Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1175: Two-pronged approach (middle)

Helan said, "I can call him, but I don't want to call him. First, I don't want to talk to him; second, I'm afraid he will become suspicious."

Vivian said, "I'll ask someone to ask."

After speaking, he made a few phone calls, and then said to everyone: "I asked, he is still in New York, and now he is in the 'Diamond Coast' at the Hudson Riverside Club."

Yu Yue said, "I'll go look for him right now."

Helan's heart burned and said, "I'll go with you, I know that place."

So everyone left the research room and waited outside the bedroom door for Helan Xinran to change clothes.

Helan Xinran changed into a set of long sportswear, red shirt, white trousers, and a high ponytail to highlight her figure and look valiant.

Yu Yue noticed that she was wearing a strange mechanical watch on her white wrist.

Everyone came to the front yard and found that Li Zhiqiang, Tai Li and Tatum had not left yet, and seemed to be waiting for Yu Yue.

When he saw Yu Yue, Li Zhiqiang trotted over and asked, "Mr. Yu, where are you going?"

Yu Yue said, "Go do something."

Seeing that Yu Yue didn't disclose it, Li Zhiqiang didn't dare to ask, but asked, "Do you need Li to do something?"

He looks like he's trying to get a job for his boss.

Yu Yue said, "Not for the time being."

Li Zhiqiang said, "Mr. Yu has his orders, and the whole Sanhetang will obey!"

Yu Yue nodded and said, "You guys go."

Li Zhiqiang glanced at Benjamin and asked again, "Mr. Yu, there is one more thing... What do you think, Mr. Yu, about the matter that the Stanfield family invited us to discuss?"

Benjamin immediately became nervous.

Just now, when Yu Yue left the main hall, Li Zhiqiang told everyone about Mr. Yu's glorious deeds, terrifying achievements, and the relationship between Mr. Yu and the new owner of the Qinghong Association, Red Paper Fan.

Although Tai Li and Tatum have already heard about it, it is still very shocking to hear Li Zhiqiang, a witness and a related person, talk about it in person.

Benjamin was even more shocked to the point where he was completely dumbfounded.

When they learned that even the Mountain Master of the Qinghong Association was willing to serve as a military advisor for him, several people present respected Li Zhiqiang's attitude a little bit more, and even showed their flattery.

You can be related to the powerhouses of the gods, and we are related to you, so rounding up we are also people with gods.

Benjamin finally reacted, and the "social bullshit" attacked on the spot, saying that Yu Yue and Helan Xin Ran had a child, and Yu Yue could be regarded as a member of their Helan family or the Stanfield family.

But his attitude towards Yu Yue just now is obvious to all, and if he has always regarded Yu Yue as his own family, there is no need to seek protection from outsiders. Although the three of Li Taita did not say it, they were very happy for Benjamin. Disgusting behavior.

Now Li Zhiqiang asked Yu Yue's opinion to test his attitude.

Benjamin was naturally very nervous. He had said so many excessive things before. If Yu Yue cared about it and said that the three of Li Taita should give up the Stanfield family, then the Stanfield family might really be abandoned.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yue smiled slightly, held Helan's tender hand and said, "I will protect the home of classmate Helan. As for what you guys think, I will not interfere."

Li Zhiqiang understood, and immediately stated: "Sanhetang swears to follow Mr. Yu to the death, and will do its best to protect the safety of the Helan family."

Tai Li and Tatum looked at each other, and successively expressed their willingness to accept the entrustment to protect the Helan family through the crisis.

Benjamin breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that Yu Yue was okay, but then he felt something was wrong. They only said to protect the Helan family but not the Stanfield family. Does that mean that he was taken out and not protected?

She was so frightened that she quickly looked at Helan Xin Ran and asked, "Xin Ran, is my uncle your uncle?"

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