Galactic Union Japan
Galactic Union Japanese External AGE AFTER - The Return of Sie - Episode II
Planet Nation · Delbella d 'Astoldeldo Total Federation Nation. Also abbreviated as Dustal System Federation.
The national system is a federalist planetary state. It is a federal state with a central federal system of government that brings together a number of autonomous nations, with the third planet of the Hanker duplex star system, Delbella d 'Astordeldo, on this planet.
The unusual feature of this hunker duplex system is that there are about ten planets that the stars can follow, but there are separate planets that the first star, Full Hunker, and the second star, Senu Hunker, can follow, and that is the perfect balance, each orbiting the stars.
The planet Dustal is orbiting the first star, Full Hunker.
Since it is such a balanced system of stars, Dustal is such a system of stars that even the third planet, its distance is very far from the stars, and furthermore, as far as the planets after the fourth planet are concerned, it is farther away, and as far as the last planet, the tenth planet, is it really the Hanker system?
Now, it is the political system of this country, but as we can see from the status of President Siepapagash, it is a system in which the authority of the Prime Minister, who is a republican state but head of parliament, and of the President, who is head of state, is exercised in a single batch by the office of President.
Just to tell you this story, it feels the same on Earth as' the Führer ', the official country title' Greater German Country 'known in the name of Nazi Germany, which existed from 1934 to 1945 A.D., which is not a very good image on the planet - note, by the way, that it means something completely different from Taiwan's' Führer '. Taiwan's president means "president" in Chinese.
Generally speaking, the position of president remains varied in its powers, post-war German type. French type. This position can be roughly distinguished into these three American types, but when we compare, by way of example, the United States, whose presidential authority is democratic, with corresponding strong powers, this position allows us to exercise the right of veto on Parliament's proposals. In other words, it is possible to do no good to Parliament's resolution. It is often seen in the news and so on when looking at the US and so on.
Conversely, Parliament can deliberate on policy proposals put forward by the President and, in some cases, fail or remand them. Welfare policy that the Harrison administration was also investing in around here. It would be understandable if we looked at the case where the national insurance system had been eaten against the opposition, which is the majority in Parliament.
So what happens when this President and the Prime Minister, who is the head of Parliament, merge?
It won't be the first time that the president is at the top of the parliament that he can't put his own policies out, and there won't be any assholes like that. In other words, it loses its administrative teeth and becomes a 'dictatorship' where the so-called president remains willing to do anything. This is the position and state that Corporal Chowbeard thought of.
Even an authoritarian government does not have a political system that facilitates the senate's teething, but this Nazi-type total control politics becomes, in a sense, a more authoritarian state than an authoritarian one.
However, it is dangerous to see this in the form of a "Führer".
For example, the position of "president" in Iraq during the Saddam Hussein era is similar, in short, at the convenience of politicians with ambitions to engage in authoritarian politics, the state system will be interpreted in any case, which just happens to be the story of Japan translating the position of such a chobibeard as "Führer".
And, in general, that's what it feels like, in the case of Dustal, the Führer's office does have as much real power as that, but as its superior body, there is an administrative, judicial and legislative supervisory organisation called 'Sustmar', which means' authoriser 'in Dustal. This is an organization in which regularly randomly elected citizens become members of the Organizing Committee and the people have the right to question the administration and policy of the Führer.
If the people are dissatisfied with the Führer's policy, they will have a system whereby if during the deliberative period, Sustomar will have a wide audience for the public's opinions, extractive deliberation and, in some cases, mandatory changes to the current policy. Therefore, Dustal's national system is not a so-called dictatorship, but a country in which things are extremely democratically determined in a slightly different form when compared to the Earth.
"Heh, it's an unusual democracy country, Dustal."
Delbella d 'Astolde Del Capital Dedicated Deronica Kraje to the Führer flying towards the international space port Lacande d 'Astole.
Fly slowly through the sky of the planet Dustal, also with tourism, and exchange such conversations with Sie in the salon.
"But Sashie. If that's the system, the powerful ones who keep the National Army. That is, depending on the Führer, could it be a dictatorship after all?
"Eye, Soleja naturally no opinion, sir. Sikashi Sokomo worried Hi Lanai. Waga Country No Military Force Commander Kwon Ha Fuhrer Nialga, Sustmar Nomiga Moving Cassel" Sustmar Judicial Army "Toy Umonoga Attena"
"I see, if the Führer hurts, you mean that the Judiciary will move and be punished"
"Huhuhuhu, Sowiukotoda"
Takagawa, who ponders with interest why such a dictatorial system is such a state system that it has been forced to democratize, but it makes no sense to ask that now as it is. It is reasonable to accept that it is such a culture in such a country and that it is such a thing. Because they are doing well in this system peacefully, so why not?
And when I'm interested in talking about it, Sie looks like she's going to miss it, and she even stops by and looks outside during the display of the wall, which photographs the view in large measure.
"Darling. Lacande d 'Astordeldo, Allegacono Star no Capital. Its central port Ninal, Lacande d 'Astordeldo Capital Interstellar International Space Port Da '
"Ooh! That's it, heh."
Takagawa admires the city for its stunning green appearance.
Yes, if the image of its capital, the city, is expressed in a word, the colour "green" pops into my eyes first.
Moreover, Takagawa also saw the Kashiwagi video recording and the urban landscape at the time of the visit to Iseira, and thought of the Iseira atmosphere. Unexpectedly, the capital of Dustal was not an aerial city like Iseira, but a flourishing city on the ground.
Hexagonal objects that become parts of the 'continent of the air' used in the Iseira type aerial city of the example, although floating with potpouts, do not seem to be the spindle of a living environment like Iseira, where, like the Earth, the living environment of the Dustals seems to be dominated by the earth.
"The Dustalians don't live in a place called the Aerial Continent, like Mr. Izeira?
"Aah, Kolebakariha pedigree toiuyatsdana. We Ha, Downi Moano Aerial Continent Toy Umonoga, Imaichi Skin Ni Hwa Nakutena... Ano Facility Ya, Attino Facility Noyoni, Necessary Ni Ying Jite Jin Tete Hail Ga, See Tatsunri, We Ha Earthlings Tong Jik Natural No-Dearths Ni Dwelling Race Dayo '
I see. A nod sight.
Because the landscape looks green at first glance, so to speak, urban greening is going on ultimately.
Rooftops, exterior walls and, anyway, greening of a building called a building, in an open area.
It doesn't mean that every building is as old as a ballpark in Koshien.
It is an extremely systematically structured and well-planned building.
"Darling. Koui environment, good Munoga, Dustalian Da"
"I see. Heh... that's a good hobby. Ha ha."
"Uhhu, Saw Words Ttemolaerto Happy"
When Takagawa was told by Sie, he remembered that Sie liked the land he had purchased the other day, or Riyama.
If Dustalians prefer this kind of green living environment, I thought that Riyama purchase was quite correct.
Also, I could understand Sie's desire to live in Japan, not Yalburn.
Although the shades change slightly from this Dustal, there are also many lush places in Kakafukushima Prefecture. In other words, the Japanese archipelago itself, even where it is urbanized, is generally a land with a lot of greenery. I guess there are places like that.
