Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 308: Wild life

The chickens raised in the village are big and fat, cut part of them as siu-mai fillings, and the rest are made into chickens, which is more than enough.

The chicken has been killed and cut, washed and marinated.

Slice ginger, dice onion, add to remove fishy.

Add white sugar and salt.

Originally, rice wine was going to be added, but there was no rice wine, so I used Yu Yuepao's medicinal wine to add a little.

Add a little bit of wild honey.

At this time, Ekaterina asked: "Jiang... Teacher Jiang, what can I do for you?"

Jiang Rou looked at her and said, "You pickled chicken-right..."

After talking, coughed a few times.

Ekaterina asked: " to pickle..."

Jiang Rou said: "Just apply the seasoning evenly on the chicken body and give it a massage."

Ekaterina understood: "Oh, I know how to massage..."

So I massaged the chicken in the basin.

Jiang Rou nodded slightly. This girl is pretty good. Although she is a princess, she doesn't have any princess disease.

In fact, Ekaterina didn't realize that the daughter of her grand prince, the princess of the principality, was actually called by a nanny.

She has no such consciousness.

On the contrary, I found it very novel and interesting.

She used to be a flower in a greenhouse, but now such a wild life is a new experience for her.

Of course, following Chen Wulong's escape is another matter.

Yu Yue's party is to enjoy, that is not.

And Yu Yue and others are kind to them. Chen Wulong respects Yu Yue very much. Naturally, Ekaterina does not think that Jiang Rou, the nanny is inferior, and does not despise each other because she is a princess, but very much. Respect.

Chen Wulong followed Yu Yue to learn things, and he also learned things from Jiang Rou.

At this moment, she is wholeheartedly and conscientiously doing "horse-killing" for chickens.

Then, stuff the potato pieces into the marinated chicken belly.

Jiang Rou planned to dig a pit, and she asked Yu Yue to come over, and Yu Yue dug a pit for her in twos or twos, and even took a breath away.

Because there is no lotus leaf, Jiang Rou uses cabbage leaves and tin foil instead.

Wrap the chicken with two layers of cabbage leaves and wrap it in tin foil.

After it's finished, tie it up.

Add the soil to the water and wine, knead it, stir it into a mud, and evenly cover the entire foil package.

"The paste is thicker," Jiang Rou said.

"Okay." Ekaterina had a lot of fun.

When it's over, throw the whole mud ball into a fire pit covered with charcoal for burning.

At the same time, Jiang Rou set about making the chicken shaomai emperor.

Dice the chicken, dice the onion, red pepper, and carrot for later use.

Stir-fry the chopped main ingredients in a pot, add corn kernels and peas, and simmer.

Add oyster sauce, sugar, and salt.

Pour in rice cooked with ice lake rice, a specialty of Crocodile Country.

Jiang Rou also came to the crocodile country, only to know that the crocodile people not only like bread, but also eat rice. They add milk to cook porridge, mix with boiled eggs to make pies, rice meatballs, fish soup and rice, and special Honey porridge made at the funeral.

Crocodile Country Ice Lake rice is planted in fallow and rotated every two years, and the quality is very good.

When the siu mai filling is ready, start preparing the siu mai egg crust. Throw ten eggs into the bowl and give to the Yuyu to stir.

Without using chopsticks and whisk, Yu Yu just held the edge of the bowl with two small hands, and used Taihe Hunyuan Jin to create a whirlpool of egg liquid.

Chen Wulong looked stunned.

He was sure that he was not an opponent of this little guy after he had practiced Chen Style Taijiquan for more than ten years.

Soon, the egg mixture is evenly beaten and foamed, add the sifted cornstarch, add water, and let the remaining grapefruit continue to stir.

This is using Taihe Hunyuan Jin to make noodles...

Chen Wulong was amazed.

When it's done, heat oil in a pan, add a small amount of batter, and fry into pancakes.

The pancakes are fried in small pieces.

Ekaterina felt that the **** of the pancake was so patient, gentle and beautiful.

The egg crusts are fried one by one and set aside. The color is bright yellow and very beautiful.

When the siu mai crust is finished, use a bowl to press it into a uniform shape, about the size of a palm, and then start to wrap the siu mai.

Put the siu mai filling into the egg crust, wrap it and close it up, cut the siu mai into strips with leaves and tie the siu mai one by one.

Wrap the bundled siu mai, put it on a plate, and steam it on the pot.

During this period, Jiang Rou made another pot of honey, tomato and apple juice.

The siu-mai is steamed, and the chicken is also cooked.

Pry the big mud ball out of the extinguished fire pit with a tree stick, knock open the outer layer of soil, and open the layers of the package. It is instantly steaming and fragrant. Everyone moves their index fingers, even as noble as Yekajie. Princess Linna couldn't help but swallowed.

Jiang Rou hurriedly lifted the chicken to the middle, letting everyone to tear and eat with their hands.

This is really wild.

Her Royal Highness, who has always held up her **** at court banquets, sat with her **** upright, chopped up small pieces of meat, and sipped meals, she also used her hands at this time, shouting hot while tearing off the chicken and stuffing it in her mouth. It almost tasted delicious. Swallow it with his tongue.

Ekaterina had already ignored her image, chewing the chicken while fanning and exhaling with her hand, her face flushed, and she admired: "It's delicious, this is the best chicken I have ever eaten!"

Chen Wulong's vocabulary is obviously more, and he nodded and said: "Fragrant, very fragrant, crisp and fat, smooth and not leaving the mouth, delicious in the world!"

The chicken siu mai emperor comes out of the pot, the bright yellow yolk egg skin is wrapped with soft and sticky rice and vegetables. It looks cute and loving. Take a bite while it is hot. In Yu Yue’s words, this siu mai is capped.

With Yu Yue's appreciation, Jiang Rou couldn't help but lower her head and smile, smiling like a flower.

Yu You likes noodles the most. She loves Jiang Rou's siu mai so much. She eats them one by one. The more Jiang Rouyu hurriedly persuades her to choke.

Ekaterina did not hesitate to praise her: "Teacher Jiang, you are so amazing, you can make such are so amazing!"

Jiang Rou's pretty face was reddened, and she quickly turned her palms up and pointed at Yu Yue, and said, "No, no, here is the real power...If he does something, you can eat even more delicious things today."

Yu Yue smiled and said: "Teacher Jiang is humble, I can't compare Bai An to you. Xiaoyouyou likes to eat the snacks you make the most. I am not as patient as you..."

Jiang Rou couldn't help but smile shyly.

The crowd sat around the bonfire to eat chickens and looked up at the starry sky from the forest. The girls drank sweet and sour honey, tomato and apple juice. Yu Yue and Chen Wulong had a drink. It was very uncomfortable.

Chen Wulong sighed and said, "Ah, this is life..."

Ekaterina also said: "Ah, this kind of life is really good..."

When they saw the **** and soft pomelo being boiled in a large pot, they couldn't help being more envious, eating and drinking enough, and soaking in the open-air hot spring. What kind of fairy life was this?

Yu Yue asked, "Would you like to make it? There is also a smaller pot. The soup is specially prepared by me. After soaking, it can strengthen the body and maintain the beauty and beauty. Two million per pot, do you want to try it?"

Chen Wulong's eyes widened: "Wh...what, two million, take a bath?"

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