedings of the Senate proceeded and used them as a reference for national political policy.
Foreign guests are now in guest seats to visit Parliament.
"Fada, Verdeo commander and communication to the Japanese state, done yo"
"Oh, excuse me, Mr. Jeldea. I'm sorry to bother you."
Jeldea came to Kashiwaki on an errand.
"And then Ambassador Verdeo will talk well."
'I know it's a problem nai around SO, but it's how the Nihon government coordinates its talks with the American country Dittouriou, sir'
"Yeah, basically, it's a telecom meeting, so I don't think it's hard..."
"It's a leak, Ka?
"Yes... if Japan suddenly leaked to the world that it had held talks with the heads of Tierkmaska and Iseira alone, it would be a big deal, because it is visible, and before the Japan-US summit..."
'Then it's extra what's going to happen in this Parliament, sir.'
That means that, even as Kashiwaki, the question arises as to how we view this parliamentary question. Naturally, there is also a need to convey the contents of this parliamentary question to Japan.
If the heads of state meet with each other, they usually make a pre-compromise, but will Cyval do the same thing at once by showing Kashiwaki this parliament?
'It's about time. Iseira, that's not how I'm going to tour Congress. May I be present, too?
"Oh, well, Mr. Jeldea is Mr. Permira, is that the same point as me? Hahaha. So can you please? Are you embarrassing me...... I'd be careful if I were like this on my own, hahaha"
"Copy that, su. As Fada's 'secretary,' I'd be happy to hang out with you, yo. '
That's what Jeldea says and laughs at.
Talking about that, the senator keeps coming in.
Kashiwaki observes its entrants.
He realizes.
"Ahhh? The senators aren't all Iseira."
"It's Motyron, Fada. Because Thielkmasca is a Union state, sir. Even in Iseira, various races have dual triples and nationalities. Naturally, non-Isailans also live on this planet, and some of them become senators, yo. Ma, that seems to be a small number. '
"I see... all the time... oh yeah?
He somehow sees a species he's seen.
Big eyes, small nose, small mouth. Back length is... lower... no hair. The color of the skin is green.
"That's... gre...!
The moment I tried to say that, Jerdea...
'Fada, are you interested in that race?
"Huh? What? Yeah, well..."
'That race is a relatively new member race in the Union, I said Samarkas. Their home country is S in a planetary state called' Samarca Unitary United Group Country ''
"What, what is it? The country name is…"
"Hi, that's why you're Narimas in Nihon. I don't see the right words… In fact, the Samarkas are also a mysterious species in the Tierkmaska coalition, and they're not originally from this galaxy '
"So with immigration or something?
"Yep, they say it's originally an artificial life form."
"J, artificial life form?
Jeldea's story suggests that Samarkas are the species of the Tierkmasca galaxy whose exploratory artificial life, unleashed by some civilization that came to explore the galaxy, somehow inspired themselves to build civilization on the present Samarkan star.
"... De, the Samarkans themselves seem to be losing records about their birth, because they don't know much about it, su"
"But how do you know it's artificial life?
"I checked their genetic information, and all the people are of the same race... which means that the whole nation has the result of being a family-like race, and that's unlikely in naturally occurring life. They say it may be like a clone...... in fact they do not reproduce in natural reproduction, nor do they have the concepts of sexuality, romance, lover, or couple. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it's an unusual race to act systematically... but it's a friendly, brilliant race. And if you let them act in unison, there won't be any enemies in that race... even from that place, they think so '
In that regard, the story is that the technological system is also a species with its own technological system, unlike other Tierkumaska Union Member States. It is now based on the infrastructure of the Tierkmaska coalition, but it is an unusual and interesting species anyway, Jerdea says.
(Is this... should I tell Ambassador Donovan or is it bad... he's kidnapped by an outsider in black as soon as I talk to him... don't you?
As such, the floor was filled with senators, and Cyval and Fell seemed to have entered, sitting somewhere like a cabinet seat, as Jeldea was being asked to talk about feeling somewhat Japanese on Thursday.
Cyval glances at the guest seat and waves at Kashiwaki.
Same with Fell to the right.
Kashiwaki, who realizes it, also bows deeply to stand out and returns it. And wave your hands back to Fell with a tingle.
Jeldea was also giving Tierkmasca salute.
And the two of them take their seats and tour the council. Today's agenda is, of course, a question for Fell.
Create a favorite tablet with PVMCG to note its contents.
The position of Speaker in Izeira is not that of the so-called person responsible for the proceedings generally. It is used in the sense that it is responsible for Parliament's decisions.
Therefore, the position of 'Proceedings Officer' exists separately for the so-called Proceedings Proceedings Officer.
The marshal enters and the floor he was bothering to quiet down.
The marshal will be seated when he pays his respects to Cyval. At the same time, a large Izeira national chapter, or flag, is shown as a 3D video behind the stage, the marshal says.
"Yo now, Izeira Interstellar Republic Congress. An extraordinary meeting will be held. This meeting will be convened at the request of His Excellency Cyval Dant Sees, who will be revealed in my country's chairmanship, and this meeting will be focused and questionable only with regard to the content of the ongoing exploration plan 'Yarmartia Plan', so I would like to ask Members of Parliament to take that into account, and thank you for your kindness. '
The marshal declares the congress to be held.
If you're in the Japanese parliament, you're about to do 'geez!' or something here, but the Izeira parliament is pale. Besides, this is an extraordinary convocation meeting, so I'm not going to do that much courtesy.
The voice of the marshal echoes loudly into this huge capitol, and its appearance is shown as loudly stereoscopic footage at the center of the floor.
By looking at this footage, from the last part of the Senate seat, we can also ask what people in the Council seat like rice grains are doing to come to Parliament.
'I now give the floor to His Excellency Cyval to make a statement to the effect of holding this Parliament'
Yes, the marshal said, Cyval nodded cocoon and headed to the stage.
When Cyval stands in front of the stage, the stereoscopic footage in the center of the floor switches to reflect his big figure.
He lets create a VMC monitor in front of him. It would be a manuscript...... and start talking.
'Thank you, marshal, and I would like to begin by thanking all the political parties and Members of Parliament who responded favourably to my request to convene today'
Cyval does the Tierkumaska salute lightly.
'Now, in retrospect, we sent our country's proud exploratory mother, Yalburn, to space with the hope we had about two weeks ago… with the best personnel, the best equipment, the best equipment, and the best brains, that ship traveled to ultra-long range space exploration unparalleled in Iseira's history. And that ship is also the ship responsible for the future and hope of our country, no, the whole Tierkmasca Union......'
To Kashiwagi, Cyval also seems to be choosing words to speak. Is it still because of Kashiwaki?
He listens to the story in silence. And run the pen of the tablet thrashly.
(Project Yarmartia? The ship Yarburn entrusted with hope?... You said that the term Yarmartia is about Japan if you fix it in Japanese... as the name suggests, "The Japanese Plan"... and that Yarburn is the ship responsible for future hopes... does that mean, conversely, that there is a "problem" that requires hope?...... Huh)
Cyval continues.
'This time I have gathered with Mr Frinze Ferferia Yama Naakaaara, who is returning home for the present progress report, to respond to the questions that have been put by Members of Parliament, political parties, and I would like to discuss that point intensively… and…'
That said, Cyval pointed heavily at his flat hand and arm toward Kashiwaki,
"Today, Ambassador Fada Kasiwagi Masato, who was from Yarmartia, that regional state, is also being visited at this meeting"
That said, there is cheer and loud applause coming from the floor.
Even in this world, the act of glorifying the other seems applausive. But if you look closely, non-Izeiran races are acting differently. Well, it's like a so-called applause.
Kashiwagi bows twice and three times with his head down wide. And raise your hands gently.
In that applause, Kashiwaki's translator...
"Yarmartia... Was Elbaila's record true..."
"of Emperor Nayokualaguya...... the decree of the dismantling of the empire ha......"
"... the Yarmartian Book of Emperors is still..."
'Even if the anonymous story is not true, it is just precious to find a country in the development process...'
"This is where my country and the entire Tierkmaska coalition... get screwed... maybe..."
Capture words like that.
Exactly. The PVMCG translator is also loaded to deliver all 10,000 words to Kashiwaki's ears.
It's like a poorly communicated radio, where all sorts of voices are translated with interruption.
Kashiwagi pounds PVMCG... even though there's nothing you can do about it...
He hits his tongue in the heart
Then sit down and write down the interrupted and audible Japanese from one end to the tablet.
'And I'd like to ask Farda to greet you later, here, would you mind?
There's nothing better than to say hi because you asked for it.
Kashiwaki stays seated, bows his head and takes an attitude of acceptance.
"Mr. Jeldea."
"What does Elbaila... mean?
"Is it Elbaila? That means' emperor ', sir. S in its male form'
"Really... (Huh, I don't know...)"
And strangle the words, Cyval gets off the stage.
'Arigatou, Fada… Then I would like to raise the question of Frinze Ferferia, which is the subject of this meeting, to be revealed by the former royal senator for life and director of the Yalburn Bureau of Investigation… Frinze, please go to the stage…'
It's still Sama, the old royal senator for life, albeit one senator. Different treatment.
Earlier Cyval headed to the stage alone, but Fell was led by the staff, prompted to "go ahead" with a flat hand and take the stage.