Talking about Sie, he does say that places like the greenished artificial continent aren't bad either, but he still says artificial natural environments are different from native ones.
The wax that stopped the Isailans from dwelling on the earth, most of which were to dwell on artificial continents, was due to their fierce large creatures.
Living on the ground is dangerous in itself, and even if you want to kill and extinct animals like Tsare, it upsets the balance of the natural environment, and you can't do that either.
So the Isailans sought their paradise on an artificial continent floating in the sky.
Since it was originally a species of bird origin, I guess it was not very uncomfortable either.
But the Dustalians don't have that reason. So they usually chose to live on the ground.
It's not like I hate floating earth like an artificial continent. I also use it if necessary.
There are also splendid artificial continental compartments, especially for the living environment of the Iseira and Permiras.
Takawa, if the Japanese too, come on. When this artificial floating continental technology becomes something that can be used normally, and it becomes a scene that floats in Japan as a fuyo fuyo living environment, the Japanese somehow become interested in the future of Japan, which living environment to choose.
"But the artificial continent has more to do with earthquake disasters, so wouldn't it be better that way in terms of safety?
"Soleja, nihon no sense da. Cottemo from the Crustal Fluctuation Disaster, We Nihasoleni Response Srl Technology Gaal '
"I see. Is it science and technology that competes there?"
"Huhu, Sowiukotoda"
He seemed unnecessarily worried.
Conversely, the technology. I have learned a lot about it and I would like to divert it to Japanese architectural technology.
Kraje, dedicated to the Führer, arrives at the Interstellar International Space Port of the Lacande d 'Astordeldo Capital during such chatter.
On the boarding gate is laid something like a red carpet, held by a Dastal Defence Force soldier in a way that feels like devoting a blaster with one hand and a gun, cementing both sides of the carpet.
But beyond the carpet, there were such people waiting for President Gash to see if he was a Dustal politician.
When the boarding gate opens, Takagawa first dresses himself in militia costumes and descends into the port of Lacande d 'Astordeldo.
As for the special ambassador, Tagawa told Sie that he would normally prefer a suit, but Sie was told that the militia courtesy would be better received by the Dustals, and he would get off the occasion dressed as he was told.
In anticipation of that, Gash and other Dustal politicians stopped by Nico's face to Takagawa.
Seeing those politicians...... I somehow understood why Cie said I should challenge them in the self-defense officer courtesy.
Costumes of the Dustal politicians, because they all look somewhat like military uniforms.
Sie, who follows Takagawa, is also dressed as an extremely dangerous female self-defense officer.
"Yah, Singh! Dana since Harma. Yokurai Tecleta. We Gadastal Nationals Ha, Sin Welcome Suluyo!
"Thank you very much. His Excellency President Gash."
"Ouioi, I hakimino stepfather toiteoldalow"
"Ahhh, no, I do appreciate you saying that, but I'm also under a special government mandate for once... Around there, hi, ha"
"Huhaha! Souka, indeed Kanina. Roger, Da, Ambassador Singh.
And Gash turns his gaze to Sie.
"Sie, okaeli...... mou dozens of cycles brininarcana"
"Tarley. Tadyma......"
Gash and hugging sire.
"Tarley. Haruha?
"Um, Haruha, make the official residence de confetti. Tte to teil yo. Hayak, my husband, Letekoitna."
"Ma, Futalitomo, Conato Colo de Hananda"
With that said, Gash invites the two of us to the back.
In doing so, Gash turns his face to the guard who performs the Dustal Stream Dedicated Gun.
Takagawa also wears his hat deeply and responds by raising his hand to the soldier. Sie is now a self-defense officer courtesy, so raise your hand as well.
Gash seems to be giving various instructions to his men and cabinet figures in the meantime.
As I casually listen to such conversations, I notice unheard words flying around.
Foreign Affairs Staff Headquarters
"Fuhrer's Palace Central SS"
"Homeland General Staff Headquarters"
"Federal Police Force"
Takagawa with a bit of a neck. Somehow, globally, military image words line up.
"Sie. Sin."
"Ha, what is it, cabinet..." he said, observing that there were no people around him, "... your stepfather"
That's what they call it. Nicole laughs, and Gash snorts.
"No, Siegana. Miserdallow in Kusibrini? De, outside gaggotta gaeciteil noda. Huff. '
When Gash says yes, Sie also polished her head and smiled lightly. Well, she seemed aware that it would happen, too.
"Ha, are you talking about as rumored? Popular is a tough sie."
"Sono Atarija Awareness Citaire. Ha...... Ferno Feeling Chigayo Quacalyo '
Mr. Sie is like a dustal idol. The news that she will be temporarily returning from the other side for far 50 million light years with Dana candidate, because she is as much of a person as the female Führer is wanted, will also be an adequate event for the Dustals.
Keep it that way, so I want you to wait because I'm going to sort things out a little bit, and Sie and Tagawa wait a little in the lobby.
"Hey Sie......"
"Ng? Nani? Darling '
"Oh, no, just now with your father-in-law and the other cabinet members? I was listening to a conversation... I just wanted to ask you something."
"Is Dustal possibly a military state?
and try to make such a story a sire.
Then Sie, too, feels like, what the hell is that?
"N? Sure Kanisowiu History Haarga, Solegado Kasitanoka? Tte, a...... Masaka Earthly, Mendokusai Country Mitai Nano Dehanaikatoka, Saw Sittai Renoka?
"That's right. If you hear Foreign Affairs Staff or SS, a normal Earthlings would."
"Narhodna. Deja, Chot. Description Gylkana......"
Sie briefly explains Dustal's political system to Takagawa.
Basic Dustal is a republican state with a democratic political system because it is about to be a member of the Ti Union.
However, its history is a little special from the point of view of the Earthlings, who say that the Dustal before joining the Ti Union was traditionally a country of authoritarian royal statehood and such a political system for quite some time, even after having acquired the technology of Toral Civilization, to dismantle the Crown and become a military state of the military junta.
He said that it was still such a country, but every world was a militarily authoritarian state, no matter how good governance was laid, the distortion appeared in the system, and with the advice of Toral in the wake of one incident, Dustal also decided to move to a democratic republican state, a story that the then brilliant Führer decided to move to democracy.
At that time, it was still a country that had originally only experienced a military regime in an authoritarian state, a race that had never experienced democracy or anything else, so we studied institution-building with military staff who excelled in time thinkers and philosophers, and now we have a democratic dustall.
His current father, the founder of the Democratic Dustal, also became the ship name of the central ship of the Dustal government, the "First President of the Vesh Seed Bawler Democratic Dustal."
"... Toiuwakedayo, Singh"
"Ha ha, are the remnants of that era making it feel like such a military regime? I see. I understand."
"Um. Iseiraga, imperial platoon Cite republic Ninattemo, Fernoyona old royal family no majesty, parliamentary credentials Tocite remnant Citanoto same jik, Kono military regime era Nodastalmo, peace na era dattanoha facts dena. Word Mireva, my country, Novao Lubeki era deali, culture nanodayo. De, sonna cotomoatte, just about sono ni we observsi, contact shitekitanoga," izeira "nanoda. Sokodedastal, Tierkmaska Coalition Ni Invitation Tte Cretano Dayo '
"So that's when it became the first contact for Dustal."
