Galactic Union Japan
Galactic Union Japanese Foreign Herald AGE AFTER - The Far Kingdom - Episode IV
Stick to Guidel and shout, crying Fell. That sobbing voice isn't like that, glad to see parents who thought they were dead, or touched.
Situations like that where the word "crazy" is appropriate. Something very blind.
Guidel, who was able to reunite with his real beloved daughter, also begins to wander a little, just as he thought this situation was strange.
It was the same for Kashiwaki, regardless of his loving wife's sensitivity to change. Run over and care for Fell. Sie also rushes to Fell following Kashiwagi to see how it goes.
Neither Guidel would have known Kashiwaki was Fell's husband, so he didn't mind the act.
"What's wrong with you? This noise..."
I was rushed here by a man like the chief samurai named Jing,
"Sarfa, calm down and listen... it's Fell. Little Fell came to see us, splendid."
That's what Guidel tells Sarfa, or Fell's mother, in tears.
"What!? hey, what are you talking about you"
Sarfa leaks a whimper and rushes over to the crying Fell with a surprised eye.
Once I saw that face, in an unspoken voice, Fell said,
"Huh? Ma, Marma? ……
The moment he messes up his face and sees Sarfa's face, Fell lifts his pupil up and he loses his mind forever.
"Huh? Ah, Fell! Fell!?"
Kashiwaki in a hurry. Guidel turns his gaze towards a species he's never seen before who abandons "Fell" and his daughter.
Shie leaned over and looked at Fell's face.
"Dijoubuda, lost your mind, Dakeda. Worry high run. Now Haconoma Manicite, Huma Setaho Guy '
Then Kashiwagi takes off his suit, rounds it up, and adds it like a pillow to Fell's head. And look at Sie's face and nod.
That would be the most shocking situation in my life for Fell in a way. I'm running into a situation, let's do this. It's nobody's fault. However, these two have a heap of things to ask. That wasn't just Kashiwagi, it was what all the humans involved with Fell thought.
This is the first person to cut out such thoughts. A childhood friend who has the longest relationship with Fell in this. She's my best friend, and she's like my sister again.
"Guidel, Sarfa...... Kushina"
Salfa on Guidel. The two of them looked at Sie and still said,? "Return with a look.
"Huh, Yahariwakaranka. I ha, Omae da ni amusement demoratta matter perception etheirzo. Tohaier, I mo little Sakatta. Sono Memory Mo Thin Imonodaga '
In Sie's words, the two of you seem to have understood instantly who this Dustal woman is.
"... So you... maybe Sie? You're Gash's daughter Sie!
Sie nods richly.
"Oh... no way, even the little sire..."
"Huh. Saihajose Jr. Colledemo now ha wife da. One child mo il '
Looks like Sarfa finally swallowed up this sudden thing too with that Sie word.
Run over to the lost Fell and look at its face. I stroke that face, which is somewhat similar in appearance to myself and also to my husband Guidel, and cheeks him to love his great-grown daughter. If you have a witness named Sie, you can't believe that story either.
"Really, that Oodle Sie is still with his wife... you mean it's been quite a while"
That's how I smile and try to change Fell's. Guidel.
Sarfa's eyes narrow and tears to mercy Fell's head, who has lost her mind.
And Deln stares at Fell face to face with Sarfa. The man looks at Fell with the same eyes as Sarfa's.
Guidel wonders why that strange sight, the nameless race, gives such a gaze against Fell. I guess that's where Sarfa, beside him, thinks the same thing. She also seems to see Kashiwaki's face flickering.
Once again, Guidel looks over to Mr Thielkmasca, whom Sassua has brought.
There was an Iseira. There was also a Dustal named Sie. And he was a Kailas, and there was a cyborgfrü that seemed daunting to see. So, the problem is, are you a short-eared Diskard, or a black-eyed brunette race whose racial form resembles that of a Dustal?
I've never seen anything more. I'm still wearing green combat clothes, and I obviously have a weapon of a different design than the Tileans.
Sie observed Guidel and wondered if he still had to explain everything.
"Senator of the Kashiwagi Coalition"
Shie calls Kashiwaki for office. This was deliberate. Because naturally Guidel said to the word, (What? coalition senators?) to react to Sie's words with the face that
Kashiki also understands Sie's intention not to usually call him by such a title.
He nods at Sie's words and rises gently stroking Fell's head, who has lost his mind, slapping the dirt on his knees with bread and paying off, going to Guidel's side.
Kashiwagi turns on PVMCG translation, but when Kashiwagi's PVMCG, which I saw when I wrapped my sleeves around, looks chilli, this again Guidel asks, "What? eyes, staring at Kashiwaki in surprise.
And Kashiwaki confronts Guidel.
"I am truly sorry for this disturbing form of disturbance, Your Majesty King Guidel, even though I am here for the first time."
Kashiwagi apologizes gently with his right hand against his chest,
'To tell you the truth, I was the leader of this investigation and visiting mission…'
'My name is Makoto Kashiwagi. I am from Tierkumaska, a member of the Union of the Galactic Republics, a member of the United Parliamentary Assembly belonging to the third planet of the solar star system within the Celestial River Galaxy, and to the regional state of Japan'
Sarfa also mingles with Kashiwaki and Guidel's conversation and listens to his introduction.
"A polite greeting, I'm afraid, my Lord Member of the Union. But Amanogawaginga? Nihonkok? It's my first country name, is this the country I recently joined? I've probably been missing from the coalition for the last few decades... and that Zerquote..."
Kashiwagi looks into Sie's eyes when he sees the PVMCG, which will be his father's "vision" for Fell, pointed out to Guidel, and leaks a grin. No matter what Shie also understands what Kashiwaki wants to say, he snorts his eyes.
And I clearly answered that Guidel question.
"Your Majesty, no, His Excellency Elbaila Guidel, former Imperial Senator for Life. Would it be easier for you to understand if I were to answer to Your Excellency so that you would understand that I belong again… [to the State of Harma Yarmartia, a member of the Union of Tierkumaska Galactic Republics and a planet]?
Guidel and Sarfa, when you two hear that word unlikely to them, you unwittingly fall back and wolf.
The other Shipwreck Tilians in the vicinity of Guidel seem similarly surprised. What the hell just happened seems to be all the rage.
That's right. Because at the time of their shipwreck, that is, when Fer and Sie were still Hanatare daughters, the existence of Yarmartia and others in the Ti Union was only scholarly hypothetical and generally spoken of as a legendary world.
It was also before they were shipwrecked and Fell was left alone to grow up that the Yarmartia Project was activated. The Guidels have no reason to know that Yarmartia is real.
'Ha, sorry to surprise you. But since this is true and real, I would like to explain it to you once and for all, including around it. Whatever… is also about this, Zerquot… So if you don't mind setting up a seat for the talks, Your Majesty'
Kashiwaki who drips his head and petitions politely.
Did Guidel also want to sort out the situation,
"Wow, I get it, Fada Kashwagi. Apparently, we've been left out of your time, too. And... we need to talk about what's going on since we were there."
'Right, Your Majesty. I don't know if there will be many other stories to surprise you, Your Majesty, and the other Tilians in distress at the time, but it's never a bad story. Don't worry there.'
