Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1025: The decisive battle comes (on)

The strong blood stared, ah, it turned out to be the red paper fan of the overseas Hong Clan...

The Qinghonghui disciples became excited, and they saw hope again.

The hope of life, no matter how slim, as long as there is a ray of life, it can always affect people's hearts.

Lei Zongying, who was sitting across from the altar, sighed, can hide, why do you come out? In this situation, even the Supervision Bureau and the church can't control it. What good is it for you to come here? As everyone knows, "Leave the green hills, not afraid that there will be no firewood"...

He Chen froze for a moment, then resumed his smile, and smiled more amiably. He thought to himself, red paper fan and red paper fan, you should hide as a slippery fish of the old forces of the Cyan-Red Society. If you can???t escape. Then I have a headache. I have to find a way to clean up the old forces and reorganize the Cyan Red Society for the blood race, but also to guard against your revenge. Now it's better. You can send it to the door yourself, which saves us a lot of time, hahaha... ???

On the high white bone altar, Sima Ao said to the red paper fan: "Hong'er, you shouldn't shouldn't come..."

The red paper fan said: "Don't worry, the lord, you will be fine, and the Qinghonghui will be fine!"

Sima Ao's face turned gray, and he sighed, murmured: "It's useless...useless..."

I don't know if I am saying that I am useless, or saying that "everything is useless".

The red paper fan didn't say any more, but turned and shouted to the person on the back of the stone turtle at a higher level: "Mr. Yu, please help me."

I saw a man with a child in his arms walked to the top of the stone turtle-head, overlooking the valley, and said: "You just do what you want to do. If someone stops me, I will do it."

Some people recognize him, but more people don't know and are full of doubts, who is that person? Why is the tone so arrogant? Why is the red paper fan of the overseas Hongmen so polite to him, and seems to be asking him?

Those who recognized him felt shocked, ah, Yu Yue, he really came? !

Did he really dare to come?

Someone called his name, and more and more people knew that he was Yu Yue.

Ah, it's him!

He is the one that Edward, the strongest young master of the blood family, will challenge?

How dare he come?

Many people think that Yu Yue is either crazy or stupid.

It seems that his glorious achievements are no longer important. His "Dark Horse Master" is just a name. Here, as long as he dares to come, he must die. Let alone how powerful Edward has become now. Even if he wins Edward by chance, he will die, and the Ouzhou blood clan will never let him go.

It can be said that he came out to die, and no one can save him at this time.

Enemy with Edwin, against the Ouzhou blood clan, or even against the whole blood clan, it will be a matter of time for him to die without a place to bury him. Even the overseas Hongmen have become lambs to be slaughtered. How about one person?

Many people feel that Yu Yue must die.

Edward stood there, faintly resembling a king. Although he was motionless, he seemed to traverse the world and suppress a world. When Yu Yueyi appeared, Edward, standing in the middle of the valley, suddenly had his eyes like divine spears and two "divine spears". Torn the entire valley, stabbing Yu Yue across the sky.

Under his eyes and two divine spears, the space seemed to be trembling.

Everyone suffocated.

"Yu Yue!" When Yu Yue appeared, Edward stared at Yu Yue like a spear.

At this moment, he didn't yell or scream, he was terribly calm.

However, when he called out the name "Yu Yue", it was as if he had nailed Yu Yue to the book of life and death, and his tone made people shudder.

However, Yu Yue was standing on top of Shigui-head with his daughter in his arms. He didn't even glance at him, but said faintly to the red paper fan: "Red girl, you can do it at any time."

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