When Fell gives the Thierkmaska salute on the stage, the senators on the floor stand up and give the Thierkmaska salute as well. And bend your knees a little.
At that time, the purposeful sound of the senators taking their seats shook the floor.
(That's Master Flinse, Fell... you don't know which one is great with Speaker Cyval.)
If I think so, I accidentally get a nigga.
And Fell's 3D footage is shown heavily in the floor air.
Its huge fer turns toward Kashiwaki and turns slightly upwards. Videographically, Fell is pointing in a pretty tongue-in-cheek direction.
I mean, Fell on the stage is watching Kashiwaki.
When Kashiwaki realizes it, he stands up and looks at Fell, hands on his head, and gently returns his earthly salute.
It's like, "Good luck."
Then Fell's big 3D footage also makes Niya smile.
The other senators who see the footage note Kashiwaki at the same time.
And somehow everyone talks about hissohisso with a 'letter to' eye.
Nor is Kashiwaki accumulated to do this on a 10,000-man scale. Take a seat with your head on.
The big Fell 3D footage is laughing with Ufu and his hand against his mouth.
Fell then creates about three VMC monitors in front of him, and prepares the questioning posture.
The marshal said, "Are you ready? Frinze" asks, Fell nods lightly and questions begin.
It's grand. The shadow of Mr. Natural Whalehoefel, who always looks like Kashiwagi, is free of fine dust.
Fell's face is a beautifully sliced golden-eyed face that cuts. Originally, I have the impression that there is no fine dust such as the appearance of a hoe, but when I am on Earth, it looks natural because of the differences in cultural civilization and so on.
Kashiki wonders if this look is the original, Fell's face.
And the figure of the senator on the floor is shown in the air. He would be one of the senators who asks questions.
"Frinze, thank you for your long journey"
"Hi, thank you, Senator."
- By the way, the word "thank you”. In business manners, this is a mistake, although it is famous as a word of effort to say from above to below. Business training tells me to say "good luck" to the same person, or from the bottom up, but who spread such lies?
It is commonly said that because the old lord said "hard work" to those under his eyes, and he seems to teach the foolish things with grand worldly business training, but this is also a great lie, and the lord said from above to those under his eyes, "It was great."
The meaning of "hard work" labor is a word of ambition for those who involve labor, regardless of their immediate circumstances.
Therefore, if the opponent performs labor, work, even the Emperor, he is a "hard worker.”
'And congratulations to Ambassador Fada Yarmartia and her prospective spouse who are there in the story. I congratulate you on behalf of the people'
"Ha, ha... hi, Senator Fada, we have Aligato."
Fell, who is told this in front of 10,000 people, is not accumulated either.
I hear a laugh of applause and blessing from the floor. Kashiwaki also waved his mouth and smiled.
'Hahahaha, I'm sorry Flinse, I wonder if the meanness has passed. Deja, let me get to the point...... we are also looking at the various data reported from time to time by the Yarburn, Verdeo commanders...... First of all, I would like to ask you to go straight to the point where the Yarmartian state appearing in the statement about the Nayokualaguya emperor that was in Erbaila's record...... is it possible to see that this is the country known as its' Nihon ', which exists in Harma today?
"Shimasu, who was responding to Senator Fada. Still undetermined on that point, s. Determined evidence has been discovered… However, in view of the conditions of the Nihon government, Nado, the probability is likely to be high, so it is still under investigation from time to time, Mass. '
Kashiwagi's raw sweat blew out on this senator's question from the first shot.
"What? A record? Huh? The Isailans were once... and in the days of the Nayokua Raghya Emperor... about a thousand years ago?... you mean you've been to Earth or Japan then!!?...... Mr. Jeldea!
Jerdea sharpens her gaze and answers Kashiwagi's questions, which wolf in stories from this beginning.
"Fada...... Phew... I didn't know you'd suddenly have these questions de..."
"What do you think? It's important, Mr. Jeldea."
"Actually... I'm not sure, so S"
'That point, where we want to know too, de...'
Kashiwagi perceives that this is one end of what Verdeo was talking about as' confidential '… without a doubt.
Jeldea circles her lips and returns her gaze to the floor. Kashiwaki also nods lightly a couple of times and returns his gaze to the floor.
Fell answers the senator only with an outline because he doesn't have that detail, even though he looks a little unfortunate when it comes to the investigation of the matter, to be honest.
'It took me a long time... thank you. Thank you for continuing your investigation. "
Fell nods loudly. And the congressman's question ends.
Is the senator a colleague next door? He seems to be talking to the senator about something.
The next senator to come out looks like a Permira. Is it something like Permira Dern of Iseira nationality?
"Thank you, Flinze."
'From my point of view, let me ask you a question about the process of development of Halma-Yalmartia… As you know, in my Izeira, and in the Tierkmaska Member State area, almost all races are affected by the' Toral 'from the archaeological point of view that we understand today, in the degree of civilizational development. Therefore, in order to analyse the impact of that toral, we all know that our future will be jeopardized if we do not study the process leading up to the toral… So, let me take a look at the reports by Flinze and the other officials, thank you Yarmartia… No, the Nihon country, and the regional states of the whole of Halma saw it as a clear process of development civilization, but I wouldn't mind that kind of perception when it comes to Sole, would you Ka?
Fell also answers this question with a strained chest.
"Hi, Senator Fada. No doubt about that. Harma… especially Yarmartia among them… No, the Nihon State is a regional state and a mass that shows a pronounced degree of development process compared to other Harma regional states. In terms of the results in that regard, we could almost declare that we have achieved that investigation de '
The floor swung loudly to this word: "Oooh."
Each senator looks at his neighbor and does something like an example flat-handed greeting or slaps each other on the shoulder. Something seems very pleased with the report.
"Earth is a developmental process civilization? What the... what do you mean? Mr. Jeldea."
'Uh-huh, what can I say… let's say a civilization in the process of being able to reach our civilization, in that sense S'
"You think the Earth will hit it by your standards?
"Hmm... But that kind of thing doesn't seem like you guys are going through that process, and there's civilization right now, so I don't think it's enough to travel 50 million light years on purpose to find out... and is that such a joy?
"The point is... it's a long story. And from me, the Permira... '
"Oh, I'm sorry, I get it... Oh, and... I've never heard the word 'Toral' before..."
'That point, too, is to be briefly explained… it d…'
"Oh, oh, sorry, I get it"
The word Toral, plus that senator said 'our future is in jeopardy'... which means it should be seen not only as Iseira, but also as the future of the whole Tierkmaska coalition.
He writes this word down firmly on a note...... Kashiwaki who also feels there will always be a reference to this.
Otherwise, they wouldn't give you a tour of the floor like this.
He felt clear that this was already a substitute for the obvious pre-compromise of the summit.
I mean, I guess it's like Cyval tells me to 'get some preliminary knowledge'.
But...... Kashiwaki I feel like people are happy with something I don't know.
Well, I guess the discovery of an unknown civilization is a joy for adventurers, but I thought it would be like the senators of such a nation rejoicing in the totality.
What do you mean?... he thinks.
With that, do you see 'hope' and 'problems' in line with that hope will be solved? and…
When Senator Permira finishes the question, Senator Izeira next asks the question again.
Now it's Fru. When I was a year, I looked like an Earthlinger in my thirties.
"Frinze, thank you for the opportunity to ask me your question."
"Hi, welcome."
We salute each other and hang our heads together. The other Senator Fru is quite apart.
'Let me ask you a question, then… it will take the form of an equivalence with that of the Member of Parliament earlier, but what were the reactions of the other regional states of Hama when investigating the technology, culture, spirit, etc. of that Nihon country?
"Hi, it is true that we have been subjected to numerous interferences, s, and that, even in the case of the present progression, it is also a matter of merit"
"Like what?
"Most offers to build friendship, sir."
"So, what can you do accordingly?"
"Hi, I haven't been there at all"
'I see, that's a hard decision. I'm impressed, Flinze.'
Kashiwaki, who happens to be "eh..." in that word.
"Huh? Oh, hey... I hear that the question now is that Iseira doesn't care or ignore it altogether through that she's not interested except in Japan..."
"Hi, you're actually right, Fada."
"So you're saying Yarburn and Iseira aren't going to be sarcastic about talking to the world outside of Japan from Hannah in the future?
'Hi, you're right. And in fact, we do. "
What's this all about? and.
Kashiwagi, if there is some cleaning up about Japan, will there be some opening of doors to the world as well? I thought so, but for the time being, and not for a long time... you mean?
"You can largely guess what Fada is thinking. If your relationship with the Nihon country becomes somewhat firm, you think you'll look to the world too, don't you?
"Huh? Yeah, you're right. But now..."
"Narhod, I also viewed video works in the Nihon country and stories of fiction, but thank you very much in that respect. There seems to be a huge difference of perception between the Chicu people and us, sir."
"And, okay?
'Neither are we interested in other regional states. But for various reasons, may I talk to you?
"Yeah, can you please?
"Deja, even after this break"
Fell then answers this senator's questions in a variety of ways.
The status of Japan on the planet, the international situation, its relations with other countries, … the matter of its biggest concern, "Garg," the matter of Melven to counter it, etc. …
Parliament was also a little rough on this question.
When we talk about China, Yalburn should restrain China...
Aren't we allowed to expand our relationship with the US? Like...
