Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 315: Martial arts

"What, three thousand? How do you charge for martial arts competitions?" the bald old man shouted.

The blue-faced man Lu Meng pointed to the banner, and saw that the banner was written in three languages: Huaxia, Crocodile Mandarin, and Common Language in large characters, "Competition for Marriage". There were several rows of small characters beside it, but it was three. It’s written in several languages, "I consciously pay three thousand on stage."

Repeating the small print on the flag, he added: "If you lose the fight, the money will stay. If you can beat my lady's one and a half tricks, then the three thousand dollars will be refunded and you can marry my lady home. ."

The bald old man yelled, "I have never heard of someone who has to pay for a ring!"

Lu Meng smiled and said, "This is the rule of our ring, haven't your old people heard of it today?"

"Lao Tzu first fights, wins to beg his wife, loses, then talks about money!"

"I think you don't want to pay."

"I don't pay, so what?"

Lu Meng's blue face closed with a smile, his breath soared, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Go on!"

The bald old man was shocked, raised his hand to block, and moved forward, trying to knock him away.


Unexpectedly, Lu Meng's strength was amazing, and the bald old man was no opponent at all.

There was an uproar at the scene. I didn't expect that the blue-faced man was good at it. No wonder he dared to set up the arena here.

Jiang Rou looked at Yu Yue and said, "That's not...that's not..."

Yu Yue squinted his eyes: "Little Palace Master Lu...what are they doing here?"

Yes, the **** the ring is Lu Ping'er, the lord of the Heavenly Palace, the leader of China's Jianghu Demon Road. If the blue-faced man wears a blue mask, he is the "Lv Meng" in the drama of the Three Kingdoms.

Yu Yue also noticed that there was a small stall next to the ring. The stall didn’t sell anything else. There was only one table. In front of the white tablecloth, it was written "Buy it, win or lose a million". It was also written in three languages. It was a gambling stand, behind which sat a man with a purple face.

Next to the gambling stall is a medicine stall, which displays all kinds of medicines for healing and strengthening the body. The stall owner is a yellow-faced man.

Next to the medicine stall, there is a black-faced man selling crutches, stretchers and wheelchairs.

Yu Yue sniffed, smelling a scent of "making things".

He didn't say much, he planned to take a look at the excitement first, and be a crowd eating melons.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a scar on his head jumped into the ring, first paid Lu Meng three thousand, and then asked: "I paid, did I fight you?"

Lu Meng thanked him, gestured his palms behind him, and said, "It's not me, it's my lady. Brother, please!"

After speaking, retreated to the corner of the ring.

The scar-headed man walked up to the girl, looked up and down, and asked: "Are you fighting me?"

The girl said yes.

The scar-headed man smiled and said: "You give up and come home with me!"

Everyone also felt that the girl could give up.

The man and the woman were standing face to face, with a big disparity. The girl's thighs were only thicker than the men's arms. If you really fight, you will definitely suffer.

However, she heard the girl say: "If you beat me, you can naturally take me home; if you don't beat me, just be less verbose!"

The scar-headed man laughed: "Little beauty, I am mainly afraid of hurting you..."

The girl didn't say much any more, she took it out with one palm.

Her palms are very beautiful, her five fingers are slender, her skin is white and clean, and she is faintly transparent like a beautiful jade.

But just because this jade hand is too delicate, it makes people feel that it is not lethal.

The scar-headed man stood there still, deliberately made a relaxed gesture, grabbed it with one hand, and wanted to take the palm of the opponent with one hand.



With a crackling sound, the scar-headed man's right arm was horribly deformed.

His eyes widened and he didn't seem to react.

When he opened his mouth, intending to scream, the girl slapped her second palm, and Bai Shengsheng's jade hand printed a depression on his chest, knocking him out of the ring, groaning on the ground, in a very painful manner.

Everyone took a breath. Although the Scarhead man was strong outside and capable, and his skills were ordinary, but the girl's palm power was a bit too terrifying, one palm broke a person's arm, two palms broke a person's chest...

After the girl flew the challenger, she clapped her hands, turned and walked back to the big banner. Her lovely appearance and figure revealed a kind of coldness and mercilessness.

Lu Meng walked to the stage and said, "Which other heroes dare to challenge?"

As a result, the three thousand on stage fees have been paid for by them.

At the gambling booth in the audience, the purple-faced man received his bet, and according to his own interests, a few people just bet on the Scarhead Man to win, but unexpectedly they lost and wanted to cry.

The voice of the yellow-faced man selling medicine came: "The best plaster, it doesn't take a hundred days for the muscles and bones to be injured. Ten days will cover you for healing!"

The black-faced man selling crutches also yelled: "Special stretcher, light and durable, easy to carry the wounded!"

Yu Yue smacked his lips and said, "Don't look at it as an arena, it's actually a ‘one-stop’ industrial chain."

Jiang Rou said: "How do I feel that it is full of the style of a certain surnamed master, I doubt that the lord of the palace deer was broken by you..."

Yu Yue glanced at her: "Am I being so treacherous, ah? Teacher Jiang, you can't eat or talk nonsense. You have to speak responsibly. Be careful that I spank you!"

Jiang Rou immediately clamped her hips and her mouth closed.

At this time, a young man stepped onto the ring.

First paid the fee of three thousand on stage, then walked to the girl, put on a fighting posture, and said, "Women of China, don’t be too proud! I came on stage not to marry you, but to teach you a lesson-China’s. Men are cowardly and incompetent, but this is the country of crocodile, and a woman can never ride on a man!"

The girl glanced at him, sneered and said: "You're just such a trash, you don't deserve to marry me."

The young man was furious and rushed forward to fight.

He was playing karate, he was rigorous and eye-catching. Obviously, he had been practicing for some years, and he was much better than the scar-headed man just now.

As soon as the ring opened, the gambling booth under the ring opened.

It seems that in such a place, there should be a ring and boxing gambling.

Most of the people who come to this place come to seek excitement.

Gambling, violence, and beauties can all be exciting and exciting.

Now that the three elements come together, many people naturally choose to bet and play to make themselves more involved.

Money soon piled up on the desk of the purple-faced man.

Of course, most people still bet on the man to win, after all, the woman looks too cute and cute.

I saw the young man attacking in the midline, very tough, like a young mad lion, full of infinite energy.

The girl flickered, making a few moves, and suddenly stretched out her hand and floated like a butterfly through a flower.

The young man immediately felt that his strength had made the wrong place, and tried his best to fight.

The girl's plain palm turned into a hand knife, and she cut her opponent's neck backwards.

The young man finally reacted quickly. He tilted his head in time, turned his body over, flew his leg, and kicked the girl's chest with lightning!

The girl's face remained unchanged, and the young man flew into the air around her hand.

She then took a hand knife casually, and the man rolled over in the air and fell into the ring.

When he got up, just standing still, suddenly his right leg "clicked", but the leg bone was split by the girl's palm.

The purple-faced man ate a lot of the difference bet.

The Huanglian guy and the black-faced guy also sold plasters and crutches.

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