Guidel and Sarfa nodding cocklessly at Kashiwaki, who speaks with all his care.
The two of them still wonder about the PVMCG attached by Kashiwagi, and their eyes are really tickled. At the same time, the eyes look at her for her affectionate response to Fell when she lost her mind earlier. And the sight of ourselves was accompanied by an approximate imagination of what he was like to Fell.
In the first place, the PVMCG of Fell's parents was worn by an unknown species, and the man calls himself the Yarmartian. Sarfa to Guidel, and the other Tilian wrecks, were prepared when this was heard quite a bit.
After losing his mind, Fell was transported to the VIP guest room at the castle to rest.
I'm not losing my mind, I'm not sleeping. Without waiting for time, she will regain her mind, too. But just in this situation, Fell couldn't get in and call it a meeting, which meant a meeting without Fell.
Nevertheless, it is also true that that extremely sensitive situation of Fell has become a detonator that makes us all aggressive.
No one has ever seen Fell like that. I guess I had quite a grip, and I can understand the mood of seeing Salfa again and getting stung in the todome and knocking it down.
That's about it, so naturally from the people of Iseira who are informed of this fact, the survival of Elbaila and Elbarre is also of national importance.
For the Japanese except Kashiki individuals, blah blah blah blah. It's not a very emotional case, but the great reason they can be aggressive is still about this planet and this country.
Why does the wreck become such a king of civilizations and a heavy town, and even more so fight such a bizarre enemy? That's also a pretty bad bunch of people I've encountered since Dora. Even though it is a distant other universe, if it comes out of the wormhole, we must also consider the security of their universe, in case the hundreds of millions are the only ones.
At first, the distress signal was followed, and I found something in the shipwreck and thought about it in the sense of retrieving it and yes Sayonara, but it was the exact opposite of the mess. It was complicated, and I didn't know that this would develop into a case where I had to fully develop the abilities of each member of the main office... This is a Tibetan again, but I think it might be a "cause and effect", so I can convince everyone.
... Haila, the two sides will be asked to prepare a holding room, often to have some time to calm down before being called to this Barbera Castle large conference room for talks.
But the strange thing is that Guidel is certainly an old royal senator in Iseira, a basic republican national and a citizen, even though he was a great San who lives in a castle. But here, the Haitians are supposed to be His Majesty the King, who drips his head, above the clouds, somewhat casual and tedious.
Even in earlier appearances, if it's normal, Guidel should look down from a place like "Between Views," and say, "I won't suffer, I was dauntless," but that's not true either.
This reason will also be known later, but first Yarmartia, which the Isailans even call the 'Holy Land' and the 'Legendary Land'. Why is there a race here that names that Yarmartian? And why is the leader of an organization that names its species wearing Guidel's Zerquote? Talk about starting there.
At the outset Sie explains… that Tilian civilization was a crisis of collapse. This was known, of course, to Guidel and Sarfa and others… that the increase in the number of patients with sperm death was one of its factors. Various negative legacies triggered by the distortions of civilization in our long and long toral civilization and history. The key to resolving it was the dismantling of the empire and the Great Administrative Reform brought about by Emperor Nayokualaguya. And the mystery of the Holy Land that the Emperor himself experienced and left behind. It turns out that the sanctuary could exist, and the big plan 'Plan Yarmartia' with the UN's luck in its potential… and the success of the plan and the realisation of the present national transport and the Union membership of the Yarmartian State…
Sie is now the first Sgt. of the Special Crisis militia, but when Guidel was in Iseira, he was your daughter, who will be the next presidential candidate in the future. So from the perspective of the Guidels and the Shipwrecks, the presence of Sie is still through in Dastal's great daughter. Kashiwaki is therefore more persuasive than he first explains.
Kashiwagi will explain next. When the Tibetans arrived in Japan on Earth under the Yarmartia Project, there was an early lack of communication. The accompanying "Operation Tendo" and the fact that I am the first contact and have been a negotiator with the Tis ever since they bought me a professional arm. That he visited Iseira for the first time in mankind. The legend of Nayokualaguya, the creator of Iseira, was told in a fiction called the story of the bamboo harvest that was thought to be the story of the Japanese nation. Talk about the neuronal data of Nayokualaguya spent in that Japan. And...
'Actually, my lord Guidel. There was a history of this, and now the sperm death from the Tierkmaska coalition is being eradicated'.
"Ha? Yes, now what!?
'Yes. You're right. Now, Tilian society is losing none of its people to the death of a sperm.'
Guidel and Sarfa without words. Other heavy towns, or shipwrecks, are also surprised to see their faces changed.
'Talk about the cause, haha, this will be another long story, so I will compile the materials around it later, but after the talks I will take precautions for you as well'
Cie also says that this should be done. They don't seem to be currently developing sperm death, but that just happens to be a story of not being lucky, and there is still enough risk of sudden onset for them as well.
"Guidel, Sarfa. Sono Sperm Death Cure See Tsukerkicka Ketta Noga, Kono Man Nanoda. Now Tilian society deja, he no matter hero toshite chilanu man heinai. Nance this time no article 7 project gana keleva, Creator Certification Conference (d) outbound ites, disconnected lino rigging hake colodatta no dakarana. Huhuhuhu '
Shie flaunts and lifts the Kashiwagi thing. This isn't about Sie really praising Kashiwagi or anything, its the next story. I mean, I'm pretending to have to settle for a story, and I'm taking the story and doing it. I mean, cover fire.
"So, the Creator Certification Conference? No way, then, Fada is a candidate for that Conference of Creators…"
"Soledkoloka, Special Agent Il Carshelda"
"What! Secret Service Il Carshell!
The meaning of the word, of course, the two understandable people, and the wrecked people. Guidel, Sarfa is quite upset by a story that feels too second-century. I mean, everyone is blamed for the way the former director of the autonomous bureau, Sie, took the story. It is a boulder.
"Sie, please be patient with such praise killing, because it's not like that."
"Huhu, what words uka, omaemocono two hekitint stories sinite ikennai matter gaaldarow. Soleco Soga, Kono Two Nittottemo, Fernitottemo, Most Important Nakotoda '
'Yeah, sure. That's right. So far, I've been able to report to you two in particular. "
After that words, thanks Guidel for the salfa, they both seem ready. Look into Kashiwaki's eyes and wait for the next word.
"My Lord Guidel, and Master Salfa. I just let them name me this in Iseira... with Masato Yama Kashiwagi '
Those wrecked people who heard the words and turned to great lengths. But Guidel and Sarfa nodded small and cocky, listening firmly to Kashiwaki's words.
Rather than that, it was called Kashiwaki's PVMCG, it was called his attitude towards Fell, and I had some anticipation. Besides, it's weirder for my own daughter to grow up so splendidly and, conversely, not have about one of the men, and if not, I'm more worried about that as an Iseira parent. I just didn't know that that was the inhabitant of the legendary world, the person I thought was and the hero of my hometown, which is now my own unknown time......
I still have to take it by surprise there.
'Lord Guidel, no, Your Majesty Guidel. Sire Salfa. Me too......'