"Soui ukotone. toitemo, mou tens of thousands of cycles mo old no story dakedo. Huhuhuhu '
"I see. Well, Mr. Kashiwagi and Mr. Shiraki know it from foreign affairs materials, but if we become self-defense officers, that's all. But I like that kind of talk. That's funny."
If you keep talking like that and you squash your time, the side of the gash comes calling.
Talk about being ready.
When I go out of the waiting room, I get a big cheer from the Dustals.
If you look at something like a VMC-made placard listed, you can also see a lot of the words [welcome, Ambassador Yarmartia].
Not Kashiwagi, but Japan, the sacred site that inspired the cure of the sperm death, seems to be alive and well in Dustal.
It is also well known to the land that Takagawa is the hero who saved the crisis of his compatriot Riassa and his VIP, Kashiwagi, in the Garg Della battle on the outer edge of the solar system.
But still, as a Dustalian, this fact of Cie's first return in decades is greater.
Moreover, the fact that this ambassador, Shie's chosen Deln, became a major topic.
Furthermore, he is an executive of the Special Risk Self-Defense Forces, a joint competent security organization between Yalburn and Japan, and wears the courtesy of that organization, not the United Ministry of Defense.
Sie, who usually prefers to wear a combat suit like pitch-pitchy leggings pants, wears an inner suit of thin-skinned fibres, dressed like a cloth wrapped around her lower body that she has never even seen. I mean, I'm wearing a skirt and a breast. In Dustal, where there is no such clothing, the sire's outfit is probably quite bizarre. Something like that has been talked about.
It seems like Sie doesn't really like being noisy here either. Prior to that, the lead role was formally Takawa, and Shie is only Takawa's escort. Cie is also loyal to the task there and doesn't try to stand out very much. At first I was also indifferent to the audience cheering, but when Takagawa prompted me to wave gently to the audience, this would be another big cheer.
Takawa and the others take the official government transporter Gash was waiting for and head to the Führer's residence.
Fly through the often lush city of the Dustal capital with an airborne transporter.
Escorted across its fantastic city by a standard Tilian security Delgade robot suit in Japan.
A super futuristic design building. The ground is equipped with green promenades, and the building also sees some greening, and the rooftops and roofs of the building also grow forests.
Takawa photographs Pacipashi and the landscape with a digital camera she bought for today.
When Tagawa bought that Riyama and told Shie to build a house, I knew exactly why Shie raised her hand in favor.
Fly often and you will see this another splendid interesting Führer's residence,
Unlike the Izeira buildings seen in the dossier, the height of the building, though not so high, is unusually large in site area and prominently decorated like a "garden" decorated with a demographic river.
Transporter train descending to the front entrance.
Sie to Tagawa descending from the transporter with the support of staff.
"Yokoso, My Dastal Presidential Mansion H"
When Gash says so, he takes Takagawa's back and invites him inside.
Shie is physically a Takagawa escort, so he follows.
The Dustal Wide Area Press also kept track of the situation.
Takagawa is invited to the back guest room.
When Kashiwagi went to Iseira, that was a fuss to give Iseira wherever she went already, but the original purpose of Takagawa's visit this time was for the extremely private purpose of "the return of Sie," because it feels like the Japanese government is giving her a ride to that purpose, so there is also a story about her request not to make too much fuss in Sie, which makes it a proportionate welcome system...
As for the Rossho family, Kashie's Deln. Besides, I mean senior military executives in the country accredited by the Tilians to the Holy Land...... I am very concerned.
When Gash invited Takagawa to the reception room, there were elderly Dustal women and young men waiting for him.
The two of them, when Sie shows up, brighten her face with Pa, a little tear in her eyes.
"Aah! Sie...... Yoku Return to Tekita" and its woman.
"Sister...... a few cycles Brica. Yoku Return Tta 'and a young man.
Sie also shows a certain in her eyes, hugging them both big.
Yes. These two are Sie's Hal. In other words, it is my real mother's "Lumea Nanna Rossho" and my real brother, "Bail Lante Rossho".
If you're Le Mere, you look like you're in your late fifties. Indeed, the facade resembles Sie, as Gash put it. Perhaps when Sie eats older, he'll be like this, a dusty Lamian beauty who makes him think so.
Bail's already young in appearance. This one stands out too. Especially the mouth resembles a sire. They both seem like mothers, and I wonder if the sawdust gash is a relief. That said, there must be no misunderstanding there, as it is not that the gash is a busamen.
Mother, daughter, sister, brother. It's been a long time since I've seen you face to face. I usually create hook claws on model walks, and this is another joy for Nikkoli's instant killer Sie and how yummy she is. Takagawa also sees how it is with almost a feeling.
Then Lumea looked at Takagawa,
"Sie. Cochirano, Nayoquaraguyano Sanctuary Karayat Tekitaderno, Introduction Citecrenaino?
He tells Sie that so does Bail and asks her to introduce him.
Nevertheless, each other's side is not saying it's the first because we're already passing through in the Zell Room in Yalburn.
That's the difference between virtual or physical. Therefore, such words are of a liturgical nature, to be introduced and taken for granted. Sie associates the two with Takawa.
"Hal, Soleni, Bail. He Ga, Zell Communication Demo Introduction Sita, I No Lifetime No Partner Tonal, Planet Chicu Nihon Country/Special Risk SDF Il Carshelde, Mobile Weapons Unit Commander No, Tagawa Sindida '
"It is Nobuji Takawa. Thank you very much the other day. Thank you again, Master Lemea, Mr. Bail."
Takawa now holds his hat aside, so pissy bows salute.
"Ala, Tarliniha, my father-in-law Toho Bunoni, I Hamada mother-in-law Tohoundehakurenaino?
"Souda. Watashimo Oma...... Gohon, Anata's brother-in-law Uetohu Bitai. Moubeirde quite dazo '
"Ha, right. I'm sorry about that. Best wishes, mother-in-law. Bail...... you?
Calling it that, Lemea and Bail nico, take Takagawa's arm and invite him to the couch in the back. Looks like a welcome mood.
More than that, Takawa is also a special ambassador to the Japanese government. No one would normally look bad at someone of such splendid qualities as to get a government special mandate.
I also knew exactly why Shie told Tagawa, "I'd rather have a self-defense officer dress". Thank you. I guess there is also a history that the image of formal outfit design in Dustal was originally a military state. Military uniform design outfits seemed to be preferred, and the outfit first image seemed good.
What makes Takagawa wonder is the sensitivity of Tilians who can normalize these relationships between men and women, even though this species is different.
Even in the Earth world, especially in Japan, there are walls when an international marriage is quite an attempt to do so, but there is little such thing as a disorder around the other side's relatives, whether it be Fell's example, Tanaka's example, and Takawa's own example, when it involves romantic feelings and the environment is able to do so.
