Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1014: Valley Challenge (middle)

Thunder sound like a tiger, tiger roars thunder sound!


Thunder in midair, two figures rose into the sky and the other quickly fell to the ground.

Lei Zongying's eyes showed a look of "old man chatting with youth madness", raising her head and waiting for the mid-air figure to fall.

As soon as Saibo Banka landed, suddenly thunder was rolling in his ears, and when he turned his head, he saw the fists of the white-haired old man blasting, every punch was accompanied by bursts of thunder, rumbling, thundering, breathtaking!

Boom, boom, boom——

Lei Zongying's footsteps are extremely heavy, like a giant elephant stepping on the ground, and the muscles and muscles that make young people feel ashamed are beating endlessly, turning every musculoskeletal part of the body, Leiyin rolling in the body, and like It came from the ground, dull and powerful, and the power burst to the extreme.


The two fists collided, and Sebobanka's face suddenly changed, only to feel that the other's true vitality was surging and majestic, and it was crushing to crush his own blood.

He hurriedly stepped back, and while backing, he desperately resisted Lei Zongying's fists. He only felt that all his methods and all powerful tactics could not be used, and he could only use his fists to resist the opponent's fists.

His powerful methods were too late to be used, unable to use them.

He was never imagined that an old man, an old-fashioned master, who fought so madly and so desperately, like a mad tiger and a lion.

He thought that he, a man from Beiou, a **** man of the Gangelo clan, was already quite brave and sturdy. He didn't expect that compared with the old master on the opposite side, he was a tame sheep.


Saibo Banka yelled, and suddenly the blood-colored photoelectric burst shot all over his body. With a punch, a blood-colored flame ignited under his feet, like a red lotus, with a blood shadow demon idol appearing behind him, so hideous.

Lei Zongying's beard and hair were all open, a punch came, thunder sound exploded, and all the blood lotus demon gods were shattered.

Sebobanka's fist was also smashed, blood burst out, and it fell on the valley floor and it was very bright red, like plum blossoms.

However, the "Plum Blossom" quickly disappeared, because the ground soon fell apart and was torn apart by Lei Zongying with a thunderous force.

Sebobanka's arms were sore and weak, he could hardly raise his arms, his moves slowed down, and the secret in his heart was bad. Lei Zongying hit his face with a punch, stuck it on the rock wall with a "slap", and then slid down, fainting. past.

"Blood clan, but so..." Lei Zongying held his hand proudly, his robe and white hair fluttered together.

Edward glanced at the fainted Sebobanka, expressionless, and said, "Release."

A group of kinship disciples walked towards the giant prison of bones.

According to the previous agreement, Lei Zongying won a match, and the blood clan released one of the Cyan Red Club disciples or Eastern Martial Artists who were in custody.

"Wait!" Lei Zongying said suddenly at this moment, "Don't let anyone go, the old man has a request."

Everyone looked at him strangely.

Lei Zongying's old eyes, without the slightest turbidity and dimness, stared at He Chen, and said in a deep voice: "The old man petitions, use a place for release, and exchange the life of a beast! Old man, want to kill He Chen's beast. thing!"

Everyone realized that this old man was so angry, he only wanted to kill the traitor and clear the door.

But also, if you release people, you have no choice. Ninety-nine percent of the blood clan can't release Sima Ao. It's better to use this opportunity to avenge the "backstab".

Lei Zongying stepped out, and He Chen was so scared that the fat on his face was twitching: "Old Lei, if you have something to say, if you have something to say..."

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