Both the US and China are thinking the same thing. Like...
Shouldn't Yarburn use his military power to make countries other than Japan in the Earth world aware of the situation in which they are placed? Like...
This Iseira also seems to have, well, takaist pigeons and so on, and Kashiwaki feels that way, from radical statements to diplomacy-oriented statements, not much about the planet.
However, it is also uncomfortable here that all of these ideas revolve around Japan.
In other words, even then, Japan is important...
And Parliament enters a one-edge break.
Jeldea and Kashiwaki leave their guest seats and head to the restaurant floor, even for tea.
It's like a whispering Iseira version of the Congressman's Dining Room.
Geldea and Kashiwagi take the appropriate seats and start talking about it earlier.
"Fada, this is a continuation of an earlier story......"
"We in the Tierkmaska Union take special care when it comes to diplomatic negotiations with regional states…"
"Ha, well..."
'That's right... that we do diplomacy with regional states... if it's easy to compare to the Nihons... to some little poor mullah, suddenly a big rich man wants Yome to have that mullable house daughter. And if you let me yoke, your family's life and everything, we'll take care of everything. "
"Suzuba, what feelings will the other inhabitants of that murmur have about his daughter's house?
"Of course, there will be jealousy and jealousy."
"Hi, yes......"
To be explained by Jeldea…
As can be seen from the analogy story of that village, on the current planet, they fully understand that countries other than Japan will naturally come out poorly to negotiate with us and make demands, too.
But let's say… hypothetically, that Yalburn accepted the request and negotiated with other countries as well. What happens then?
He said it was visible that Yalburn's battle for Tierkmaska technology would unfold in the Earth world.
That, or this, will change hands, and the battle will unfold.
And there will be another battle between the worlds of the planet over the ultra-technology that the nations eventually gained.
It's a technology where things are as unequal as the heavens and the earth. If you say so, it's the kind of technology you could say that what controls that technology controls the Earth world... and if that happens, it could be a spark of war conflict in the Earth world.
Yalburnically speaking, if such a troublesome thing happened, it would just be a story of the planet, but if we did... we poorly supplied technology to the world, so... perhaps the civilization of that star... that some regional state or its forces would follow that path, either destroying and conquering other forces, or destroying themselves...
In fact, in the diplomatic history of Tierkumaska in the past, it seems that they have had the experience of one Member State doing it and destroying one civilization.
From the bitter experience at that time, they said that if they were to diplomacy with regional states, they would interact thoroughly with only one particular country with eyes on them and not look at any other regional state.
And it is the regional state diplomacy of the Tierkmasca stream that also concentrates and flows technology and knowledge into one of those countries, making that regional state a level that stands out from the regional world to which they belong, he said.
By doing so, we can, on the contrary, reduce the risk of annihilation of civilizations in the region's national neighborhoods.
"Then there is also the danger that that regional state will grow and use its technology to dominate and conquer its regional world..."
"So far as we know, Arimasen. You just have to do that, don't you? That would be a better way to survive the civilization of that planet world if it were Earth, sir. '
Jeldea smiled jokingly and affirmed Kashiwaki's opinion. But I know I'm not serious.
Jeldea is an expert in legal matters. I don't say beautiful things in that respect. If that is understandable, even polar theory affirms and explains the word. Exactly that point, it looks like the attorney or prosecutor for the guy and the explanation is ummy.
'… in the end, that's the problem of conscience in that country Death… So let me ask you, will Japan make use of the Tierkmasca prototype that we provided to conquer the world on Earth?
"Hahaha, well you won't, it"
"De Shit? That's what we're thinking, choosing and making contact with... assuming... Death, if we make contact with China, will the planet do?
"Hahaha, that would be horrible too... just thinking about it"
I see, Kashiwaki thinks.
Shortly after his former defeat, Kashiki thought it was like a relationship between Japan and the United States.
After the defeat, Japan, where nothing was lost, was as naked as it was, and geopolitically wanted this country, which would be an exit from the Asian continent to the Pacific. I wanted to put it under the influence.
So the approach taken by the United States was to leave the imperial system behind, a thorough democratization flexicurity policy and support for a thorough Japan, even though it was itself a victorious nation.
Economically, we set the yen at a fractured low of 360 yen a dollar, pushed to revitalize the economy through exports, and regardless of Japanese efforts and Korean war special needs, we succeeded in pushing Japan to prominent economic powers in Far East Asia, and we succeeded in putting East Asia under the influence of US political and military presence.
This was the same way Germany West Berlin succeeded in retaining Western influence after the defeat, leading to the later dismantling of East Germany and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
And examples similar to Jeldea's 'Failure Examples' still exist in their current progression…
For example, since the end of the Cold War, the developed countries of the world have entered the low-cost countries, regardless of their location, in search of their workforce because of soaring labour costs.
Especially to the likes of 'socialist states' like China.
This is also true for Russia after the collapse of the Soviet federation.
What about now, as a result of advancing technology transfer, such as production facilities, by being put on the mouth of Ese Democratisation Modki, China's reform-opening policy.
It goes without saying that the result of the people's rule state, which is out of world standards, gained wisdom, money and technology.
The same is true in Russia.
The national identity of a country called Russia is, in fact, a 'strong one, like to obey' national identity. This is well said from a folklore point of view. It is also on that point that former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, although popular on the western side for his charisma, was not popular in the Soviet Union at the time. The Russians like monarchy leaders because of their nationality. That's why Boris Elizin, who drank it for me, was popular somehow.
And after the collapse of Soviet, the advancing technology and capital of the West poured into Russia, finding a Russian political presence in the development of resources and growing again, with the result that the years went by being the current Ukraine or the rise of an ill-sighted bald spot.
If that's just the story of our global community, it's still fine.
Towards there, what happens if they have a presence like Thielkmasca coming in?
And what happens to the Earth world after they go home and tear apart as much technology as they like to the Earth community and say, 'If it's a snail'?... That's just imagining but terrible results await...
The global world is a complex intertwining of the national interests of each regional state. Whether Yarburn comes, or no, you can say that it is the situation where the egos of each country are rounded out because they come.
What if, right now, Yalburn has been evacuated from Earth?
That's why Japan will be attacked in all respects by the world. That's easy to deduce. And it is the situation that is the "garg" itself.
What if Garg's 'Body' is? If asked, it will be clear in the current parliamentary question.
That is the very situation that is' garg '… yes, what Kashiwaki said to Fell at that time, itself.
So Yalburn is aware that we also have a cause for producing gargs. So I have a national deal with Japan, stick with Japan as a municipality, provide technology at all costs, and don't even show a bare gesture of eviction...
Kashiwaki wondered if this was the way they showed Tierkumasuka's attitude toward the responsibility of diplomacy...
Their 'classified'
Now Jeldea was unconscious and spoke a lot to Kashiwaki, but I could understand that one of the answers was this one.
Surely we wouldn't be able to talk about this at that time when that Yalburn had been in contact with Japan.
'You have won the right to negotiate in contact with us, congratulations' What if the Yalburn side says at that point, which phishing scam? The Koitz and others are determined to think... That's the end of the story.
Or... If Japan has grown immensely and you know what "cheat confirmed" means in Hayari's words now, it is also questionable whether a good interactive relationship has been created, as in Yalburn and Japan today.
(Ambassador Verdeo, no... I knew you shouldn't have said 'there's confidentiality' then. Ooh...)
Kashiwaki again thinks Verdeo was' detoured 'then. Waveline your mouth and look back at the time.
On that look, Jerdea said, "?" face.
(So why did they choose Japan?... in the end that's...)
Kashiwagi wondered if the overall result of what he had seen and heard in Fell's Q&A earlier, including the current story of Jeldea, was the answer…
... talking about that...
"Keller Kashwagi"
"Ah! This is the chancellor"
Cyval controls it as Kashiwaki and Jeldea try to take their seats.
"May I have your seat, Ka?
"Yes, of course."
Cyval sitting together with an uncontrolled smile.
'... Keller, how was it? The question of Frinze is'
"Yeah...... well, some people think a lot"
Yes Kashiwaki said, Cyval nodded a little...
"Keller, Shall we walk?"
"What? Oh, yes"
Then Jeldea figured out how it was going.
"A, see you later, Fada"
"Oh, excuse me, Mr. Jeldea"
Jeldea left the spot as she saluted Cyval.
Cyval invites Kashiwagi to a place like a very large indoor garden in the Iseira Tower.
"Oh, it's beautiful here."
"Hahaha, this tower is like a giant mountain building. If you don't have as many facilities as this, the staff won't get a chance to touch the natural products so... it's just the right place to exercise or something yo '
It is true that some Isailans who exercise or jog in it can also be seen to be slight.
In no way did Kashiwagi decide to ask the candid question.
"Hi, what is it?"
"The contents of Fell's earlier question, that's the... one scale of what Yalburn was treating as' confidential ', right?
"... Hi, you're right, Keller..."
Cyval smiles a little and affirms his question.
Kashiwagi talks with his arms behind him and as Cyval walks.
"Is it still true..." Project Yarmartia, "" Erbaila's Record, "" Toral Influence, "" Developmental Process Civilization "... There have been a lot of words out there that we don't know. The word that comes together in common about it is' Tierkmaska and Iseira's Hope '…"
Kashiwaki stopped walking and turned toward Cyval
"If you think about these words in their entirety, they usually come out...... no, I think the answer anyone thinks is...... you should think that 'Tierkmaska or Izeira has some big problem' and 'the thread for solving that problem is in Japan or Earth'... no?
