Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1016: Challenge in the Valley (Part 1)

He Chen is very self-aware. He is very clear that his strength is definitely not Lei Zongying’s opponent, and he is naturally a little afraid of this old master, because Mrs Lei is too upright, and he plays with someone like him. It's not a hang.

Therefore, when Lei Zongying came over, he instinctively wanted to escape and seek asylum.

Edward was too lazy to take care of it, and stepped aside.

The others got excited, and the same door-forcing or something, it's best to watch!

Except for the Qinghonghui disciples, they couldn't be happy.

Yang Qinhu in the giant white bone prison took a peek at Sima Ao, who was also in prison, and thought, although He Chen betrayed the sect and hugged the thigh of the blood race because of jealousy and profit, he had to admit that he had something to say just now. Still talking about the point:

First, during the reign of Sima Ao, the Qinghong Society did not have much development. It was all on its laurels. He Chen and the red paper fan did not go backwards.

Second, there is indeed the problem of "old-people-politics-government" class solidification in the Qinghong Society. The elderly occupy important positions such as mountain masters and hall masters. The young people have narrow ascent paths and can only rely on seniority and leadership. Dogs, holding thighs, and being puppets gradually lose their enthusiasm.

Lei Zongying is older than Sima Ao, but he has no intention of taking the position, and his scheming is not deep. He only has the loyal blood of protecting the lord.

He Chen is more embarrassed. He is not qualified enough and the support behind him is not enough. Even if Sima Ao abdicates, he will not be in his turn.

He Chen admitted that it was just normal qualifications, but Sima Ao's preference for red paper fans became more and more obvious. If Sima Ao helped the young red paper fan take the lead, He Chen would definitely be the first to refuse.

This is probably also the main reason for He Chen's "risky moves".

In that side, when He Chen saw Lei Zongying's murderous aura, he hurt the killer, but Edward didn't help himself, and quickly fled with light exercises. While fleeing, he shouted: "Ashlika, Rosalia, two Clan Lord, help!"

At this moment, the two beautiful clan masters of the Ashamite clan and the Torito clan flew forward and stood in between Lei Zongying and He Chen.

Lei Zongying narrowed his eyes and asked, "Two clan masters, what does this mean?"

The head of the Ashamite clan said: "You can't kill him."

The clan leader of the Torito clan said: "He is still useful."

The clan leader of the Ashamite clan also said: "If we let you kill him today, will anyone turn to our Ouzhou blood clan in the future?"

The clan leader of the Torito clan smiled and said: "Moreover, he can not only act as the agent of the blood clan to control the Qinghonghui, but also a person who knows how to serve women."

The patriarch of the Ashamite clan also laughed, nodded and said, "Well, although he is not good-looking and not very tall, he is very playful, and we are not willing to die for the time being."

The second daughter smiled charmingly and sluttyly, like a mature demon flower.

Everyone was astonished. It turned out that the fat man had become the minister under the skirt and the guest of the two beautiful clan masters, the fat man was bull!

People think of a scene where a short, fat guy tries his best and two coquettish women happily between the beds.

Many people express envy.

Some people feel embarrassed, this is "really selling one's life as a slave"!

Lei Zongying was very angry and smiled: "What a dog thief! Today he betrayed the Cyan Red Club, and tomorrow he will betray your blood!"

He Chen hid behind the two women of the blood race, pointing at him and shouting: "I am loyal to the blood race, something that is not dead, so why don't you spit people!"

Lei Zongying looked around and said, "If you are going to protect this dog thief, then the old man will have to kill him at the same time."

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