Galactic Union Japan
Galactic Union Japanese External AGE AFTER - Causal Succession - Final Story
Sedan with red patramp on it. Many so-called masked police cars pull over and park their blackened bodies in a warehouse that even turned them into lonely abandoned buildings.
Whatever, some of them are competent (softly) police vehicles. There are also so-called black and white police cars, but another thing that stands out is a vehicle like the one that has been modified with transporters made in Yalburne and light motor vehicles often seen in blue painted militias. These are also loaded with red lamps, turning the circle and its red lights on the vehicle body ceiling. Especially the water-colored transporters and light motor vehicles have gothic body logos on them from [SIF] and [Ministry of Information], and there seems to be a lot of people working mixed up with the guys in suits and armed with body armor.
"Oh, I'm here. I'm here. Aurai!"
A Ministry of Information SIF staff member brings in the vehicle, or aircraft.
This is another big vehicle with the Ministry of Information logo on, or transporter.
It's a transporter like a big truck.
A working deluge descends from inside and loads the evidence inside the warehouse into the truck.
Shiraki to the semal that directs it.
"Well, since it's an order above, I'll keep all the evidence for you, but this one's an achievement, too. Nice to meet you there, Yamamo."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."
"I don't know... but you've been scouted somewhere different too... I can't believe that such an organization could really be 'provincial'..."
"What do you say, envy me?
"Nothing... I don't want to fight a space monster."
"Oh, what the hell, Sole? I'm not such a wandering organization."
Yamamoto speaking with colleagues from the public safety era. The story is still a little old.
Looks like he came this way because he also said he got a lump of crap on his break with you.
"Gentlemen, Yamamoto."
"Ooh, Shiraki. So, what do you say, Semal, did it help?
"Yeah, that's it already. The Takuishi Yamamoto team is very proud of you."
"Well...... so, what about the bumps?
"Yeah this way...... by the way, Simo, what about you and Hasse?
"Those two are letting us look into national trends in this case. You're in charge of foreign affairs. This time the place where it happened is the place. He's been watched by a lot of ordinary people, and all the videos have been posted. So, the governments that I've seen care a lot about it... does it feel a little bit like it's not going to fit that easily?
"I see. Do you? Copy that... Ah, go ahead"
Nodding Shiraki. I don't think so either.
Shiraki opens the warehouse door and passes Yamamoto flat-handed like a butler. Whether it is sprinkling or not.
Now inside the warehouse, the Ministry of Information Analysis Unit and Police Forensics, as well as the Yalburn State Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Ministry of Defence Intelligence, were jointly investigating the mysterious equipment here.
"So, what did you find out about something like this unknown plant?
Yamamoto was looking in his hand with white gloves at the parts that rolled onto the ground and the equipment…
"Yeah. This weird design stuff. People who understand. Hey, honestly, you're the only one here right now, semal. I asked him to take the audio head and now I'm looking into it... apparently this evidence, this murder robot didn't make it..."
Shiraki let Semal look into the crime scene, but the evidence he was able to seize. They say it doesn't belong to Tierkmaska because of its shape, function, and technology. I will tell him that it will not match the technical designs of any Member State.
"Hi, Director Shiraki, Director Yamamoto"
"Oh, so, what do you say, Semal?"
"Yeah, Keller Yamamoto. Perhaps it was Dora the other day that His Lordship Nayo and the others defeated him who created this strange plant, sir. '
"Yes!? It's like a robotic weapon, but it's capable of making plants like this."
"Hi. But Keller. Even the working robots we serve can build as many plants as this. So in a phenomenon as surprising as our senses are, Arimasen. Therefore, even human gatadora, if it is an individual with the corresponding function, it is possible to build a plant of this magnitude without taking time."
Yamamoto and Shiraki nodding to Semal's question.
'The problem is...'
There's Yamamoto where Semal tried to tell us what was ahead.
"What were you making... you mean?
Semal tells us that this plant would have been running, including the zel-causing function of that defeated human gatadora. Because there are many parts of the machine that are missing, by the way, to anticipate its function. In other words, that part could have used a virtually created device.
Some parts were obtained within Tilian, some on this planet, obviously… a situation that I didn't really want to think about.
"Huh? What's that..."
"Hi, Keller Shiraki. I'm not a specialist, so I'm waiting for an answer from a Yalburn scientist… perhaps… Dora Core… '
Hearing the words, Shiraki in Yamamoto looks sinister with all his strength.
Yamamoto snuggles between his brows, especially when he hears the words, distorting his mouth.
"Semal. What happens to that story, if it's true?
Shiraki, too.
"That's right, Semal. If it's real enough to say that someone was messing around in this plant-like place, I'm not kidding. I saw that battle record footage of the Shileira a decade ago, too. I haven't seen the footage of this special crisis yet, but I can imagine what kind of dodgy footage it is."
When you two say that, Semal also nods with his arms
"Tohaier, the truth is that we in the Ti Lian are also the first to confront this human rattle properly, so there is nothing to be done around it......"
That said, Semal starts talking about his thoughts.
First, this human gutter. He said that the Intelligence Department and the Ti Lian might be wandering around the Ti Lian, copying and impersonating some subject anyway, to think about it all in their history since the murder. Besides, it's such a sophisticated disguise that it never gets caught up in vital checks, so I can expect its performance to be comparable to that of some sort of nayo body.
If it were a naive structure, it would have been immediately found then, assuming that the missing person in the Sileira case ten years ago was something similar to this human gutter. That's what I've never been able to do before, so I still can't insult that level of technology, Semal says.
"Sure...... was His Excellency Nayo the Dora Vazler? Even when I made that core wreckage and made my present body, if it wasn't for that core, there would certainly have been a place where I didn't know if the current Lord Nayo was here."
'Hi. So keep this human gutter still small in number, and I guess the activities in the Tis are being carried out accordingly. So we're letting all previous murders and weird cases in our country be rewashed from scratch.'
Then Shiraki, with a face like a bitter bug bite
"From ten years ago to a few years ago, both Tilian and Japanese were dying of spermatozoa and some of the civilizations in the development process, and even more so by bringing Japan's alliance membership and mutual relations to this point. I can't be honest with you about this Dora bastard. Speaking of which, there have been cases of Kashiwaki and Ferferia..."
"Hi. Those years have been a lot...... the response to Gargdera was not as difficult in itself, so it still became Nantka...... even the Tibetan Union has dealt with them in the usual terrorist collective way, but this is how we ended up with 50 million light years this time toward here, causing a scene in this Nihon country. This is a fairly unprecedented situation, Death. '
Shiraki nods deeply at Semal's words to Yamamoto. The reason for this is that if we have Tilian science, even if the human rattle has done something, we can handle it because we have the means to deal with it accordingly, but when things happen on Earth, it is difficult to deal with them even in Japan today.