In the global community, such harm is almost certainly likely to rot, whether religion is or because the other person is a nanidine, but even in such a relationship with the Tibetans, we don't hear much of such harm.
All this tells Sie, "Why?" Asking won't give you the answer. For that is why I would only say that a society without inter-ethnic walls is normal.
Takagawa is served with dusty tea and handmade confectionery from Le Mere, and she and Bail are asked a lot of questions.
Tea is Dustal's finest tea. When I went to Sie's house in Yarbaan, I was sifted through this tea.
Very fruity aromatic tea, sweet and understated like some kind of fruit.
So, what did Lemea or Bail ask you...
"What is the familiarity story with Sie like?
"What was better about Sie?
"Why was it Cie?
"Has Cie done anything strange?
... When I listen to you, I turn very far.
"How dare you, well, I thought you were going out with such a ton of demofries."
Takagawa, who feels like she's being told what to do and is impoverished by the answer.
Side by side, the sire seems to react in the same way, covering her face with her hands and sighing ha.
That's also a story I can't help but tell you that Sie left the house and enlisted in the army when, in terms of Earthlings, he was about eighteen years old.
Besides, he said it was a short story after enrolling in a school that had nothing to do with the military called the "Dustal Institute of Advanced Judicial Learning". So Shie's academic level is pretty good, too. So, until that point, the ratings of Sie's family and acquaintance friends...
"Terrible Tenba," "So Vertigo Strong That Your Arms Aren't Normal," "Omnipotent Exercise Ability," "Macegaki," "I Know Iseira's Flinse," "At the Cost of Something, There's That Terrible Amazing Beauty"
And, I don't know if it's scattered or admirable. It's also a rating that sounds leaky after the D.O.D. enlistment, because it's a good porn elite who matches it... Sie's family is in Takagawa...
"Mr. Takawa. My daughter, you're willing to go out with something like this. Thank you very much."
The dimension that pure interest precedes the pleasure that there was a man who would have gotten it.
But in fact, Kashiwaki, Omi, Shiraki, Yalburn staff in Japan, they're all usually like that, but they all know that no woman is as good as Sie.
Some relatives are closer to home than others.
"Ha...... Hal, Bail. Omae Tachiha Integrated Sinni What Blow In Mouto Citaire Noda!?
"Ha? earsier. I ha pure niomae moratte clerderunga now lete joy shiinato. Ne, Bail '
"Aah, harno utong lida. Collede Sister Ni Yan Yi Shipping Tekkuru Faction Deln Kono, Iranu Sacrifice Increased Yas Necessary Monakunal '
What do you care? Takagawa heard what that bail said...
"Ha!? Deln's Sacrifice to Speak of??
"Upper Brother Um. Sister Ni Yan Yi Mai Te, Sister No-out Boyfriend Certification Test De Blood Festival Rininatta Sister Goal No Faction Delunga How Ill Mogo Mogo Mogo!
"Daaaaaaaa! Darling no mae de, sonna old no story sulna, bail!
When Bail is cordially and politely describing the situation to Takagawa, Sie enters the obstruction.
Quite a good sister and brother.
But this is not the end of my daughter teasing, who hasn't been home in a long time.
Next up, Lumea's in Takagawa.
"Sinha, sienidonoyona boyfriend certification test uketanoda?
"Ha? Is that a boyfriend test?
"Um, eta caracoso resistant to sono testing, no-status gaarnodaro now?
"Huh? Oh, no, I haven't taken such an exam..."
"Nani? Ano Harsh Na Test Received Ketai Knight Na. Hum...... '
"Mo, Hal! Sonna, talk to me, Sulna! Shame on you, Zukashi Idalou! '
"What Iukasier. Important nakotodazo. My beloved daughter no tame dye me ask kunoha parent no obligation da '
Huh? I think so, Takawa.
Sie's face is already bright red. But he doesn't feel bad.
You know, in the light conversation of the Dustals, your gentlemanly attitude to Mrs. Lemea's elegant work. The almost feeling of His Excellency President Gash.
... I see, I am reminded that this is the natural flavor of the Dustals, which I have previously heard from Charli.
Tagawa tells him that Sie and Buddy of Mobile Weapons are in the same situation as they are in today, after dating and normally dating each other, with equines starting to care about each other.
"Narhodo. Reciprocal Innocerment Ga. Tten. Nokotka. Soleja superimposed dana. Humhum '
"Yes, that sounds like something expressed in those words. So, at one point, Sie invited me on a date... a famous tourist destination in Japan, where I spent the whole day hanging out with Sie. At that time, I thought Shie was the woman who gave me this look..."
And when Takagawa tells such a story, Lumea has Bail...
"Na, Nant! Siega, Jijiji...... from yourself?...... 'and Le Méa turning her eyes to surprise her. I'm surprised to hear about this, Gash, next door.
"E!? Masaka Sister Shang Ga, Cerment Testar Lu!?!?
Listening to Takawa, after doing Cerment Testar, I assume it's a confession from Sie and his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Rosho.
Side by side with a shie unprecedented pshoot, leaning down.
Bail on Lemea. And Gash, a look of respect for Takagawa. I didn't know there was a man in this universe who would make you rich from the sire! Such a look. He said... that he was his own daughter.
"Mo, mo! Omayetachi, squid minus nishinaika! Mouiidaro!...... si, sin. Home Niikzo. More than Colle. Ijira Reteha Kanawan '
"Huh? Oh, no, Sie. I'm an ambassador. I need to give you a letter of confidence."
"Sonna Mono, Sono Atalini Place Iteoke"
"Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii For that kind of wax..."
"A, A to Souka, Soudana. Kichinto Sinite...... Tarley...... '
"Um, Soudana. Dehasin, Office Made Come Tekle '
"Ha. So..."
Takagawa gives a letter of confidence in Gash's office.
In Dustal, being invited to the office of the Führer, which is in the most central position of government, is regarded as the most honorable, and there is no such thing as presenting letters of confidence to ambassadors in such a way as these ceremonies in the Tibetan Union, so Gash received letters of confidence in the form of a guest invitation that he might be careful with.
When Gash receives a letter of confidence with a dustal-style premier salute, he attaches something like a medal to Takagawa's self-defense officer uniform, over his chest.
"? Father-in-law, what's this?
"Um. Kono Zhang Ha, We Ga Guo Ga, Sin Guo Jin Toshite Approved Sita Certificate Noyouna Monoda. Kono Chapter Tsuketaileva, During Stay C, Dustal Cabinet T Equivalent No Authority Ukerkotogadekir '
"is, it hurts to be considerate"
Takawa salutes Pisi.
"Um, dehasiemo toteol. Kauga Leung Ka Low, I Ga Jia He. Le meamo, bailmo, a little work ga residue ornodena, hahaha. No Supper Today Gara Simida '
And, like that, Takagawa is dropped off by Lumea, Bail, and Gash, and Sie and I are protected by a police officer from the Dustal police force to fly to Sie's home on a transporter.