Kashiwaki and despite the force majeure rounding situation, it is resistant to boulders to say suddenly in grandeur to Fell's real father in front of his real mother, "I have received your daughter". So I tried to explain a lot, and Guidel controlled me flat,
"My Lord Kashiwagi... No, my son-in-law, I don't mind. Before that, you don't deserve to say this to us about Fada and his daughter Miar. If that girl chose someone, I'm sure of it. As a matter of fact, when I look at you, I follow your people, like Sie... hu hu, even Tenba. I'm sure there's no mistake."
Guidel and Sarfa are also Fell's parents. Naturally, in Iseira, it's easy to imagine that I'm about as dead as I think I am already. I guess I do about a big national funeral. I mean, I know they don't have the credentials to say that kind of difference in lost time.
No matter how much force majeure, the lost time and the reality of not being able to go back. All we have to do is take this.
'I'm sorry,' that's odd. Should I still say 'thank you for acknowledging' here '
I feel strange as Kashiwagi. Seeing two people with the same attitude, reactions, as Guidel Salfa's emulation output with Izeira's neuronal data, I'm quite surprised at the advanced processing of that neuronal data emulation system, while at the same time being in a complex mood to the present situation, which is unlikely to be ordinary Japanese.
Guidel nodding at Kashiwaki's valve. He is also him, with a complex look at the current situation as if he had crossed space-time.
The two of us have no choice but to remain silent.
I didn't know that my daughter, who I thought I would never see again, had grown up splendidly in an extraordinary beauty, and that her friend was the same, and that her daughter would become a heretical daughter-in-law that I had never seen, and that was the people told as legends of Iseira.
We are certainly not normal to each other... we are not normal.
In such a situation of mutual silence and sight conversation, one of the samurai-like figures approaches Salfa and punches him in the ear. Then Sarfa nodded and said a word to the samurai, "Thank you,"
"Fada, I'm going to see a little bit about how Fell is going to wake up when I put him to bed in his room. May I take your seat off?
Kashiwaki nodded loudly,
'Yes, thank you'
"Now if you'll excuse me..."
Sarfa laughed nicely and took a seat, leaving the conference room.
"Hmm? Something shie"
Sie breaks into a one-story situation right now.
"Omaeto, Kashiwagi and Ferno Special Na Situations. Solega this time no, a series of no incidents all tenni connection gateil noha, we mo understand citeil. Now hacono glide che liagete, sono atarino matter ha, after hodo parent son de story si hetta houga ino de hanai cana?
The point is, we need to talk about parents and kids later. He distracted me from the sire and broke into the conversation.
Now the current situation of Guidel and others, that is, why he is in the position of a heretic 'king', etc., and why his companions are called 'apostles'. About this star with it. What's more, the enemies of that alien figure. There are many things you need to ask. Let's start there.
Kashiki also agrees with Sie. Guidel as well. They are not amateurs there either.
Kashiwagi creates a VMC board to look through the paperwork, and this place begins to do things clerically.
'Bye, Your Majesty. Let's get back to the beginning… I'd like to start by asking you for more information about what the Tierkumaska coalition and Iseira call the "DURANTE REPUBLIC VISITORY SHIPPING CASE" …'
... Fell's point of view. That is indeed Fell's subjectivity. It's just very low point of view.
It's my point of view, not myself. Looks like you're looking at someone else's point of view.
It's memories of a distant day for her.
"It's like we're alive!
"Liar! Fell's Falun and Marma must be dead!
"Live, town! I saw you at home yesterday, too. Wow!
"Heh, then bring him here. Yikes!
"Huh? Well, it's... it's just... it's a bubble, and, yes, it's always annoying, so there's no such thing!
"I don't know about that. If you can't bring him in, he's lying!
"Ugh, don't be so tight!
"Oi, omaetachi. Matafel Igimeternoka? '
"Wow! It's Sie!
"Older Nodelunga, Jr. Sanafel opponent Ni, Yottetakattemit Monai. Mosifer Igi Mernonara, Atasiga Opponent Ninatejal '
"Shi, Shie said the target is a mess, let's go..."
"Huh...... Fell. Are you okay? '
"Yeah Sie......"
"Amarimcha Suruna"
"Yeah... hey, Sie can stay at your place today, so you can?
"No, Tarligamou Welcome Enikiteil"
"So Chika-ku... Shika-ku because he's coming next?
"Soudanaa. Thirty Minutes Later Glycanaa"
"Mata, Sonotoki Lots of Play Bow"
Gash and Lumea come to pick up Sie. Little Fell dropping it off.
Sie joins hands with the two of them and leaves happily talking about something. Fell dropping it off by fingering it off.
Fell then rushes up a certain hill with Toto and somewhere, with his eyes wanting to slip into something.
What you see there are two beautiful crystal-like monuments I saw in that castle of Fell.
"Marma! Marma! Falun!
Then the pillar of light rises, and in his thirties, Dern and Frü in his late twenties appear.
"Hey little Fell. What's the matter with you? You're doing well today."
"Oh, don't cry. What's the matter with you?
"Gusung. Pemin and Vermi. Egg...... You said Falun and Marma were dead, and you bullied Fell."
"Oh, that's pathetic. Come here, Fell."
Fell hugging Sarfa.
"You can't frustrate me if you say so, Fell."
"Yeah...... you know what, Fallen"
"Why doesn't Falun have dinner with us all the time?
"Marma, why don't you come in with us?
"That's right, Fell. Me and Marma are always busy, so we have to go back to different countries soon."
"I'm sorry, Fell. I'd like to be with you more, too."
"... yeah. It's okay. It's important to work. Fell, be patient."
... Often Fell, after playing with Guidel and Sarfa,
"Then Fell. It's time for work. See you tomorrow."
"Bye, Fell. Listen to Sansa and be a good girl."
Guidel and Sarfa waving and fogging.
Fell waving bye-bye and dropping off the two of them disappearing. And later what remains is the big, blue, shining star Bodhar. There's a little cold wind blowing in there when it comes to cool.
Little Fell weeps with polarity for some reason. So the twinkling word is "Farn Marma......".
Fell that opens thin eyes. You have something buildup in your eyes, residual light in your vision, and you fantastically regain your mind.
Tilting his neck, when he was 50 years old, Fru had opened a VMC board to read.
Apparently, he's sleeping in a different bedding than Earth. Probably a Haira style bed.
(Damn, I lost my mind...)
Then, realizing that Fell had regained his mind, that Fru placed the VMC board on a small desk and approached Fell.
"Little Fell...... Woof, no. Already splendid Frinze Fell. Have you noticed?
"Are you... Marma?
Nodding sarfa. Then she holds Fell's head with both hands.
"So splendid, and so beautiful"
When his head is Yoshiyoshi, Fell remembers his earlier dream.
I haven't noticed it yet. My dreams are still clear when I lose my mind, so when I wear the warmth of Sarfa and the smell of my mother, Fell cries out again, stopping cutting "Mi ~ ~".
If you cry, Sarfa will yoshi again, so you'll have a crying circulation.
However, we have plenty of time, so the two of us stay put and stop time for a while.