Cyval slowly turns his face toward Kashiwaki as he stares at the beautiful, blooming, light purple little flowers in the garden...... nodding cocklessly.
"Again... then I also think that the chancellor would like me to visit the meeting, as a preliminary knowledge prior to the summit, to see such a situation..."
"Eye, you may think so"
"So, what's the specifics..."
"Hi, I think I can tell you everything when the summit comes true... As you can see from the current meeting, even as we are, the time has come to ripen..."
"Is the time ripe? What is that..."
Cyval leans slightly over the question and turns his gaze toward Kashiwaki.
'... today, after the meeting, you asked me to open up some time, sir?
"Oh, yes, I hear that..."
Cyval doesn't say what's ahead.
I mean, do you know or talk then...?
Kashiwagi didn't go in any further either.
Because I instinctively thought we shouldn't rush.
"A, yeah, Keller"
'Sorry, I forgot to tell you. When this break is over, I'd like to get one shot onegay in Parliament as soon as possible.'
"Huh? Yes, one shot... is that a speech?
'Hi, hahaha, please. Because of the convenience of afterwards.'
"Yes!?... Oh, I see, I get it... What am I supposed to talk about?
"Na, but I don't mind, as far as I can think, su"
"Yes, I understand. Let me tell you what I think."
Smile at each other and walk out again. And I turned that leg to the floor again...
… Parliament is resumed.
"A, Masatosan"
"Fell, you're tired"
Kashiwaki talking to Fell in the congressional waiting room.
"Hi. Now, I've heard, but I'm going to speak to you, De... '
"Oh, I was just talking to Speaker Cyval, and he wants me to ask him for something now."
"Is it Saw?"
"Fell's gonna do it after my speech, right?
"Yea, that's..."
"What's wrong?
"Let's get it over with, S"
"Ha!? Then, come back 50 million light years just for that!
"Ha, hi... If it's just about me, that's all it takes to communicate yo..."
Kashiwagi, to the words of Fel, puts his arms together to reflect on how he has been since he came to Sir Iseira.
Moments, he thinks ha.
"The summit..."
"Fell... Looks like you've changed your tide..."
'Sciome? Uh-huh, I don't know...'
"I mean... Fell's questioning of the investigation report is no longer so important..."
"E!? What is that... '
"I guess I was going to focus on Fell's question at first... but one thing made that unnecessary and the question was solved in an instant... you should think so"
"Now, one way or the other, it's me... maybe... it's..."
Yes, Kashiwaki said, the Congressional staff.
"Ambassador Fada, s in time"
and came to get Kashiwaki, who was in the waiting room.
"Oh, yes, I'm sorry... Bye, Fell, don't come"
"Un, gamba please, Masatosan"
With that said, Kashiwaki was escorted by the staff and walked to the council......
Senators who had finished their breaks had already finished their seats in the conference hall.
He puts that big floor in sight......
(Kah... this is totally different from looking up there than looking down there...)
Once again, I am overwhelmed by its decadence.
But he has no particular flinch. Because these places have had experience in the past.
That's the presentation of General Software, which inspired him to start working as a negociator.
Sure, it's hard to say that the audience is 10,000 aliens, but even then, sure, 20,000 people should have come to see it... so I tell myself there's nothing special about it...
It's not that I'm actually nervous.
It just felt like I could do it because I was used to the place.
Kashiwagi is prompted by the staff to take the passage to the altar.
Then the floor was wrapped in applause, all standing up.
And to the stage...
Large Kashiwaki holographic footage is then shown in the center of the floor.
And Buck's flag holograph changes as well.
Izeira's flag drops to the left and is smaller, next to it is the same size of a Hinomaru… the Japanese flag is visualized, stuck next to each other, and displayed.
It is quite a nikkui production.
Kashiwaki looks back, and when he sees it, he laughs nicely, upright toward the floor, and bows at an angle of about thirty degrees.
The Members of Parliament who have seen that also give back their salutes, all politely, with their right hands on their right breasts.
"Deja, ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats"
The marshal urges the senator to take his seat.
"Ambassador Fada, please."
Kashiwagi would like to thank the marshal.
"Thank you...... Members of Parliament present in this Parliament. I have been dispatched here from the Interstellar Republic of Izeira, about 50 million light years away, within the galaxy, on the three planets of the solar system Earth, by the regional state, by the Japanese government. I am the special ambassador, Mahatma Kashiki. Best regards,"
That said, Kashiwaki looks over the floor and puts a beat down.
That appearance is also reflected in the holographic floating in the floor air, where the deckai kashiwaki traces the movement of the kashiwaki tree on the stage.
And he keeps talking...
"Many days ago, I don't know how long ago to describe it in Iseira units... we have seen a similar sight in our country of Japan... your country's proud, Yarburn Explorer. Its commander, His Excellency Ambassador Verdeo, was a speech to Congress in my country...... how it got there, the journey was to my country...... no, the impact it had on the entire planet world, not just my country, was such that all the historical events that the Earthlings had built up up until then seemed small, it was a huge shock...... I dare not say here the process. Naturally everyone who comes to this floor is here to question their history, so we probably already know that…"
He didn't honestly do the story because he suddenly asked me to talk to him. So I was reading the atmosphere of the place and talking about what to talk about, by hand.
In the meantime, I'll tell you how I talked about myself at the press conference. (i) Citizens told us that they had become friends with the Isailans and other races for whatever reason, and that they had come to the other side 50 million light years after doing government work.
So, in the end, I decided to borrow Verdeo's story in his Congressional address because I thought we should talk positively about Iseira's relationship with Japan.
"And... well, what would you say, there is something called fringe (eh), let me just say that if I borrow the words commonly used in your country, 'Guidance of the Creator, Lord Nayoquaraghya'... I will also have such a relationship with your country, Frinze Ferferia... Dear Members of Parliament and the people of Iseira, I would like to thank you sincerely for giving me such a wonderful Frinze Fru"
That said Kashiwaki bows his head deeply.
Then the floor is engulfed with a big laugh.
Looks like some of the senators are screwing aloud. If you hear it on the translator, it's the word of a hiccup.
"And somehow, Frü of Yarburn seemed to be more intrigued by our country, Dern… depending on your country in the future, and your great anxiety about the lack of cracks in relations with the countries of the Tierkmasca Union. This also depends on what we think we need to think about in order not to become a matter of bilateral concern in the future."
Even here, laughter occurs even louder.
Some mess and chilling wilderness comes into Kashiwaki's ear again.
Kashiwaki laughs nicely and waits for his blurring to calm down… just what he's used to.
Cyval talks to Fell, who sits next to him in the cabinet seat.
Turning around, Fell is swelling her cheeks.
"It's a boulder, Keller..."
"And don't know. Shh!... Masatosan will also be sentenced to injection later!
"Hahahahaha, but look, Flinze... Until recently, the senators heard that they were messengers from Yarmartia, but their attitude changed... we are opponents of a world unknown to the Harmans. I can keep it that grand... I don't really have that kind of person..."
Cyval has seen all sorts of diplomats talk on this floor so far, but generally speaking from the looks of this seat, he usually only talks about things that are tense and prescriptive, but tells Fell that noble, adrift and jokeable people are rare so far.
"He says it's because he's an idiot. Yo, Chancellor."
"What? What is it?
"Shiru Venterdus... Fur Pa Shell, don't be a Centester."
"F...... hahahahahahahaha, I see, is that what you mean. I see... let's remember."
Kashiwaki continued his speech.
However, the speech did not include an assessment of Fell's questionable content.
Because he is an ambassador. Besides, he's not a plenipotentiary ambassador right now. Though he is a special ambassador and has been invited, the purpose is inherently to inspect him. If Kashiwaki takes the liberty of talking about Fell's assessment of the question or expressing that view here, it becomes the will of the official Japanese government, and it is so received.
Exactly that much authority does not belong to him now.
So, well, say it, and see, it's normal in this case to utter an unscrupulous word of friendship.
Even in the Earth world, we often hear ambassadors say, "Go home and tell your country," but that's what this is all about.
"… it seems that today to our Japanese people, as well as to the Iseira, Dustals, Kailas, Permiras and many other races, we normally travel to and from Japan and have established friendly relations in various respects, some of them promising a future, and the positive efforts of our country, and of your country, go hand in hand, as a good neighbour, we have achieved friendly relations without any problems… Our country, too, at the favor of the Iseira government, has prepared an embassy floor in this place. In the near future, our Plenipotentiary Ambassadors will be on duty, issuing visas for Japan from this planet, and many Iseira, as well as people from all countries of the Union, will visit Japan. And we may also visit Iseira from Japan. It is my view that it is crucial that both countries maintain unchanged friendship in the future in order to be able to achieve that day as soon as possible. And I promise to share your opinions, thoughts, and opinions about Japan with you in Iseira with your leaking country… Sealuse vom Reeds Tsarshell Foul (Thank you for listening)"
To close these words, Kashiwaki concludes his speech.
At the end of the day, Fell taught me Iseira. If the earthlings of the monophonic pronunciation species speak, there is no emotional rhyming sound of the paranoid band pronounced by the Isailans, so when they hear it, it sounds like just a bar read, but that's a promise in outdoor speeches.
