Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 313: Intentionally or unintentionally

"You come to the station." After Yu Yue's demonstration, he stopped and let Chen Wulong learn and practice.

It was difficult for Chen Wulong to follow Yu Yue's instructions.

It is difficult to balance the gun and horse riding, and the amplitude of the ups and downs is also difficult to grasp.

Yu Yue frowned slightly. This person has a foundation, but his foundation is now a cumbersome. Just like Yu You, he learns the exercises and teaches it twice. One is naturally because Yu You is so talented and natural. It was also because she had a blank sheet of paper, what to teach and what to learn.

However, Chen Wulong finally had a certain amount of perseverance. He didn't complain and complain, and Yu Yue didn't plan to give up on him, so he was right next to him.

Whenever Chen Wulong's vigor didn't fall into position, he kicked it with his foot.

The place where Chen Wulong was kicked was like acupuncture. The acupoints of the muscles and muscles meridian were stimulated.

"You don't need to fluctuate too much, just an inch away from your toes. You must squat this inch of distance accurately. The more precise the better; the gun in your hand should not be shaken deliberately, the pursuit is to move unintentionally. , People bring guns, guns bring people, people and guns merge..." Yu Yue used both hands and mouth, while pointing out, constantly adjusting Chen Wulong's body posture.

Finally, Chen Wulong's stubborn skills were in place. Yu Yue looked at it for a while, nodded, and turned around to get into his tent.

The gentle moonlight shone down, and Chen Wulong's thoughts were completely absorbed. Suddenly, he felt that he had become a giant python, crawling in the forest, raising his head to absorb the moon and stars in the sky.

Gradually, the moonlight filled the entire coiled body. Chen Wulong felt that his body gradually grew thick and heavy, like armor, with a little bulge on both sides of his head, and finally two pieces grew out of it. Curved dragon horns.

Snake into a dragon!

Suddenly, a golden light on the horizon pierced Chen Wulong to wake up.

The sky was already bright, the fiery red sun rose, and the golden light that awakened Chen was the sunlight.

Standing rapturously, stood there all night?

Chen Wulong suddenly remembered that he had scales on his body and horns on his head. He shook his body quickly and found no abnormalities. He touched his temples, but there were no horns.

It turned out to be a dream!

Chen Wulong thought for a while, and understood, it must be due to his luck, his breath moves around his body, squirming between pores, and after he is absorbed, he mistakenly believes that his whole body is covered with scales, and his temples are practiced with kung fu to grow horns.

I moved my body slightly, and I didn't feel tired at all, as if I had slept beautifully.

And after standing all night in the big forest in the cold, there were no signs of being frostbited or catching a cold, and the body remained slightly hot.

This is the point of enthusiasm in boxing, standing in this way, kung fu can be upper body.

The spear and horse pile are also called "dragon and snake pile". The spear is like a snake and horse like a dragon. Standing out of the dragon and snake is the intention.

Chen Wulong was quite excited. He practiced boxing for more than ten years and finally touched the magic and artistic conception of Kung Fu last night.

This night, his cultivation base made leapfrog progress.

This night, he stood up and practiced for ten years.

At this moment, he had a feeling of meeting Yu Yue late. If he could meet him earlier, wouldn't he have become a martial arts master long ago?

A new day begins with Chen Wulong and Yu You's paired training.

Chen Wulong stood for a night with his spears and enthusiasm, and his cultivation base was greatly advanced. He could actually walk under Yu You's hand for ten strokes before being thrown into the air. Moreover, on several occasions, he also heard that Yu You was running vigorously and mastered the opponent. The body moves, but Yu You's strength is faster, and she can always throw herself out first.

Chen Wulong wondered in his heart that Yu You is a young genius. The key is that she has a pure mind and cultivates from a zero foundation. From scratch, she has been guided by Yu Yue, a master-level figure. "Lihe" all these things are in place in one step, and Taihejin is directly practiced to the upper level of "unintentional movement".

Unlike myself, I still stay at the lower level of "intentionally moving". When using Tai Chi to listen to Jin, you need to first touch the opponent's movement, exerting energy, and body momentum, and then grasp the opponent's center of gravity according to the body structure, and finally pass through The brain's thought response makes a traction. This is "intentionally moved."

Yu You’s listening skills are naturally natural, stepping over “intentionally moving” to “unintentionally moving”. When he puts his hands together, he instantly knows where the other party’s center of gravity is. Without thinking through his brain, his energy is naturally completely instinctive. Traction.

An unintentional is the upper-level kung fu of natural reactions; an intentional is a lower-level action that is first processed by the brain.

There may be a gap of one or two seconds between "being" and "nothing".

But in the battle, a delay of one or two seconds is the eternal time you throw me, I can't fall you.

In the life-and-death fight, a reaction of one or two seconds is enough to kill a person.

Whenever it goes horizontally and vertically, whoever is slow and who is weak will lie down, and whoever is fast and who is strong will be able to stand to the end.

Of course, Chen Wulong can understand this, and he has made a lot of progress.

He stood in a state of concentration overnight, and belonged to the realm of "unintentionally moving", but it was still a long way from being used in actual combat.

He has to keep groping.

Yu You can certainly feel that Chen Wulong has become stronger.

She is very happy when the opponent becomes stronger, but she really can't be interested when the opponent is too weak.

Therefore, during the day today, she defeated Chen Wulong countless times and beat them miserably.

Jiang Rou also practiced Daoyin Gong and Jiu Gong Wu under the guidance of Yu Yue.

Yu Yue told her that if you can’t sleep at night, you can do exercises, and you can also practice the "Fengshi Music Dance" or "Xiangchu Shangwu" in the "Nine Gong Dances". effect.

Jiang Rou also didn't know if Yu Yue knew something, and felt embarrassed. For a long time, she didn't feel embarrassed to look at him or talk to him.

Ekaterina was envious when everyone was cultivating, and she thought to herself, can I also learn and practice?

She went to ask Yu Yue.

Yu Yue asked her: "What does the princess want to learn, and what does she want to practice?"

Ekaterina said: "I want to learn magic."

Yu Yue answered her in four words: "Sorry, no."

Ekaterina was a little disappointed: "I thought Mr. Yu, you know everything..."

Jiang Rou beside her couldn't help taking a peek at Yu Yue, she thought so too.

Yu Yue asked Ekaterina, "Have you learned magic before?"

Ekaterina shook her head.

"Then why do you want to learn magic?"

"I hope to have the ability to protect myself, and not always be a burden to Aaron, but...Kungfu is too painful and always hurts. I am more afraid of pain, so I want to learn magic, will it be better... …"

"I'm not good at magic, but I know where to learn magic. If the Princess needs it, I will introduce it to you."

"Really? Great!"

"Chenghui, the introduction fee is 80,000 yuan."


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