Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1172: Taking pictures and tracking (middle)

As an insider, Vivienne is well aware of the urination of her unit. Even if she is upset, she can't refute Helan's burning words, so she can only ask sullenly, "What should I do?"

Helan Xinran didn't answer her, but looked at Yu Yue and asked, "Student Yu, what are your plans?"

Yu Yue pondered: "As long as I know the specific location of the kidnappers, everything will be easy..."

The air became silent.

Suddenly, Helan asked, "They said they wanted my **** photos?"

Yu Yue was stunned for a moment and said, "They have such a request, but I won't..."

Helan's heart burned and said, "Then take pictures for them..."

Finally, it was Yu Yue's turn to be dumbfounded: "Ah?"

At this time, the phone rang.

The incoming call is still an "unknown number".

Helan's heart burned and motioned to Yu Yue to answer.

The non-male and female voice over there said, "Yu Yue, don't you really care about Miss Jiang Rou's life or death?"

Although the voice could not tell whether it was male or female, but there was a kind of restrained anger, daring to be angry and dare not speak, and even faintly polite.

We risked and laboriously kidnapped your friend, and if you don't take care, the plan will fail?

Of course Yu Yue didn't care, he was just calmer.

Just listening to him make an "um", making the other party nervous, and then asking, "What do you guys want?"

The other side said, "As I said before, give us three **** photos of Miss Helan Heart Burning as a guarantee, and then leave her side forever, and we will let Miss Jiang Rou go."

The phone turned on the amplifier mode, and everyone heard this sentence.

Helan's heart burned and Yu Yue nodded.

Yu Yue frowned slightly.

Helan's heart was burning and he made a look at him again.

He asked, "How is it?"

Yu Yue coughed and asked, "How can I send you a photo?"

The other side said, "I'll tell you an email, you can write it down..."

Without Yu Yue's sign, Yang Ling had already written down her email address.

After hanging up, Helan said, "Let's shoot!"

Yu Yue froze for a while: "Student Helan, I asked you to discuss, not to make you make such a sacrifice, and I will never leave you, I just want to tell you what happened, I have to save Teacher Jiang ."

Helan's heart burned and said: "I know. But Teacher Jiang is innocent. She suffered this innocent disaster because of me, so I also want to do something..."

Yu Yue was still hesitating: "But..."

Helan Xinran said, "Stop talking nonsense, let's take a photo! Take the time to take three photos and send them over. As long as they open their mailboxes and receive files, I can track their login addresses."

Yu Yue showed an expression of "my wife is so awesome".

Helan's heart burned and asked Vivian to close the door and close the curtains. She had already started to undress, and muttered to herself as she took it off: "How do I take three photos? It should be possible to take pictures of the shoulders, back and thighs..."

She was wearing a silk nightdress with suspenders, which was easy to put on and take off.

So, Yu Yue used his mobile phone to photograph Helan Xinran's thin shoulders, bare back and round thighs.

Although it wasn't a particularly important and private part, Yu Yue was still sweating on his forehead, and his breathing was a little unsteady.

Helan's **** charm is really terrible...

Even a girl, Yang Ling's eyes were straight, and she shouted in her heart, the skin of the Goddess of Heart Burning is so good! How can her skin be so good? Just like a lychee that has been peeled off its shell, it is completely worthy of the four words "jade body is horizontal". Brother Yu must be very obsessed with her...

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