Besides, Dora made a scene this time by turning it into a pole, but whoever copies it is fine, let alone human gatadora specializes in copying, but Dora specializes in 'parasitic assimilation' as well...
'If you normally have Dora Core, Chicu automobiles and hickos. Hune on Densha. In addition, military weapons can be parasitized and used as their own bodies. "
"Oh, if you recall the Dora Vazler of the day, you're the one."
Yamamoto is convinced.
In some cases, such things can reasonably be done in infrastructure facilities such as industrial plants and communications. I do find it hard to look past.
"So what would happen if Dora Core had been completed in this plant? Ola, I can't imagine."
"Hi. I don't know what to say there eagle...... but to check the status quo, it seems like you were trying to use this global equipment, equipment, to make a core, so I just don't think you can make as much as a human gutter, but you should be wary"
If Hitogata had brought in something like a zel-making device separately, the Dora type would surely lurk in this country. That said, this is serious.
Shiraki imagines a ten year old Hollywood SF movie, its one scene, previously seen on television, to somehow think about Semal's description in its entirety. It's a movie where some strange mechanical life assimilates, deforms and rumbles around the Earth's vehicles. If that's what Earth Dora looks like...
(I hope that doesn't happen...)
Using Earth's materials, Dora Core operates in their masquerade function. I can't imagine what it would be like.
Shiraki immediately instructed Yaru to investigate and study the plant structure through the relevant department of the Ministry of Information...
The next day, Kasumigaka Ministry of Foreign Affairs Headquarters.
Mr. Fell works in the form of a successor to the status of then Minister for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister of Mishima.
Until eight years ago, "When I was Special Minister in charge of Tierkumaska, I had an office in the Prime Minister's residence, but the main place where Fer is active today is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Nevertheless, she also has an office in the Prime Minister's residence because she is the Deputy Prime Minister.
Why is it great?
Normally, all of these cabinet members will be climbing the agency in a black-painted official vehicle, but, by and large, there are various schedules and very little of them are in the office of the government. Especially if you become a foreign minister, you'll already have a day with foreign dignitaries. I'll spend the whole day meeting and asking.
At the time, when Mishima decided to leave this position to her just like she did to retire, what Mishima thought was that there was no better person than Fell to let her talk to foreign dignitaries on the planet.
The main nationality now is Japanese, aliens permanently residing in Japan. My husband is Japanese and has always been a cabinet member. I am already a veteran as a politician on the planet.
Fell's faction is a fresh breeze party created by Shimizu. This affiliation remains the same, but with that background, the old Mishima senators also support Fell.
So Fell is also about to climb the agency with a black-painted official car, but what a train commuter Mr. Fell is.
Take a metro ride to the Foreign Ministry in Japanese mode. At first, Fell tried to take the train in a native way, but that's already combined with the noise and "Kolya Akan," and with sincere regret, your climb in Japanese mode.
I don't know what she looks like in Japan except for SP, so when she climbs up to Fell, SP arrives all the way from the house, and even the provincial staff doesn't know what Fell looks like in Japanese mode even when she enters the entrance lobby, so it's a greeting nashi.
So Fell went into the provincial hand wash and shined brightly, and she appeared as Native Fell.
As soon as possible, consider it within the ministry.
"Good morning. Well, su."
Good morning, Minister.
The provincial staff welcomes Fell in such a manner.
Fell today. Kind of a whale mode. This is because in the morning we are refraining from meeting with the Director-General of the United Defence Ministry of Tierkumaska.
Speaking of the Secretary General of the Tilian Defense Department, the current Secretary is Makoto Kashiwagi, Fell's husband. In other words, Vice Chancellor Fell, I can meet with Masatosan, so it can be a coward.
Put on some makeup and get dressed in the Foreign Secretary's office.
Fell locks in the office because time has come and slides the bills during the meeting.
She strokes PVMCG softly in the office. Then I feel the air in the room distort for a moment. At the same time, I wondered if a single light column had stood, and the light became a figure of man, and it was the Secretary General of the United Defense Ministry of Mahatma Kashiki who appeared.
"Hey Fell. Good morning."
"Hi, good morning and su. Masatosan '
Hugs with virtually created bodies in each other's subjectivity. Just a little longer kiss.
Ten years ago, these virtual creatures at the Zell conference, in a so-called fashionable way, were only avatars, nothing more than devices to confirm the expression and attitude of the other person, but the virtual vital data that Nayo provided me. Applying this to Zell simulation as well, in this Zell conference ten years from now, each other's virtual creatures smell of body temperature. Metabolic phenomena, etc. It is extremely realistic to describe just in terms of appearance.
Things like distance relationships, family ties, etc. that also contribute in that way thanks to this as it is.
Deputy Prime Minister Fell invites to the couch. I don't sit face to face. Snuggle your body to the side of Kashiwaki and sit deep down.
Secretary Makoto Kashiwagi is also, at his real age, already four or eight years old. Fifty roads are also close. But now, Iseira Kashiwagi looks about four or three years old. Something like you still look a little younger than Shiraki? Still, in Kashiwaki's subjectivity, I still start to feel something that looks like an age disparity at about this age.
"Fell. How's the princess?
A princess is the nickname of his daughter.
Speaking of appearance and mental age, are you still about five years old? There is also an age gap here.
At present, if earthlings and alien halves are to be born, there are currently only martial drugs on the alien side, and the absence of Earthlings genetic drugs makes alien inheritance a strong half. Therefore, there are some places that are old, and there are places where adults really need to go to a learning institution based on the physical characteristics of each race. In other words, is it an educational institution of Yalburn descent, or a pedigree-specific educational institution in Tilian countries?
Therefore, it is difficult to send Kashiwaki's daughter to regular urban elementary schools, middle schools, and so on.
And naturally, a child born between Fell and Kashiwaki.
"Hi. She's cheerful at the Early Childhood Facility in Yalburn. Death. So, I'm not going to be able to pick you up today, Death, so Sie will take your place. '
"Well, that's bad for Mr. Sie too..."
Usually Fell took the time to make sure he picked him up. This is the duty of parents. I can't even loc parenting, I can't talk politics. It was Fell's policy to never schedule a return time and make sure Fell picked up his daughter even late, but even so, that's the kind of job that can't always be done, and in that case, the Sie and Hemi families. The real boys are the Libilies, the Poles... Nadonado, they help each other on their networks.
"Masatosan. Now when are you coming home, su?
"Yeah, I'm actually going to set up a HQ artificial system tomorrow. I think I can go home in about four or five days. Now you can stay in Japan for about two months."
Fell that makes a nickel-face.
"Is it Saw? Well, it would be a good death if we could all go chot out."
"Oh right. And I want to see Mr. Por, too. So, what about her?
'Hi. O Doctor Sama said there were no particular physical or mental problems, yo. I did have a pause in my heart, but my resuscitation was not particularly problematic thanks to the work of the nanomachine, nor was it serious due to the short time, Death.'