Then he gets the applause of 10,000 lightning. It's a standing ovation. A similar habit seems to be here. Some people, regardless of race, express themselves without applause.
Kashiwagi gently lowering his head twice and three degrees, front, right, left.
Staff led me away from the stage… and into the lobby.
Not so much. Parliament is adjourned, and Walla Walla and Mr Senators come out to the lobby.
Kashiwagi talked a lot to Jeldea waiting outside, and Fell and Cyval came.
"Keller, thank you for your speech."
"It was Subarashi, yo, Masatosan."
Cyval comes with a gentle clap of hands and a slap.
Fell has Nico's face, too.
'De is Fada, I will contact Yarburn about the present matter, and then...'
"Yes, please, Mr. Gerdea."
Then Gerdea salutes and leaves under the three. He's a secretary who moves really well.
"N? Keller, what's he doing?
"Yes, we are asking for confirmation from Japan regarding the example summit."
"Oh, really?"
"I hope you get a good reply... especially on a schedule..."
'This was a sudden favor too. I can't really say I can't.'
Talking about that, the senators who found Kashiwagi stop by to talk to him and say hello.
That was a great speech. But I'd love for you to come to your local government once. It's like that.
Kashiwagi does not have one disgusting face and responds to their greetings.
Some of them looked like Samarkans earlier.
As an Earthlings, only this species is still very nervous... and I follow its appearance with my eyes...
With its numbers increasing step by step, Cyval subtly calls security guards to build walls and detach Kashiwaki from the rest of the senators... well, because he doesn't have the kili.
Then take Fell and Kashiwaki to the Speaker's Office area.
"Masatosan is also a total celebrity, sir."
"Well, Keller has one of the examples of the Sileira, hahahaha"
On the way to the chancellery on foot, Cyval glances at Fell, and when Fell also nods, he stops his leg.
And Cyval turns to Kashiwaki...
"We had a tin about an earlier offer to hang out..."
"Yeah, you did."
"De, may I now?
"Huh? Yeah, I never mind that..."
Yes, he says, Cyval changes the direction of his walk and turns his foot toward the front door of the council.
There was a black painted transporter parked on the front door, the same type that Kashiwagi came on when he came to Iseira Tower.
He is urged to ride it.
Naturally, I wonder where Kashiwaki is going.
"Where are you going? Even if I ask, it's futile. Because there's no way I can tell where you got that answered.
Fell and Kashiwagi sit on the back of the back seat and Cyval sits in the front.
Same pattern as when you came.
Cyval touches the side of the seat and turns on the transporter's power.
'We have confirmed the boarding of Speaker Fada Cyval, Frinze Ferferia and one other passenger… please give us your destination_'
"I need you to get to the Lentura General Medical Center in Lentura District."
"Copy_Objectives, Lentura General Medical Center, Lentura District. Departure Shimas'
When Cyval orders the transporter's system, the car floats all the way up and goes sooo far.
As if flying out of some kind of secret base, the transporter glides halfway around the front road and flies out to the outside.
Then fly the empty road, as if it were also a road there, into the other car's lane.
A transporter that flies acrobatically inside the skyscraper to the left and right.
Sometimes it stops in the air and goes on as it gives way to a large transport transporter…
"Speaker, you said earlier at the destination, 'Medical Center,' are you going to the hospital?
"Hi, there's something I'd like you to see."
Running often, you enter a large, scenic rural compartment while on an artificial continent.
Fly at low altitudes of hills, rivers and lake vistas that float in the sky, unlike populated nature.
The destination of the river is the outer periphery of the artificial continent, from which the water flows into waterfalls and into the sea… But the water of the river falling from the continent floating hundreds of meters high spreads as it falls and drifts like a rug under the continent like a fog and a cloud.
"Beautiful landscape... I don't think this is artificial..."
'It is indeed a ni artifact, but it has existed in this state for tens of thousands of years, so it is now a fine ordinary nature, sir'
"I see..."
That's how Fell explains it.
But an artificial continent floating in space on a 10,000-year basis is hard to believe in the first place.
Looking at it in the landscape, I could see a large building with a large white lot area.
Beautiful garden, big transporter stop. Kashiwagi understands at first glance that this is the destination.
Is it an inpatient who looks like a frivolous nurse of Iseira from above? I can see you accompanying me...... but...... these days when I write nurse, they're going to piss me off... don't you think it's cold weather?
... The transporter lands at the hospital stop and the three get off.
Then Deln, who came from the other side with a uniform with a familiar Iseira design in white colour, brought in a few frivolous nurses.
"I've been waiting for you, Speaker Cyval, Frinze Ferferia... and, uh..."
"Kotila is the ambassador of the Yarmartian country, Fada, Kasiwagi Masato, yo, the medical superintendent"
Yes, Fell introduces you.
'Oh, you listen to me... it is. My name is Rent Lycra Thordeck and I am working hard for the Medical Director of this Medical Center. Best regards, Mas'
Deln, named Lent, comes for a flat-handed greeting after a Tierkmasca salute. Kashiwaki accordingly.
Deln named Lent. Looks like a mutant Izeiran, skin color is the same green as Jegri's. The color of the eye is brown. Hairstyle is all-back. He's a typical Izeiran.
"Nice to meet you, Dr. Lent."
"Sensei?... What is Sensei?
Lent leans his neck slightly towards that unheard Japanese language. The translator didn't seem to translate the words properly.
"Sensei is Yarmartian, a tribute to something that has completed academia, Keller."
"Oh, I see, that's a fear, Fada."
Greetings, too. There's Cyval.
"Keller Lent, let's get back to you..."
"A, hi......"
Lent looks into Kashiwaki's eyes for a moment. And immediately take your gaze off and prompt you to continue after yourself.
"... hey Fell"
"I thought the people of Iseira and Thielkmasca were overcoming disease with nanomachines and stuff, but there are quite a few sick people..."
"Uh-oh, it's Saw... In our world, not many people come to big hospitals like this for viral diseases, bacterial diseases, traumatic diseases, visceral diseases, malignancy-like diseases de"
"Yeah, I think so. Me too... I was surprised about the cancer patients the other day."
"Ee, people who come to these hospitals are ha, mostly physically defective people like Charli, or people who are due to end-of-life care, brain damage, ato, or certain difficult diseases like your old man, sir..."
"Huh? Is there a difficulty in Thielkmasca, too?
'I have soo much yo...... well it takes time, but I can cure Hotondo's illness. It's just...'
Looks like Fell got to where he was going when he tried to tell us the next thing from there.
When Lent stands at the entrance to the place, he sighs with a face that doesn't float, and shungs open the door.
And when I say a word or two to an Iseira fluent nurse sitting at a counter like the receptionist, she invites me to Lent to enter the place...
Then Kashiwaki was surprised by its unusual sight...
"Hey, what? This place..."
Kashiwaki opened his mouth half way to that room...... no, it's not a room. The Great Hall... overlooks that space, which is too big...
Ceilings and floors on bright white walls. The lights, integrated with the ceiling, illuminate its enormous space with light.
And a row of something beautifully arranged vertically and horizontally...... that Fells use in their sleep, it also looked like a sleep capsule...... no, no? This is...
"Also, could it be... a coffin?
Kashiwaki leaks out of the blue.
The moment I leak that word, everyone sees Kashiwaki.
Fell makes his arm a quick eagle.
When Kashiwaki gave Fell's grip with that power a look, eh, and turned to Fell, she gave him a slightly more rugged face, pulling and waving her neck to the side, "Don't say that" look.
Kashiwaki apologizes for his rudeness by putting his flat hand in front of his face, making a face that Acha says softly.
Nevertheless, what the hell is this unusual sight...
That encapsulated object will have a thousand gently...... and the chills and the people leaning against that capsule...... family, lover, friend? And they all look uniformly pathetic.
Everyone talks to that capsule about something. But although Fell noticed, he just looked like he was going to talk to the spirit in the graveyard.
Lent guides you in front of one capsule.
And when I started something of that capsule, the top cover became transparent.
And in it...... one beautiful Izeiran Fru lay his figure like he was dead.
But he looks good... he doesn't look very dead...
"Ko...... what's this? ……
Talking about Lent, he says this capsule is a life-support capsule.
"Life support capsules?
"Hi, so su"
"So it doesn't mean this one's dead, does it?
"Yep... that's..."
Lent seems to want to talk about something... it seems as if as a doctor it is also something he doesn't want to admit.
Then Fell, who sees it, explains to Kashiwaki.
"Masatosan, this patient Sun... is a patient Sun with Ze Cell Disease..."
"Why can't I? ……
"Hi... so right, translate to Nihon..."
Fell is letting VMC monitors generate and combine some appropriate words.
"..." sperm death "... but you can translate it as ca..."
"Shh, sperm death!? ……
Fell says it's this disease, a disease that you don't know if you're dead or alive.
The flesh, even if left alone normally, will not decay, nor will it decay. He said he didn't die of cells, he didn't emit brain waves from his brain, but he wasn't even dying of his brain.
He said that even if a heart-moving procedure were applied, the procedure would resume the beat for dozens of minutes, but that the beat would also stop and maintain this condition for a long time.
Like a brain death patient, it doesn't mean he can't live without a life support device, and he says he's a body like that, even without any treatment.
