Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1156: Looking for Mom (Part 1)

"...And I don't have any friends here, so I didn't dare to come to Gotham once."

Yang Ling said, bowing her head a little embarrassedly.

Yu Yue glanced at her and said with a smile, "Then should you thank me for taking you to Gotham?"

"Thank you, Brother Yu." Yang Ling paused, looked at him suddenly, smiled narrowly, and said again, "Brother, you are so kind to me, I don't even know how to thank you, I can only think of looking at your body. Xu, this is how it is played in TV dramas, and you treated me the night before yesterday..."

"Uh..." Yu Yue was stunned.

He confirmed that his judgment was correct. Although this girl was from a rural area, she was not a fuel-efficient lamp at all, but she didn't expect to start not saving fuel so quickly.

However, seeing that Yu Yue's face changed a bit, Yang Ling immediately changed the subject and said, "Just kidding, brother. I know you only have a sister-in-law in your heart, and she is so superior, I definitely can't compare it, I can I feel very lucky to meet you..."

There is not a trace of inferiority, self-esteem and self-deprecation in the words.

Yu Yue secretly said "um", "Okay, you bell, dare to molest brother?"

But fortunately, although I am a bit dark and scheming, it is also considered smart and did not threaten me, otherwise, I don't think I will teach you a good lesson?

The car was driving on the city boulevard of Gotham City, full of bright lights and neon shadows, and it was extremely prosperous, but there were many Gothic buildings towering high, shrouding many dark alleys, which made people feel a hint of gloom.

The car drove under the Helan Building in the city center.

Helan Building is the headquarters of Helan Consortium and Helan Science and Technology, and the tallest building in Gotham City.

Yang Ling got out of the car and looked up at the building, only to feel dizzy.

She said with emotion: "It's so tall... But at this time, everyone is off work, so my sister-in-law shouldn't be here, right?"

Yu Yue was ashamed: "I don't remember the exact location of her house..."

Yang Ling glanced at him and said, "Brother, I didn't tell you, how could you not remember your wife's family?"

Yu Yue: "…"

Yang Ling added: "Fortunately, I remembered Miss Vivian Vera's phone number yesterday, she should know, let me call and ask."

Yu Yue nodded.

Just when Yang Ling called Vivian, Yu Yue's phone also rang.

When I saw the caller ID, it showed "unknown number".

Yu Yue suddenly had a bad feeling.

The phone was connected, and there was a strange voice that couldn't tell the difference between men and women: "Yu Yue, how are you?"

Yu Yue frowned, this situation seemed familiar.

He asked, "Who are you?"

The man said, "You don't have to know who I am, you just need to know that you have a friend who is a guest with me..."

Yu Yue reacted immediately: "Who? Jiang Rou? You kidnapped her?"

The man smiled and said, "Don't be so rude. We saw that Miss Jiang Rou was in a hurry to go back two days after she came to Magnesia, so we kindly asked her to stay and play for a while."

Yu Yue asked, "Who are you? Why did you kidnap Jiang Rou?"

The man said, "Do you think I will tell you, dear Mr. Yu Yue?"

Yu Yue said in a deep voice, "I can guess that you are from the Hiddleston family, or are employed by the Hiddleston family. The target of the Hiddleston family is me, let go With Jiang Rou, everything comes at me."

The man smiled and asked, "Hehe, do you think it's possible?"

Yu Yuexin said, is this not a cover up?

He knew that the Hiddleston family would do something, but he didn't expect to do it so quickly, and Jiang Rou's sudden departure made him unprepared.

He asked, "What do you want?"

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