...... and also weep all the way down, calming down Fell. I snort with Gush, but I wipe my nose with a handkerchief from Sarfa, and to Sarfa, Fell finally smiles. Nodding sarfa.
"Be truly... splendid"
"Hi. Sansa raised me properly."
"Sansa... is she... a boulder, isn't she? I'm pretty sure Sansa would."
"Yeah, if Sansa hears that word, she'll love it."
Nodding sarfa. I just laugh with my hands on my pup and mouth afterwards.
"? What is it? Marma."
"That way of talking. Fell, who was so small, spoke imitating my words, Woof. Looks like it's grown up just like that."
"Huh? Ah..."
Fell, who dyes her cheeks a little and leans down.
I've never been compared to who I was when I was that little before. Such a illuminating feeling is also my first time, Fell.
Yes, this unique language of speech by Fell, the tone that is called "Mr. Fell" in Japan. In fact, when Fell was a little girl, I naturally imitated the polite way this Sarfa spoke, but it depended on Guidel and Sarfa going missing when I didn't feel comfortable, and halfway through, the cliché imitating how Sarfa spoke stayed adult, and became Mr. Fell's language.
Two people often silent. The hand is firmly held. But Sarfa realizes something absurd Fell. It's just an old Fruit there. Besides, he is Fell's parent.
"What's going on? Fell. Something bothering you?
"Say it and see? Don't hesitate. With me, I can understand your current state of mind… perhaps we are dead already? Even Iseira."
Nodding Fell.
"That would be natural. It's nonsense. In fact, we could have really been if the thread of cause and effect had gone a little crazy at that time... this is how we and the couple could have met Fells. So let's say what we want to say to each other. Right?"
Un nodding fer.
Fell then tells Sarfa his honest mood. If it's clear, Fell doesn't have any real parents' memories, so no, I don't remember because it was more of a mind-boggling story than not.
So, Fell's parents as memories of the fictional gentle Fallen and Marma memories that were in that neuronal data, and when they meet him in real life like this now, they do feel that he was able to reproduce the exact presence of his parents in a boulder toral neuronal data emulation, but Fell tells me that he is still anxious about who he is in real life proper personality.
If you think about it, Fell and Guidel, the time Sarfa spent may have been honest. Speaking of Earthlings, it would be three to four years. But still, the love of parents does not change. It is unnecessary if it is to be separated.
"Neither I nor Fallen ever forgot about you for a moment."
and Sarfa tells Fell. Perhaps that's what a parent is. Fell just doesn't know how to take that thought.
Bridging this sensory discrepancy, all this, is, honestly, hard to say right now.
The warmth of Sarfa holding Fell's hand is understandable. But how do I see a real parent with no memory? Fell's spirit is about to grind.
"Um... Masatosan, ah no, that brunette..."
"Woof, you're Fada Kashwagi. I already know. Fada Deln in your precious, legendary country"
"Oh, yeah......"
"I'm in talks with Falun now. We'll talk about it later with our family."
When Sarfa says so, Fell nods gently and tries to get off the sleeping table.
"Ah, Fell. You should still be resting..."
"Thank you, Marma. But it's okay, I'm also the Minister of State for the Nihon Country, no, Yarmartia, so I can't be resting here all the time either. I'm sorry, Marma. If I have time to talk to you later... now I have to do my job too... please show me to the conference room"
"Huh? Wait a minute, Fell. What now, Secretary of State?
"Huh!? What do you mean, Fell's a member of the Yarmartian Cabinet?
Guidel receives staff referrals from Kashiwaki. On that occasion, Nayo was introduced in the name of "Nayo Hale Caseria", with his hood on. Guidel is also surprised by this name. Tell me the name of the Hale family, and the name of his wife's original ancestors, and who they are. But now Nayo had decided that his name was a special forces crew whose name was a false name and his face could not be shown. In fact, the hooded clothes that I am wearing now are Sie's personal belongings and the anonymous equipment of the Secret Service General Corps. Depends on how much you owe me.
Nevertheless, Sasua already knows her face because she fought bareface in the battle ahead...
Sasua, who dares not penetrate, is also quite a gentleman.
At that time, I will also introduce Fell, a Japanese government cabinet member who is now resting unconsciously. Guidel naturally surprises me when he says that.
As a Guidel, I simply assume that in his hometown, Elbaila's self is thought to have died, and that his imperial successor, Fell, has become Flinze, a former royal lifelong senator of Iseira and Tilian, active in both public and private life. Or to where I hoped so, what a surprise because I'm talking about Yarmartia being real and marrying that nationally elected member of the coalition, besides doing the minister of state there and saying she also has a nationality.
'Yes, that's what I'm talking about, so please understand that this is an incident that occurred while travelling to Iseira. So I'm not asking you to prepare a lot. "
"Yes, that's where, as I told you earlier, I was wondering if it wasn't, so it's not dependent"
'I'm glad you understand, Your Majesty. Where...... hmm? Ah, Fell. Can I wake up now?
Fell was taken back to the conference room by Sarfa. Looks good too.
"Hi. I'm sorry for your concern. I was surprised by everything... and Falun..."
"I don't mind. Oh, and now I've just heard a lot from Fada Kashwagi. You're in a fine position, Fell. I'm proud of you."
"Yes, thank you. But you're right, now I'm Yarma too... No, I'm Sun, a cabinet minister from Japan, so let me talk to you in that position Yo"
"Okay. Then Fell, ah, no, Minister Fada Felferia. Please come to your seat."
That's what they say. I'll meet you there, Fell.
"Are you okay, Fell? Don't you feel bad?
Turn off the translator and speak up, sir.
"Yes. Now I don't know what I don't know anymore. Death, Masatosan. There's a lot going on."
"Right. But I can't do it. If anything happens, we'll talk about it."
Nodding Fell.
Guidel looks at its incomprehensible language, or Japanese speaking Fell and Kashiwaki, with an observant gaze.
Okay, and Kashiki reverts to the story.
"Your Majesty, I was honestly speaking to you about where to visit from while organizing things in my head, but, ha, I still can't really mix up my personal feelings when I think about Fell"
"I agree, Fada. Let's do this, then. First of all, [until we get into this situation]. What do you say?
'Are you saying that His Majesty and the others, until they are shipwrecked and then build this kingdom...?
"Build, the word doesn't apply a little bit, but in that place"
'Okay. Now, please.'
Guidel nods loudly, gazes at Sarfa, and confirms. And he talks about the facts of that case.
About a dozen terms ago, at Fell's age, he was about three or four years old in spiritual age Earth conversion. Iseira, who had been negotiating for years with the Republic of Durante, a planetary state in the Rafume star system about 150 light years away from Iseira, finally came to fruition in its efforts and was able to cling to the signing ceremony for membership of the Union.
This state, the Republic of Durante, also had the legacy of a super-civilization against which the ancestors of its technocultural system would be the Toral of Tai Ancient or its lineage, and the Izeira Explorer, who detected its reaction, negotiated in contact with the Durante civilization and stuck to this signing.