They also stop metabolism and don't need to supplement their nutrition...
It's like time stops. 'Sick'...
So this life-support device is also, for convenience, just talking about putting it inside this device, and saying that it is not imposing any special measures.
And that's the story that no matter what condition you try to resuscitate, you're not really dead.
It's like only sanity is a dead organism, so this name was given...
I've heard the word 'living corpse'... the so-called zombie. It's a fantasy animal, a monster, dynamically acting and reacting as if it were alive, in a dead state.
But should this Fru even be called 'the living like dead' if you dare to compare...
What's that?... Kashiwaki thinks.
"Ji, well, all this capsule here!? ……
"Hi, yes, Keller."
Lent explains.
The disease, without any foretaste, abruptly develops… regardless of age, gender or situation… and seems to be developing throughout Tierkmasca, regardless of race, regardless of Iseira.
The cause is unknown. Even with the science of Tierkmaska, he said it was a disease that he didn't know anything about.
"The first case was deaded 10,000 cycles ago on record... at the time it was a very rare disease, so no more research was done, and it has been treated as an unhealing unfortunate disease, as a death treatment... with more jitters and more cases of onset after each cycle... In the last 2,000 cycles or so, there have been noticeable more cases of onset..."
"So, this number?
"Hi... I tried all sorts of treatments... It's not a case like using a nanomachine, nor can I get brain emulation data somehow, so S... So it's a condition where I can't apply my hands..."
"Can't get brain emulation data? Then why don't we just use the data we took before?
'That's another story, su. I want to test the case, so I want the latest data......'
"Oh, you know what, I see..."
Kashiwaki looks again at the face of that frugal patient.
Although faceless, it is a fried face that looks like an Iseira.
If they do say so, if they say hey and shake their bodies, it feels like it's going to happen again.
The heart doesn't move, it doesn't breathe, it doesn't have an EEG, but it's not dead... Perhaps Earth medicine would definitely determine it as death in this case...
"Doctor, how long has this guy been in this state?
"Hi, I thought this guy would already have 50 cycles..."
"Uh, yeah!? Ohh... Ohh?
He thought it was just the last few years.
"Well, then... your family..."
I mean, assuming she's married, I guess that kid looks older eating.
Lent says this ward...... or that the hall houses people who have been going through 100 cycles in the longest, most recently a week ago......
And it was a shock... that the number of patients currently infected by the disease is about 500 million, across the Tierkmaska coalition...
"Ohh...... ooh!??
He looked away and was surprised... that such a number of people would suddenly be in this state...
"... Speaker Cyval..."
"Maybe... is this disease a problem for the Union or Iseira?
"Hi... tin with“ one of those ”to be exact"
'The reason Keller saw this disease was as an example of the problem we have, terminal and easy to understand…'
Kashiwagi put his arms together, he's a serious face, a little upward.
"So this is an easy-to-understand example, but does it mean there is a continuation of it?
'Hi...... So Frinze, can I have Keller from here?
"Hi, why don't you take me to that place?"
"Yeah, nice to meet you, Shimazu."
"Yes, ma'am, Chancellor... Shall we go, then, Masatosan?"
Fell pulls Kashiwaki's hand and tries to get out of the ward.
"Huh? Fell, isn't Speaker Cyval with you?
Then Cyval...
'Sumi, Keller, I have a meeting with the chairman of the Marihail Coalition from now on... I am bidding farewell here today'
"Oh, yeah..."
"Shall we go, Masatosan?"
"Yeah, okay"
Fell salutes, Kashiwaki bows, and leaves the ward... Cyval drops the figure off the ward.
Cyval walks to another part of the ward when he confirms they are leaving the ward.
If you look at the capsule, it is accompanied by the patient's favorite doll, goods, flowers, etc.
Patient's relatives and friends An acquaintance probably puts away a patient's favorite thing in hopes of waking up one day...
Cyval stands in front of a certain capsule. And I opened that capsule.
Beautiful long feathered hair, he looks like a flue about 28 years old when he was old.
Cyval gently strokes that Fru's face. And speak to that patient with a gentle face.
"Nilfa... how are you? I'm here to see you again..."
The capsule said 'Nilfa Dadant Ridera' as the patient's name…
Fell and Kashiwaki rent a public transporter that was parked at the hospital to follow the scene.
Fell looked somewhat sad. Because I know Cyval's relationship with someone called Nilfa.
The meeting with Marihail is true, but we also knew he would do it before then.
But Fell won't tell Kashiwaki about it... because it's irrelevant to him and he shouldn't be allowed to take extra care of it and even though when the summit was held with the Japanese government, I thought I shouldn't skew Kashiwaki's sense of fairness with Cyval's personal affairs... it's hard.
I don't think Fell should do that and slap him in the face with bread. Because when I thought about it, I somehow stopped hanging up and almost cried.
I'm not talking about a fire across the shore with Fell... that disease strikes the Thierkmaskas without any foretaste... and its number of patients tends to increase with each cycle followed.
Thinking about what Kashiwaki needs to know and about it, he is a fell who inspires himself that he needs to be realistic.
Nevertheless, two people who remain silent all the time within the transporter.
That would be the case, too. It's weirder to talk to Wye brightly after seeing something like that.
"Hey Fell..."
Talk to Fell from Kashiwagi to break up between them.
Fell also pretends to be normal and replies.
"Fell's questioning tour, that hospital thing, and... Mr. Jeldea told me why Yalburn is concentrating on interacting with Nihon... oh, and... is it also about Fell's body? This is what Yalburn said was' classified '... okay?
Fell feels like she's just about done...
"Hi, so su... I've already shown you this far, so it's no longer confidential, sir"
"Well... so you don't mind telling Prime Minister Gotobe what you've seen so far."
"It's a hi... rather than a summit if you don't, sir, you can't."
"Haha, well. So, is that what it's like where you're taking me from now on?
"Unh, I'll have you listen to a lot of things there, De."
"Ok...... in short, you want me to pack a lot of Izeira knowledge, hahaha, I'll do my best"
'Hi, good luck. Uhhhhh. "
That's what Fell says and laughs at Couscous.
Kashiwagi also decides to be prepared to write a report all night when he returns to Fell's Castle.
And then I'm also worried about what the timing is with the US presidential summit.
Talking about it, Fell takes the transporter's helm toward the mountain where the old earth is, another direction from where Fell's castle is.
... Then Fell takes a path like going under that mountainous area, the old earth.
By analogy, it feels like crawling under a big, unscrupulous table.
The pale light of the main star is also inhibited by the old earth and becomes a great shadow, dark around it.
Fell illuminates the transporter lights in all directions to ensure the lights. Nevertheless, as it is very dark, the car switches to sensor navigation, displaying obstacles around with flickering and graphic footage in the canopy glass rather than wind….
As the transporter flies through the mountain valleys elaborately and precisely, Fell says, "Ah!" Raise your voice.
"What's up? Fell."
"Masatosan... That..."
Looking in the direction Fell pointed...... I could see a huge creature immensely.
The creature is a tyrannosaurus class that once inhabited the planet, no larger than that... it seems ferocious and vicious to see... In fact, when the creature finds the transporters of the Fells, it strips their fangs out greatly and comes after them...
Its appearance is like letting a dinosaur put his armor together... yes, I love the example Fell, it's an animal with an image that's going to come out of that game.
"Wow... what is that animal... it looks vicious to see... that crust, I don't know if that would work for Barrett either..."
"Huh, whenever I look at it, that creature is miserable......"
"I hate Fell."
"Don't like it?... I'm not the only one, Iseira, who likes that creature... '
"Oh, yeah..."
"Hi. For the Isailans, it was a long time ago, though the abominable biological death...... Even such animals now, in the charter of the Tierkumaska Union, are eligible for protection, Death '
I think Kashiwagi is going to be him.
Thank you. It seems that the ecology of this planet is quite different from the place called the Old Earth and the New Earth.
In the old earth, well, if you say so, it feels like the earth's ecology, and it's actually close to it.
But he thinks the new earth is somehow like an ancient kind of ecology... anyway, there are a lot of big, no, super big scale organisms.
Vazler, the creature just now, but by then, I had also seen a large bird named 'Deronica' on which Deronica's name was based... would it have been about the size of a motorhang glider... it looked like a beautiful southern bird...
Talking about that, it looks like that vicious animal also gave up tracking.
And somehow I felt the landscape change at some point...
"Mo, we'll be right there, yo."
"Oh, yes, yes."
The transporter reaches a place like a great lake when it crosses the valley covered by the old earth.
Then, in the middle of that lake, you can see a very large island. And... it felt like the island was integrated with some kind of artificial building...
Fell puts the transporter on the departure site provided for the island.
There were armed Isailans on guard there... and I can also see some kind of laboratory-like building.
Fell and Kashiwaki greet the guards as they descend the transporter and enter the facility.
But Kashiwaki is blocked from going to the guards, but when Fell gave some explanation, he paved the way to apologize and saluted and let me through the scene.
Kashiwagi takes a long look around the facility… under the old earth, in a place like the middle of the night, deep in it, illuminated by lighting…
If you look closely, the design of the building, which is Izeira-scientific and intersects all kinds of equipment, was somewhere old and lonely.
And Fell walking to that deep place.
Kashiwaki follows Tokotoko...
