Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1098: Invitation of Red Paper Fan (Part 2)

After Yu Yue communicated with Shigui, he replied: "It's okay. You report the coordinates. It can pass directly through the space gap. By the way, help me bring something there."

Zhao Yicheng was silent. He seemed to hesitate a bit, wondering if he was guarding Yu Yue, he was scrupulous about exposing the coordinates.

Yu Yue asked: "Boss Zhao can't believe me, and still doesn't want the'Magic Puppet'? In addition to the'Magic Puppet', I also have a'corpse hand, a trick lamp, a rotten bracelet, a poison bottle, and a blood cup'. 'Angel thorn'..."


Zhao Yicheng gasped in the earpiece.

"The corpse hand... Cain's left hand... God, did you mean'Cain's left hand" was also taken by you?" Zhao Yicheng asked back to confirm, very unbelievable.

Yu Yue said with an "um": "The sacred artifacts of the blood clan are too stinky, and it is disgusting to keep it, so let's give it to you."

Zhao Yicheng fell into silence again.

He gritted his teeth on the other side of the phone, and seemed to be in a fierce struggle in his heart. However, as a treasure dealer, he couldn't stand the charm of the treasure in the end, gritted his teeth and agreed and reported his coordinates.

Soon, the stone tortoise had followed Yu Yue's request and brought seven "Sacred Artifacts of the Blood Race" to mobilize spiritual power, open the space rift out of thin air, and then traverse.

Yu Yue learned from what Zhao Yicheng said last time: "Boss Zhao, pay attention to receiving the goods."

Then, there was a huge noise on the phone, and the loud bang almost blew up the receiver. Zhao Yicheng yelled in panic: "Mr. are so pitted to me! You never said this secret stone turtle to the end. How big is it... Foggy grass, my sea view villa..."

The violent noise ceased, and Zhao Yicheng's miserable howling continued to be heard: "Villa...My sea view villa..."

Yu Yue scratched his head: "Okay, don't howl. I was negligent and forgot to tell you that it will regain its shape when it passes through the gap in space. Its body is still quite large... Let's get rid of the magic puppet. 'Besides, for the seven'Sacred Artifacts of the Blood Race', if I count less of your money, I shall compensate you for your loss."

It is conceivable that a stone turtle the size of a washbasin used spiritual power to open a gap in space, and passed from the hotel room in Langdon of Eagle Country to a villa by the sea. During the journey, it instinctively recovered its body shape and became like a hill. Most of the villa collapsed, and all kinds of utensils flew across with bricks and stones.

Zhao Yicheng was eating hot pot and talking on the phone. He even took the hot pot to the sky with the dining table. If he hadn't reacted quickly, it might be gone.

Zhao Yicheng said in tears: "Mr. Yu, you are murder..."

Yu Yue said: "Stop nonsense."

Zhao Yicheng said, "My wife and children like this villa..."

Yu Yue said: "You pay for a villa for a ‘sacred artifact of the blood race’. You earn blood. What else do you want?"

Zhao Yicheng said, "Ah, do you still charge money for other ‘sacred artifacts of the blood family’? Didn’t you say...give it to me?"

Yu Yue smiled and said, "I don't charge money, do you dare to ask for it?"

When Zhao Yicheng thinks about it, forget it, he really doesn't have the guts to prostitute Yu Yue.

Looking at the "Sacred Artifacts of the Blood Race" and some other treasures brought by Stone Tortoise, Zhao Yicheng asked, "Why are these "Sacred Artifacts of the Blood Race" broken? Only the'corpse hand' is better, and the'demon puppet' is directly It's cracked..."

Yu Yue frowned, and said patiently: "Boss Zhao, is it possible to fight without damaging things? I believe that with Boss Zhao's ability, it is not difficult to repair those ‘sacred artifacts of the blood family’."

Zhao Yicheng was helpless and could only say: "Okay... Then how much do you want me to pay?"

Yu Yue said: "I am not short of money. In this way, the'Magic Puppet' was previously promised to you, but I did not say that it must be intact. In addition, you can choose one more as compensation, and the rest is left. I want to exchange the five'Sacred Artifacts of the Blood Race' and those treasures with you for the spirit stones and spirit herbs of the corresponding value. It doesn't matter if there is no stock, as long as I can provide them when I need them."

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