"Oh well. I hope so. But Mr. Pohl's amazing, too, and I heard you had that in your eyes, and you were eating squid roast? That famous Osaka Osamu department store guy for sale underground."
'Ugh, right. Por's husband said he went all the way to Oosaka to buy it'
"Well, that's a husband you could have. Ha. But really mentally, are you okay?
"That's the Bureau of Investigation Damasii. I did, too, but FBI officers, on unknown planets, cross paths with violent animals, and they're trained to do that, Kara."
Kashiwaki smiles and nods. He also looks forty-two or three, but his actual age is forty-eight. It was already fifty years ago. The calm came out as well as the age. So there comes out Fell's story and the piercing that we can afford to hear...... and being such a close couple talking about each other's recent developments.
"So, Masatosan. I'm here to talk about your work. '
"Oh. I know. As an example, you have a request from Mr. Semal."
"Hi. So, how was it?
"Yeah...... I asked the relevant agencies in the Tilian countries to give me this overview to wash back and report past puzzling incidents, accidents, etc...... is this human gatadora? We've got an idea of a case that fits into that pattern of behavior."
"Is it Yahari Soo......"
"So, my concern is about an unidentified plant or something reported by Shiraki and Yamamoto and others. It could be pretty serious."
'Hi. Even if there are similar criminal or terrorist acts in the future within the countries of the Tibet, the citizens of the Tibet will also be aware of this matter, so we can respond with technology and the infrastructure we have… If there is any noise in Nihon or on a global scale, there is still no effective way to deal with it… No way from now on, we can install a biometric deactivation alarm device on all the people of Nihon… and…'
"And then what?
'Actually, sir. It's a plant that I seized this time, but I've had people from Yaru Research investigate it, Death.'
Well, when it comes to investigating these unidentified bumps, in Japan, the Defense Ministry's Technical Research Headquarters was reorganized, and the Yalburn Thierkmaska Institute of Technology and Equipment Applications, founded a decade ago in an organizational change, will remain the same field of "Yall Research," but it has been upgraded to the Defense Equipment Agency in an integrated manner... in the view of excellent researchers combining further leaps and improvements...
"A level of Dora Core that can be manufactured in this plant? is it not a highly autonomous type? It's probably impossible to create a core of virtual life, artificial sub-life levels like human rattles."
I had concluded that
By the way, it was Kohei Sawatari, currently the director of Yaru Research... this again, by the way, his wife is the director of the Orcas Government Audit Office. Orcas is also relieved to be able to Deln and Miar.
"I see, really... so there's no human rattle threat for now"
'Hi, right? So there worries Iranai and Director Sawatari said... the problem is that that human gata flushes somewhere and leaves it...'
Kashiwagi before Fell finishes explaining everything.
"You mean you could parasitize into the Earth's machines and infrastructure and make something happen to you..."
"Hi. Besides, how many of those cores are there? Wakarimasen. Its Chicu Dora Core. On its own, it may be naive making as a Dora core. It's rude to say this, too, Ga, because the base is Earth's technology... but that's why we have a lot of affinity with Earth's technology. Node, secrecy will be higher accordingly, Death... depending on how you think, it could be more troublesome than the native Dora Core, De. '
Fell tells me that even if the core were complete, the number would be small in itself.
But in view of the structure of the seized plant, he will still probably have the virtual creation equipment, so he tells me that's probably the most troublesome thing.
"Right. I see... I'll talk to the President of the Cyval Coalition once before I get up here."
Oh, my God, thank you. Cyval is talking about being the chairman of the coalition in this day and age. I don't know what to say if I think about his achievements. Well, by the way, Marihail is currently serving as the current government cabinet member for the Permira Congress. It's just that he's experienced as a president of the coalition, and he says he's become quite capable.
Experience with the presidency of the Union also has such a secondary effect that it considerably increases the political voice of that country.
Well, that concludes the talks for now. Considering that, in some circumstances, Kashiwaki's authority would also allow special units of the Defense Ministry's army to be stationed in Yalburn State, it can come together in a somewhat noisy story.
So the rest of the time, a couple conversations. If the opposition guys find me here, I think the Colour Barricade Legion guys are about to bark at this again, and they all know Fell and Kashiwagi are friends, so I won't say anything annoying if it's a little bit. Take a good look at me there.
"So, Fell. Fell, too, six or seven years ago? Since that incident, how's it going?
Take a teacup of Kashiwagi and go look for even a little pinching treat.
Bring it and the same thing will be created in Fell's office, pinching and eating. A little clothes.
"Hi...... Woof. After all that incident, I withdrew my promise to Fada Nitbe that" Nihon's MPs will be up to second term "......"
"Yeah. Ha... that case... and Fell... there's a lot going on"
'That and the eagle...... Death who took pride in the meaning of being himself or standing. And because Masatosan was there for me...'
Kashiwaki nodding her eyes narrowly at the words. Take Fell's shoulder and hold him. Nod your face to the feathers of your head.
Sure, Fell, too, looks like a twenty-eight. It is a good fru, including appearance. I don't know if I can calm down anything more than that. Do you think Piercing has also appeared in the sense of the hoe? That's the place.
Kashiwagi and Fell. Looks like something happened to these two a few years ago to listen.
That's what I could tell Kashiwaki. On second thought, he is in his current position. That's a pretty good position to say.
It is true that there were some of them at the Conference of Creator Knowledge and they did arrive at this position, but there were some major reasons that still could not be accommodated.
Is that another story... or something like that?
"Aah, Masatosan. And... '
"Tomokosan wants me to come to the store with my family when I get back to Nihon."
"Tomoko?... Oh, what's Chiko at Seto's... ahhh! I forgot!
I used to say, "Duh!" Kashiwaki stands up with a face.
"How much is Dowsita? Masatosan '
"Oh, no, actually... General Hestle was giving Chiko a compliment on this one."
'Ha! That's awesome! Is that, after all, a credit for stirring up the human gutter?
"Oh, I have that, and I appreciate the fact that in that panic situation, human damage was minimized to almost zero."
'Narhod, if you ask me, you're certainly right. Anything. Nayosan says the same thing, Masita.'
"Yeah. So... this is what the award is about... again... already..."
Makes a ha-ha-ha face, Your Excellency.
"Ma... no way, with Special Agent Il Carshell...?
Yeah. And Director Kashiwagi nodding.
"Eeeeeeeeeeee!!... Tomokosan is Special Agent Ilker Shell... Ah, okay, good Ner! ……
The envy of that time, the bursting Felsan again.
"No, I don't know if Chiko is the Secret Service Colonel... but it's a decision... I have the right to make a compliment decision at the staff headquarters - Osama from Hestol already. What are you thinking..."
In the end, I guess it's the result of seeing Chiko's activity as equivalent to Kashiwaki's at that time.
