Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1152: Our story (below)

The two of them were reluctant to sleep, and they cuddled with each other for a short nap until dawn, but they were quickly woken up by Yu You who woke up: "Dad, I'm hungry! Mom, I'm hungry!"

Before Helan's heart was burning, he reached out and comforted Yu You softly before opening his eyes.

Then he looked at Yu Yue beside him and asked, "Dong Yu, what do you say?"

It means, Boss Yu, this is your hotel, there are guests who are hungry, what do you say?

Yu Yue said, "Wash your face and brush your teeth, make arrangements immediately!"

Now, on the pure white big bed of the honeymoon suite at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York, a little girl is leaning on the girl's arms, the girl is leaning on the man's arms, and the sun shines into the room, which is warm, soft and bright.

Helan's heart burned down and kissed Yu You, and said to Yu Yue, "I didn't participate in your story before, and now our story has just begun."

Yu Yue was stunned for a moment, hugged her shoulders tightly, and said with a smile, "Yes, our story has begun."

There is no special arrangement for breakfast in the restaurant.

Yang Ling came to accompany him.

Helan was embarrassed to wear Yu Yue's shirt and changed back to a long dress.

Although it wasn't the first time they met, Yang Ling was still a little worried. Helan was sitting there with a burning heart, without having to do anything or speak. Her beauty was unparalleled, and her aura was already unstoppable.

Yang Ling thought to herself, this is a goddess-level, idol-level character! Brother Yu has her, can he still hold other women in his eyes?

Then he sighed and felt sorry for Jiang Rou, it's not that you are bad, but the opponent is too strong...

Then she heard Yu Yue ask, "Where's Teacher Jiang, haven't you come down yet?"

After speaking, he made a phone call: "Hey, the phone is not working?"

Yu Yue's brows furrowed, because he knew that Jiang Rou was not the kind of person who likes to sleep in late. She has always been proactive and hard-working and gets up early, and it is rare that she can't get through on the phone.

At this time, three people walked into the restaurant, and Yang Ling recognized them. They were the manager of the front office, the assistant manager of the lobby, and the receptionist at the front desk.

The front office manager is the commander of the front office operation of the hotel, and is fully responsible for the operation and management of the front office department. The lobby is the place where every guest arrives and leaves the hotel. It is the place where the hotel's customer service begins and is finally completed, and it is also the place where guests form their first and last impressions of the hotel. Therefore, the front office is equivalent to the facade of the hotel and the core of the entire hotel service work. The power and responsibility of the front office manager is very huge among the various departments of the hotel.

The assistant lobby manager is a person who assists the front office manager in command and management in the hotel lobby and nearby public areas, as well as a senior service staff who specializes in inter-departmental coordination services for some important guests (VIP) and handling complaints, opinions, and accidents. .

The receptionist at the front desk is specifically responsible for organizing the sales and reception services of hotel rooms.

The sudden appearance of these three people made Yang Ling feel if something happened, so she quickly got up and took two steps.

The manager of the front office and the secretary of the board, Yang Ling, whispered a few words, and the latter glanced at Yu Yue.

Yu Yue asked, "What's wrong?"

Yang Ling motioned the three of them to report directly, and then the receptionist at the front desk handed a note to the boss.

Yu Yue took the note and unfolded it, and recognized Jiang Roujuanxiu's handwriting on it:

Yu Yue, when you saw this note, I was gone. Please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye, because my work is done, there is no point in staying, and I am afraid to face separation, so I choose to say goodbye this way. Thank you for taking care of me along the way, and also thank you Youyou, for the happiness it brought me along the way, Youyou finally met her mother, I am very pleased. Don't look for me, I'm back home, I still have my own things to do, I'll miss you all. Please say "goodbye" to Yuyou for me.

Signed: Jiang Rou.

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