Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1079: Crossing the robbery (middle)

Zi Zi-Zi Zi-

At the same time, Yu Yue's body has undergone terrible changes, and he has grown thick and long yellow hairs and green hairs.

Each yellow hair and green hair pierced the void like a magic needle.


In an instant, Yu Yue's whole body was full of suffocation, which was completely different from his aura at any time before. A terrifying shadow emerged from his cracked chest, like the same **** and demon, opening his mouth to swallow Yu Yue!

"Roar--" The black-winged demon puppet who was holding Yu Yue roared, and out of inertia, she continued to attack Yu Yue.

However, before she touched Yu Yue, the shadow that was about to swallow Yu Yue suddenly turned around, and instantly flew Madame Demon Puppet.

The blood ancestor's "corpse hand" was also numb, and there was a puzzled expression on the blood ancestor's face.

"Ding!" At this moment, Yu Yue sacrificed something, a simple stone box.

The stone box opened, and a beam of brilliance shot out, and the shadow like a **** and demon suddenly froze.

Between the stone, fire, electricity, and light, Yu Yue rushed forward, seizing the shadow with the fastest speed, stuffing the shadow **** and demon into his chest just like stuffing something, and cast a secret method to fuse.

The blood ancestor was so poisoned that the brows of his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, feeling wrong, and he quickly shot, the huge mountain-like "corpse hand" shot Xiang Yu Yue horizontally, even the master Heng Lian who specializes in corporal training will be smashed on the spot. .


However, Yu Yue only lifted one finger and blocked it.


At this moment, Yu Yue's whole body was magical light, and the yellow and green hairs on his body grew more vigorously, he stepped out, and the void was all demonized at once!

At this moment, Yu Yue was like an ancient **** and demon. Seeing his terrifying eyes, even Madame Demon Puppet was afraid of it.

"What the hell...what's going on?" Blood Ancestor frowned even more tightly.

This is also everyone's question. Seeing Yu Yue Huamo, everyone trembles.

"This is the devil... how many years it has been, it still feels so disgusting..." At this moment, Yu Yue's eyes flashed with two kinds of light, yellow and green, and his body was covered with long hairs of yellow and green. His scarlet tongue licked his lips. It looks like a real demon.

He looked at the blood ancestor with a weird and arrogant expression: "Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you... If it weren't for you, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy to get through this disaster..."

The ultimate goal of practicing the art of immortal body is to achieve the innate Taoist body.

Immortal body art is extremely powerful, more powerful than most of the world's body cultivation methods, but, relatively, the cultivation process is not easy, and there are even great risks and terrible disasters.

Immortals and demons live together, gods and demons grow together, and where there are immortals, there are demons.

Legend has it that when the calamity of the immortal body comes, one's own body demon will also be born, which is an evil existence that is many times stronger than one's own body!

Yu Yue understands this, especially since he has practiced more than one kind of fairy body art, "xuanhuang warrior body" and "blue green fairy body", and body calamity is superimposed.

When he was cultivating the "Xuanhuang Battle Body" alone, he was able to suppress the body demons with great perseverance, but if he had practiced the second kind of fairy body art, or even the third kind of fairy body art, Yu Yue knew himself Can't hold it down.

In order to successfully overcome the catastrophe, Yu Yue designed the use of blood ancestors, just the right provocation and release of water, forcing the blood ancestors to use strong combat power to smash his own body. When the body cannot suppress the body evil, the body demon is born. The robbery is coming!

In fact, Yu Yue did not deliberately suppress it, letting it break the shackles.

And when the body demon suddenly turned and flew the "magic puppet" and the "corpse hand", at this golden opportunity of a lifetime, Yu Yue took out the stone box to capture the body demon, and instantly seized the body demon by secret method!

The stone box was obtained from Shi Ling. It was originally **** sent the envoy to the east to borrow the "plain cloud border flag" to turn the cloud flag into a spear and put it in a spear box.

The spear is an artifact, and the gun case is naturally a secret treasure.

And all this is calculated from beginning to end.

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