Indeed, if you say so, you are right. Will a woman assault idiot be born? If they put a word like that on you, Chiko would!
Will it be? Well??
Now, a few weeks after that, it was a matter of whether or not it became known as the 'human gatadora invasion' among the parties involved.
Subsequent investigations showed that the plant that was still in the facility would almost certainly be a Dora Core production plant.
So, is there a core that has been produced, which, to be honest, cannot be assured.
Speaking of which, it is possible that several aircraft were produced. Examining the various evidentiary properties left in the plant, however, he said that it was still a question of how many of them were brought in as human gata was bringing in its zel-making function because of the high formula manufactured with Earth's materials, which required a zel-making function in order to be fully operational.
In the prediction of Neela, a professor at East University, there are many, if not three, vessels. He said he wouldn't be able to bring in any more than that in a highly covert individual named Human Rattle.
To examine the evidence used in the earth's materials at the plant, perhaps the manufactured core is net large because it seems to be the core of the general interpersonal Dora class. It is also expected that the zel creation function used for this is naturally large for general interpersonal dolas.
Police public security department to the Ministry of Information since then. That, along with the Ministry of Defense Intelligence to the Special Risk militia, was giving them all the strength to find out if Dora Core, which might have been built in that plant, had spilled out to the world.
To be honest, this is also a pretty speculative situation where departments are moving. Because there is no reliable evidence.
"... then you're perfectly clear where to start. Professor Neela."
Special Danger SDF Double Leaf Base. Athletics Commander Ken Omi was opening a VMC monitor to talk to Neela Ders Meml, a professor of East Large Quantum Multidimensional Cosmology.
"We've never been in contact with an individual called the human gatadora before. It's the same level as Earth Nomina Sun, Keller Omi, to be honest. '
A little sister. Neela in the face. You look like you're about 21? The back length also grows up to 160 cm, from the former slab, out where it exits, and tight where it tightens into a tight beauty. Still, the tone of speaking leaves a bit of an old habit.
'But, sir, we have an excellent detection device like Valme, so it's not a wacko that we have to do it by hand in a blind state at all, yo.'
Neela shakes a popular cat sun ballpoint pen and goes up to VMC monitor even after this decade.
"Yes, that's true around there... but it's still about Dora, who has a high secret performance. I don't think it's a glimmer."
"In that regard, I'm also working with Yaru Yanshan. Think about it."
"Yes, thank you"
End of story. Turn off the VMC monitor. Big look. He exhales with a fu and meditates his eyes and turns his neck. It sounds a little tight or something.
In the past decade, Ogami's position within the SDF has changed considerably.
He has been promoted to Ichizo and is commanding the Shore Department of Double Leaf Base. So we're talking about what happened to Kuruma, but he became an assistant general and is now deputy director of the Special Crisis Club. The current Chief of the Tabernacle is Kato.
Current Special Crisis militia. The organization, whose name is the 'militia', has been legally developed since then and is now the complete 'Command of the Solar System Military Region of the United Ministry of Defence of Tierkumaska' under the name 'Special Risk militia'. Therefore, it was treated completely differently from the current Japanese militia, and its chain of command was also partly under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Defence, but fundamentally the priority authority of the Tilian Ministry of Defence. However, as in other Union constituent countries, unless there is a priority directive from the Ministry of Defence, it is also possible for Japan to move it independently.
Therefore, Omi is also four or seven years old. The position of captain of the "Eight Thousand Spears" Squad of the Cabinet Office of the Special Risk Athletics Department has also been ceded to his successor, Oakbook.
Ogami spins his chair around and stands suddenly. Lately I have a few old eyes in and slightly lowered my light distant dual-use glasses to see the view outside with bare eyes. If I get Ti Lian medical treatment, I will completely heal my presbyopia, etc., but I haven't had much time and I haven't received such medical treatment because it is still mild.
Outside the window is the figure of a brave Kaguya.
He hasn't had much of a ride to Kaguya to work lately either. I feel so lonely, I think I can do it. But Kaguya was a really cozy ship, so I sometimes go there even if I didn't have anything to do. Kaguya's captain is still Tiras for some reason. The deputy director is Nyotta as usual.
And beyond Kaguya, this is another three spacecraft moored.
This double-leaf base had also reversed the expansion, becoming a fairly large base and a splendid backbone of supreme danger.
Since eight years ago, one was the first space heavy frigate developed as a purely domestic Tilian technology application vessel, "Fuzu". moored next to it is the "do it" of the second ship.
So, the other ship doesn't land, it's stuck in the air. Ship shadows are not based on kaguya, which is a different kind of ship design. Design based on complete Samarca spacecraft technology.
Its size is about 160 meters long, a spaceship of a design like the one I saw one day.
His name was also George Harrison Class, an American strategic military space destroyer. This ship was currently coming to Shuiye Base on a goodwill stop.
From that time on, the US was able to develop as many spaceships as it could. Of course, certain members are still outsourced to Yalburn, but the ratio is still falling year after year.
Sometimes it's cheaper to order equipment parts for that hand from Yalburn, and I still take good care of it.
A big look at such a view. In the harbor, the Special Crisis crew is alien to the Japanese and sweating in the running.
There is no such thing as a recruit in this particular danger. They are all veterans of the 'Cao' rank and above. So a few elite. There are now many United Defense Departments and outgoing soldier generals from the Yalburn State Army, and aliens wearing militia work clothes may no longer be uncommon.
Then, the room at large. That is, the sound of knocking on the Athletics Commander's room.
"Get in."
It was Colonel Riassa who opened the door and gently saluted it. She currently serves as deputy commander of athletics. The ranks are the same, but since the basic Liassa is from the Ministry of Defense, the command seat has given way to the Grand Prix. Therefore, because we are basically the same in mutual perception, it is nasi to be tough there.
"Oomi, Changyi, Humi Moratte Shenshi Translation Nakatta"
"No, are you two? Isn't that about eyesight?"
"Um. Aquinoligamou. Single greed. Shiite iunodena. Chotgun Battemita '
"No... you don't have to say it in front of me. Ha ha."
"Nani saying-tails. Omaeha veterano wife belt man dehanaika. Conna Tales De Shame Zuccigattedowsl '
At first glance, he observes Riassa from the bottom up... he knows how big Riassa's stomach is too, but I wonder where such a small body comes from. Sie, the same Dustalian, is still a glamorous porn beauty after becoming the so-called Thirty Way, but Liassa is a Parricole model beauty as usual. I don't think he's a normal soldier, but I'm afraid he's got a lot of strength and endurance.
"Tocolode, Mousug, Felt, Cieto, Mayrat, Tomokogayatte come Luga, Kukuk, Kolemata Funny things Sulmonodana. Hestlha '
"That's right... isn't the honorary secret service colonel title the same array as Kashiwaki? Even Kashiki has never done a troop formation request before, but what would Chiko do if she got such a title? There would have been other fine medals."
