Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 355: Will count

Ekaterina Navigator let the heavenly palace ship fly to the palace.

On the way, Lu Ping'er took Yu Yue's hand and said with all his eyes: "Brother, this ship actually has a firing-cannon function, why don't I know?"

Chen Wulong secretly said, this little palace lord looks cute and loving, how come he is full of tiger and wolf words?

Yu Yue said indifferently: "Now you know it, don't you? Oh, yes, how do you feel now, buying a boat from me for three hundred million, still feel a loss?"

Lu Ping'er thought, indeed, if it weren’t for Yu Yue to show it, she wouldn’t know that this Feitianlou ship had so many hidden functions; if it hadn’t passed through Yu Yue’s change of hands, this Feitianlou ship could only be A transportation tool is at most a force tool, but it is different now. Now, this is a warship, which can blow up the mountain with one shot. It is so powerful that you can buy a warship for 300 million yuan, and you can only make a profit!

She said excitedly: "No loss, no loss, thank you brother! Brother, tell me what other functions of this ship are, don't always surprise me every other way, okay? For example, the fight-cannon function, why can't you? Tell me earlier? If I had known that the spacecraft would fire a gun, I would have to be afraid of it, the Great Raksha Sect? By the way, can I also have a good time and enjoy it?"

Her hands and heart are itchy for a while.

Yu Yue glanced at Lu Ping'er, and said leisurely: "If it's not necessary, it's better not to shoot this gun casually."

Lu Ping'er asked: "Why?"

Yu Yue said, "Have you never heard of the phrase'when a cannon is fired, gold million liang'? I took a look. The crystal fuel on your ship is only enough for one shot. If you force a second shot , Then the ship may not be able to move."

Lu Ping'er was taken aback, and hurriedly asked someone to go to the fuel warehouse to count the spirit stones and crystal mines.

For a moment, his subordinates reported that they had consumed more than half of the spirit stones and crystal ore with a single shot.

Lu Ping'er was dumbfounded, what is this concept? Tens of millions of money evaporated instantly!

It's really good for a while, and one more shot will ruin the family.

Lu Ping'er couldn't help but tremble with the pain, and said with a trembling, "Brother, this...this is too expensive to fight? Isn't it too expensive? You just shot me back before liberation. I don't know how long it will take. The soil..."

Yu Yue knew what she meant, and pointed to Ekaterina and said, "Although I fired the gun, the money shouldn’t be counted on me? The fire-cannon is to help the princess open the door, your depletion Just ask Her Royal Highness for reimbursement."

Ekaterina and Chen Wulong both opened their mouths, but they were speechless.

The ship flew all the way to the palace.

There is a small lake in front of the palace.

The lake was originally a place for princes and nobles to enjoy, but now Ekaterina plans to use it for boats.

The intelligence chief is well informed, and has already led the civil affairs minister and academician to wait by the lake.

When they saw a ship flying from the sky, they were very surprised.

The academician asked: "You said that the security and finance plans failed because the princess's ship was equipped with heavy weapons. The mountain was flattened by a shot, and the city defense was so scared that the city's defenses were pissing... That's it, you still plan to Do you want to catch the princess?"

He asked the chief intelligence officer, and he wanted to know if this guy would change his mind.

The intelligence chief sneered: "I can only say that those stupid people are not only brave, but also innocent. Of course, the princess must be arrested. If the princess is arrested and sent to the Great Raksha Sect, it will not only avoid calamity, but also a great achievement. Actions should be more intelligent."

The academician watched the huge boat slowly descend, and the blowing air made him fly over his white beard. He couldn't help feeling horrified. He hesitated and said, "But...but..."

The intelligence chief squinted his eyes and said, "Don't worry, I have already arranged it."

The ship in the palace of heaven hasn't landed to the end, James has pointed down and said: "It was those guys who proposed to capture the princess!"

Yu Yue asked, "They know you, don't they?"

James said: "I know both of them for the Principality of Kira."

Yu Yue said: "They know that you are working for the Grand Duke. You stay on the boat and don't go down for the time being."

James said: "Why? They want to catch the princess, I have to personally protect the princess!"

Yu Yue cast a look at Lu Ping'er.

Lu Ping'er immediately agreed, and ordered Zhang Liao and Zhang Fei to say: "You two, take Master James to drink tea. The good student greeted him. Don't let him disembark without my permission. It's dangerous below."

Zhang Liao and Zhang Fei took the orders and grabbed James.

James struggled and shouted: "What the **** do you want to do? Are you trying to cheat the princess? Let go of me, let me go!"

Zhang Liao tapped his acupuncture points and pushed him into the living room with Zhang Fei.

Ekaterina asked worriedly: "Mr. Yu..."

Yu Yue said: "It's okay, let Mr. James have a cup of tea on the boat, lest he break our plan."

Lu Ping'er asked: "Brother, what plan?"

Yu Yue said: "It will be calculated."

Lu Ping'er's pretty face showed a wicked smile of "Well, I get it."

When the boat stopped by the lake, Yu Yue, Lu Ping'er, Ekaterina and others walked from the ladder to the ground one after another.

The chief of intelligence, the minister of civil affairs, and the academician saluted respectfully: "Welcome your Royal Highness back to China!"

Lu Ping'er smiled and said, "Your Royal Highness, is it weird that you say it is strange? Just now the city defense guard closed the gate tightly and prevented us from entering the city. Now someone welcomes us?"

Ekaterina: "..."

The intelligence chief smiled, and said: "The princess calms down her anger. It must be that some clowns have bad intentions and madness. After the incident, the minister will report to the Grand Duke Ming and ask the Grand Duke to punish him! Now let the minister take care of the princess. Move to the banquet hall with his friends."

Ekaterina was frightened, a little undecided, and couldn't help but look at Chen Wulong.

Chen Wulong looked at Yu Yue.

Yu Yue said: "People are kind enough to accept the wind and set up a banquet. It makes no sense if you don't eat or drink? Let's go, just because I'm hungry."

Seeing a group of people heading to the banquet hall unsuspectingly, the intelligence chief smiled even more.

He glanced at the heavenly palace ship in the lake, thinking in his heart, since this warship can blow up the mountain in one shot, it is a strategic level weapon and equipment, is it worth a lot of money? If it is dedicated to the Great Raksha Sect, it will definitely receive a major award. Take down the person first, then take the boat down...

The more he thought about it, the more proud he was. He only felt that the Minister of Security, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Justice were really stupid, and he was about to fly to the top. Maybe this time he was sent to the princess and the warship. The Great Raksha Sect was pleased and awarded him the duke. The title, he can replace Aoli to the Grand Duke, the lord, and enjoy the endless glory and wealth!

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