Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1142: long time no see (middle)

A boy, a girl and a little girl.

The man wore a black suit, black leather shoes, a black bow tie, black eyes, and black hair. Although he had a baby face, he had a calm and restrained aura that people dared not ignore.

The woman wears a ponytail and wears a long beige floor-length dress. Although the style and decoration are not complicated, it is a standard evening dress. The main reason is that she is extremely beautiful, with dark eyebrows, eyes like ice mirrors, and a beautiful nose. , The lips are like cherry blossoms, and the beauty of the prosperous world is amazing.

The little girl was also wearing a light pink dress, her whole body was pink-pink-tender-tender, like a doll, with an oriental charm, very cute.

This man, a woman and a child are like a family of three who are going to a high-class feast, but they appear in this barbecue restaurant in the suburbs and countryside, and everything seems so out of place.

There are many customers in the store, most of them are workers and farmers from the urban-rural border. They are unshaven and naked, and they start directly, eating meat and drinking.

The entry of the three people in costumes immediately attracted their attention.

Some people looked at it curiously, as if to see what the three were doing.

Some people are unscrupulous, patrolling Helan's heart-burning beauty and figure.

Someone took a sip, and seemed to think that the three guys spoiled the atmosphere.

Some people are indifferent, anyway, there are all kinds of woods.

In a small village shop, the service was poor, and no one was entertaining the door. Helan was not unfamiliar with it. He pointed to a vacant seat in the corner and said, "Sit there."

She didn't care about the eyes of the rough man in the store, just like she didn't care about the discussions of the people at the ceremony just now, she led Yu You to the vacant seat in the corner.

As long as classmate Helan doesn't care, Yu Yuezi doesn't care either. He falls behind and helps her to carry her skirt.

After sitting down, Yu Yue called the shop assistant, but no one responded.

Helan's heart was burning and waved at him.

Yu Yue asked, "Don't you need to order?"

Helan's heart burned and said: "No, this shop is like this, you can eat what he serves."

Yu Yue nodded: "It's quite willful."

After a while, seeing Helan Xin Ran staring at him, Yu Yue asked, "What's wrong?"

Helan smiled slightly and said, "Student Yu, you are very handsome today..."

With a slight smile, the country and the city are all over the place, even in a small rural store, it is full of spring.

The few rough men who peeked at her near and far felt dazzled.

But she turned to a sigh: "I knew you were dressed so grandly, I should also dress up well, and can't be perfunctory."

Being praised by the people in front of us, our classmate Yu, the tyrant of the Galaxy, couldn't help but move in his heart. He felt that it was right to listen to Yang Ling's words. This million-dollar outfit was worth it.

Then, after hearing her sigh, she quickly said, "Classmate Helan is still so good-looking."

Helan's heart burned and said: "You dressed so handsomely to grab a wedding, but I don't dress well for you, I always feel a little regret..."

It's a pity to grab the marriage. If Rosen heard this, it would probably explode.

Yu Yue looked at her deeply and said, "Student Helan, I will never let you slip away from me again."

Helan Xinran also looked at him and asked, "Really?"

Yu Yue said firmly: "Even if you slip away, I can find you. No matter the ends of the earth, the stars and the sea, I will **** you back."

Six hundred years back, just for this moment.

Helan's heart burst into laughter. The smile was pure and innocent, turning all beings upside down, but her eyes were full of eyes, and she seemed to be moved to tears.

She raised her lush jade fingers, wiped the corners of her eyes pretending to be understated, and said mockingly, "Student Yu, it's been a long time, how could you say such earthy words? However, it suits the atmosphere here, I like it!"

Yu Yue looked into her eyes and replied nonchalantly, "Yes, long time no see."

Long time no see, like a lifetime.

And we meet again after a lifetime, and the centuries have passed in a blink of an eye.

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