Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1062: Evoker (middle)

The red fox asked, "The'Master Yu' you mentioned is Mr. Yu, right?"

Nina glanced at her, and said with the intention of showing off: "Yes, I am the chief apprentice of Master Yu's alchemy workshop, and Master Yu's alchemy is only passed on to me!"

Red Fox was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly understood what she was doing with her attitude, sneered, and said, "You are the only one? It's an overstatement... At least, Mr. Yu has a daughter, maybe even more in the future. Give birth to a second baby..."

Nina looked stiff on her pretty face, and said stiffly: "No matter what you say, I am the chief!"

The clan lord of the Ashamite clan and the tribal lord of the Torito clan were so angry that we were fighting here to fight and "scrape" against the mountain. It is totally unreasonable for you to chat there!

The other three patriarchs are not doing well. Although they attacked Yu Yue fiercely, they seemed to have an advantage, but in fact they could not cause much harm to Yu Yue at all.

Not to mention that Yu Yue possesses the "Xuanhuang Fighting Body" derived from the "Wuji Xinghuangqi" with extremely high defensive power. Just relying on a gun in his hand, it is also both offensive and defensive, leaving no chance for the three major clan masters.

He stood still just now, mainly for the purpose of using the five major clan masters to join hands to test how far he has practiced the art of immortality.

He feels that he still lacks heat, but in fact he is already very strong. The combined blow of the five great clan masters can only split the body surface without being fatal or even seriously injuring, which can scare many people's guts.

In addition, the "Cangqing Immortal Body" gained from the insight of the "Qinglian Treasure Color Banner" has an extremely fast recovery power. As long as he can't be completely destroyed in an instant, then he is invincible.

And now, Yu Yue uses the holy spear in the eyes of the Western martial artist to use the "too extremely large spear", sticking and sticking, not losing it, lightly entangled, and inexorably changeable, making the three masters elusive, advance and retreat. Unfounded.

The three major clan owners are uncomfortable. The three of them are difficult to play on the offensive end, and they are also dangerous on the defensive end.

With a single shot, Yu Yue can often hit the weakest, most inadequate, and most unconnected place. With a single shot, it is like an antelope hanging horns and a fragrant elephant crossing the river, which is amazing.

Even Lei Zongying, a veteran martial arts master, couldn't help but admire Yu Yue's marksmanship. This is the handwriting of the master...

Distracted and stabbed like a strange python

Crane shakes his head and stabs his arms diagonally

Harrier stab-foot

Feiyan throws nest thorny face

This is Tai Chi Four Shots.

Each of the three clan lords showed their magical powers. The clan lord of the Gurad clan used the "Blood Wing Sky Strike", turning blood into immortal wings in the dark, and unleashing a domineering death spin dance to the enemy's target; the clan lord of the Gangelo clan summoned countless The dark tentacles attack and entangle the opponent; the Pascal clan master activates the "Blood Curse Seal" and launches the "Blood Shadow Starlight", flying through the sky at high speed, and the claws turn into **** stars to blitz the enemy.

Yu Yue shot the "four shots" casually, and easily resolved the fierce attack.

The white gun is in the hand, the gun power is ever-changing, nine turns and three flowers, sometimes like a golden rooster nodding, sometimes like eight steps to drive a cicada, sometimes like pulling a grass to find a snake, sometimes like snowing, sometimes like a dragon waving its tail, sometimes like a dragon Overwhelming, sometimes like a bird throwing its nest...

The three major clan masters became more surprised as they fought, and became less confident as they fought.

The other two beautiful clan owners also had no advantage in the fight, and they couldn't open their eyes when they were beaten by the mountain giant.

Seeing that this is not going to work, the clan leader of the Gurad clan hurriedly shouted: "You two will hold back Yu Yue with all your strength, and I will summon Lord Gorefiend!"

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