Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1073: Mrs. Magic Puppet (middle)

It has been many years since I have met someone who can withstand a blow to myself, even the old and hidden blood ancestor can't help but feel a little eager to try.

And Yu Yue stabilized his figure among the rocks, his head hung in a blue sky, the sky was high and far-reaching, deep and boundless, under his feet was the thick yellow soil, the thick loess, carrying everything.

At this moment, his body is like the law of imperial heaven and earth, the way of unifying all realms!

He is trying to fuse the two fairy-body techniques of "Xuanhuang Fighting Body" and "Cangqing Immortal Body".

The breath on his body made the blood ancestor also look dignified. The latter slowly said: "Junior, you do have some abilities. I admire your talent... It's a pity that you have to be an enemy of the blood, otherwise If you do, I don’t want to personally slaughter a genius like you..."

The words revealed a strong sense of regret.

Everyone was also surprised. Being able to get the blood ancestor valued appreciation so much. Yu Yue had already proved his talent. Nothing can be compared with the first young master and second young master of the Ouzhou blood clan. However, this person is a pity. Enemies and non-friends are destined to be destroyed.

"Don't talk nonsense, let me see the true power of your blood ancestor." Although Yu Yue's face was covered with bloodstains, but with his head under the blue sky and the thick yellow earth, his body was lingering with clear and turbid qi, like a child of chaos.

Many people are shaking their heads and sighing, alas, their mouths are still hard when they die, how can such a genius...

"Please sacred artifact!" The blood ancestor solemnly drank, opened his palm, and stood up with something called from a certain blood clan to fly.

Everyone saw that it was a strange doll, about one meter long, with silver hair, blue eyes, and cross earrings on both ears. It looked like a fake doll, but the eyes flashed with spiritual light.

It is the "Blood Sacred Artifact·Demon Puppet".

The magic puppet is also known as the "phantom puppet". The magic puppet was originally a little girl. After failing to receive the first embrace, the king of the blood family did everything possible to graft her soul to a puppet. Unfortunately, it was still unsuccessful. Even alienation has caused terrible disasters.

The blood ancestor held the demon puppet in his palm and injected surging blood.

He looked at Yu Yue and said: "You said that the sacred artifact of the blood race is not a sacred object, it is a waste of false name... Then, I will let you know that the holy power of the sacred artifact of the blood race cannot be underestimated by you!"

In an instant, the little magic puppet burst into endless blood, and her eyes revealed terrible killing intent!

"Roar--" The doll's small mouth let out a roar like a beast, and the many martial artists present were so frightened that their legs became weak.

Click, click, click...

There was a sound of bone twisting that was so crisp and sore, and the magic puppet leaped down the palm of the blood ancestor, and the figure was extremely long, the small body height exceeded 2.9 meters, the plain chest and buttocks were also bulging, and the curve was amazing... …

In the blink of an eye, a mature woman wearing a white dress, a black wide-brimmed hat, a black corsage around her neck, a black cross on her ears, a pale face and bright blood-like lipstick appeared in front of everyone.

The important thing is that this lady is close to three meters tall, and ordinary people only reach the waist in front of her. She must look up. The majesty and oppression are self-evident.

Moreover, the madam has **** and fat buttocks, and her size is amazing. She propped up the white dress from the front and back, almost rags out, this proud figure is also extremely coercive.

The blood ancestor had shrunk because of his old age, and he was even more short when he stood next to Mrs. Golem.

But even so, no one dared to take it lightly. All the blood disciples and most of the human martial arts practitioners believe that under the personal control of the blood ancestors, the blood sacred artifacts will exert a terrifying and invincible power. It is not any artifact in the world. , The sacred artifact can be compared!

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