"Huh, Tamaranaina. Return home, Ano. Things are going da early. Huhuhuhu '
"Ha ha, good old man. Isn't that your brother, Sie"
"Darling Mo, Chi Ni In Tte Moraeta Mitaida"
"Un. Soleni, peace of mind mocite cretami tai dacina"
"Is that... what you used to say about the parents?
"Aah. Nihon Niha, Pinto Conaida Rouga, Kono Issue Ha, Dustorno Politician Toshite, Yahari Great Kina Issue Nanoda...... Darling......"
Saying so, Sie shook Tagawa's hand with both hands
"Watasito...... Ninatecrette with me, Aligato. Heart Kara Gratitude Citaire...... '
"Huff, come on, shie. It has nothing to do with the parenting problem. Nah."
Saying so, Takagawa attracts Sie's head to himself.
"But come on, Sie..."
"Ng? Nani?
"That's... dusty hot shie returns home temporarily, and what's in that faction... I knew you'd show him your face, right? I'm a special ambassador for once, too, and you're gonna meet the guys in those hands, right? There seems to be a wave..."
"Uhhhhhhhh, worry sulna. Mosi Souna Reva, I Ga, Darling Shouteyal '
"Hey, that's pathetic, huh? I'll think of something then."
"Souka? Soleja Easy Simida"
and Takagawa arriving at Sie's parents' house like that.
It's not like a castle for a boulder like Fell's home. Still a big mansion.
So, when I saw this mansion, I could understand why Shie liked Mount Kanori more and more.
The Rossho mansion exists to blend into its forest landscape, surrounded by trees, on open land in the woods.
The roof of the mansion was also greened, and its garden, somehow, its composition resembled that of a Japanese garden.
However, the design of the house is somewhat western, so the gap in the atmosphere makes me curious again.
Well, such a sire's home. Takagawa wants to see the mansion and garden, so he gets it off the transporter a short distance from the mansion entrance, and Takagawa walks with her for a short walk.
While deep, a large mansion garden plugs in beautifully as a wood leak date has been calculated. Takawa and Shie walk while enjoying the walkway and feeling the cool and comfortable breeze on their skin.
"I see. That Riyama I bought. This is what you want, Sie."
"Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu Sowiukotoda '
Talking about that, I walk towards the mansion with a breath of sitting on the bench.
So I could ask a lot about Sie's house and family.
Sie's house. In other words, the Rosho family is one of the three main political factions that supported the Bawler family, the ancestors of the Dustal democracy.
The Bawler family unfortunately did not benefit the men, the house naturally vanished due to earlier parental issues, and now it no longer exists, but the Rossho Zando and Bath families, which supported the Bawler family, still exist today and are still politically speaking in Dustal as a large historical faction that stands alongside other large, small and medium-sized factions.
The eldest daughter of the Rossho family, one of those three factions, is Mr. Sie.
The story of Sie says that his mother, Lumea, is also a member of the First Assembly of Dustal and a director of the example Führer's Office administrative surveillance organization Sustmar. I mean, she also holds a key position in the government.
It's a political relationship like my daughter-in-law whining about Dana, but the story is that Lumea is actually after that too.
So, Bayle, you're studying at the Dastal Supreme School of Administration. He is a college student in global terms and studying for a politician. After enrollment, he said he plans to run for the First Assembly.
"Heh. Sie's house is a family of rooted politicians, isn't it?"
"Un. Sonna Zhongde, Most Done No Evil Inoga, I Toi Uwakeda. Fuhaha '
Polypolize the head and sire.
"What are you talking about? His Highness Lieutenant Colonel of the Army of the Ministry of Defence, former Director of the Autonomous Authority of Yalburn. Isn't he the current Commander of Aeronautics and Astronautics of the Special Crisis militia and the Chief of Staff? What's wrong with you?"
"Demonstration, no family of politicians ni raw marete, after all ha escape geta. Sono negative eyes ganai wake dehanai. Demo, parents late ni good kidemonai delnt together ninalnado, colemo elarel things de hanai. Dakara, Bail Guy Teklete Liang Cuttato Siu I ha, Amari Made Noi, Fruttheien. Emotional Kenai Tales Da '
Sie said, so at first, Fel, who had Kashiwaki as his partner, was jealous and a little jealous.
So some of them said they were wearing such a little bit. Said this was a pitiful story too.
"Dakara, Sin Happy Kinina Reta Kotoga, Totemo Happy Shiinoda. Collede me mo people minofluninaleta '
Stop walking and face Takagawa, Sie speaking so.
Something gleams in its eyes.
Cie is usually like that, but as her, she had trauma as a person, held it, and wanted to be free from that trauma. That is, it was a woman, with what anyone had for granted.
Therefore, because of his ability, Sie tends to be considered a human estranged female jewel, but his ability also meant that he was only trying to compensate for such Sie's shortcomings.
Wood leaks on the wooded grounds of the Rossho Mansion.
The silhouettes of men and women floating beautifully in that light… the blue militia garments that hug each other and the WAF garments look beautiful again…
Sie arriving at the Rossho mansion.
Then, were you contacted first, a Dustal like an elderly butler speaks to Sie?
"Miss Sie. Yokukaelaleta '
That said, smile gently at Sie.
"Ah, Dend. Kushina. Omaetmo, Ka since I left the house '
"Um. Corresponding ni years old ha tatta. hahahaha '
Cock-and-mouth sire.
"Miss Sie. Cochirano del Lunga...... '
"Aah. Sowiukotoda. Mo Chit 'il Nodaro?
"Narhododa. Copy, Sita."
The butler named Dend. When Sie tells him that, he gives a dustal salute to Takawa and introduces himself.
"First Meteo Eye Nikakakal. I, the deacon of the Hakono family, Shitheil" Dend Herma Sarje "Toshen. Yorosik Wish Itai '
Takawa introduced herself like that. Therefore, the same is true of the fact that Gash is the Führer, but Takawa is a basic, futsu common people, although it is certainly a particularly dangerous town now.
That's the lady from the big house with the butler, and I don't know what that is with a Lamian beautiful alien... I think at this moment. But if you remain exposed to such an environment for a long time, it is still something humans get used to.
Somehow during the war, I lived in a foreign country for nasty reasons, married a man of the land, and ended up unable to go home and say, "Why are you Japanese in such a place?!? I could understand the feeling of the Japanese people that they wouldn't know if they had to dig back on a show like that.
In short... if humans get used to it, they're invincible. If you get used to it, you can win. And Takagawa thinks that.
"Darling or Dowsitanoda?
"Hmm? Ah! No, it's nothing. It's nothing. Ha. No, everything's amazing. No."
"Huhu, Maa travel no fatigue remoarrow...... dendo, watashino room two de usage itai. Madaarca? '
"Whatever. Cano time noma mannitail. Sonomamada '
"F, Souka...... Deja, Soledetanomyo"
[]/(n, vs) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk)
and Takagawa guided inside. Upon entering the mansion, she left her jacket, hat, etc. in Dend and was led to her room upstairs by Sie.
Then, what a decoration is guided to a young large room.
"When I say then... in Earth time, does that mean a decade or so ago?
"Un. Sonnato corokana......"
and take mascot goods that seem to mimic Dustal's favorite animals decorated on the shelves and watch them look nostalgic.