"Hestrga Eye Tuketatoiu Kotoha, corresponding Ni Future Expectations DEKILL Talent Datoiu Kotoda. Ano Midano" Eye Force "Ni Guan Shi Teh Ha Inter Inai"
"Well sure. In fact, Kashiwaki is now the secretary of the United Defense Department."
And, killing time even with such chatter until time, Omi's men come to tell him of Chiko's visit.
At first glance Riassa nodded lightly and left the room, heading towards Caguya.
"Wow. Is this Kaguya? Nice warship...... it wasn't. You're a frigate, Deputy Prime Minister Fell!
"Woof, is that right, yo? So far, so" vice prime minister "is a good death yotomokosan.
"Ha, right, Mr. Fell. But it's really amazing... I've been busy with a lot of things, and the tourist lottery is an amazing multiplier, so I couldn't get on this boat."
"But isn't Mr. Tomoko always on an Iseira passenger ship or even an occasional warship, Deja?"
"No, no, it's Death because it's our ship, after all."
"Jah, should I have had a ceremony over there, sir?"
Fell points to "Let's" and "Let's do it".
"Ahaha, sure. It's completely made in Japan."
We tilt each other "hey" and neck, but unfortunately, "fu" and "do it" are ships with full military ship specifications, so few facilities are like passenger ships like Kaguya. Not at all, but it is a basic and complete warship. Then it is clear which way to do things like ceremonies.
Talking about it, it looks like Meira was also showing Cie around the ship.
'Yi hey... you're a really luxuriously made motorized mother ship. I heard rumors, but it does seem like it's better to have a medium-sized passenger ship rather than a medium-sized mobile mother ship...'
"I mo old ha, darling t together ni, cono ship de life citaita carana. Real Ni Cozy Noi Ship Datta '
"A, well. Jelder Sie is in that relationship here with Jelder Tagawa '
"Um, residential environment gayokerebasoumonal. Fuhahahaha '
Sie, who became His Excellency the General and also came out of Pierce Loch. By the way, my husband Shinji Takawa is currently Admiral Aeronautics. That's what makes Tagawa the interaerospace commander, and Shie the vice commander and the proper place like that.
Takawa initially talked about whether to come to the Takagawa Department along with Kurumi, but he offered to do it in the field as much as possible, and the dimension is that he is asked to do the command and deputy command of the interaerospace department, because it is known that the special danger is the armies of the world and that there is nothing nowadays unknown about Earthlings and alien Lovebird officers, and that the collaboration between these two will still work best at the scene. Occasionally, there still seems to be two people flying in the Aikira Asahi Ryu, who have become celebrities of the Special Risk militia.
Right now, my husband Takawa is traveling to the United States. He was a little lonely Sie and your beloved son.
"Fada sie fada ferferferria by the way. Why did Tomoko and I get invited to this Kaguya today? I don't think you should go to Toki Ka...... '
"Yea, that's right, Amasen. Today, the United Ministry of Defense honored you both, and I called you to give me a compliment. '
When I heard that word, I said, "Huh? ♪ Meira and Chiko to be ♪
"Yes!! Oh, yeah!
"Wow! No! Then better clothes. '
Then Sie goes to Meira's words.
"Huhuhuhu, Iya, True Nara, Tomokono Parents Ya, Meilano Companions Ya and his wife Nadhunde, Big Ni Award Ceremony Yaritite Coronano Daga, Soumoika Naktena"
'Hi, right? Su as Sie says. This award-winning C, this is a matter concerning the human gatadora case. Kara, we can't make the contents public yet. So it's a special risk militia from the United Defense Department's Solar System Military District Command, Death, who's going to have an award ceremony inside a little bit. "
"Huhu, tohaie, mou video site or, hey dude, find out state dagana. Sokoha adult no circumstance toiuyazda. Everyone Cite Blessing Tte Yalenakte, Sumanaina, Two Tomo '
"No, you don't."
Wichiko crosses her hands forward and frightens her.
Meira as well. But the two are a little surprised by the two strange Niyaniya-faces.
And that's how we get to the grand conference hall of Mr. Kaguya.
There were key members of the Kaguya crew and members invited by the Yalburn State Army in their seats.
Chiko panicked at the special danger and the uniformed regiment of the Yal army, which he had not normally seen, and took the main guest seat while pecking. That's where Meira gets used to it. Salute anyone who hits a superior officer, stretch out her spine and take a seat.
"(Hey, Meira)"
"(Hmm? What?) '
"(What does a praise medal give you?
"(You know... well in my case, maybe it's the result of following that Dora, but maybe the guest of honor today is you)"
"(Huh? Is that it?
"(Solya, right? Ahem. I did a big stand around. I'm like an omelet, uhhhhhhhh) '
Meira said, let some injuries come out in that situation, that the human gatadora induction operation with zero dead deserves enough praise, and that resolute action would probably be something she would like to use as a military ministry as well.
"(Oh well. I'll take care of it. Will you give me a gold stamp?
"(Nani speaking. There's no way the Titans are gonna give you an octopus, is there?
"(That's right)"
Chiko who can lift both eyebrows and set them aside.
The story says that Liberty will get Pol a chapter as well, but that one is a Yalburn state employee, so it will be held in Yalburn's governor's office in some kind of secret where the content is just in the content. Anything in the chapter seems to be a very honorable qualification, as for Liberty, he was awarded the qualification of a legal officer.
Libili is the so-called rank of police officer, chief. Although it cannot be said that it is generally the same, it is the rank of surveillance watchman in Japan, but it is also said that he was given the right to stand in a courtroom that is familiar with the prosecutor there.
Pol was granted museum institutionalisation for the Bureau of Investigation, which he had applied for more than before, as well as its curator position.
It is to be built on a fairly large site in the 'island' of Yarburn. The story that it was a dream from before, that the concept would come true, and that it was welcoming.
"Everybody's awesome ~" and so on, dabbling in such a fucking story, the ceremony begins.
Sie and Fell are seated on the stage because they are the great Sun: the General and the Cabinet.
Big sight and Liassa came into the venue. All rise with rattles. The same goes for Chiko, of course.
Today's ceremony was partitioned by the Athletics Commander's general view.
Fujido and Kurumi were busily killed by political work because of the example human gata and were unable to attend today. Takagawa is crossing the U.S. on the street ahead. So I'm sending you a congratulatory statement. Lieutenant General Zerue and Colonel Charli are present from the Yarburn State Army. That this will protect the face to face.
Big Maze and Liassa will be superiors. When Sie and Zerue, as well as Fell the cabinet members, pay a gentle salute in the direction of sitting, Liassa takes a restful stance about beside Big Maze, and he goes to the stage.
Remove both glasses from the nose and apply. And I let PVMCG create the manuscript on hand. I'm wearing a beret today, so raise your hand. Turn left and right, flat hands up and down, and encourage seating.
