Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1031: Battle in the Valley (Part 1)


The red fox fell, and wherever it went, the earth shattered, and the terrifying wind crushed the earth and rocks into powder.

The two clan leaders of the Ashamite clan and the Toredo clan appeared 100 meters away. They burned the blood in their bodies and moved quickly to avoid death, but their clothing was affected, torn apart, and shattered into strands. On his body, large swaths of white skin and proud curves were exposed to the air, embarrassed and charming.

Everyone was horrified. When did the red paper fan of the Qinghonghui become so powerful, it beat the two big clan masters like this, and there is a half-step master's hidden weapon master, you know, even if the old master Lei Zongying matches The same lineup was a disastrous defeat just now!

Seeing this situation, Lei Zongying's expression was complicated, both surprised and pleased, and finally turned into helpless and desperate.

He was surprised at the sudden rise of the red paper fan, and was relieved by the "Yangtze River wave behind the waves" of the Qinghong Society. Then he quickly thought that even if there were some successors in the sect, he would have no choice but to rely on the red paper fan alone. Contend with the entire Ouzhou blood clan? It was nothing more than the last struggle, more or less saving a little bit of dignity for the sect, after all, it was inevitable.

The red fox raised its head and looked in the direction of the stone turtle on the top of the mountain. The expression in the sharp fox's eyes softened, mixed with admiration and gratitude, as well as deep awe and curiosity.

Mr. Yu, how does he know that I am really a fox? It’s just the first time we met, and we haven’t had much contact before...

Could it be that Big Boar told him?

No, Brother Boar shouldn't sell this kind of key information...

How did he know?

Moreover, even if he knows that I am a fox, how can he accurately find the foxtail that is of great use to me among so many stone spirits?

You should know that the cultivation realm of the fox family is basically divided according to the tail number: one-tailed constant fox, two-tailed heart fox, three-tailed yin fox, four-tailed demon fox, five-tailed spirit fox, six-tailed mysterious fox, seven-tailed fairy fox, and eight-tailed holy fox , Nine-tailed Sky Fox.

From five tails to six tails, although it is only one tail difference, I have upgraded from Linghu to Xuanhu. This step away, if I practice according to the normal way, it will take at least eight or nine years of effort and strength. The realm is like crossing the sky, with a considerable improvement.

Directly finding the available foxtail cross-border upgrades made me struggle for ten years. This is undoubtedly a great favor, and I must report it. And he is indeed mysterious and powerful, and the degree of unpredictability is the only one I have seen in my life...

Thoughts flashed by, the red fox gave up chasing the patriarchs of the Ashamite clan and the Torito clan, turned his head and rushed towards He Chen!

Sure enough, cleaning the door is the first priority.

He Chen is a master of hidden weapons. Although his posture is agile and weird, he is completely useless in the face of the six-tailed black fox. The red fox is too fast, and his slender and fit body walks against the wind.

He Chen was so frightened that he hurriedly released the "blood droplets"!

The birdcage-like "blood drop" is a "head harvester", screaming and flying towards the red fox.

The red fox opened its mouth, dozens of wind blades cut through the air, sealed the "Blood Drops"'s path, and then gathered and twisted, twisting the legendary horror hidden weapon to pieces, and the parts clinked to the ground.

This hand basically simulates the strangulation principle of the "blood droplets", using the other way to give back to the other body, but one uses a hidden weapon and the other uses air.

He Chen was shocked and knelt directly...

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