Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1007: Engaged in battle (middle)

At this time, a voice came from behind, and the Qinghonghui disciples turned their heads in surprise, only to see a group of men and horses killing them from behind, blocking their way.

The person who came was from the Gurad clan.

These people have heavy footsteps and menacing forces. Everyone's body is full of blood and blood, like a wave, slapping the stone walls on both sides with unparalleled dominance.

The Cyan Red Club disciples were driven to the middle of the valley, surrounded by the five great blood clans of Gurad, Gangelo, Pascal, Achamet, and Torito.

Sima Ao looked around and asked, "Dear clan lords, what does this mean?"

An elder of the Gurad clan looked at him with a grinning smile and said, "Since we are here, why bother to leave?"


At this moment, the sky and the earth roared, and the space trembled for it, as if the same giant stepped heavily on the valley, the blood swept across the sky and the earth, when the blood gas disappeared, one person appeared above the valley.

"Yu Yue get out and die!" A roar seemed to break the secret space.

Under this roar, some disciples of the human race and blood race knelt on the ground on the spot. The power of this roar was daunting, and the weak could not stop this anger at all.


Seeing the domineering people appearing in the sky, some people couldn't help muttering.

Especially the disciples of the blood clan, one by one couldn't help but be fascinated. It was the young master of the two big clans of Gulade and Fanzhuo. He seemed to have some chance, and his strength was diligent, and there was a faint sign of breakthrough to the lord.

If Edward really breaks through to the realm of the king, then he is the youngest blood king in the thousand-year history of the blood race. What a privilege and honor is this?

Although he has suffered setbacks, his future is bound to be limitless!

Edward is here, he has already reaped good luck in the secret so soon, and his strength has improved greatly.

At this time, the young master of the blood race was like a violent anger god, his whole person carrying extremely violent blood, seemed to bring endless hurricane-wind-storm-rain, or gore.

Edward's arrival seemed to dim the sky, his raging anger burned the sky, and it seemed that the entire space was trembling with his fury.

At this moment, many people couldn't help being frightened, and Edward's rage made many people frightened, especially the disciples of the Qinghonghui.

At this moment, anyone feels that a storm is coming.

Edward descended into the monitor lizard valley. His face was handsome and young, but his aura was like a sullen king. Some women of the blood race could not help but feel weak in their legs and just want to hug them, even Ashamed and Torito. The beautiful clan master sisters of the two clan Hua couldn't help showing an expression of appreciation.

"Sima Ao, hand over Yu Yue!" Edward pointed directly at Sima Ao suddenly, his attitude was rude.

Sima Ao showed a dazed expression and said, "Yu Yue? Is he here? He is not here, we are not together..."

An elder of the Gurad clan said: "The old man saw with his own eyes that Yu Yue appeared at the last moment and trespassed into the secrets of Stonehenge. The red paper fan of the overseas Hongmen was with him."

He was the elder who guarded the secret portal with Mutolas. His eyes were complicated when he spoke, and he seemed to recall the humiliation he had suffered at Yu Yue before.

Sima Ao suddenly explained, "The red paper fan did not bring Yu Yue to join us, and I don't know where they went..."

"Okay, he's not here, then take you down first!" Edward was murderous, his voice fell, and an object was thrown, instantly trapping all the Cyan Red Club disciples present.

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