Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1105: Voyage (Part 1)

Yu Yue said: "This suggestion is good, I think it can."

While speaking, he looked at Alafahim.

Arafahim looked ugly, and said quickly: "This matter is very important, and it is not my decision alone..."

The red paper fan said: "Then you go back and report as soon as possible, make a decision early, this matter cannot be delayed, and Mr. Yu's patience is also limited."

"Yes." Alafahim nodded and quickly left.

Red Paper Fan watched him leave, and then said: "They should agree to our plan, and they can only agree to our plan. After that, I will ask people to convey what you mean by Mr. Yu, mainly the supervision bureau and the church. , So that all parties should not act rashly, what should they do, and at the same time fully support Miss Nina’s work."

A smile appeared in Yu Yue's eyes, and he was very satisfied with the new army division.

With a military teacher, he doesn't have to say a lot of things himself, and he doesn't have to do many things himself, it's really save worry and effort.

He said: "Come on, let's have a toast, to this moment, to tomorrow."

The pattern of Ouzhou in the next ten or twenty years was actually determined in a snack restaurant. If people outside knew how incredible it would be, everyone present felt proud.


On this day, Yu Yue and others came to Southampton.

Southampton is a port city in the southern part of Eagle Nation, facing the Isle of Wight and the English Channel. It is an important passenger ship and container port, an important ocean-going seaport, military base, one of Eagle Nation’s top ten ports, and the largest passenger terminal in Eagle Nation.

More than a hundred years ago, the world-famous Titanic set sail from here, hitting an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sank into the sea on the fourth day.

Yu Yue and others plan to re-take the Titanic route, starting from Southampton, Eagle Country, passing through Cherbourg, Octeville and Cove, Ireland, to New York, the magnesium country.

Of course, the current navigation technology is much more advanced than it was more than a hundred years ago. The probability of collision and sinking is almost zero, and the red paper fan obtained tickets for the most luxurious cruise ship Ocean Dream in the world for Yu Yue and others.

Yu Yue and others drove to the port. After completing the formalities, the off-road pickup Raptor Wild King was consigned by the ship.

Yu Yue originally planned to sell the car in Langdon, and wait until Magnesium to buy a new one, but Yu You couldn’t do it. She was reluctant to take the big pickup truck all the way, and resolutely refused to sell it. Yu Yue could only rely on her. . Although the shipping cost is not low and the procedures are complicated, that is nothing.

The only one who came to send Yu Yue and his party was the red paper fan.

The red paper fan did not engage in a big battle, she knew that Mr. Yu likes to keep a low profile.

Nina didn't come, she had already gone to Fa Country to actively prepare to build her alchemy workshop.

On the night of eating snacks, the Ouzhou blood tribe had already responded, and they were willing to pay an annual "protection fee" of no less than 1.5 billion yuan to seek asylum.

Before boarding the ship, Yu Yue looked at Luo Yingxue and asked, "Does Miss Luo really want to go to Magnesium with me?"

The red paper fan next to it fanned it and said: "I really want to go, but it's a pity that I have to do it."

Yu Yue said to her: "Red girl, you can come to me after Ouzhou affairs and your door affairs are settled. I have many things to discuss with you."

The red paper fan closed the folding fan in his hand, and said, "Yes, Mr. Yu."

Luo Yingxue shook her head, and said, "Friend Daoist Yu, I know that you are going to Magnesium Country to find Yuyou's mother. I am afraid that I will not be able to control myself by then. The next poison is to plant a Gu or something, like that. It’s not good, so forget it and don’t go."

Everyone was stunned.

Jiang Rou's eyes flickered, and she thought, Miss Luo really likes Yu Yue, but she is so brave and straightforward...

Yu Yue coughed dryly and asked, "Then what are your plans next?"

Luo Yingxue said: "I originally planned to take a walk around Ouzhou to find a few blood races to learn from each other, but I didn't expect it to be so long... Later I wanted to talk to the magicians of the Ulan Master Tower, or go to Philippine. Zhou is looking for a wizard to discuss it, Friends Daoist Yu, what's your opinion?"

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