Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 341: Appraiser

"What benefits can I have if I cooperate with you?" Yu Yue asked leisurely, turning the ice cracked cup in his hand to the crazy plan proposed by Zhao Yicheng.

"Mr. Yu is really quick to talk, and ask key questions as soon as he comes up!" Zhao Yicheng clapped his hands and said, "In this way, if the treasure house of the Great Raksha Sect can be successfully opened, the treasure house will be half of the things in the treasure house!"

Yu Yue glanced at him and asked, "Why should I cooperate with you, and what is the reason for cooperation?"

Zhao Yicheng said: "The first reason is that Mr. Yu and the Great Raksha Sect have already forged a feud. If no one compromises, then a war will be inevitable; the second reason is that Baiqige has a powerful intelligence network that can provide information to Mr. Yu. Support can also provide other aspects of support; reason three, with the first cooperation, there will be a second cooperation, Mr. Yu, you have the strength and the means, Baiqige has intelligence and resources, cooperation and win-win cooperation are beneficial. Everyone earns together."

Yu Yue smiled and said: "As you said, I and the Great Raksha Sect are in an endless situation. Sooner or later there will be a battle. Then I may not cooperate with you. I will fight the Great Raksha Sect and enjoy the treasure. , Is also an option."

When he said this, it was really shocking to the world. If there were alligators here, I'm afraid he would think he had lost his mind.

Although there were no crocodile nationals at the scene, Yu Yue also felt that Yu Yue was too arrogant.

Actually want to defeat the Great Raksha Sect with one's own power, how is this possible?

It seems that only Zhao Yicheng believed what he said and understood what he meant. He rubbed his hands and asked: "Mr. Yu, I believe you have that strength, old Zhao, but if you have Bai Qige's help, you should spend less effort and suffer less. Some losses. Just as if Mr. Yu took us with you. After opening the treasure house, Mr. Yu will be divided into 60%, and you should pick first, how about?"

Ran Muchen stared wide-eyed. As Zhao Yicheng’s assistant, it was the first time she had seen her boss talk about cooperation with others in such a manner for so long. Although he said that Boss Zhao had a nice smile and was polite to everyone. Qi, but with the foundation of Baiqi Pavilion there, she still has the confidence to say that it is not two. This is a bargain with others, and she really saw it for the first time.

She couldn't help wondering in her heart, what is the sacred part of Yu Yue, who could make her boss such a friendship? This is kind of flattering.

You must know that many powerful organizations, forces, and even countries and regions have to seek cooperation with Baiqi Pavilion and offer various favorable conditions. In this case, Baiqi Pavilion did not agree to it all at once. Pick and choose.

This Yu Yue, can it be compared to one family, one country, one country?

What is he worthy of being treated like this by his boss?

However, Ran Muchen was surprised more than that, and Yu Yue continued to bargain.

Yu Yue's bargaining was very simple and rude, and he only said one word: "Seven."

This means... 70%?

This is too cruel!

Ran Muchen only felt that this person might have gone mad, and Bai Qige had never given up 70% of his income to others.

However, the crazier is still to come.

Zhao Yicheng gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement: "Okay, 70% is achieved! I wish us a happy cooperation!"

He stretched out his fat palm and shook Yu Yue hard.

Although his face was still smiling, the flesh on his face was twitching, showing a somewhat painful expression.

Yu Yue asked: "When does Boss Zhao plan to do it?"

Zhao Yicheng said: "This... is subject to Mr. Yu's opinion."

Yu Yue asked again: "So when can Boss Zhao provide me with relevant information about the Great Raksha Sect?"

Zhao Yicheng said: "This is very fast."

Yu Yue said: "Okay."

Turn your head and play with Xiaoyouyou.

Zhao Yicheng knew that it was time to leave.

He greeted Ran Muchen, and got up to say goodbye together.

When the two of Zhao Ran left, Lu Ping'er asked, "Brother, are you really planning to cooperate with Bai Qige?"

Chen Wulong pricked his ears, and he was also very concerned about this issue.

Yu Yue said: "A war with the Great Raksha Sect is inevitable. Then, if someone provides intelligence and resource support, why not do it?"

Everyone was surprised.

Although already knowing that "you must fight" is a fact, after hearing Yu Yue say it, he still couldn't help but shake his body.

Fighting against the Great Raksha Sect, I am afraid that no one has imagined it for so many years.

Even if someone thought about it, no one dared to do it.

Because those who dare to do this have turned into dead bones.

From the rise of the Great Raksha Sect to the prosperous, and then to the world today, I don't know how many people's bones have been trampled on.

Once the accomplishments are complete, the Great Raksha Sect can have the status of today, undoubtedly it was established with a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

With this kind of existence, does Yu Yue really want to go to war with it?

Yu Yue himself didn't think so much, because the galaxy tyrant of the previous life used the stars and the sea as the battlefield, and he really didn't pay attention to a small sect.

He just needs to have a reason to go to war.

And Yu Yue's reason for starting the war was not simply because of several occasional conflicts and forge feuds.

First, the Great Raksha Sect has many unrighteous acts, and the crimes committed are endless, including catching birds of prey and beasts everywhere to practice evil arts, treating living people as tributes, oppressing the people of Lebanon and searching for the people, etc.;

Second, Yu Yue had known from his last life that after the Great Raksha Sect completely took control of the real power of the crocodile nation, he would attack China, which would cause serious damage and huge losses to the lives and property of the Chinese people;

Third, it is the Great Raksha Sect that provokes Yu Yue first, and unless the Great Raksha Sect compromises and apologizes, it is impossible for Yu Yue to give in. Yu Yue teaches her daughter to be kind, and at the same time teach her to be a person who is not easy to provoke-in life, you can be kind, but you can never be humiliated.

On the other side, Zhao Yicheng and Ran Muchen returned to the Baiqige camp. Ran finally couldn't help but ask: "Boss, I don't understand...why are you so polite to Yu Yue, so...fuck up? It's just like kneeling and licking. Suspects..."

Zhao Yicheng was about to fight, and Ran Muchen quickly jumped away.

Zhao Yicheng reprimanded: "Pay attention to your wording! What kind of licking, Lao Zhao, I call investment and opening a position! Just like stocks, you have to buy decisively when you encounter a bullish stock. You can't wait, and more input means more output."

Ran Muchen asked: "Boss, do you think he is a potential stock?"

Zhao Yicheng shook his head and said, "He is a monster stock."

Ran Muchen said strangely: "Demon stock?"

Zhao Yicheng said: "It is unreasonable to be a demon. Demon stocks can often rise against the trend; they are obviously inconspicuous, but they rise very high in the end."

Ran Muchen asked: "Why, do you have any basis?"

Zhao Yicheng pointed to Ran Muchen's eyes, and then pointed to his own eyes: "Xiao Ran, your eyes are good for appraising treasures, Lao Zhao, my eyes are accurate. With this Yu Yue, his future is boundless. He will become a character like a dragon in the sky."

Ran Muchen blinked, believing in doubt...

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