"Is this... a ruin or something?
That's what leaks Kashiwagi.
"Eye, your answer, Masatosan."
(d) Laughing Fell.
"But for a ruin... it also feels like the design is common to what is now izeira... how long ago was that?
'Speaking of Earth time... yes sir, I was wondering if maybe 10 million years is an old thing...'
"What!! Yikes, I'm sorry!?
"Hi, so, this ruin was discovered about 100,000 years ago..."
"Yeah? Oh, no, it's the first time in a long time..."
Fell nods one cocoon and invites Kashiwagi to a certain place.
It was like a material vault adjacent to the ruins.
The vault is very large. But there aren't many people visiting, and all the items you keep there are all dusty.
Fell approaches something like an excavation in it, breathes a huff, pays dust and invites Kashiwagi to call it.
"Masatosan, do you know what this is?
Kashiwagi gets an image of Fell seeing the object somewhere...
"This is... somewhere... ah!!
Kashiwaki remembered... yes, I saw this during the negotiations in Yarburn, it looked just like the High Quarn original...
"Is this... a high quarn original, huh?
"Hi... yes... that's what I just talked about, it was discovered about 100,000 years ago now yo '
"Oh, yeah!?
"And this is something you can still use if you supply power, so su"
"Hey, what!?
Kashiwaki showed Fell all sorts of things that were in that vault...
Pretty large, Zerquot reactor, like a prototype.
Of particle blasters, a weapon like a prototype.
Inside, what I just thought was a statue was an android like a working robot.
In addition, there is an indoor transfer device. The design is rather obsolete, but this transfer device can also be used and can be transferred to all parts of the site, he said.
And Fell says.
"Masatosan, and actually... this ruin itself... is a spaceship..."
"Huh? Is that, like, a hundred thousand years ago?
"Chi, chi, wait a minute...... I do know that the Fells Tierkmaska Coalition and Iseira have maintained tens of thousands of years of scientific civilization because I've heard it before...... are you saying that they have held this kind of scientific power for 100,000 years!?
Yes. When Kashiwaki was surprised, Fell laughed with Ufu
'You think so, don't you? Masatosan'
"Oh, oh."
'Actually... it's not a sow'
Fell takes him to the back of the ruins as he invites Kashiwaki to go outside...
Walk a little down the corridor lined with large pillars.
Kashiwagi looks around, but even though it does speak of ruins, there is no such anachronistic atmosphere as that of so-called Rome or Inca.
Indeed, if you ask me, the image is of the atmosphere on board the Yarburn abandoned some time ago.
When he is brought to a place that feels like a circular square, Fell sits back on something like a luggage box that was loaded there.
And Kashiwaki sits opposite Fell.
"Masatosan... this ruin is why we went to Chicu, yo."
"Huh?... this ruin?
"Hi... So Masatosan, let's obenquish a little bit about Iseira's history now"
"Oh, oh... hey, hey, come on"
Kashiwagi creates his usual tablet and pen to listen to Fell.
Then Fell slowly starts talking...
"I, too, in Chicu, have seen all sorts of materials...... so I will explain to Masatosan in an easy way...... about in Earth time from now on......"
Fell explains the history, composition, of Izeira...
The Isailans generated civilization about 600,000 years ago in Earth time now, and about 550,000 years ago in what we call Roman civilization on Earth… in times like just when the original beijing people appear or not. They said they blossomed that civilization on the old earth today.
And by that time, the old earth accounted for about 87 percent of the surface of Iseira and the new earth today was still mostly in underground cavities, he said. Regardless, the Isailans at the time did not know what the underground cavity world was like.
But about 350,000 years ago, a natural mutation happened to Iseira.
One of the asteroids that made up the ring of the main star Boddar fell out of orbit and into Iseira.
Due to the fall of that asteroid, a crustal fluctuation disaster spread across the satellite, causing a considerable amount of old earth to fall into a large underground cavity and become the prototype of today's Iseira, he said.
But the disaster killed quite a few ancient Isailans, and as such, about 60% of Isailans died.
That was where the ancient Isailans, the beginning of the ordeal...
In Iseira, which became the present situation of the old and new earth, a huge and fierce creature appeared on the surface in the new earth, that is, where it was at the time underground, some of which climbed the mountains that supported the old earth, and flew in, attacking and beginning to prey on the barely surviving Iseiraelites.
That's how it is, nature is still a weak predator here.
At the time, the Isailans, like Earthlings history, had only weapons like bows and swords, and then catapults at best, and had no means to counter that huge biota.
Later, something like a cannon was also invented, but it was still naive and not effective, and the Isailans had no choice but to live a life of confusion.
Naturally, there were also many things that devoured and killed their parents, brothers, friends and lovers by various creatures that came from the new earth.
For them such creatures of the new earth were only enemies to live by.
So the Isailans have never, in their history, gone as far as modern times, fought a state war, a conflict. In other words, there was no such thing as a war.
That's how the Isailans became a cultural and spiritual structure, a race that cared, among other things, for their parents, brothers, lovers and friends.
In the meantime, there was fortunately the only Iseira empire on its terrain that had never been attacked by the giant biota of the New Earth. That was the country that the people of Fell's ancestors were interested in.
The country was one in which wisdom was worked to live and intellectuals were favoured.
Anyway, the wisdom and inventions to live this world were such a country that the emperor at the time took the initiative to acquire and employ wealth to the day.
Invention has the property that what is needed and imminent will take the initiative to develop.
The Isailans were originally intelligent creatures whose flying creatures evolved their brains and degenerated their ability to fly.
I guess I could understand something called instinctively flying rationale. They had invented what they called primitive gliders, hot air balloons, and airships, and had welcomed their fellow citizens and companions into imperial territory by rescuing them all.
And something like a special expedition was also organized to look for such surviving companions, sending them all over Iseira on transformed terrain.
Inside, for the weathering of the old earth, recklessly descended to the new earth to make settlements, and a considerable number of our finely living compatriots, but the tragedy that struck them descended on that new earth was the most powerful terrestrial creature on this planet, named 'Tsare', which we saw earlier...
"Anobiotics couldn't do anything with our weapons at the time... they had to flee."
"I see, that's why Fell was abhorrent to that creature..."
And in the meantime, when an expedition was on a journey to find its compatriots who had descended on the new earth, an airship unfortunately crashed and arrived at a certain place from time to time.
Fortunately, the expedition, which all succeeded in escaping with the gift of daily training, loses the means to return.
Having determined that staying on the spot was dangerous, the expedition was looking for a place to calm down, retracing the river, which was also relatively safe on the new earth.
Then they discovered the present coco, or the shore of this lake, and arrived at this ruin.
What they saw there...... was a bunch of technology they had never even seen before.
At the time, they said it still felt like it was being stored and preserved in a brand new condition.
But they didn't know what it was.
'... Masatosan, there's something like a thick, big pillar you can see over there, right?
"Hmm? Oh, yeah."
"Array, this island...... Yea, because it is the central system of the spacecraft, s"
That central system, he said, was still alive at the time, and when he reacted to their presence, he asked them.
"I give central system“ toral ”orders..."
Whether they knew science or not yet, they had a conversation with that toral.
Who you are, what you can do, where you come from...
Naturally, System Toral responded to what could be answered and to their demands.
And the expedition, he told Toral.
"I want the power to fight those abominable monsters"...
In response to that word, Toral made particle blasters and disruptors in High Quarn and gave them to the expedition.
He then had the food equipped and even the transporter built, and the use of it took a long time to be taught by Toral, who said they had saved their companions around the world and triumphed over to the Empire while sweeping away the giant creatures that spread to the earth.
And in the empire of the time, they were glorified as heroes and given the title of wise man by the emperor of the time.
The name of the captain of the expedition was' Fabbar ', the deputy captain's name was' Deeds', and the name of the captain 'Marsha', Fabbar's wife, said 'Buruk'.
- Yes, the "Noctal Genesis" of the Isailans was a fable based on their activism -
Later the Empire sent a state-sized research unit to the site for a thorough investigation.
And he mastered the use of that super-scientific legacy as he asked Toral to teach him.
But naturally, at that time, they didn't understand it as' science and technology 'and seemed to think of Toral as the kind of savior of Iseira, in what they called magic and magic.
The empire at the time expands its prints against the background of the technological prestige that its toral brings.
Then he later planned the people's paradise, building the first aerial city, Santo, and moving the surviving Isailans there.
That name is said to be the remnants of the current capital of Iseira, Santo Iseira.
And the times flowed, and they also began to understand, and still are, that a kind of human being called a 'scientist' began to emerge, and that the technology that Toral brings is a 'product of science and technology' made by someone.
Fell sips tea from the water bottle she was wearing on her hips when she sighs.
And give that water bottle to Kashiwaki as well.
Kashiwagi also puts his mouth on its water bottle, sips and sips, and calms down.
When I noticed, Kashiwaki's tablet was full of dirty letters he had written.
I was so obsessed with hearing it...
I told you very succinctly, it's basically that kind of tokoro.
"What!? Wait a minute... so what about Iseira's science and technology... is that, uh, no, it was brought from this ruin?
"Hi, you're right, Masatosan."
The moment Fell said yes, Kashiwaki's previous discomfort began to connect at once...
That they had an unusual interest in industrial products and technology.
It is rare to have a lift flying machine aircraft.
