Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1060: No one can keep it (part 2)

Many martial artists wailed in their hearts, is this not enough? Do you really want the world to be invincible?

Yu Yue said to Luo Yingxue: "Miss Luo, you can't practice the Immortal Body Art, but you can practice other things, and then I will teach you. Now you stare at your person first, and I will drag the five ghosts. "

As he said, he moved his hand, and the previously knocked-out "Plain Cloud World Flag" flew into his palm, and the flag was shaken and turned back into a white spear. "The shape, with two spear tips, resembles a cake fork, and the whole body is pure and flawless, giving people a sense of sacredness and holiness, and it also seems to contain the supreme ethereal power.

The head of the Gurad clan squinted: "Langinus' Spear..."

The Gangelo clan master yelled: "Kill him and take back the holy spear!"

Many kinship disciples echoed loudly:

"Kill Yu Yue, take the Holy Spear!"

"Kill Yu Yue, take the Holy Spear!"

"Kill Yu Yue, seize the Holy Spear..."

The prestige is mighty, as if he is a teacher of justice, Yu Yue is a robber, and taking back the gun of Longinus is to take back what belongs to them.

But the church members who really had something to do with Lang Qiang didn't say a word.

Holding the white "cake fork", Yu Yue walked towards the five patriarchs step by step.

The faces of the five major clan leaders were stiff, and they naturally couldn't retreat. Once they retreated, Crimoz was finished; once they retreated, the Ouzhou blood clan might regress for ten or a hundred years.

So they look at me and I look at you, bite the bullet and gritted their teeth, joined forces again, and rushed over.

Only this time, Yu Yue stopped fighting alone.

"Mr. Yu, I'll help you!" The red fox jumped, jumped off the cliff, and rushed towards the two beautiful clan masters against the strong wind!

Yu You also wanted to jump off, but was stopped by Jiang Rou.

Yu You is still willing to listen to Aunt Rourou's words.

If Yu You doesn't jump, Yuan Xiaolou won't jump either.

When Nina saw the red fox on the other side struggling, she couldn't help but slapped her heart. In order to behave in front of Master Yu, you really did it...

She Yinya bite and bite, and finally riding Hyun large furnace of copper jumped down from the head of the turtle: "ah ah ah ah ah ......"

So, the red fox and Nina confronted the blood sisters.

Yu Yue nodded: "You came just right."

Under normal circumstances, he is unwilling to deal with women. It doesn't matter if someone on his side supports two beautiful clan owners, he can concentrate on dealing with the three male vampires.

Yu Yue, one man and one shot, fought against the three major clan masters.

Compared with the six-tailed black fox, Nina's combat effectiveness is a bit stretched.

Of course, she is an alchemist and does not need to be counted as a combat unit.

However, as long as you enter the battlefield, you will be regarded as a target. There is no reason.

The clan lord of the Ashamite clan and the Torito clan clearly saw this point. Regardless of the red fox, they joined forces to attack Nina first.

The phantom of the blood python appeared on the whole body of the two women, and the evil wind roared, both swooping at Nina!

Nina was so frightened that Huarong paled, riding a black copper furnace and dodgeing from left to right, her short pink hair dancing like a pure elf, her **** and hips under her chest were rippling but full of color.

Wave after wave.

Nina yelled: "Hey, help me block it!"

Red Fox raised a question mark: "Huh???"

Miss, are you here to help or to make trouble?

However, she didn't get too entangled, so she rushed forward, spitting out a sharp wind and blade to block the two pythons.

"How come chasing me and beating me, is this lady so bully?" Nina relaxed, vomiting, while urging her magic power and releasing her spells.

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