Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1158: looking for mother (below)

The car drove in a northeast direction, all the way out of the city.

Through the beautiful but somewhat gloomy forest road at night, you can see a wetland and several small lakes along the way.

Wetlands and lakes at night also give people an eerie feeling.

Out of the forest wetland, an antique, magnificent and luxurious castle manor comes into view, giving people a special visual impact under the night moon.

Vivian drove her Chevrolet Camaro to the parking lot at the front of the castle estate and stopped, Yu Yue's car parked beside her.

The group got out of the car, Yang Ling looked up at the quaint and magnificent building, feeling that the impact brought by the castle manor and the skyscraper was different, different luxury, retro mystery and modern technology, but these two buildings belonged to The same family, the Helan family in Gotham City.

This is the giant!

This is Magnesium's top gate valve!

Yang Ling, who was born in a small mountain village in Southwest China, deeply felt the gap like a chasm.

Such a gap, I am afraid that even the efforts of several generations will not be able to bridge it!


Yang Ling looked sideways at Yu Yue who was beside her, and her heart was rising and falling, but Big Brother Yu was also born in a small village in the southwest of China. It is the Cherry Village next to our Wuli Village, although it is said that the Cherry Village is located in the valley of the Ba District. Compared with Wuli Village in the mountainous area, the conditions are better. Tianduo has a good climate, but it is not much better. Have a kind of ambition to cross the identity gap?

"This is the Stanfield Manor, which is the ancestral property of the Stanfield family, so it is not named after 'Helan' like the Helan Building." Vivian, wearing a black policewoman uniform skirt, black silk boots, and **** heroic spirit, stood In front of the gate of the castle manor, he casually introduced.

Yang Ling recalled the rumors that Helan Xinran's father's surname was Helan, and his mother's surname was Stanfield. Her father, Helan Cang, was of Chinese descent and was the son-in-law of the door. He put up his surname, but in the final analysis, the real capital strength belongs to Helan's heart-burning matrilineal Stanfield family.

This is a relatively low-key family that values ​​practical interests over prestige.

Vivian did not choose the grand front door, but naturally walked to the small door on the left, reaching out and ringing the doorbell.

The side door opened a small window, and half of his face was peeked through, and it was the uncle of the concierge.

As Helan's heart-burning best friend, Vivian has been to Stanfield Manor many times, and she is basically familiar with the people here.

She greeted the porter enthusiastically, and the porter also greeted her with a smile, but when she looked at Yu Yue, Yang Ling and the others, her expression was slightly cold, and she asked, "Who are..."

Vivienne said, "They're here for Heartburn."

The porter said, "Miss Vivienne, I need to know their names so I can inform the family."

Vivian frowned slightly and said, "I never need to be notified when I enter the manor!"

The concierge said with a serious face: "You are you, they are them."

Vivian said, "But they came with me!"

The concierge lowered his head to express his apology, but still insisted: "Something has happened recently, and the family has strictly explained it. I also ask Miss Vivian to forgive me..."

Seeing this, Yu Yue took the initiative to introduce: "My name is Yu Yue, this is Yang Ling, this is my daughter Yu You, this is Yuan Xiaolou."

The black cat Kunkun didn't follow them, and he didn't know where to go or where he went.

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