"A, Singh. Suitable (d) Hip Caquette Cre '
Yes, Shie says, Takawa falls back on the couch.
"Souka, Bedni, Bedding Ganano Dattana...... High Quande Makes Sacerca......"
When Sie was indeed young. They slept in a sleep pod, so sleep in bed is a story since they came to Earth. Sie is now a sleeper, too, and if she doesn't sleep in bed, she doesn't feel like she slept.
'...... ha. Nanica?'
"Sumanuga, Kono Data Nial Mono, High Quande Making Sacete, Kono Room No, Kete Lust Shii with Anoatarini Preparation. Right of use (c) I no data ni Attached Sacetheok '
"Roger, Sita... Koleja... Sleeping Equipment Ca? Hermano? '
"Assouda. Interests Gaareva, Omaemo Envoy Ttemil Toyi. Yoku Sleep Realzo '
As it were, the bed would also be deployed later. Regardless, it is a double bed.
Sie and Takagawa. Take a breath in that place. Sie is also a long time old home, but it seems somewhat unsettling because it's a good place to go home for the first time in a long time. It's like a time machine, he says.
Memories of the Cie apprenticeship. Because it is such a room, every item in the room is a memento. Toying with such products and explaining everything to Takagawa.
And from evening to night.
The night sky of Dustal is close to that of Earth, but the sky floats flatly with two terraformed blue moons. And cover the night sky as beautifully as the Milky Way the Milk Maska galaxy can see on Earth.
Seeing the night sky from the balcony, Takawa enjoys its beautiful night sky. But I'm a basic plane idiot, so I think...
(Uh, this sky. Try flying in the Eagle - hey)
Ambassador Takawa, after all. Without the wings of lifting power, he won't calm down.
"Ouch sie. Hey, what's up?
"Meal no preparation gadekita. Minnamo Return Textile. Dining Room DeMatteirzo '
"Okay. That's a face that doesn't float anything, Sie."
"Atari maeda. Mata sake no dishes niiji ralel Fang no body nimonatte miro"
"Ha! Ma, that's the parent. That's good."
and like that, parent daughter sister brother. And a dinner at the Rossho family with Takagawa, who will be a new family.
Gash acts Takagawa by bringing up something like Dustal's liquor to keep. Regardless, a preliminary investigation seems to be something that Earthlings can drink. The taste was similar to that of Uocca. Sounds like a tight liquor, and in Dustal, it seems normal to drink diluted with fruit juice. Bail, you and I are in a rush. He looks like an eighteen or nine young man, but he's probably over thirty years old globally. I don't think Takawa will treat any young person respectfully on that point...... that means Shie will also be his sister's wife in the early fifties, so Takawa will also do something like a Dustal version of Ramua's ritual?
Dinner is a dustal dish that entertains guests. The Dustalians have a bit of a conservative place, and in this case, for example, if a guest comes, a dish in a way that entertains the guest. If it's your birthday, cook in a way that celebrates your birthday. If a friend who has come to stay returns, there is a dish that prays for a safe return home and that way, and one dish cooks very much that way.
Such an evening meal. With a marine biocentric dish, and as Cie said before in Castle, the Dustalians also have a culture of eating fish in close proximity to raw, so such dishes also came out.
Everyone with Lumea, Sie. And with Dend's handicrafts, they say it's not high quarn stuff.
Dinner along with a toast like that. The food was just as well they were studying, cooked with good salt plums and clearly good. At any rate, it looks like Sie also cooked Japanese food, cooked white rice, and cooked Dustal fish shellfish in tatataki, hot water, and marinade. And let's "smear" where I learned to put it out. This was what everyone appreciated highly. As a curry thing, of course, I serve curry stews. This is a story that we can't take off anymore in the Tierkmaska world.
Sie is no less than Fell and cooks well. Or conversely, it is also said that the food must be good in order to become an explorer crew in Tibet. The culinary good is, in fact, a very dead and alive issue for those whose task is exploration. That greatly influences morale. So adventurers to militia members, military personnel and explorers. In the sports world, sumo wrestling, etc. Many people in such positions are good cooks.
Even in such a mealtime conversation, Sie is messed with the same as before, and Takagawa is messed with. Enjoy a dinner table that stays together.
"Father-in-law, by the way"
"Ng? Nanicana?
"Tomorrow, the example I have planned, Asahi Ryu...... about Margen Tsare's coaching, will you do it based on the regular rollout type?
"Um, Soo listen Iteorga. How many problems, Gaarnoka?
When we talk about it, Sie and Takawa look at each other.
"Tarley. Tomorrow no training daga, I tosinno ride fuselage. Duplex no coaching type ready Citehosii '
"Solehakamawanga, Nazeda?
Yes. In fact, the regular Asahi Ryu model is a stand-alone specification. Duplex is the only type of coaching type.
Asahi Ryu, handled by Sie and Tagawa, is based on prototyped double-seating specifications of specifications that include data acquisition in coaches, and they have never ridden a single seating specification Asahi Ryu. So cruise combat is Takagawa, and mobile combat feels like Sie.
Takagawa is also a manoeuvre. Cie can't cruise battles either, but if there is a double seat usage there, it would be appreciated.
"Narhodna, Yoquakatta. Sowiukotnara Defence Staff Headquarters Ni Teoku"
"I'm sorry. For your convenience."
"Nanno. Da for o 'anyi. Future tierkumaska world de, ano weapons ha expect saletails. Vazrano minor change mo, solo solo limit kid taita souda carana. Waga Army No Pilot Nemo Early Inner Ni Habitual Resacete Okitai '
He said that Vazler's first mould was built in the Tilian world about tens of thousands of years ago in Earth time, and he kept using Vazler to minorly change the mould of Iseira, who was the first to operate in the Tilian world.
It seems that Vazler is very user-friendly, and regardless of the current type and the performance of the initial type, it is a separate treatment, but since then when it comes to the so-called completely new type of mobile weapon, it is about the space airborne weapon Silvel, and then it is about the manoeuvre weapon of the Fora Berk III type in Samarca.
Therefore, the Asahi Light Type II Vazler developed by Yaru Research in Japan is highly appreciated as a long time vazler minor change type in Tilian, and further to Asahi Dragon, a long time new aircraft has appeared, saying that the advanced introduction type is manufactured in Tilian countries.
By the way, in fact, Mr Fell, Deputy Minister, and Charlie to Riassa. Pol also receives Asahi Ryu's piloting training in Yalburn using actual machines and simulators. Why would Mr. Fell do that, too? That being said, Mr. Fell was a member of the Bureau of Investigation who qualified to fly a Vazler with Bureau of Investigation specifications, which may be due to the decision that Mr. Fell should have qualified to fly a new aircraft.
And so Mr. Sie teases and talks about his work. Dinner goes on.
Sie, well, it's been a long time coming home, and her parents are like this, wearing sashimi and having a drink with a bitter laugh.
Bail was eager to ask Takagawa about Yarmartian's political system. He also said that he would like to use regular flights to Japan once soon and meet with Minister Kashiwagi as well.
