Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 346: Discuss (on)

"It is said that my boss is a profiteer, but compared to you, he is simply an honest man." Ran Muchen couldn't help but sigh.

"Thank you, this should be regarded as a compliment. Life has been so difficult, and it is a little bit to earn a little." Yu Yue said with a smile, "However, to be a traitor, I may not be your boss's opponent. This is also why I must solve the problem. The clear reason."

"So, what price do I have to pay in exchange for new information?" Ran Muchen asked.

Yu Yue looked at her and said, "If you leave Baiqi Pavilion and be my assistant, then I will tell you the ultimate application of "Sakura Fire Wheel Dance", and I will teach you all."

Ran Muchen immediately shook his head: "Impossible, the boss is kind to me, it is impossible for me to leave."

Yu Yue asked, "So, you don't want to know about other applications of'Sakura Fire Wheel Dance', do you?"

Ran Muchen said: "Of course I want to know, but I can't agree to the condition just now. Please change the condition!"

Yu Yue smiled and said, "Change another condition? I haven't figured it out yet... then forget it. It doesn't matter if you don't want to be my assistant now. Whenever you want to change jobs, come to me at any time. I'll tell you first. How else can you use "Sakura Fire Wheel Dance"? As for the project of "Baojiaobaohui", it will not be there for the time being."

After finishing talking, he sorted it out a bit and told Ran Muchen the information about the "Sakura Fire Wheel Dance" that he had discovered in the Huhu ruins in his previous life.

It turns out that in addition to "seeing through" and "Dongzhen", "Sakura Firewheel Dance" also has two powerful practical applications:

1. When the Huhu people reach a high level of tension due to their emotions, the color of their pupils will change to fiery red, just like fiery cherry blossoms. In this state, the vitality of the Hu Hu people's body will boil, and the strength, speed, and physical strength will be fully improved. This is the "Sakura Fire Wheel Time".

2. When the Huhu people can still maintain a high degree of calmness and master their own situation during the "Sakura Fire Wheel Time", they can use the "Sakura Sky Wheel" ability. When the "Sakura Sky Wheel" is activated, the color of the pupils will change to blue, like pink-blue cherry blossoms. At that time, a strange vortex will appear in the space around the target, restricting the target's movement.

After listening to this, Ran Muchen expressed surprise. She really never knew that her eyes were so powerful.

She looked at Yu Yue and asked, " do you know this?"

Naturally, Yu Yue would not reveal that he had traveled through the rebirth section, and said in a perfunctory manner: "As I said before, my intelligence ability is no less than that of Baiqi Pavilion."

Ran Muchen thought to himself, this should be worse than ever...

Yu Yue waved his hand: "Miss Ran, please be free, I will retreat for a while."

After speaking, walked into the refining room.

The refining room is full of various crystal ore rough stones. The worst quality is also intermediate. The low and medium-low grades have been eliminated and thrown to the black cat Kunkun as a snack.

It can be said that the richest room in the whole ship is this one, which is simply the "golden house".

If this house crystal mine is sold on the market, the price unit will be in the hundreds of millions.

Yu Yue first categorized them according to their purpose, and then arranged different "refining formations" according to the refining goals. He did not eat, drink or sleep, and spent a whole day and night.

During this period of time, Chen Wulong challenged the masters of the Heavenly Palace, and consulted with Lu Meng, Zhang Liao, Zhang Fei, Dian Wei and others.

He wants to use these people to do the exercises.

Although these people are all masters of the school, they should be better than Xiaoyouyou, right?

On the large deck of the Feitianlou ship, Chen Wulong punched the black-faced man Zhang Fei and said loudly: "Jicheng Chen Family, Chen Wulong! Please enlighten me!"

Zhang Feiren didn't say much, and he shouted as a reminder that his body had moved, like a leopard that was preying on him.

Obviously he was already burly, but his agility was not low at all.

As a challenger, Chen Wulong naturally paid attention. Seeing this situation, he slid out with a wrong step, and then left his body to beat.

This is the Tai Chi beat method taught by Jing Yu Yue.

Yu Yue once said: "Tai Chi is the softest when you practice, and the strongest when you fight, it is the combination of rigidity and flexibility."

Ancient Taijiquan was born out of the hammer method on the battlefield, which can break armor.

Throw yourself away, move the block, elbow bottom, cover your arms, and progress!

Tai Chi five-way beat, unparalleled fierceness!

I didn't know that Zhang Fei was extremely fierce and ignored it, as if it was not himself that was beating him. Turning around, he did not dodge, and he greeted him straight up, bringing out the wind with a fist, aiming at Chen Wulong's throat bone and blasting.

Zhang Fei's shots are fierce, fast, and powerful. In addition, he fights like he is desperate. He has the demeanor of a general who kills the enemy on the battlefield, returning blood for blood and wounding for wounds.

Chen Wulong didn't dare to fight hard, he just wanted to learn from each other and didn't want to kill.

He knew that even if he broke the opponent's waist and ribs at once, he would definitely have to smash the opponent's throat, his heart was stunned, he retracted his hand, took a step back, moved his left hand one block, and used "Tai Chi·moving block beating".

To block and beat is to use horizontal force to move the enemy's fist, to block the opponent, and then to attack the enemy with a hammer method.

In order to transform first and fight later, it is the embodiment of softness and rigidity.

Boxing spectrum goes: Tai Chi five beats me first, and the limbs follow the waist. Progressing to move the block and thump the waist, the way to move the block is miraculous.

I saw Chen Wulong's left hand draw outside, swinging open and non-offensive.

At the foot of the foot is to step down, settle down, and make progress, follow each other's steps, use the hand as a hammer, and beat the door on the opposite side.

Zhang Fei was very fierce. If he couldn't stop, he would slam his face on Chen Wulong's fist!

But he just advances and does not retreat, just like a soldier launching a charge, there is no reason to retreat.

Zhang Fei was unmoved by Chen Wulong's punching, and suddenly raised his knees to push against Chen Wulong's crotch!

This trick was too shameful, Chen Wulong didn't want to cut off his children and grandchildren, so he could only dodge and avoid.

But at the moment Chen dodges, Zhang Fei slid into his body, his two eyes revealed infinite fighting intent, his movements were swift, violent and smooth, his hands spread out, one hand held his chest, and the other hand strangled the opponent's neck!

Chen Wulong calculated that he could hit it with a single punch, but if he couldn't knock it down, he would not be able to escape. The other side strangled.

He stepped back quickly, arguing with his footwork.

But Zhang Fei seems to have infinite energy. No matter where Chen Wulong turns, he can keep up. He has very good physical fitness and strong fighting ability. The pain that can make ordinary people faint at once is on him. It's just equivalent to squeezing his shoulders and beating his back, even if one of his arms is cut off, he can continue to fight.

There was a smile on Chen Wulong's face, he was indeed a master trained by the Demon Palace Tianshang Palace, so strong!

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