"Gentlemen, there is nothing else you have gathered here today. As I'm sure we all know, there was a terrorist incident in Yalburne the other day. Some of these would have taken part in the crackdown. That verse was hard work," Big Sight said, giggling at Ni... "So. Today, the headquarters of the Federal Ministry of Defense has instructed those who have dedicated themselves to the operation to award various types and chapters. I would strictly like to do this with the right invitees, etc. in the right place, but as you all know already, this terrorist incident. The content can be perfectly satisfied with the content alone. I apologize to the winners for the presence of these murderous and painful people," when a mild laugh occurs with the words… "With my life from the coalition, I award the various chapters to the person I'm about to introduce"
And, Omi finishes the starting words and changes the manuscript of the VMC monitor.
Since Big Sight is somewhat of an oligarchy person, he is unsuitable as the type of person who sensationally advances the ceremony in this kind of setting. Therefore, from Hatha's point of view, it seems that things are proceeding lightly.
"First, then, Third Lieutenant Commander Akimoto Shoji"
Oakbook stood up bah, with a crisp attitude and attitude, before Big View, the commander
"Your honor, in the earlier terrorist response, evaluates the proper operational command and effective response to powerful adversaries and orders promotion to Second Lieutenant Commander"
Oakbook bows and salutes Bashi, passing the decree given to Oakbook by Riassa.
Oakbook looks at Chira and Liassa, she nods with a nigga and a grin. This made Oakbook a first class difference from her as well. Even as Liassa, I would be happy to promote my husband. I look at that gaze and smile all the time at the big sight.
He also took his hat after the raise of his hand salute, so he returns it with a bowing salute. The venues applaud.
"Next, Lieutenant, Intelligence Department, United Ministry of Defense, Meila Baulusa Vema"
Meira also stood up suddenly, posturing correctly in front of the general view.
She puts her right hand against her right chest with a Tilian salute. Otomi also returns this place in accordance with Meira, with a Tibetan salute.
"In this case of 'special terrorism', your attorney committed himself to investigating and pursuing the enemy and, even during the temporary disappearance of the Director of Investigation of Yalburn, assessed his ability to contribute to the rapid exploration of... Sadie Carshell, Intelligence Department of the United Defense Department. I order promotion to Major."
Meira pouting at the words. That's right, it's second-class special. Besides, Major. The Meira admiring class of sarges. By the way, the rank of intelligence officer with a murder permit is Lieutenant Colonel Navy.
"Major Meira. The Dictionary has been asked by the General Department of Defense to enter into force in my name. Congratulations, Major Meira's aspirational admirer is one step away."
When Omi gives the decree, Meira returns it with a bashi and earthly raise of hands salute. A little teary eyes. Otomi didn't even have a hat, but he gave it back with a raise of his hand. Loud applause, Mr Venue.
"Good for you, Meira. Congratulations."
Return to your seat, Meira nodding in tears. I'm going to try my best for further heights.
So, next, it's Chiko.
"Finally, then... Chiko Seto, Director of the Joint Foreign Office. Come here."
"Oh, yes."
"Eh, this time, I have asked for a special compliment from the United Ministry of Defense to Chief Seto, who was particularly prominent in his accomplishments, and I have asked you to come to our Special Risk SDF Double Leaf Base, which is also the Command of the Solar System Military Region of the United Ministry of Defense, but this time the Ministry of Defense attaches the utmost importance to rescuing all ordinary civilians who, thanks to the courageous action you have taken, can be considered miraculous in" that incident ". Besides, we have the greatest appreciation for the results of zero casualties with only a few casualties."
Sachiko listens to "Ha..." to the explanation of the grand sight. Well, there's a sense that I've done something amazing, but I wonder if it's enough to surprise the Federal Defense Department...
"… in the name of His Excellency General Hestle Seek Tender, United Ministry of Defence, I hereby award you the title of Honorary Special Agent Colonel…"
"…………………………? …………………………
Chiko with the same reaction as the assault idiot then. It is now debated in Congress that the idiot is a secret service colonel, and the Japanese people know what the honorary class is, as there is also a history of being penetrated by the People's Life Party into what is military.
The soldiers of the venue raised their voices to the words of the grand sight and became surprised and noisy.
Meira also said, "Ooh!," he opens his mouth and slaps his hands with a pussy.
The Sora crew is also surprised. Similar to Kashiki in the future, a regiment-sized unit will come under her with the voice of Chiko.
A big sight to receive a badge on a basin from Liassa and attach it to her chest.
"Now you will have the same authority as Secretary Kashiwagi. It's just... he's never used this authority. He said it was most important not to make things like using this authority. Sure, I think so, too."
Chiko listens with a serious eye to the words of the great sight.
"Secretary Kashiwagi... Oh, no, hoo... Kashiwagi used to say that there was a fishing island incident in China that happened ten years ago, right? It seems he was seriously worried about whether or not to use this authority during that incident. In his responsibility...... it would certainly have been an easy job if he had exercised his powers, but the choice of membership of the Galactic Union at that time was the method by which he thought he could manage without using it. I hear it was one of the many things that led me to that idea."
Yes, at first glance, he gazes at Fell and Sie. When Chiko also aligns her gaze with the two, Fell and Cie nod loudly and unwittingly to affirm the explanation of the grandeur.
"… that is, because this authority is so heavy for a single Japanese individual today, when a situation arises where this authority has to be used, before making a decision to use this authority, I want you to always bear in mind whether there are any other hands, and yes, I am keeping my words from Kashiwaki to you. I did tell you."
"Yes, I remember the liver"
Yes, Kashiki had guessed the true purpose Hestle had awarded this honorary class to Chiko, a department dealing with foreign policy called "Director of the Foreign Office".
That's because Kashiki himself was in the same position as Chiko at the time. Special Secretary Negotiator and Special Ambassador. I was awarded this class in a position in the middle of dealing with diplomacy. And when I was in the ministerial position of Minister in charge of Tierkumaska, there was a fishing island incident. At that time, if he had used his Secret Service colonel authority, things might have ended briefly, but then the situation in the Earth world was huge... and he might have gone in a less good direction. Maybe there was no Union membership either. But because Kashiwaki has this authority, he could also think of ways to compare it or more. That is, I could have said that there is now Kashiwaki because I had this authority, for better or worse.
He wanted it to be remembered in his liver, so he wanted to tell Chiko. What General Hestle has given this class is that it is heavy. And the more you earned that heavy title, the more you recognized Chiko as a trustworthy person.
Chiko, with his badge on his chest, bows to the great men on the stage and to the gentlemen in the venue and bows his head.
Then all the venues stand up and give Chiko a raised hand salute. Meira was sending Tilian salute to Chiko.
Japanese following Kashiwaki...... No, the second unusual Earthlings Secret Service Colonel title recipient. Michiko Seto.
