Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 353: Quan You

Hearing that Pratunam is only allowed to go out and not to enter, Ekaterina felt strange: "River transport is the economic lifeline of the Principality of Kira. Such strict management has a great impact and has not been implemented for many years."

Chen Wulong felt something was wrong and asked, "What should I do now?"

Ekaterina groaned: "Otherwise, stop the boat outside the city and let's go in by land?"

At this time, the Tianshang Palace spies sent by Lu Ping'er reported: "The main roads of the Kira Principality are under strict control. The land and water gates are only allowed to go out and not to enter."

Ekaterina said in surprise: "Ah, how could this be?"

Lu Ping'er was born in the magic way and experienced many conspiracies and tricks, and soon understood what was going on.

She sneered and said, "It seems that some people don't welcome us!"

After a pause, she turned to Ekaterina and said, "To be precise, someone does not welcome you, Your Royal Highness."

When Lu Ping'er said this, Ekaterina had already thought of the reason. Although she didn't want to believe it, she still couldn't help but feel sad, and she looked sad for a while.

She was originally a princess of a country, but she was not welcomed by her subjects, and she was even turned away from the country. It was difficult for anyone to accept this situation.

Chen Wulong wanted to comfort her, but didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only ask Yu Yue for help: "Mr. Yu, what should we do now?"

Without waiting for Yu Yue to speak, Lu Ping'er suggested: "I wanted to keep a low profile, but now I can't keep a low profile. Since I can't walk by land or water, I can just fly in."

Yu Yue nodded, agreeing, and then put forward a different opinion: "Flying directly may be attacked by artillery fire, so it is better to use deterrence first, so that those guys dare not do anything."

Lu Ping'er asked: "How to deter?"

At this time, Zhang Liao and Zhang Fei accompanied a man in black to report: "Little Palace Master, Mr. Yu, this guy sneaked up on the boat and was found by us. We asked him who he was and what he was here for. He didn't say, we can only take him down forcibly. May I ask the Little Palace Master and Mr. Yu how to deal with this?"

Lu Ping'er saw that the man was wearing a black hooded cloak. He was indeed dressed up as mysterious. The hood was pulled down, revealing a short blond hair, a sharp silhouette, and a sullen scum. He was a handsome and mature uncle.

She frowned slightly. At this time and place, the mysterious visitor who appeared unexpectedly would not be a good person.

She said: "I only ask once, you'd better explain it honestly, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel-who are you and what is your purpose?"

At the same time, Ekaterina rushed to the blonde uncle and exclaimed: "Uncle James, why are you?"

The blonde James saw Ekaterina, smiled, and said, "Your Royal Highness, how are you?"

Ekaterina couldn't help but rejoice when she saw someone she was familiar with again. She smiled and said, "Uncle James, I'm fine. But you, why did you come here?"

Lu Ping'er asked: "His Royal Highness, do you...know?"

Ekaterina hurriedly said to her: "This is the head of my inner guard, James Kostvaldaw, of the court of King Kira. Let your subordinates let go, okay, he should have come to me."

Lu Ping'er shook his head and said, "No, this palace does not understand him. In case he does something unfavorable to us, who will be responsible? Your Royal Highness, are you in charge?"

Ekaterina said: "I can guarantee that Uncle James is by no means a bad guy."

Lu Ping'er sneered again and again, obviously not intending to trust them.

Ekaterina could only ask Yu Yue for help.

Yu Yue said: "It's okay, let him go."

Lu Ping'er thought about it. Under Yu Yue and her own eyelids, even if he had great abilities, he couldn’t make waves, and if he had great abilities, he wouldn’t be caught by Zhang Li and Zhang Fei. .

So ordered to release the control.

James stood up, flexed his hands and feet, and said to Ekaterina: "The minister came to see the princess by the order of the grand prince and his wife. Your Royal Highness, please take a step to speak."

Lu Ping'er immediately objected: "If you have anything, you can say it here!"

This time, even Yu Yue didn't say much.

Ekaterina looked at Chen Wulong, Chen Wulong gently shook her head.

Ye Dao: "Uncle James, all of you here are my friends. If you have any words, just say it here."

James was helpless, so he could only tell him what Oli had entrusted to the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess: "Now in the Principality, even the royal court is not at peace. The princess must not enter the city, so let the ministers **** the princess to leave. Get out of the country quickly."

Ekaterina hesitated: "This...this..."

Lu Ping'er laughed. She glanced at Yu Yue and said, "Since we are here, how can we leave without even entering the door?"

James pointed to the heavily guarded city gate and said, "Do you know who is who issued the order to seal the city? It's the Minister of Security. He has arranged for guards to enforce martial law at the entrances to the city. The purpose is to prevent Her Royal Highness from entering the capital. Avoid the anger of the Great Raksha Sect and the entire Principality; and the chief intelligence officer is taking their people waiting in the city, if the princess enters the city, they will find it immediately, and they will definitely do it-grab the princess, Escort the Great Raksha Sect!"

Ekaterina was too scared to speak.

Lu Ping'er smiled and asked, "Isn't it the meaning of the prince to seal the city and arrest people?"

James immediately said: "Of course not! In fact, the grand prince and his wife love the princess very much, and did not want the princess to fall into the hands of the Great Raksha Sect as a tribute, so he sent me to send the princess out of danger. Your Royal Highness, hurry up and follow the ministers. Let's go!"

Ekaterina has no idea what to do.

Lu Ping'er sneered and said: "Your Royal Highness, if you leave now, I'm afraid you will regret it forever."

James asked, "What do you regret?"

Lu Ping'er said: "Since the Grand Duke has not issued the order to lock down the city, why is the city now blocked? It’s emptied. Your Royal Highness, your parents are very dangerous now, you can just leave, but what about them? The power of the Grand Duke is likely to be divided, and your family is likely to be eaten away. And once the Great Raksha Zongxing master asks for sin, Your parents and relatives will definitely be pushed out as scapegoats by them, and they are the ones who ordered the lockdown and arrest of people!"

James yelled: "Nonsense!"

Although he retorted loudly, he was surprised and uncertain in his heart. Seeing that this girl was young, how could he see court struggles and power games so thoroughly?

Just listen to Ekaterina opening and saying: "Uncle James, I...I can't go with you, I have to go back and save my father and mother..."

James said: "Your Royal Highness, you..."

Ekaterina asked Yu Yue for help: "Mr. Yu, please save my parents and relatives!"

Yu Yue nodded and said, "Just to go into the city to take a look. Your Royal Highness, you come to call the door."

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