When I tell that story, Sie is about to blow out as' poo '.
"Hmm? What's going on, Sie?"
"A, Iya, Nandemonai Nandemonai. Kukukuku...... '
"(Atdena, Singh)"
and the dinner party is over like that, it's been quite a while since I drank and ate and laughed and talked and it's already midnight.
It goes hand in hand with the rest of the day, and we're all going back to our rooms.
When Sie and Tagawa got back to the room, Deacon Dend had created the bed properly and placed it in the best position. So, a little drunk, Mr. Sie. It looks like it's in bed, and I sit down to make sure I'm comfortable.
"Sin. boulder ni bathya, shower hanainode, sanitary capsule ninalga, sokoha spare citecle"
"Oh, I don't mind sticking around..." Takawa said, also sitting on the couch stretching his back. "By the way, Sie, I was talking about when you said you wanted to see Minister Kashiwagi earlier..."
"Kukukuk, aah, Arena. Fuhaha...... teaching-etehoshiika?
"That would bother you."
When Takawa said yes, Sie couldn't stop laughing at the memories, and looked a little nostalgic.
"Actualha, Beilha, Kashiwagino Love Enemy Ninalcamosilene. Kuhahahaha '
"Beilha, circa little rhino. Ferno matter" Fern sister Fern sister "Toiteh, Muteitakarana a lot. Fermoyok opponent Citeyattaita '
"Oh, it's about my childhood, hahahaha. Well, I'm sure we're talking about seeing Mr. Felferia and the family at Sie's house."
"Aah. After I Ga Army Ni entered, Mo, Turiija, Iseirani, every time I went Ni, Yoku, see how Ni was doing, Ni Line Atte Ita Soudaga, Ferga, Yarburnno Dispatching Senator Ni Volunteer Cite, Anonymous De Bureau of Investigation No Training Ketekara, Sole and Beyond Ha, Amarina......"
"I see. So, Mr. Fell said something about you, Bail..."
"Sonna Thing, Nantmo Stuttai Naidaro. My brother, Glinissica, Steinaina, Node Hanaica? Noferha now, Kashiwagi mushroom Dehanaika. Tteka, Daughter-in-law Dashi '
"Ahhh... Bye, Mr. Bail. I guess I was shocked when I found out the news that Kashiwagi and Ferferia were married."
"Saah? Solehawakarannah. I Mosole and beyond no story nado chirancarana. Ma, hissou descatoiu emotions dehana cuttarouga. Kukukukukuku '
Takagawa is told such stories 50 million light years away from Earth.
I don't know, I don't think you're that different from the Earthlings. Wondering how sensitive we are to each other as intelligent life forms like that. What an interesting thing to learn to feel strange.
and Takagawa with Shie, who ends today like that. Mr. and Mrs.
Today the Rossho family also became busy with the return of their longtime eldest daughter. Besides, the eldest daughter is taking Dana home with her. The Dana planner Takagawa also worried a lot about what would happen if he got here, but in the end, he was welcomed with an extension that had previously been face-to-face in the Zell conference room, which is a ho word story. Jesus Christ, I'm relieved tired.
So I just want to go with Oyasminasai today...
"Singh. Hamou Humka today? n? '
Sie, a beautiful limb, gets tangled up in Takagawa, so she says, "Do you want to rest? Translating the word" into modern language "means" You don't tell me to rest anymore ".
In other words, it is also a pleasure to imagine Mr. Brown Drunk Sie tangled up in Takagawa like twisting stick candy... and so on...
And even if I imagine that, the next day.
A day in Dustal. In other words, sunrise and sunset are close to Earth time.
If you're on Earth, that's where the morning sun is going to happen if you face it off the eastern ridge and even match it with your hand towards the big Asahi, but in the case of Dustal, the stars out of the ridge are very small visually because they're far away from the mess. It just feels like there is something unusually bright about only one point in the sky, which is a double star, but therefore an intense light, not of an image roughly like the circle of the sun.
In fact, when you make an optical shield with PVMCG and look at the sun, you see two intensely glowing light points, even as small as a bean grain, pounding.
And like that, Ichizo Takawa, who is early in the morning, opens the window and puts the bright weather air inside the room and wears a gown over his bare skin. Do that.
Then Sie, who slept in the same bed, also wakes up as she stretches her back with a lustrous limb with a uh-ung.
"Oh, good morning, Sie."
"Uh-uh... Oayo - Darling"
Mr. Sie, as usual, bare, next to Takagawa, and a morning chew. But it's in native Japanese.
"The star Miteitanoka?
"Oh. It's a strange sun."
"Taiyo? Tyyoutha, the Chicuuno star, Darrow?
"Oh, the meaning of the word sun used by Earthlings at times like this is to say oh stars in general. And that same goes for that overnight Iseira star morning, but I knew there were a lot of worlds. It's exciting, you know."
While we talk about that, Sie wears a gown on a mappa model walk, and when she wears a PVMCG,
"Soune. I, Mo Earno, saw Ta in the morning, Discarno Morning Citta"
"Well, does the Discar star resemble Earth?
"Un. Zut. Once upon a time, Diskar Defense Forces Tono Exercise Gaatena. Sono Hour (d) Once Row Matter Gaal. star orbit ya, planet no environment nad, osolak most chicouni similar tail star darouna '
Two people dressing in the morning with such quadrilateral mountain stories and so on.
If it were meant to be paid and as a vacation, Sie would take Takawa home. It was like a vacation just in time for my parents, but the government told me to pay for it all, so I told the special ambassador to do it.
That's where it is, so a lot of work awaits him today, too.
First and foremost, a meeting with the politicians who come to the Führer's residence. Dustal does not have an embassy in Japan. Because the right to negotiate with Japan lies with Iseira, and the TU-U.N. governing embassy cannot create an embassy in any other TU.N. world until Iseira's right to negotiate with Japan expires, as the second embassy in Iseira oversees the embassy functions in the TU.N. world. Japan joined the Galactic Union because this is the kind of decision that remains. Embassy and consular diplomacy with the countries of the Union will be at your disposal for a short period of time after Iseira's deadline for negotiations is invalidated.
Secondly, the Asahi Ryu Coach for the Dastal Defence Force and the Hunker Star System of the Tilian General Ministry of Defence. This hits jointly with Sie.
Subsequently, meetings were held with the Dastal National Defence Force and the Command Executive of the Ministry of Defence. Pretty busy Ambassador Takawa.
Rather than an ambassador, it is a job like a diplomat dispatching martial arts officer. Think of it that way, it's like him too.
"Miss Sie. Ambassador Tagawa. Breakfast no prepared ga recta. Cafeteria Made Descent Litecolaretai '
Knock on the door of the room and say so is the deacon's den.
"Aligatow, Dend. Sugni descending lil '
With that said, Sie and Takagawa went to the dining room not long ago.
"Ohayo, Singh. Yoku Sleep Retakana? 'and gash.
"Sleep Letatoiuka, Sleep Lacetemoraetanokatoiuka, Uhuhuhuhu," said Lumea, boso with his hands on his mouth.
"Ohayo, brother-in-law. Sister, 'said Bail, bitterly laughing at Lumea's words.