However, only after the incident has taken place, the blessing is only to those who are here now. But a fellow blessing to know what that means. I was wondering what more...
Human gatadora case.
The content of the case itself could be contained in the category of terrorist incidents, but its impact was still not small.
More than a month after that, people are still eating and arguing about videos shot by people on the scene at the time with smartphones, and the press will make another special call for videos from the video posting site.
In particular, television stations have to rely on daily news stories for such video postings, pushed by Ti-linked wide-area information systems, information dissemination content, in which various ventures today participate.
At the time, the people on that scene had many voices wanting to find out who they were just seeing the anomaly of the Pormodoki human gatadora in neat pictures and videos.
With regard to this, compared to Japan, which has joined the Tibet in the last decade, and the Tibet, which has dealt with this issue on a century-by-century basis, the fact that the information it has remains very unchanged is what makes it all the same.
There is a wealth of combat data and technology-level data so far because it is unknown, but when we talk about who it is, it is very much the same as the Japanese side, which will know its existence for the first time in several years.
So this is the Yalburn Thierkmaska Institute for Technology and Equipment Applications of the Defense Equipment Agency of the Ministry of Defense. Commonly known as "Yall Research"
It is a gathering place for a group of scientists with super brilliant brains.
A certain room in that lab. Analyzing the video material and combat data brought from the Special Risk militia was Kuhei Sawatari, Director of Yaru Research Institute.
He is in a position of director, but he is bound by research on the front line, and does not stand on his desk at all. In that regard he is also a scholar.
Check the data while wearing or removing presbyopia. Since I have been uncomfortable with the video data and various combat data caused by the extreme danger for a long time, I took out the materials that were supposedly analyzed in order to settle the discomfort, and in my spare time, I have been reviewing them a lot.
The sound of a knock in that lab.
"Yes, please."
"Woof, it's me, yo"
"Hey Orcas. Have you finished your work today?
"Hmm? Isn't your little one with you?
"Anoko flew to the playroom first as soon as he arrived, yo. Looks like your friend was here, too, Si. '
Nikoli nodding Sawatari. Somehow I became a rear charger and calmed down.
It's Sawatari's wife who talks to him. It is Orcas Sawatari Hadoon, the thirty beauty of the time.
Orcas, the director of the Audit Bureau, can also enter these classified departments under his authority. My daughter can be made to play in the lobby's nursery, so it looks like she's got a lot of ideas and family time, with two busy people.
Having been proposed by Sawatari to Miar, "Please get high," she seems to have a good family with a daughter. Where I had already missed my wedding and given up, nature began to socialize and marry me in the wake of that 'case that seemed to chill in Margenzale'. It's a common story. Just because that common story happens with aliens and Japanese, that's where it matters.
She makes tea in the cooking room and gives it to Sawatari.
"Oh, thanks. Zuzu......"
"Is that Dowdes? Are you working on that?
"Yeah...... any moves even for those in Yalburn?
"Hi......" Oh yeah. Professor Neela sent me some information later on analyzing that plant in Towdai, so he also sent me data on Yaru's research. "
"Oh, I'm listening. You're letting your men put it together now."
"But you. You've been watching all the same video and recording data since then. '
"Yeah... something, I feel like I'm overlooking something important... but I don't know if it's my mistake... but when I get older, I don't care if I can't help it. Ha ha."
Polypoli and Sawatari head. Nevertheless, he is also done with some of the muffled Ramua, so his body is izeilated. In other words, Kashiwagi also experienced three days of high fever symptoms, so the apparent age does not look like it has been ten years.
'Woof. Can I help you with something, too? If it's about checking the video data, you can.'
"Ha, no, no, it's okay. I'm just doing this on my own. You're an old man."
'Rowbasin?' and neck the word, searching on a VMC monitor to find out what it means and convince him 'yes'. And he said, 'Then go ahead until you're convinced. I'll be doing a lot of chores here,' he said, beginning to clean Sawatari's lab.
He is a well-made wife who organizes books of accumulated laundry and mess.
Sawatari stares at the screen with a face like "Sorry," and tries to take a cup with tea, he misses the cup and spills tea over the bashari and global equipment.
"Oh, shit!
Sawatari looking for something to wipe all over Awawa. See how it goes, Orcas flying right in with a towel.
"Oh, my God." Wipe some tea on the equipment.
"Ah, Orcas! You can't mess with that switch!
"Huh? Oh, sorry, Nasai! What shall we do!
"Oops...... oops. Ha, now I can handle it."
"Oh, are you okay? You."
"Ha, I'm fine. I just got a little fast shipped. You've also switched the detection function. But it's alright. Take this... Huh? Is that it?"
"What's up, Ta? You '
Sawatari's eyes suddenly change, and he begins to gallop his head out of habit when he thinks of something.
"Hey Orcas. Lines in this graph. I wonder what this is."
Sawatari asks Orcas for advice. She is also the Director of Audit Bureau. As with Fell, the director has the corresponding scientific knowledge.
"Hi?............" Orcas observes one with dozens of intricately intertwined line graphs pointed out by Sawatari. And he said, "Moshikashite, isn't that line the level of temporal spatial synchronization that occurs during quantum communication?
The VTR screen we're stopping now is a scene where Nayo and Hitogata are fighting, shot by Special Crisis operatives. Just around the point where it was eroded by a zel terminal shot into the nayo by a human gator.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Orcas. That's a big discovery!
"E? What do you mean?
"That means. Take a look at this. The moment I shot the zel terminal into Mr. Nayo. The fact that this graph is growing rapidly means this human rattle. I thought you were trying to make contact with Mr. Nayo!
'So ha... if we analyze this signal...'
"Oh, it means he's saying something. This is important!
As soon as I found out, Sawatari suddenly became a second-in-command.
"Sorry Orcas. I feel like I can go home today. And to your little one..."
In other words, Orcas turns off the power to the monitor Sawatari tries to stare at...
"Ah! Orcas. What are you doing?"
"No, Death, you. It's too late today, so for now, go home to Ouch, off-road, get some sleep, refresh your head, and then get up early tomorrow and get to work. '
"Huh? But..."
"There's this kind of thing in Iseira, Alimus. [Urgent unhealthy work and regular healthy work delivery times are both the same day after all] '
Oh, my gosh! and pierce Sawatari's chest. It's his loss. Forgive me, I decided to go home with my little one on my shoulder today.
Just this data I stumbled upon in the name of an injury. I sent it to Neela with a note of caution for now...
A few days later, the Prime Minister's residence in 202 clouds.
Yarburn Ti associate near the Prime Minister and minister listening to Nira's report on the board, also Japanese fashion, in a meeting room in the official residence, dressed in a suit she had long worn.
The current prime minister spoke of excessive bending, at the time ten years ago. He was the "Haruhi Gong", who was the minister in charge of revitalizing domestic trade in the Ti Union from the chief executive.
