Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1148: what are you doing (in)

Fortunately, Yu Yue still had a sense of restraint, and only exposed the girl's waist and crotch.

Rao is so, it is very attractive.

The waist is slender, the abdomen is flat, and there is no trace of fat at 360 degrees.

The skin was as fair as milk, and the contusion showed a purple-black patch, which was shocking, as if the blood had accumulated under the skin, giving people a pitiful scar.

And the line of the female crotch is even more delicate, charming and soul-sucking.

Cherry Fan Sukou, willow small waist.

The girl's body is better than a thousand scenery. Standing at the angle of Yu Yue, you can see the buttocks like snow jade and peach. Downward are the round and beautiful thighs. It is like a landscape, making people look for secluded scenery, linger and indulge.

Helan's heart was burning, feeling that there was no movement for a long time, so she couldn't help but turn her head. Seeing Yu Yue staring at herself, she was instantly flushed with shame and her heart was pounding like a deer.

He couldn't help but spat: "You doctor is not professional at all!"

Yu Yue came back to his senses, quite ashamed, and coughed dryly: "I'm about to start, it may be a little painful, please bear with me..."

Helan's heart burned with an "um". This gesture and this sentence felt so ambiguous. She couldn't help but think of their "first time", but before she could be shy, she felt the other's hand on her wound, and the drama was on time. The pain came, making her tremble, almost screaming, and clenching her teeth before she could control it.

Yu Yue asked with concern: "How is it, does it hurt?"

Helan's heart was burning and "um" again.

Yu Yue said, "Just bear with it, it's better to have a long pain than a short one."

He knew that Helan's heart-burning waist injury was by no means as simple as subcutaneous bleeding.

So, go ahead.

Helan wanted to hold back, but it was so painful that she scolded, "Fog grass!"

Yu Yue's hand stopped.

Helan's heart burned on the sofa and said, "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back, you... you won't dislike me, will you?"

If others hear Helan's heart burning, a wealthy daughter of a wealthy family and a top-notch beauty, they will be shocked, and their jaw will drop. But Yu Yue knows that Helan is a sweetheart, and no matter how excited he is, he will not swear, unless he bears it. Can't stop, of course, this is also because she is more relaxed in front of herself, letting go of those guards and disguise, and the first thing she said when she said foul language was that she was worried that the person she loved would dislike it, which made Yu Yue not only disliked, but also moved.

He said, "No, it's my fault, I'll take it lightly."

Helan's heart burned and said, "It's okay, don't stop, I can bear it."

Yu Yue nodded, his hands rested on the other side's slender waist again, his left and right hands, ten fingers were flexible, like a butterfly passing through a flower, changing endlessly, and like plucking a string and hitting a fou, the intensity was orderly and the speed was slow, sometimes like a gust of wind. The showers knocked down the bananas, and sometimes it seemed like a sunny day brushing the willows.

Each finger uses the **** technique, each finger uses the energy of true essence, and each finger finds the key acupoints.

At the beginning, Helan still felt unbearable pain in his waist. Every time Yu Yue's fingers plucked from the wound, he almost cried out in pain, but gradually, the pain eased little by little, slowly and slowly. Boy, I can't feel the pain anymore.

Feeling carefully, it is really not as painful as before, but only a little tingling feeling. At this moment, it is more of a strange and strange feeling, which keeps surging with every fiddle with his palms, pressing and flicking. It became more and more obvious, more and more intense.

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