The ethnic ecology of this country is an intelligent organism classified as a so-called demi-human type, characterized by its proximity to the design of the original species, although it is a humanoid type of beastly design, but not a beastly system that is close to a human type such as the so-called Kailas.
The Durante pedigree designs have designs close to the so-called canine family.
The Durantes are also a species that has developed Toral-based technology. It was therefore a civilized nation with a high ethics, and although it took a little time to coordinate with the Charter of the Union, in other parts the story was well put together and even stuck to the signing ceremony.
That brings together the signing ceremony in Durante, the cultural symbol of Iseira, the former royal senator for life. Moreover, it was planned that Guidel, a lifelong member of the United Parliamentary Assembly, would be His Majesty the Emperor if the world were alive, and that Sarfa, who would then be the leader of the signing delegation, would go to Durante, and that the national chairman of Durante would accompany the spacecraft and pay a tribute visit to Iseira when the Guidels returned home.
The National Transportation Festival was also held in Iseira, sending the Signatory out in a lively manner, which he said was a glorious departure.
"... then everyone did not question the success of the signing ceremony and were all happy to have more new Ti Union companions. But a case like that... by the way, Fada Kashwagi. What is happening in the Republic of Durante now?
'Ah, that would make our country of Japan a recent member too... Fell, what do you say?
"Hi, the DURANTE Republic has since been sent by the other side to Iseirahe for the successful signing of membership and is now a member of the Tierkumaska coalition, Falun"
"Really, that's good. I've always been concerned about that."
"Even then, the other side was very saddened by the Fallen wreck and sent a massive condolence group during the national burial. Woof."
"Ha, is that right...... no, you're in trouble"
Head on, Guidel. Fuzzy staff, a bit of a dry laugh. It's like a really troubled joke at the moment. I can't help this either.
Guidel's explanation continues.
The shipwreck in question occurred during an in-gate voyage towards the Dilfield Gate, which was installed in a planetary orbit with a Rafume star system.
There was nothing wrong with it, it was the spacecraft of the Guidels who were sailing smoothly, but suddenly, without any foretaste, there was a branching phenomenon in the subspace corridor. And the words that came out of him surprised the "fu" crew.
"It was those abominable biological weapons that suddenly emerged from that branched subspace corridor. Now we call them Zirard."
This name Zirard. I thought it resembled something Kashiwagi, but when I asked Fell later, he said it was taken from the name of the monster who makes every poison in the world and scatters it, appearing in Iseira's Genesis Tan, Noctal Genesis, which became the source of the 'Zirail nuclear fission line' meaning radiation in Iseira's scientific term.
Guidel's story was even more intense, and he said that everything had hit Guidel's ship. Naturally, the Guidels are forced to respond, but they didn't even anticipate such a battle within the Dilfield Gate, so the effect of the energy weapon was reduced, no decent interception could be carried out, the shield was broken, the enemy was allowed to enter the ship, and the White Soldier was forced to fight.
"... I fought with a weapon myself. There have also been victims. But fortunately, to see how they behave, isn't it working in a unified chain of command? I was fortunate to be able to respond so that even the beasts that broke into the ship could hunt, but the number of them broke into was high..."
The Guidels say that when they regained control of the ship when the bridge was attacked by the enemy, it was already too late that the ship had left its original subspace route and moved on to its branch.
And with quite a few zirals on the ship, he dil-filled out into another universe.
Full of creativity, this planet was near where he managed to operate the ship and out while caged in bridges and engine sections. The name is "Sarcas." This is also a place name taken from Noctal Genesis, which they call their own, but the planet Sarcas, they are untimely within the kingdom of Heila, this regional state.
He said he was still fighting a good number of Zirals left on the ship, even after his untimely arrival and while the shock wore him out.
Then now Sasua,
"Your Majesty, the rest of it is better from me"
"Oh, Captain Sassua. Right, can you do that, please?
"Your Grace... we were just on our way back from border security when His Majesty jumped out of the heavenly hole and descended into the land..."
Sasua when I was younger. When he was about fifteen to sixteen when it came to his earthly age, he looked up at the sky and had a feeling something would happen quickly to that anomaly, and he took his troops to an untimely point to run his horse. What he saw there was an explosion in the sound of an unprecedented impact heard from inside the woods as a large flying object not in his knowledge wore out and seated in the woods.
and at that time, the presence of an alien whose soldier was on one reconnaissance, which he had never seen again. It was attacked by a "demon" of appearance that could only be said to be obscure from their point of view anymore, causing a great panic.
It is a biological weapon like deploying a shield regardless. Even if it's one, it's not the kind of weapon Haitians had at the time that makes sense. The warring Sassuas.
But the demon flies through the universe. Again, he's breathless, pierced by a flash of light he's never seen, and it's the story that came out of the direction in which that flash flew that was the Iseira.
This was Haila's first contact with an alien, he said.
As soon as Sasua saw what the Isailans looked like, they assumed that they were 'apostles in heaven' in the religious scriptures believed in this Sarcasian world, and took the initiative to cooperate with and respond to the Isailans.
After that, it will take quite some time to sweep Zirar, which was lost to this spaceship, but he said that he managed to drive them away with an exceptional tactic using the Sassua trap and a weapon on the Iseira side, which allowed him to have a relationship of trust with the Sassuas and the Hairahs and the Iseiraelis and the Dastals in that battle, and that he was also welcomed to this kingdom of Hairah with the mediation of Sassua.
Fell to Kashiwaki, and the staff listen to the spectacular story.
That was because it was not a simple thing, such as the "ship accident within the subspace corridor", which was spoken of in Iseira.
'So why didn't you send Emergencies first when that raid struck you?
Kashiwagi naturally asks the ultimate. Then the answer was simple and clear. It was the engine department that the enemy broke the shield first and broke in, which means they destroyed the High Quarn Generator first and paralyzed the ship's recovery capabilities, he said. If this happens, the ship made by Tilian will be handy.
"Aah, Sounatte simattara, sure kanido siyo monai...... unfortunate toshika words iyo uganaina"
Fell and Sie have sinister faces.
In fact, this is also why Tilian technology did not diffuse significantly in this Sarcasian world.
In the end, Guidel and the rest of the spacecraft were originally co-operated by the Haitians... and even when they co-operated, they could only do about the extent of their luggage carriage... I would try to repair it, but Zell reactors have also suffered considerable damage to this high quarn generator, and the only possible items that could be created are some weapons, ammunition, short-range communication equipment, food creation, and material creation, and this function alone, and the most important backbone autonomous creation functions have been done, making it impossible to create transporters, mobile weapons, quantum communication equipment, PVMCGs, and other items such as Zell equipment.
Indeed, if we cannot create Zell equipment, Tilian science will lose more than half its value. High-quarn technology is amazing, but this high-quarn is also powerful in combination with Zell technology.
However, the fact that medical highquarn technology was intact. That each crew member's personal PVMCG could be used. Fortunately, the ship's main system managed to live, and some Tilian science and technology could be reflected in this Sarcasian world. The use of artificial muscles for propeller power of flying objects using repressive substances, the world's unique vehicle, also applied medical highquarn technology.
"Which means that the intact medical highquarn device could have been produced in a lot of replicas, right, Mr. Sassua?"
