Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 344: Secrets (Part 1)

" know my eyes?" Ran Muchen was surprised.

Yu Yue walked in front without turning his head. He smiled lightly and said, "I know something."

Ran Muchen knew that Yu Yue was being modest. He couldn't help but trot a few steps, and blocked him and asked on the spot: "Mr. Yu, you have a good knowledge and knowledge, can you tell me what is going on with my eyes?"

Yu Yue looked at her for a while and said, "Yes. But you have to tell me first, is your pavilion master of Baiqi Pavilion called Ximu?"

Ran Muchen opened her mouth, and she didn't seem to know how to close it.

She felt that she was more surprised in a short period of time today than in the past six months.

She felt that her tongue was a little knotted: " did you know that Xi... Ximu is our pavilion master?"

Yu Yue smiled and said, "I also know that Ximu is not only the head of the White Seven Pavilion, but also an outcast of Ge Zaozong."

Ran Muchen asked: " do you know..."

Yu Yue said: "Baiqi Pavilion has a powerful intelligence network, don't I have it? Baiqi Pavilion can check me, can't I check Baiqi Pavilion?"

Ran Muchen gaped.

Yu Yue asked: "Let's talk about it, what is the relationship between your pavilion master and your boss? Are you a husband and wife?"

Ran Muchen closed his mouth.

Yu Yue glanced at her, and said lightly: "You are called'Xiao Ran', right? Don't be nervous, I just want to know why Boss Zhao planned to attack the Great Raksha Sect. If only to open the treasure house, I don't Believe that, after all, the Great Rakshasa Sect is not a soft persimmon, it can not be handled casually, and if the Baiqi Pavilion is the kind of organization that sees the treasure, then I have to pay attention to it, one day Baiqi Pavilion will not Start with me, after all, I might take away the 70% treasure of the Great Raksha Sect. Is this the truth?"

Ran Muchen still didn't speak.

Yu Yue said: "With problems, it is difficult to cooperate seamlessly. Originally, I can investigate these problems myself, but if you can tell me, it saves me some time and energy, and then I can also tell something about your eyes. Information in return."

Ran Muchen bowed his head and said, "I...I don't know much about the pavilion master and the boss."

Yu Yue nodded secretly, this sentence has actually confirmed some of his speculations.

He said: "Don't worry, you can consider it."

He took Ran Muchen to find Lu Ping'er and explained the situation.

Lu Ping'er made people clean up a room for Ran Muchen to stay, and arranged for someone to take care of her diet and daily life.

After this, the boat set off, first descended down the river, and then turned westward.

The troll market is over, Yu Yue has already drove the car to park on the boat, and their next destination is the Principality of Kira.

Because after discussion, Ekaterina ran away from home and ran with Chen Wulong all the time. It’s no way to go to the Principality of Kira together. The two of them took care of the marriage. After all, it is too sinful to treat living people as tributes. The world’s parents believe that Ekaterina’s parents would not be willing to treat themselves if they were not forced by the prostitution of the Great Raksha Sect. The daughter pushed into the magic cave, so let's see if I can change something with Yu Yue's support.

Since Yu Yue didn't need to drive on the Feitianlou boat, he planned to retreat for some time and refine some things, which could be considered as a preparation for the war with the Great Raksha Sect.

Before entering the refining room, Ran Muchen found Yu Yue.

She had done a lot of ideological struggles, and finally couldn't help it.

She said, "Did I tell you the reason why the boss started against the Great Raksha Sect, and you just told me about the ins and outs of my eyes?"

Yu Yue glanced at her, nodded and said yes.

Ran Muchen said: "I...I can only tell you my own guess, and it must not be the real situation..."

Yu Yue turned around and walked to the ship's side, and asked her to come over and talk while blowing.

At this time, the Feitianlou ship was flying steadily westward, shuttled between the blue sky and white clouds.

It feels slow, but the speed is much faster than cars or trains running on the ground.

Tianfeng blew Ran Muchen's hair, she tied her hair into a nice ponytail, and then told Yu Yue her guess:

Yukimoto is the female descendant of Zaozong in Jiangyou Pavilion.

The descendants are generally the most outstanding disciples and the most outstanding characters.

Ximu, because of his outstanding talents and stunning talents, was highly appreciated and respected by the sect.

Ge Zaozong even led the Chinese Taoist School because of having a genius like Ximu.

If nothing happens, she will become the next head of Ge Zaozong.

Zhao Yicheng was originally a wild boar on Gezao Mountain, and I don't know whether it was living near Gezaozong for a long time, listening to the scriptures and enlightening every day, awakening its wit, or it was originally psychic.

In short, this mountain pig essence has an indissoluble bond with Ge Zao Sect, and some people even think it is a mountain guardian animal of Ge Zao Mountain.

In Ge Zaozong, Yuki has the best relationship with this mountain boar. He often feeds it after making delicious food, and he often talks about Taoism and spiritual principles with it.

Later, Yuki went down the mountain to practice, and the boar also followed.

They walked in groups, fought side by side, and wandered through the world.

But unexpectedly, during this period, Ge Zaozong had a major change.

The head of Ge Zaozong died bizarrely, and the last elder came to power. On the surface, he reformed the sect in a drastic manner, but actually cut off the old party members of the former head, and activated his own direct powers, trying to control as quickly as possible. Ge Zaozong.

After Ximu returned to the mountain after hearing the news, she not only put on filial piety for the former boss, but also planned to investigate the cause of the former boss's death.

Because that was the respected master she most respected, she felt that the death of the master was full of doubts, and she had to pay him justice.

As a result, Yumu's return to the sect encountered unprecedented resistance and even blows.

On the way, she was ambushed once by a masked man from unknown origin, and suffered dark injuries.

Without the help of the boar, she would probably die.

Before stepping into the mountain gate, he was blocked by the leader of the new leader, and put on top hats of “unfaithfulness, unfilial piety, and unrighteousness”. Luo weaved a series of “unnecessary” charges and even accused her. Together with the evildoer, she said that the wild boar spirit beside her was the culprit who killed the former boss.

Yuki still struggled with reason at first, and soon she discovered that these people don't care what you say, anyway, they are crazy about splashing dirty water on you and buckling **** basins on your head. The purpose is nothing more than to kill you.

Ximu finally understood that what the boar spirit said before was not wrong. This was basically a conspiracy. As the descendant of the former head, he was the person most feared by the new head, and they would get rid of themselves no matter what.

She can be said to be very dangerous now, her life hanging by a thread.

She knew they were waiting for them to reveal their flaws, and then...

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