Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1187: Family shock (below)

"Humph!" Thompson hummed angrily, but also understood that Deputy Commissioner Robert was able to send an investigation team and instruct the New York and Gotham Twin Cities police to jointly operate, which has already given the Hiddleston family a lot of face.

He looked around for a week and saw that the brothers and sisters around him seemed concerned on the surface, but their eyes were full of schadenfreude, waiting to see jokes, and he knew that when he had power, he would be envied by others.

He even wondered if Rosen was kidnapped by someone in the family.

In a word, at such a critical time, Rosen can't have anything to do or lose, which has nothing to do with family affection.

He patted the seat handle and said, "Rosen has been kidnapped. We can't wait. The police may not be reliable. We must use our own strength. Lori, notify the club, assemble people, track down the kidnappers, and rescue Rosen!"

After thinking for a while, Lori leaned into Thompson's ear and said, "Our centaurs are basically in the west, and Master Rosen was captured in New York in the east. It is difficult to save near fire. Do you contact Gotham's Pocot family? Act first, and we will send elite soldiers and generals to rush over at the same time, so as not to miss the opportunity?"

Thompson nodded after listening, and said, "Lori, you are very thoughtful, I will contact Oswalt, the owner of the Pocot family, and ask him for his strong support, otherwise cooperation will be avoided, and it is best to send it first. People lock down the city.

"Lori, you are solely responsible for this, immediately convene the troops and rush to New York to carry out a rescue operation, not only to ensure Rosen's safety, but also to severely punish the kidnappers, so as not to let the world think that our Hiddleston family is easy to bully. !"

Lori asked for instructions again: "Uncle Thompson, there is one more thing. Since the other party dares to kidnap Master Rosen in public, he must be prepared and rely on. I'm just afraid that the police and the community are still out of their reach, whether they can use the extraordinary. ?"

Thompson nodded: "Since you want to take action, be fully prepared. I will give you the contact information of the barbaric dragon. The contract has been negotiated. If necessary, you can ask him to take action."

Lowry said yes and took the order.

For a time, New York was turbulent, and many gangs, underground forces, killer organizations, and mercenary groups were dispatched to block off various blocks and passages in New York for investigation. Black-clothed people and gangsters could be seen everywhere in the streets, and many of them were extortionists. The common people could only hide or hide at home, and the whole city panicked for a while.

The FBI and the police in New York and Gotham turned a blind eye, because these are the forces of the Pocot family, the largest family in Gotham. As long as they do not go too far, they will tacitly avoid it. Anyway, the ultimate goal is to arrest the kidnappers and save people. .

In addition, the people of the Hiddleston family are also on their way.

At this time, Yu Yue didn't go back to the hotel or go anywhere else. Instead, he grabbed Lawson and took Helan Xinran, Yu You, and Yuan Xiaolou to a nearby hill, Hudson Heights. Bear Mountain in a state park.

Leaving the Diamond Coast, Yu Yue asked where the open space was suitable for a picnic. Helan Xinran said that Xiongshan was good, so the group drove here.

On the mountain, Rosen was thawed, but still shivering from the cold, he could only stand up and walk around to keep warm.

Upholding his last stubbornness, he asked Yu Yue, "Aren't you afraid that I will run away?"

While preparing for a picnic, Yu Yue responded lightly, "You can't escape."

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