"Right, Lord Kashiwagi. Thanks to this strange machine, our country has grown richer."
The story is that the broken autonomous high quarn system was used under the jurisdiction of the Royal Government and the medical high quarn system was widely disseminated in this world.
Afterwards, the average life expectancy grew dramatically in the Heila kingdom, and thanks to the drugs made of high quarns, food was also able to increase dramatically, until then this country, which had no pronounced influence compared to its neighbours, suddenly danced to the males of the Sarcasian world.
"Chi, wait a minute, Mr. Sasua."
"What is it, Lord Kashiwagi?"
"I see, I understand very well the relationship between this kingdom of Heila and His Majesty Guidel, but the... one thing I have not understood so far in my story"
Then, now Guidel,
"Why am I doing this king of Haila or something like that? Right, Fada."
'Yes. You're right. Fell wants to hear it too. "
Yes, sir.
Fell snorts deeply, too.
Then Guidel nodded sassua and began to explain.
At the time Guidel came to this planet, the king of Haila said he was old and in no strange circumstances whenever he collapsed.
The queen was already in the other realm, and the successor Crown Prince, as regent, was at the top of the political spectrum.
This country, which is not that strong militarily, with its relatively territorial area, has maintained its security system in its covenants with its neighbours, but it is a world like the Great Navigational Age of the Earth, with the thoughts of various nations, and the constant talk of mergers and annexations with other countries and, in other words, invasions by some countries, was a difficult situation to honestly say the cornerstone.
It is this case as if it had sprung up down there. The then Crown Prince was smart and tried to use this case.
People of different worlds like those coming from heaven on a strange ride. Besides, they had the kind of weapons they'd never seen before and won by fighting alien demons.
From the Haitian's point of view, net I guess they were like 'use from heaven'. If you ask me, it feels the same as Nayokualaguya, a thousand years ago in Japan.
The Crown Prince of Haila believed the infidel to be a legendary being passed on to Haila, explaining the political situation in Haila and begging for teaching. Then the otherworlder said, "Okay," with Assari, that he would return the favor of accepting us, and that he would cooperate with the political stability of Haiti.
In addition, the leader of the infidel was explained to be descended from the emperor in their country. And then some demon attacked me, and I thought I came down to this world.
The Crown Prince was briefed and asked to do the king of Haila until the Crown Prince became what he called "one serving" in order to ask the emperor of that other world to teach him. So now Guidel...
"Huh, ma'am, that's why we're doing extraordinary kings here, Fada."
Kashiwagi and the others who get that explanation and make it a pocan. Fell as well.
I just didn't think Otton was hired to do the king.
'Yes, no, then His Royal Highness the Crown Prince...'
Then Sasua laughed cuckoo.
"Ha ha, it's me, Lord Kashiwagi"
"Huh!? Oh, did you!
Surprising Kashiwaki, at the same time, on closer consideration, I hope they do say so, because he is the one who, from their civilizational level, has a relatively good understanding of accepting Kashiwaki and the others.
Sassua says there are probably places where they are allowed to use Guidel and the others, if I make it clear. That's the story that he also told Guidel and that he's working together on understanding as well.
"Yes, but I'm also running out of that 'Crown Prince' thing"
Even though medical highquarn technology alone, its technological ripple effect is considerable, and this technology alone has worked for more than 10,000 diplomatic cards.
In other words, the story has spread the imprint of the kingdom while promoting that, if united with the kingdom of Haila, we can benefit from this high quan and, with force from Iseira, present it to the neighbouring states that what we intend to attack Haila means the demise of the nation, merging and uniting the national lords who subscribe to Haila's national policies and the small and medium-sized states that intend to benefit Haila.
And even more Guidel teaches Sassua the republican ideology to democratic ideology, but it is precisely in this civilization that the idea is still far from understanding and opposes the system that could invite the rebellion of each of the Lords, but Guidel teaches Sassua that there will always be harm in the autocratic monarchy in the future, giving the example of the former great empire of Iseira, which was an electoral monarchy, and explains that Sassua and Guidel have created the kingdom of Heila in an attempt to make it a 'kingdom monarchy like the presidential one' that sees the king as' president ', making it composed of a popular and aristocratic framework, giving both the parliament and the king the right of decision and veto.
Kashiwaki and Shiraki, as well as Fell and other politicians bureaucracies, listen with admiration to "ho" on the hands of those two.
"Fell, isn't your father amazing?"
"Hi. Fallen atmosphere, and that convinced me."
Fell and Kashiwagi felt uncomfortable there since the first time they met, because Guidel did not have much of the so-called "majesty of kings" of the general image, but now they felt convinced.
In other words, he said that the current Union of Heila Kingdoms is a state just like the middle between a monarchy and a presidential republic.
And now Guidel is king is also taught that he is a candidate in the position of 'celestial man' with the same authority as the nobility strategically enacted by Sasua in its electoral monarchy, elected by an overwhelming majority of votes, to do the king for a limited time.
And Sassua now assumes the position of captain of a national army unit in the form of noble duty, while at the same time assuming the status of 'national regent', if you ask me, as vice president, and tells him that the status of Crown Prince of the previous king is in the same condition as that of nothing else.
"Hey Kashiwagi."
Shiraki speaks in Japanese in his ear.
"Hmm? What"
"Mr. Felferia's father-in-law, this is pretty good. Is this Elbaila?
"Oh, the old Royal Senator of Boulder."
Kashiwagi puts his arms together and puts his clenching fist against his nose to sort out a little of his previous story in his head.
After much thought,
'Then... His Majesty said at that point that you had already given up your return to Iseira'
So Guidel nodded loudly,
"Yes, it is, Fada. We also thought about repairing the ship, but we weren't alone in a position to catch up, Captain Sassua, no, just as Regent Sassua initially tried to use us, we also taught them our knowledge and one day we thought about repairing the ship and returning..."
Sasua also leans down a little when she says that and listens to Guidel.
"... that heavenly, wide open wormhole. As soon as I saw that phenomenon, I assumed that this would be a bad thing... and as a king, given the gratitude I received from the people of this country... then I gave up that I could no longer return home"
At that time, Guidel informs Sasua of the unforeseen events expected in the future. That is the possible raid of Kazirar. At that time, Guidel and the others had already figured out that the reason they flew out into the world was that wormholes from other dimensions had interfered, so they feared another Zirale raid, making the ship's broken highquarn device fully operational and creating possible weapons, namely blaster rifles and blaster cannons, in mass production and paying for each United Kingdom occupation. Furthermore, he said that the floating ships in this world were mechanized using artificial muscles, etc. to ensure the security system was in full swing.
Since that time, Sasua and Guidel have changed from a relationship of using each other to a relationship of trust in the true sense of the word. And the crews, called 'messengers' to them, said they had given up their return and decided to bury their bones in this country.
"Fell, me and Sarfa...... that's what I'm talking about. I can't say I forgive such an unsolicited parent now... I couldn't do a lot of things as a parent... but I never forgot about you for a moment. This is true. I've thought many times about whether there's a way to go home... but the situation didn't allow me to..."
