Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1167: Extraordinary (below)

When Benjamin saw that it was Yu Yue who entered the hall, he immediately shouted loudly: "Stinky boy, why are you still here? We are discussing important matters, this is not the place for you to come, hurry up and get out!"

Then he shouted to Butler Lin who was following behind: "Butler Lin, what's the matter with you? Why didn't you stop him? Why didn't you call the police? You really don't want to do it, do you..."

Before he finished speaking, a scene that made him stunned happened.

I saw that Li Zhiqiang suddenly stood up from his seat, jumped a few steps to Yu Yue, and bowed respectfully: "See Mr. Yu!"

Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned.

What kind of person is Li Zhiqiang?

Sanhetang Hall Master!

Sanhetang, that is an organization that dares to challenge the mafia in the west in Magnesia, because it is backed by the Qinghong Association!

Sanhetang, even the fighting master Tai Li and Tatum with armed forces would not dare to provoke them easily!

And now, this dignified hall master is so respectful to a mediocre young man, what is the situation?

I just heard Yu Yue say with a smile, "Tang Master Li, when did you return to the Magnesium, why didn't you know a word? I haven't thanked you properly for what happened a few days ago..."

Although these words were polite, Li Zhiqiang sounded like he had been struck by lightning and was in a cold sweat.

Isn't this blaming himself for not reporting in the first time when he returned to Magnesium, but instead running here to do things?

Li Zhiqiang hurriedly nodded and bowed, saying that he had just arrived in Magnesium today, and he had been in a dusty and disgraced way. It was not easy to come to see Mr. Yu. He planned to visit tomorrow morning. My friend here had something important to ask, so I came here. I didn’t know Mr. Yu was there, really. Presumptuous.

Saying that, he hurriedly invited Yu Yue to his seat, and gave his seat directly to Yu Yue.

What a joke, this is a person who even the new Mountain Master of the Qinghong Association, the red girl with unparalleled intelligence and ability, who respects and is willing to be his military advisor, a boss who belongs to his own boss, how dare he neglect him? If he makes him unhappy, don't need him to do it, Lord Red Paper Fan will definitely kill himself!

Moreover, this person's own strength has been enlightened, and to respect him is to respect God.

Others watched in a daze, especially Benjamin, he was already stunned, what, what's the situation?

When he saw Yu Yue sitting in the VIP seat next to him, he instinctively stood up, and he was still scolding: "Hey, how are you..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Zhiqiang turned around and said to him with a smile: "So you also invited Mr. Yu? Why didn't you say it earlier? As long as Mr. Yu is willing to help, our Sanhetang will definitely follow, the whole Qinghong I will always follow; as long as Mr. Yu is willing to help, the Pocot family and the Hiddleston family will not be a problem at all, even if the 'peace apostle' comes, it will not matter!"

Obviously, he mistakenly thought that Yu Yue was invited to the town by Benjamin.

But Benjamin jumped up, pointed at Yu Yue and said, "How is it possible? He is just a country boy from China. Even if he is lucky enough to have a little money, how can he be the opponent of the two major families? Even more impossible. Can withstand the 'Apostle of Peace'..."

The smile on Li Zhiqiang's face solidified, and he looked at him with a foolish expression.

I thought that you could invite Mr. Yu, but you have some skills. I planned to give you a high look, but I didn't think that you have no eyes and don't know Taishan, so there is nothing to say.

Tai Li felt that something was wrong, so he quickly asked, "Tang Master Li, who is this..."

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