"Okay, Sawatari Director, Professor Neela. A kind of Dora robot called Human Rattle was attempting to communicate with His Excellency Nayo during that battle."
Haruhi asks Sawatari a question with such a sharp eye.
"Yes. Definitely. And with Professor Neela's dedication, I was able to analyze the content of the communication... although this doesn't make sense again. Right, Professor Neela?"
"Yes Death... I don't know if it's creepy... I was sending this kind of cryptography to His Excellency Nayo... honestly, it's a little creepy..."
Hear the story in arms, Kashiwaki United Secretary of Defense, who had not returned home in a month.
"I see... by the way, my Lord Nayo. You couldn't detect Dora's quantum signature?
"Um. I'm sorry, Kashiwagi. I don't think that a concubine and a drunken thing like a Dora standard quantum communication signal are everyday life. I didn't add that functionality to the boulder. '
Nayo wrinkles between the eyebrows and answers. The expression that boulders don't have that. I laugh bitterly that I only set it to my body about the quantum signal reception standard for PVMCG at best.
"So, what message was being sent to Nayo?
'You're a sow. I want to hear that first, Death.'
Under-Secretary General Shinmi of the Ministry of Information, Lord Nayo's current husband, that we start there, and Deputy Prime Minister Fell.
"Yes, its contents...... it seems to His Excellency Nayo that he was sending them in Iseira, but these were the words"
[Provide the will and the reality]
... all "ha?" and clearly said, "What are you talking about?" The expression.
Sawatari and Neela's story suggests that during the battle against Nayo, he kept sending this word with signals close to the classified communications standard for quantum communications from the time he tried to rule Nayo.
"Willingness and reality... what a philosophy..."
He's 70 years old, and he's got a grandfather in him, Mr. Gotobe.
"Manager Seto, by the way. You also induced this human rattle until His Excellency Nayo and the others came to the rescue, and he said it was in pretty dangerous eyes, but there he was told something or something from this human rattle, something like that..."
Haruhi asks Chiko.
And from today on, Chiko also added the title of "Special Agent Emeritus Colonel" to the director of the Tilian Foreign Affairs Bureau, so that as a Japanese country, and as Kashiki at the time, he was no longer just sorry for the treatment of ordinary Tilian bureaucracy, so that he could be appointed a member of the Security Investigation Committee. Of course I'll be happy to accept you, Sachiko.
"Yes. Especially those things"
I see, Haruhi and the others nodding.
"Tilianga, anodora koto contact shi, mou hundred cycles ninarga, sono to sono, nanra, contactrasi contact ganakataga...... sono hundred cycles de first mete intersection washita verbaga [provide the will and reality] Tokita. Doe, if you understand, Innoyara... '
How Sie sighs hu with her hands up beside her.
'In that regard, even I will give the total strength of the Ministry of Defence Intelligence to find out what that means. In doing so… the presence of His Excellency Nayo will still be important'
Meira answers the questions with a serious look. Become a major and be even more uptight.
"Is concubine important... I see, then, Meira, Hitogata still has a concubine..."
"Hi, My Lord. It's possible that I thought you were one of them. So there is no denying the possibility of sending such communications to you who attacked us and attempting to enter and control the Zell terminal. '
Mr Humhum and Nodding. Sure, then the reason goes.
"So, the idea is that Nayo built a primitive body that referenced Dora Core ten years ago… the result theory is, was it auspicious?"
When Shinmi asks, Kashiwagi...
"True, but it turns out the enemy had quantum communication capabilities in this case. Naturally, it's quantum communication, so I'm pretty sure they already have information about it in their core tissues."
It is certainly true, and naturally it is something that I was most concerned about. And...
"Ano, it could have been manufactured in the factory, it's Dora Core, sir"
Fell shares his most worrying concerns in the near future.
'Hi. I just don't know if all this was really manufactured or not as it stands'
And when Meira answers, so does Neela.
"It's a system that lets you detect the Dora Core made of Chicu, but for now, we've built a prototype, mounted it on Valme, and let it go all over the world... but we haven't been able to get any information on it as it stands"
The world is currently at peace, but we need to look at the impact of the human gatadora incident over a long period of time in the future.
Furthermore, assuming that the backbone of the Dora has learned of the Earth's existence, will it enter this universe? Then naturally, in terms of security, expansion of military equipment is also required. In that case, Japan will not be the only problem in this global community.
Currently, there are three spacecraft in the possession of the Special Risk militia. "Let's do it" and "Let's do it" on the flagship "Kaguya".
Even when Japan held this ship, it made considerable notes at home and abroad.
Although the special danger is an organization that moves in preference to the directives of the Tibet, in the absence of such directives, it belongs to the Cabinet Office of Japan and the Ministry of Defence.
The same was true when we organized the Ministry of Information, but when we deployed these two ships, there was a fuss about lawyers who shouted "sleeping words" such as "self-proclaimed democrats" and "democracy is not majority voting" cursing "go home" to proponents while speaking democracy in front of Congress and in front of official residences.
At this time, I have a quote that Fell said in front of the opposition.
"Minshgi is a death with all sorts of ideas, but at least it's a reality that you made a fuss in front of the Capitol about disagreeing."
There is another fierce argument on the internet to praise or disagree with this Fell's words, but at least my husband Kashiki praised Fell for "being right". There are times when that happens.
The meeting ended in six unusual hours and for now.
At the end of the meeting, the various colors greet and dissolve.
Michiko Seto has been in a typical Japanese Lehman relationship with Iyahaya while she was already pestering herself in awe of too many mentions.
With business cards flying away with feathers.
So I speak to Mr. and Mrs. Kashiwagi.
"Hey, Chiko. Long time no see."
"Woof. Keller, Death to you"
That said, Chiko also fronted long-awaited Secretary Kashiwagi, de nervous mode.
"Ah! Oh, it's been a while, sir!
"Why are you so nervous?"
and Kashiki pounding Chiko's back.
"Oh, yeah, I'm going to throw Chiko's Secret Service Colonel Reception Celebration Party now, Seto Katsu. Can I make an appointment?"
"Huh!? Yes, from now on!
"We all have to contribute to Seto Kazu's sales. Uh. I'm the participant, right? To Fell, Shie, Meira, Jeldea and Charli, Riassa and Oakbook, Shiraki, Reiko and Nayo, Under-Secretary Shinmi..."
"Ha? Are those the people coming!
"Everybody was looking forward to it."
"Wow, it's me - I might have to rent a venue from Mr. Ru... What should I do..."
The future in ten years.
Just a glimpse of the future of 'Tierkmaska Union Japan'.
And that's when the causal gear switched and the life-threatening parent and child saw... the time when Sachiko Seto lived.
Her activity is...
Galactic Union Japanese Foreign Herald AGE AFTER - Causal Succession - "The End" … and continues.
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