Fell looks into Guidel's and Sarfa's eyes and listens. And send your gaze to Nayo, Fell.
Guess what, Nayo? I was watching Fell over the slit of the hood.
That's because the shape was different and very similar to what Nayo had been experiencing. Finally, it's not force majeure or anything, but there's a lot of similarities between what Fell did to Japan and Suttamonda until then, if you think about it. So I can understand Guidel's position, too, Fell.
Why Guidel and Sarfa both cried so hard earlier that Fell cried like crazy and lost her mind about the quote. I guess I was guessing as a parent. I mean, Fell said... 'I just can't understand the shock that my parents, who I thought were dead, were alive, and the joy of seeing them first. My emotions that don't boil down' distracted me uncontrollably and I lost my mind.
So they gave Fell and his partner Kashiwaki a detailed explanation so far. In short, I wanted them to understand their situation.
From Guidel and Sarfa, you just understand that, and you're saved as a parent. Otherwise, Fell and I will remain like the others in red. And there was another thing I wanted Fell to understand, but I still don't deserve the chance to talk about it.
Fell nods now. I am a distinct adult from her. Surely you'll have to think there's no choice in all this. I can't do what I can't do, I can't do what I can't do. That's what all this is about...
Then, as Guidel predicted, the wormhole that now opens its mouth wide into the sky turns out to be similar to what we've popped out of. This was what was found in the research results and system calculations of spacecraft crew technicians and scientists who were not specialized but had knowledge.
Once it was a wormhole that was thought to have been closed, it was still open on a micro size. It could be likened to a wormhole that was in the so-called idling state.
This also means that it is likely to be an artificially generated wormhole.
At one point, the Zirard army emerged from its wormhole and attacked the Sarcasian world. I don't know why. It was as foolish as asking something about that biological weapon that strikes as if it were an unleashed warcraft, and it was reminiscent of that abominable enemy known to Guidels, the Garg Della.
The only difference with the Gurgs is that the Gurgs are clearly acting for some purpose. They'll always come after high-quarn and zel equipment for that evidence. However, this Zirar is just a pure "weapon/weapon" that shows the appearance of a complete weapon of annihilation control by hijacking plants and animals and turning them into so-called "fuel".
Guidel said, conversely, the way the tactics were set up was easy. Initially, even with the power of this world to be ready, we managed to cope with the weapons they brought in and with the manoeuvres that used the repressive material in time, but Guidel tells us that the current situation is becoming rather unexpected, pushed gradually by the enemy's "pull it out, pull it out," wave-like attack and the number of attacks that made us say things.
"In the meantime, we, too, have enriched educational institutions, taught all our knowledge, and further taught Haitians to bring and impart that knowledge back to their respective countries in an attempt to make this Haitian people inherit as much knowledge as possible… and that is how the technological revolution was also about to occur in this Sarcasian world…"
As Kashiwaki asks, he still realizes that the weaknesses of the Tilian world are still exposed here. The Guidels just aren't aware of it.
(They are a species that has developed science based on high quarn technology. Therefore, everything has a high-quarn technical and scientific system. Even if that pivotal highquarn is broken, it will be difficult to spread the science and technology I taught to the world)
In fact, it seems to be true, in terms of medical biosciences based on the only intact, mass-producing medical highquarn, or the technology derived from it, it was the Sarcasian world that showed unusual development, but other than that, there was not much scientific and technological innovation.
Among other things, the eggs of Haitian scientists said they tried to repair the highquarn device in order to somehow crack down on the current situation. Of course it couldn't have gone so well, and it was out of my control, but still, it seems that the good godson in it succeeded in repairing some of the spacecraft quantum communications installations, although not highquarn...
"The gate system must have picked up the distress signal."
When Guidel heard the arrival of Fuso, he said he felt exactly God bless him, although not the word of the chief samurai.
Kashiwagi and the others listen to the story without a word. Fell also listened with his occasional thinking eyes.
"I know exactly what's going on, Your Majesty... Phew... Hey Shiraki"
"Whoa, what?
"Communication to the Union is not particularly problematic."
'Oh, especially... what? You're sending something?
'Send all the details of the talks now to Speaker Cyval, Governor Verdeo, Speaker Marihail and Prime Minister Gotobe. And then...'
Kashiwagi thinks about twisting his mouth, arming him, and putting up a sure line of prevention.
"Give me your ear."
"Ooh, ooh."
Kashiwaki tells Moshomosho and Shiraki something. Fell also listens by sticking his ear in that Mosho story. Then we both warped our eyes a little,
'I see. That's it... ok. I'll tell him.'
"That's your first time, Masatosan"
"Oh, it's about how the coalition will judge you. Especially Iseira..."
Naturally, Guidel was surprised to hear a secret story in front of him.
"Senator, what the hell are you talking about?
'No, it's about future responses. From what I hear, you can easily imagine that zillar will come again as long as that wormhole is open. I'll hit a few responses around there.'
Then Guidel also had a bright face,
"Okay, get reinforcements!
"Yes. Including around there."
Then Sasua also looked surprised,
"Can the other world send reinforcements to Haila!
'Yes, Mr. Sassua. It just takes a lot of time for us in the middle of the world to figure out how to make this happen and get ready for it. A little bit of that...'
Guidel or sarfa to this word. And the proximity Titans seem to be aware of understanding.
That is, how the Union will judge.
Sometimes it was a question of how the Union headquarters and the government of Iseira would judge the state of affairs in which Iseira's former royal councillor, Guidel, was unavoidably transforming the state and civilization by becoming the head of another sovereign state and spreading their science to a civilization whose understanding of Iseira was only at the level of divine Buddha.
If you're bad, say, "Leave that Sarcas world alone and bring Guidel and Sarfa back to rescue all the survivors of the wreck anyway."
It may also be a judgment that
Even when the Tilian world came into contact with Japan, it didn't mean they made contact because of anything. That is as the story said then, but it is certain that 'understanding' of Tilian civilization is a fairly important element for them.
Conversely, Kashiwaki and Shiraki, who are also Earthlings, and other staff understood the most...
... Kashiwagi Tafu let's crew finish the first meeting, for now, etc.
Mr/Mrs, I have a complicated look. Surely Guidel and the other visiting delegations to the DURANTE Republic, even if they are not all. It's a pleasure to have survived, but their situation complicates things.
Barbera Castle standing on a small high hill. earth's castle, with no similar designs to those of the Eastern West, an interesting conical shaped based
The castle fortress of design. Standing in a garden overlooking the ocean, Kashiwagi Coalition Senator with his arms full of wonder.
The position of Member of the Union is not just about Members of Parliament seconded to the Union by the Member States. He is a great minister in that Member State. Therefore, Kashiwaki's decision naturally has some influence on Japan as well.
However, Japan is still sensitive to this kind of situation. Even if the SDF treats its jurisdiction as the Federal Ministry of Defense in the Charter of the Union, there are still many "security vocalizations" of Japanese with a poor understanding of it.
Given this situation, it is probably not a glimmer within Japan.
(If it was Tillian's ship from another country that suddenly popped up in this universe, I guess I shouldn't have thought about it so far... it's too much for me and Fell to be on a Japanese ship besides. That's really causal......)