That I didn't know about video games.
I didn't know about the steam engine.
I didn't know about the railroad.
I told you there was no automobile.
And... I didn't know about the radio communication...
Kashiwaki could easily guess an answer.
In other words, they Isailans, yes, from the Middle Ages, with the advice of this excavation of the Toral ruins and their unknown civilization, their management systems, to take a flight… to compare, say, the industrial revolution, the aviation revolution, motorization, the IT revolution, the hydro, thermal, nuclear and natural energy power generation, all of those things, and that's the kind of race that has only acquired twenty-fourth century, no, more technology…
And Fell speaks.
'Yes, Masatosan. That's right...... and of this Tierkmasca galaxy, because the Member States of the Union are more or less just the species affected by civilisation called its toral'
"So, does the Tierkmaska coalition also mean a group of nations that share the technology that civilization, such as its Toral, has brought?
I see...
Kashiwagi glances at his body and exhales heavily.
I wondered if the Dustals, the Kailas, the Permiras, and the seemingly different species of habits and ideas could coexist so amicably with Naze, because of their appearance. He used to wonder about it with Shiraki, but that's what happened...
Fell speaks.
Even though we were about to perish in nature's cooking, we just picked up the technology that could be the final stage of science and used it, but we couldn't explore it any further.
Therefore, for them, "exploring science" means knowing how technology is now established...
For the earthlings, science is the history of human wisdom.
Starting with "Philosophy," a "discipline of ideas" that considers the rationale of things, it was the accumulation of technology based on rules of thumb said to be magic, magic and alchemy, and the attempt to logically pursue that rule of thumb from the phenomenon was "Science".
Thus, Earthlingly, science is nothing more than the history of exploration and discovery.
But for the Isailans, they were suddenly given the ultimate figure, so exploring the process leading up to the technology… what they call 'reverse engineering' is' science 'for them.
But if you think about it normally, no one should have to do it without using the benefits they've been given.
But the Isailans began to explore what technology they possessed.
Why did that happen?
That's an easy story, Fell says.
The ancient Isailans, with their power, said they were still luxurious...
He shook up and drove away his fierce giant creature, which had been tormented so much, as if to avenge it, and the empire at the time spread its prints.
As a result, the balance of nature began to fall apart, and they realized that it also affected their survival.
He also warned me that it was still a toral system.
They realized that it would have a negative impact on the world if they just rounded out the power they had been given and didn't think about it.
So they decide on a pedigree scale to name the species and pursue their 'exploration of science', or 'origin of Toral science'.
And they are determined to follow Toral's advice and draw a line with nature.
They created a large number of high quarn systems and began to build the present artificial continent, where the Isailans decided to live... and that was the event that underpinned the Isailans' lifestyle today.
But Fell lives in a castle on the old earth.
'Don't have a choice, su. The castle is my parrot, and for once it is the lineage of that position, sir... and it doesn't mean you shouldn't live on the old or the new earth'
"Well, there are some who live in the old earth and the new earth,"
"Hi, that's a small number, but I'm here yo"
… and the toral here and now is replicated in a whole high quarn of data and transferred to Santo Izeira. The system of this ruin, they say, shut it down... and now it is cherished and managed as the birthplace of the modern Isailans.
"Huh! So it's still running in Santo Izeira, a system called Toral in this ruin!?
"A, hi. But now that a large number of comparable systems are running and operating in parallel, they will now operate as auxiliary systems for data storage only '
"I see... then the Fells. The Isailans have been building these civilizations in a system called the Toral, with all kinds of teaching."
"Hi, and that's Arimasen in Iseira alone. The Isailans learned from Torah that there are many worlds in this galaxy that are influenced by civilization, equal to Torah, in telling us about the universe, about this galaxy, about the stars, and so on. The same goes for Dustal and Kailas. Permira too...... '
The Fells. The Isailans said they visited those stars and forged friendships in order to figure out what kind of civilization made the Toral. They say that was the beginning of the Tierkmaska coalition.
"So... have you figured out what that toral is?
Yes Kashiwaki asks, Fell shakes his head.
In the end, they say it remains a mystery. There is no record in the Toral itself of who made that Toral.
And they say tens of thousands of years have passed without knowing what their desired 'Toral civilization is, what it is that leads to Coco'.
'... I wanted to find a civilization or a country that we defined as' developmental process civilization ', which was not in this Tierkmasca world, yo'
"So, the... 'developmental process civilization'? Does it feel like I stretched my legs to our galaxy and discovered the Earth when I was exploring to find it?
"Hmm? Oh, yeah, is that what we're going to talk about there at the summit?
"A, hi... I've never been sure yet..."
Kashiwagi feels that Fell's words today, on the contrary, if confirmed... would be a big deal for the Tierkumasuka world and Iseira. But why would the Tierkmaska world want that 'developmental process civilization' and doing it so much?
If we could get science and technology that amazing normally, everything would be peaceful, I wonder if it's your word.
In fact, if you look at their civilization, what kind of civilization is it that is not free and promised permanent development?
"Masatosan once asked why we didn't look down on Nihon or Earth, sir."
"Oh, yeah, I remember... because I certainly don't see differences in science and technology as a yardstick for measuring the superiority and inferiority of a species... or something..."
"Hi, yes... I know you can largely guess from what we've been talking about, because we've never experienced anything called 'progress'."
"Huh!?... Ah... well..."
Kashiwaki notices all the time when Fell tells me. Yes, that's certainly what happens to the Isailans.
The Isailans only used and developed the super-civilized legacy they happened to find.
If you ask me, it's a civilization that knows how to use tools, but doesn't know how they were invented.
'So we admire all the Chicu and Nihon... yes... And I respect you... that we have developed that kind of civilization on our own, and that is something we deserve respect for... because we have only used what is available to us to survive... so the concepts of' development 'and' progress' are rare, so S '
"So look into the history of advances on Earth and Japan… we want to know the roots of our technology and let the Isailans also have the concept of 'progress' … is that what you mean?
"So, that's why Fell and the others kept it 'confidential'..."
"Oh well..."
Surely that would be true. I don't think Kashiwagi can come to Earth and say it all the time.
If we talk about it in large part, it could be perceived as a cultural invasion depending on what we hear...
Normally speaking of 'give me the cultural civilization of Chicuzin', it's normal to wonder what this guy is.
Moreover, it is even more so if it is said by the opponents of scientific disparities that come from such a super-scientific civilized world.
"Earthlings, I assimilate you. Resistance is pointless' or something like that.
(So, if you don't do that, Iseira or Thierkumasuka, it's normal to think that something is wrong... but... if that's the unit called 'Earth', I know, why Japan? It doesn't have to be Japan...)
Even if you ask Fell about this, it just puts you in trouble. And Fell said Cyval wanted to talk to him.
In other words, if we make the summit happen, that will be revealed.
And even though I summoned Fell because Fell's question mattered, all of a sudden that would be the second event... speaking of something I can think of...
(Again, is that it? ……
With that in mind, Kashiwaki's PVMCG makes a noise.
Kashiwagi manipulates it to bring a small VMC monitor up in his arms.
"Yes...... Ah, Mr. Jeldea"
"Fada, do you mind now, Ka?
"Yeah, go ahead."
"Coordinating the Summit with the Government of Nihon, Taken Yo"
"Ah! Really, so what time?
"They say holographic communication equipment is ready to be used, so I don't care about it tomorrow, t"
"Okay. So."
"Hi, so Farda Cyval had a request from Farda Nitbe to talk to you before I told you about Shimazu, so I've been on the embassy floor to rapidly construct a" Telagi "that uses me - but I've built it. So talk to me. '
"Haha, sorry from what to what, Mr. Jeldea"
"Yea, su for cheap. So... '
Kashiwaki cuts off the communication function.
"So, Fell. That's all for today."
"Hi, but it was nice talking to you, Death."
"Oh, me too... hang on... as a Earthlings, it's such a magnificent story... I have to report this, so where do I start and how do I tell the Prime Ministers..."
Kashiwagi growls with his hands together, eyes open... honestly... hey, no, just magnificent, on the way...
But Fell and Cyval also disclosed their 'confidentiality' to the planet and Japan as a clear 'intention'. I also think I have to live up to that expectation.
(And then... why Japan... and its future...)
I think that means during the summit... Kashiwaki.
Kashiki stares at Fell's face.
A presence called the Iseira. That was not to say that the species that developed science and technology intensely......
It was a species' given 'by the unknown who can no longer know its existence... and its sphere of influence is that, whatever the circumstances, it extends to almost all of the Tierkmaska coalition...
(I don't know why civilization... it was so scientific civilization...)
From the perspective of the Fells and the Isailans, the Earthlings are a race that develops science on their own and moves forward.
But from the earthlings' point of view, the Isailans are the kind of people who are trying to look for 'past possibilities' if they don't have those times of fear, as they do from goal to back.
A civilization that tries to move forward and a civilization that tries to look for past possibilities.
Kashiwaki thinks. What happens when that race tries to coexist... Was there a scholar who thought of such an example?... Was it also a hypothesis? ……
(Oh, but... what's my relationship with Fell...)
I think so, Kashiwaki.
I'm also anxious... but what happens when they figure out everything and the power to move forward and the power to try to get back...
Thinking about it, Kashiwaki couldn't help but feel a certain excitement...
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