Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 321: Unwilling

The purple-faced man at the gambling stand started shouting again and asked everyone to place bets: "Come on, buy away, buy away..."

In front of the re-arranged gambling booth, there was a lot of excitement.

This time, more people participated in the gambling.

This time, most people chose to bet on Lu Pinger's victory.

Although Prince Stevenson ranks higher than Jeff the Grizzly in the Great Raksha Sect strong list, he is only three places higher.

Lu Ping'er, although she was not favored at first because of her small size and cute appearance, but now she is one enemy four and she is dazzling, no one dares to take it lightly anymore.

Suddenly, few people care about the handicap of the masters of the Great Raksha Sect.

Chen Wulong couldn't help thinking again: "I said Mr. Yu... Since the ring continues, why don't we take another bet?"

Ekaterina pinched his arm and cursed: "You are crazy, why are you betting?!"

It drew everyone's attention, and the two of them hurriedly shrank their heads and covered their faces.

Chen Wulong raised his fingers and let out a "hush", then lowered his voice and said, "Lin, don't get excited, this time I bet on the female side to win, what do you think?"

Ekaterina was taken aback, and said: "You should have taken her long ago..."

Chen Wulong sighed: "Well, who can think of it, that woman is so powerful...It's not too late for me to bet now, and I still have a chance. Anyway, I can earn some money from Yu Yue and come back?"

Ekaterina hesitated: "But... Will Mr. Yu agree to this bet? Will he agree to let you bet on the woman?"

Chen Wulong thought, too. Mr. Yu is very shrewd. How could he suffer? If he is not willing to bet, wouldn't he have no chance?

He said: "Anyway, give it a try..."

He turned to tentatively asking Yu Yue: "Mr. Yu, with this one, I bet the female side to win, 400,000 yuan, how about it?"

Yu Yue glanced at Chen Wulong's four fingers stretched out, but did not immediately express his position.

Chen Wulong was a little anxious, for fear that Yu Yue would not agree, he even resorted to the radical method: "Mr. Yu, don't you dare to gamble?"

Yu Yue took a look at the court, then glanced at him, and said: "Yes, I will bet on the man to win with 400,000."

Chen Wulong and Ekaterina were overjoyed and smiled at each other.

Great, got the bait!

Jiang Rou opened her mouth, but said nothing.

She generally does not interfere with Yu Yue's decision.

Xiaoyouyou has no concept of money yet, and is very excited to see another fight.

She watched the game with gusto. Not only did she see the terrifying limit, she also used her little brain to carefully figure out the weird "I am the only supreme power in the world", feeling still unfinished.

In the field, Stevenson gave Lu Ping'er a gentleman's gift: "Girl, please!"

Lu Ping'er said: "Wait a minute."

Stevenson stood there patiently and waited, like a modest gentleman.

Lu Ping'er buttoned the coat button while quietly went to see the owner of the gambling booth. After seeing the secret signals passed by the purple-faced man with secret gestures and eyes, she buttoned the last button and said: " please."

Stevenson glanced at Lu Ping'er's snow-white legs hidden under his coat, bowed slightly, and made a "please" gesture, saying, "Ladies first."

Lu Ping'er smiled: "You are such a gentleman."

Stevenson's eyes lit up, as if he saw a deer when Lin Shen, and a whale when he saw the sea blue, he was infinitely pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, her smile was so amazing.

When Stevenson was in a daze, Lu Ping'er suddenly shot, with an undiminished smile on his face, but the shot was unceremonious, and it could even be said to be a bit harsh and insidious.

The palm of my hand was almost touching the opponent, and he shouted: "Look at the move!"

After all, Stevenson was prepared for a long time and reacted quickly. The others turned to the right and suddenly grabbed Lu Ping'er with his left hand!

Lu Ping'er was slightly startled when he saw his extraordinary action, and leaned forward, already sneaking through the bottom of his hand.

No one knows that Stevenson is strong and fast, like an ape, and his other hand is lightning to Lu Ping'er's heart.

Lu Pinger's left foot was a little bit, and her body changed its direction, like an arrow leaving the string, flying quickly and avoiding it.

At this time, he changed to rescue urgently, as agile as a deer.

Stevenson praised "Okay" and stepped forward. Before she waited for her feet to land, she stretched out her arms and grabbed it again!

Lu Ping'er twisted her body in the air and flew out with her left foot to kick her opponent's nose...

At this time, the hem of the coat was lifted up, revealing a tender white but powerful jade leg underneath, as well as the stunning spring light in the deeper part...

Happy together, spring is easy to pass away.

Lu Ping'er uses offense instead of defense.

Stevenson stayed for less than half a second, his tall nose was almost kicked off, and he drew away instantly, jumping away like a monkey.

The two landed at the same time and looked at each other.

Stevenson had already known from the sidelines that the beauty of this beauty is quite deep.

Lu Ping'er was a little surprised when he discovered that the other party was very skilled.

Experts will know if there is any.

Although Stevenson only made three moves, they were fast, accurate, and extraordinary.

His shots are not as majestic and powerful as Jeff the Grizzlies.

But Lu Ping'er already knew that the graceful and elegant noble boy in front of him was more difficult to deal with than the ugly and rude Grizzly Jeff!

Just listen to Stevenson smiled: "The girl is graceful, really disappointed. Girl, let's continue, please."

Lu Ping'er narrowed his eyes slightly. This person seemed gentle, but in fact calm. Unlike Jeff the grizzly, who is flammable, irritable and explosive, it is difficult for a calm person to find his omissions and flaws.

Lu Ping'er said: "Please!"

Attack on the move.

The two played fast and fast.

The fist wind and palms all over the sky, shaking the sand and rocks between the exchanges.

I saw the prince wandering all over the field, her brocade robe shining brightly; the girl moved forward and retreated, and her black clothes were like dark clouds, and her bare skin was better than white snow, so wonderful.

Such a wonderful contest, I saw everyone sigh and admire.

Xiaoyouyou also opened her mouth wide, and was looking happily. Suddenly, she saw Lu Ping'er's sleeves being grabbed by Stevenson, grabbing the two sides, and tearing it off with a "chick".

Lu Ping'er stepped back abruptly, revealing half of his tender, pink lotus root arms. Almost all the men present looked straight.

Stevenson was holding half of his sleeve in his hand, bent over and handed it out, apologizing: "Girl, I am offended, and I will return the sleeve to you."

Lu Ping'er didn't answer, but cast a wink at the blue-faced guy, the purple-faced guy, the yellow-faced guy, and the black-faced guy, and suddenly said, "Mr. Good skill, my palace...I give up."

This makes everyone feel a little overwhelmed.

Before facing the violent and terrifying attacks of Jeff the Grizzlies, the ferocious and vicious threats before, you did not compromise and concede; now Prince Stevenson is gentle and elegant, just ripping off half of your sleeves, why did you concede defeat? Woolen cloth?

Even Stevenson himself was a little stunned, and said, "Girl, the outcome is undecided, why..."

Lu Ping'er said: "No need to fight, you will win!"

Having said that, he retreated outside the ruins.

She just said that whoever gets out of this ruined area first loses.

Stevenson said with joy: "Since Zai Xia has won, is the girl willing to marry Zai Xia?"

The audience shouted: "Marry him! Marry him! Marry him..."

If the two men are talented and female, if they can form a pair, everyone will love to hear.

It's just that some women who admired Stevenson were heartbroken.

However, Lu Ping'er replied with two words, not "Yes", but: "No!"

After speaking, turn around to leave.

Stevenson suddenly threw his left hand upwards, and gave a palm to the void...

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