Ringing teeth with Shy, bolting his head forty Osama. From behind you when you're conceiving like that,
"Hmm? Oh, Fell."
He spreads his hands to the side and poses as he comes, Fell enters into Kashiwaki's chest. Naturally I somehow posed like that.
Fell also smiles when she hugs him a little and pounds him on the back.
"The Fallns want to talk to you. I'm here to pick you up, De. '
"Okay. So, what about everyone else?
Fell turns his hand on Kashiwaki's arm and walks.
"Death to the ship. Fallen told me to stay in the castle, because the status quo is the status quo. I listened to Falun and said I needed to get ready, so I went back to your ship today. So it's rude for everyone to pull them all up, so Masatosan and I told Koch to stay. '
"Did you distract me?
"Death, perhaps. Woof."
The story is that Sasua is invited to the ship this time and will be staying overnight.
Before entering the venue, Fufu looked at the sky and saw the Asahi Ryu F-type of Cynthia Combination flying away. He probably went out on sentry, with an optional disc-shaped sensor unit on his back.
Upon entering the castle, the two are guided by their squire and go to Guidel and Salfa's private room.
"Your Majesty, I have brought His Excellency Senator Cassiwagi and His Excellency Minister Ferferia"
Let me through.
Encouraged with a flat hand, Kashiwaki enters the room, bows salute. Fell is also a Ti Lian salute.
"Don't be afraid. Aren't we family? Please come this way."
Something like booze has a hors d 'oeuvre meal on the table.
When the two of them sit back in their seats, the Haitian staff, supposedly a woman with an image like a maid of honor, pours something like booze into the glass for everyone.
Fell began scanning the served meal with PVMCG. Then Sarfa,
"Ugh, it's okay, Fell. I was provided with vital data by Nihon earlier. My son-in-law has nothing wrong with his mouth."
"Oh, really? Thanks, Death."
And cheers like that. Guidel to cut the story out just now.
"Fada, ah, no..."
'Masato is fine. Sire'
"Well, then Keller Masato. About me too..."
"Yes, Father-in-law"
Unh-unh and nodding Guidel. Fell smiling a little at that. In addition to the words Mr, Mrs, ~, the word Keller encompasses the meaning of "~ you".
"Something, that's a weird feeling...... but I'm relieved"
"Yeah, really...... now Yama's blood will be handed down. Besides, my son-in-law is a Yarmartian... this will also guide Master Nayokualaguya."
That said, Kashiwaki and Fell, they laugh so hard.
"Hmm? What's up? Keller."
'Oh, no, I'll see you tomorrow, I'd like to introduce you all, even at that fold. Enjoy'
Then Guidel pointed his mouth and it felt like "Hmm," snort. I don't know what.
"That's right, Keller. Tomorrow the staff at Fuso will send a good scientist to repair the high quarn generator."
A good scientist. It means sending in Nirachan, the invincible sage.
'Yeah, I've already arranged it. We've been looking into the format of the spaceship your stepfather was on, but it looks like you were loaded with a fairly high-performance highquarn device.'
That would be so. Iseira's Elbaira is on board. The story seems to be an Iseira version of Air Force One, or a government-only aircraft level ship, and the autonomous features of the High Quarn Generator were loaded with devices powerful enough to make another identical spaceship.
Conversely, even if it is damaged, it is easy to imagine that it is of considerable performance because it is a device sufficient to supply Iseira weapons to the surrounding countries.
(If that high quarn generator hadn't broken......)
I think so, Kashiwagi. I can easily imagine that things would have gone in a different direction. If that's the case before then, there are stories that you probably haven't been to the Sarcasian world.
With that in mind, Fell poked Kashiwaki's shoulder a little bit,
"Nò? What? '
"Masatosan, I need to show you that one. Right?"
'Is that it?... What is it?
"Yes, Himechan."
'Oh, right, right. Sure... even if it is. I only have smartphone data. PVMCG holodata, do you have it?
"Yes, I do."
Then Fell strokes PVMCG suddenly, Kashiwaki and Fell's child. AKA "Princess" is shown in 3D footage.
Video of him playing with a doll or a broken model gun of Kashiwaki, imitating an animated action hero. Video of you going to a restaurant in the heart of the city for dinner.
"What about this kid?
Sarfa asks with her face for a moment. Guidel as well.
"Woof, me and, Masatosan's child. I mean, he's a grandson of Falun and Marma. What's his name..."
That said, the two become very bright faces of each other, breaking their eyes, and trying to stroke that stereoscopic footage.
Kashiki also shows the photos of the smartphones to the two of us.
"Looks like these eyes got some Yarmartian stuff."
"Is the skin color a mutant? My ancestors also had white skin, so it's nice to get along."
"Your hair and face look like Fell or you."
I thrive on such a common grandfather and grandmother conversation.
Topic that often makes good liquor dishes. Naturally what you two think is… the desire to "see my grandson". This is natural. So if we don't manage to solve this current situation, I think so, folks.
Then, now Guidel cuts it out.
"Sarfa, you've already contacted me, haven't you?
"Yeah, you. I think I'll be back soon..."
"?" I think Fell and Kashiwaki.
"Oh, to both of you... especially someone who wants to introduce you to Fell"
I don't care if Sarcas tells me you want to introduce me, I don't know anyone.
Then another samurai comes into the room after knocking.
Your Majesty, Merferia is back now.
"Oh, as in the room..."
From Hannah.
"Falun! Marma! I'm home!"
Dawn! All the grandeur. This looks good again...... the Iseira Fru comes into the room.
When you were a year old, you looked like an Earthlings, like, 16-18?
The colour of the skin is the water coloured skin of the Iseira, I guess the eyes are a mutant. Beautiful emerald green.
The feather hair is cut into shortcuts, wearing Haila's lightweight armor, and the Iseira blaster is hung. Pretty active image.
"I've been around the border, but it wasn't particularly unusual! I don't have Sasua. Where? So, so, that ship moored in the ocean, that's from Iseira that Falun and Marma taught me... What, that? Customer......?
Guidel shook his head with a bitter smile, as usual.
Sarfa smiles like "shame on you" with her oho.
"Ugh! It's Iseira! Well, then... that ship was... this way, not this race..."
Fell to Kashiwagi, who is decent to his energetic daughter.
"Mel, you're really always noisy. Well, just calm down and sit there."
and Guidel. Flatter that Fru.
"That's right. Oh, Sasua is going to that ship. I'm not coming home today."
Oh well, it feels like a merferian frü who deposits blasters and armor with his squire and sits on the right seat all the way to Poso.
'Oh, um... your stepfather. What about this one?
Kashiwagi asks terribly. On the side Fell is nodding to Un Un and Kashiwaki questions.
Then Guidel and Sarfa nodded at each other and introduced him like this.
"This daughter's name is' Melferia Yama Casellia '... Fell, it's your sister"
"Huh?" will be Fell and Kashiwaki. At the same time, I see Fru, who is a ba-melferian!
... The person who melphelia is, "Huh?" With a face that felt like a hors d 'oeuvre pinch on his desk, he drank his drink with a cocktail and had his legs pra...
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