"Saah, Ni Fooded Beyoo in Warm Kai"
Oh, my God, butter for breakfast on Earth toast, potage soup and salad for scrambled eggs. The drink was tea.
"Dendoga Earthno Breakfast Adjustable Betasou Nanoyo. Tasting sitara, colega most oisi kattatte '
That's Lumea. Dend is nodding his arms back and snorted good at it. Gash and Bail also eat with predictive behavior that they will be applying butter to toast, ununun-noised. This is with Umai.
"Ha, right. This breakfast is also an iron plate in the Earth world. Well, no one would call this breakfast a mess first."
"Soudana. I mo, caguyadeno breakfast ha, hobo daily conotype da. Dustalde, Scrambled Egg Ga Food Bellarerto Ha Swana Cutta '
And flowers bloom in such stories.
Morning regiment. Talk to each other about your plans for today, in relation to your work, and get advice from Gash and Le Mere. Bail was eager to listen to Takawa and Sie's words.
Then a servant of Dend's subordinates enters the room and gives Dend an earful.
Even when it comes to servants, it's not like what we call a maid and a maid leader on Earth, and what they do is military personnel themselves. That's something like an ex-military state?
Dend nods gently ununung and gestures in support of something to his men. And I ear to the gash...
When Gash hears that earshot, he suddenly looks like a bitter bug-bitten face, ears to the den, and seems to be directing something.
Mr who wants to be surprised at how it goes.
Lumea is the one who asks Gash what it is about.
"Dorsitanoda? You."
"Um ~, I don't like it, Actual Hannah......" So I looked at Sie and said, "The Sarzal family no, Fettoga, come Orlassii......"
That makes Bail look bitter and crushed all at once on Lemea...
"Geho geho, boo!
The sire fell apart.
"Hey, hey, hey, are you okay?
Takagawa slapping Tonton and Sie on the back. The morning reunion makes Rossho Mansion a strange atmosphere at once with the story of Dend.
When Shie said enough with his hand on Takagawa's hand slapping him on the back, he turned his face toward Takagawa.
I don't like the look on your face.
"Sie, what's going on? Something strange..."
"Aah, Singh. I'm Kara Talking Soo. Hu...... '
They're talking about a person named 'Fetto Hill Sarzal' coming to this Rossho family right now, but as I said earlier, this dustal has three historic factions that can be described as Zando Bath in Rossho, the house of Sie, who has a political say.
These three major factions, as well as the factions of houses close to Vesh, the first president of democracy, are summed up in Dustal as "Vesh factions," but the factions that mother political groups made after democracy like the Sarzal family that we have just talked about are called "nascent factions," and of those nascent factions, this Sarzal family is the largest and comparable force to the Vesh three major factions.
He said that even in the earlier Führer election, he had a good battle with the Vesh system to make it pretty good news in the Tibetan world.
In the meantime, this Deln named Fetto, he says, is the person in the vortex of the Rossho family female parenting problem, says Sie.
"Mendokusai, Dernnanoda. Darling...... ha...... '
The story.
"It's a pain in the ass? What do you mean?
Actually, he says the man who inspired Cie to run away from home is this guy named Fetto.
That said, Sie got gacky, and she leaned down.
"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law..."
"Hmm? Oh, what's up, Mr. Bail?"
"Actual Ha......"
Bail who talks to me instead of Sie.
In his commentary...
Talk before Sie still runs away from home. amidst those female parental issues vortex. At the time, the Xands and Baths, as opposed to the dusty high-school female-like Cie of your age, if I may say so. Others. From every faction on the large and medium scale, he said that he wanted Sie for his daughter-in-law, from a medium-sized patterned place, to his son-in-law for adoption, and so on.
Regardless, Sie said that she didn't like it anymore and didn't like it, and that Gash and Lumea were relentless, so she made Sie like it regardless of the approach of each house.
As it stands, it was like a political marriage or something, as it was in the Japanese Warring States era, but because Shih is dusty and idyllic, after all, the Delns of each of its factions have said a lot about Shih themselves, while also talking about politics.
So, the young sire at the time is so delicious that at the time, or still is, but with the dustal martial arts that he wore to train himself to be such a predicament, he gave the condition that if he could beat himself, he would hang out with him for about a date for now.
No matter, no one can beat such a sire. Sie was quite a martial arts high-ranking man, so as he was, the cadets of each house, whose goal was to become politicians, could not beat Sie's martial arts, and were being raised to a blood festival.
Over and over again, the Delns are going to be buried. That's how I gave up other houses, including the Xands and Baths...
"So... the guy named Fetto, did he beat Sie?!?
Normally, it is. But the recovered Sie says...
"No, Soitzha I Ni Seung Ta Kot Hanai"
"Huh? That's not a problem..."
"Free...... Negative Ketacotomonai......"
In other words, it is the only Deln who has fought on an equal footing against Sie, drawing no matter how many attempts he has made.
So, before Sie made that promise, there are fettos who try and come again and again, and his personality as it is, seems to be Sie's favorite personality, but on the contrary, Fetto seems emotional every time he tries and is so persistently challenging that he may be bringing it to the draw with the wazza...
"You ran away and joined the army!
"Un...... mou, in the beginning of enlistment cita ha...... nant words uno datta cana? Anoticudeno, Military Gayoku Kakal Disease...... '
"Is that PTSD?
"Aah, Solesole...... Ano, Fettono, Asshole Face Ga Daily Head Niflokande, How Many Nights Ni Eye Gasa Metaca......"
Takawa accidentally drew Shie's shoulder
"That's disastrous... it's a story... what can I say... I don't know, the man. That's a complete stalker..."
Again, Lumea in a gash where Takagawa is going to be horny with Dana. Because I saw Sie trusting Takagawa completely. Takagawa in such a gash.
"But your father-in-law. If there's such a story, you know how the man is avoided from Sie too... why now..."
Then it's Dend, not Gash, who answers that word.
"No, ambassador. Fettono Purpose (c), Nominal Cadowka Hawa Karanuga, Your Highness Tono Visit Notameda '
"Nah! I... wasn't. Me!?"
And then gash.
"Sin. once ha, this morning no planned toi ukotdana......"
"I see... is that right..."
Takagawa snorts.
Well, now, Ichigo Takawa, who still feels like this, no, my Lord Ambassador Toei.
Naturally, it also depends on this dustal that there is a good story of the Sie dele in the Holy Land of Japan, which crushed the Seven Wonders of the General Ministry of Defense.
If such a dusty couple on fire went home...... I wonder if it could be like this as well.
But...... it's been quite some time now, a leftover tale of Mr. Sie's adolescence story.
Sie gets depressed to see if the continuation of that day, which was smoking small, starts here.
But Ichizo Takawa is forty-two years old. He also did the air militia Deputy Commander of Matsushima Station.
How dare you make Shi 'ah complain?
Now the Defense Department Seven Wonderful stories go from "Why is there no Deln in Sie" to "Why did Sie dele from himself? So it's turning into."
Well, anyway...
Ichigo Takawa. This is a cool place to compete...
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