Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 337: Settling accounts (in)

"Palace Master Lu, your abacus is too loud, right?" Yu Yue said coldly.

"Brother, you think that set of crystal mines is...not worth a hundred million?" Lu Ping'er was a little frightened by him, and she stammered.

"That set of crystal mines is of course not worth 100 million, but at most 5 million. In addition, the series of crystal mines can be sold at a price of 200 million, and I have half the credit. You should pay me half of the reward first, and then talk about the debt. "Yu Yue said.

"Ah? This...this..." Lu Ping'er opened her small mouth.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yue was better than himself.

How do you feel that you owe more and more debts?

Just listening to Yu Yue before he finished speaking, he went on to say: "This is a normal algorithm, and there is also an account that needs to be calculated with you..."

Lu Ping'er asked: "What's the account?"

Yu Yue said: "When you were at the auction site, you deliberately pulled me into the water and cheated Stevenson. You cheated people, you cheated me, and burned the fire on me. This account has to be settled."

Lu Ping'er trembled and asked: ""

Yu Yue raised his teacup to drink tea, but his eyes fell on her feet.

Probably because in her room, the girl is more relaxed, she is barely wearing shoes and socks, and she is stepping on the soft carpet with bare feet.

Yu Yue saw her two snowy and greasy calves exposed outside of her black robe, and then a pair of white and tender feet, really as smooth as jade, as soft as satin, smooth and round ankles, and white ankles. The instep is as smooth as silk and soft satin, and the flesh color of the instep is transparent, with a few light blue slender veins faintly reflected, and the toes are like five white jade, and the fragrant honey is heavy...

Yu Yue's heart was inexplicably hot, put down his teacup, and said, "Those who dare to cheat me will have to pay some price, and punished. For example...slap your ass..."

Lu Ping'er seemed to be in a daze, and suddenly jumped up like a cat with its tail stomped on, and exclaimed, "Ah, dare you!"

Yu Yue said: "I dare not."

People have deceived Lu Ping'er.

Lu Ping'er immediately flew back, but Yu Yue was accompanied by a shadow, and she couldn't get rid of it at all.

I saw Yu Yue grabbed it, and Lu Ping'er almost fell into his hands.

In an instant, Lu Ping'er disappeared.

There are several transparent twists and turns in the air, which are traces of space distortion.

In order to avoid, she unexpectedly resorted to "speed shift"!

It's a pity that Yu Yue is not Stevenson. Yu Yue also masters the secrets of space methods and magical powers. He even has more than Lu Ping'er.

Suddenly, Yu Yue's figure disappeared out of thin air.

The space marks left are much lighter than those of Lu Ping'er.

For a while, there was no one in the room.

Only the small lipstick on a red copper incense burner with gold-coated silk exhaling smoke, the smoke curled up.

In the next second, the smoke rising straight up suddenly scattered.

Lu Ping'er's figure appeared in the room with strong wind. Just as her eyes rolled, Yu Yue had already appeared behind her, slammed her onto the bed, raised her hand and slapped her round little buttocks. For a moment.


"Want to run?"

"Oh!" Ass was attacked, Lu Ping'er uttered a call, then gritted his teeth, "Yu Yue, if you have the ability, just hit me again!"

Yu Yue smiled and said: "Since the lord of the palace deer made such a request, how can I not satisfy you? Not only will I fight, but I have to take off my pants to fight!"

Lu Ping'er shouted: "Don't don't, I don't wear pants!"

Hey, what does this mean? Is it a rejection or a reminder?

Yu Yue didn't hesitate too much. He sat on the bed by himself, pulled the girl's body and pressed it on his lap. Regardless of how the other party struggled, he lifted the hem of his robe, inside...

There is a vacuum inside!

She really didn't wear pants, including panties!

Just as Yu Yue was in a daze, Lu Ping'er struggled and shouted, "Don't you dare to fight? If you dare not fight, let me get up!"

Yu Yue held her tightly with one hand, raised one hand high, and said, "Are you agitating me?"

As he said, he lifted his palms and dropped them, hitting each of the left and right buttocks a few times.

Lu Ping'er's **** is not big, but there is a lot of meat, without any cloth barrier, Yu Yue's palm can clearly feel the amazing elasticity and delicate touch of the girl's butt.

Accompanied by a cry of pain from Qixiu's mouth: "Ah... ah... ah..."

It's really impressive.

Originally, Yu Yue just wanted to satisfy Lu Ping'er's "requirements", but gradually became addicted to it, and didn't even want to stop taking more than a dozen shots.

But over time, Yu Yue felt something was wrong.

Isn't this girl's reaction right?

It’s such a shame to be spanked, why Lu Ping’er’s soft jade-like body twists and twists there but it’s not as if she is struggling to resist; the sound she makes has gradually changed from the initial exclamation to a mixed nasal sound He hum, can't tell whether it is pain or enjoyment; besides, did she deliberately not wear underwear...

Yu Yue shook his head and stopped.

Lu Ping'er quickly rolled from his thigh to the carpet, stood up, dressed in disheveled clothes, pretty face flushed, staring at him, eyes strange, angry, aggrieved, shameful, and a trace of... …Flattering.

This look is very attractive and cute.

But Yu Yue felt something was wrong.

Just listen to Lu Ping'er shouting: "Why don't you fight anymore, ah? Are you very capable? If you don't hit me, I will hit you!"

After speaking, she jumped directly onto Yu Yue's body and kissed Yu Yue's lips with her delicate lips.

The kiss seemed very light, but it seemed to be exhausting.

The air in the room has long become so graceful and charming.

Outside the window, the lights were blurred.

The troll market that never sleeps is as hot and restless as the people in the house.

Lu Ping'er overwhelmed Yu Yue in the sheets.

Yu Yue pushed her up for life, with a moving fragrance lingering between his mouth and nose.

Yu Yue frowned slightly and asked, "What are you doing?"

Lu Ping'er pretended to be angry and said: "You hit my **** with your hand, I hit your mouth with your mouth!"

"Don't make trouble." Yu Yue said, trying to get up.

But Lu Ping'er came close to her body, and then overwhelmed her back.

I saw Lu Ping'er holding Yu Yue's neck, winking like silk, and said quietly: "Brother, people are already like this, how can you bear to push people away? Don't you want to..."

Yu Yue thought to himself, could this be the legendary "free gift"?

No, Lu Ping'er can't give it to her for nothing.

How could she simply take advantage of others?

With her, everything is priced.

Yu Yue turned his eyes and saw the gold-coated copper censer on Xiaoji, waved a strong wind, knocked it down, and extinguished the incense in the furnace.

Then he asked: "Palace Master Lu, what kind of abacus did you play?"

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