Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 359: fairy tale

Hot springs in the pool, ice and snow outside the pool, experience the two heavens of crocodile country.

Yu Yue and Xiaoyouyou soaked their bodies in the hot spring, filled with smoke and water, surrounded by white snow, and a few snowflakes fell in the sky from time to time, which was both comfortable and pleasing to the eye.

Xiaoyouyou opened her small hand to catch the snowflakes, and the snowflakes melted instantly. She blinked her big eyes and looked at her small palms with a curious look.

Yu Yue took the opportunity to talk to her about the three forms of liquid transformation.

This way, it’s rare to relax. One of the two most beloved women is already in his arms. First relax, and then there will be so many fierce battles and dangers. Then, continue on the road to find the other one. Woman in love.

In the hot spring, Chen Wulong felt happy, like a heaven, surrounded by four beauties, it was amazing.

The girls raised their lotus arms gently, fingered the water, or smiled, it was enough to move people's minds.

"It's boring to be soaked, or else tell a story or a joke alone." Lu Ping'er suggested.

"Oh, that's good, you can have this." Chen Wulong raised his hand in favor.

"Then who will come first?" Lu Ping'er asked.

Seven people, look at me and I look at you.

Lu Ping'er said: "Since I didn't take the initiative, I would come first if I suggested."

Others can do nothing.

Lu Ping'er coughed lightly and began to say: "The story of chiseling a wall and borrowing light must have been heard when you were young. In fact, this is the real situation. There was a man named Kuang Heng in the Han Dynasty. His family was very poor. Reading, but can't afford candles, and can't read books as soon as it gets dark.

"But he was eager to learn again. He found that the neighbor lit a candle to light up the house at night, so he quietly made a small hole in the wall. Later, his studies were completely abandoned..."

After listening, everyone was stunned for three seconds.

Then I understood that this was a connotation piece.

Chen Wulong's expression is weird and it seems a little uncomfortable. Think about it, the beauty in wet swimsuit will tell you the connotation story in person. How can people hold it?

Jiang Rou blinked her big eyes and asked, "Ah, what do you mean, do you all understand?"

The others laughed and said nothing.

Then, Chen Wulong told a cold joke: "Xiao Ming said to Dad, Dad, I’m so cold. Dad said, I won’t be cold when I stand in the corner. Xiao Ming doesn’t understand, ask, why? Dad said, because The corner of the wall is ninety degrees!

"Uh...isn't it funny? Okay, Lin tell me one."

Ekaterina told a ghost story that is not scary: "A new college girl who works very hard. One night, after she finished reading, she felt very tired. Check her watch. It was past 11 o'clock. Want to take a shortcut back to the dormitory.

"The trail goes through Xiangsi Lake. I heard that this lake is dead every year. The girl walked with trepidation. Suddenly she felt that someone was tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around and saw a pale woman.

"The woman said: ‘Sister, I have no feet.’

"Girls don't think they look down, they really don't have feet!

"The girl was so scared that she ran away, but the weird woman followed her all the way, and she couldn't help but whispered in her ears: ‘I don’t have feet... I don’t have feet... I’m so miserable...’

"The girl felt very annoying, and happened to be near the dormitory again, so she turned around and shouted to the female ghost: ‘I’m worse, I don’t have a chest!’"

After listening, everyone involuntarily looked at Ekaterina's chest, yes, and it was "very"!

It was Ran Muchen’s turn. Ran Muchen thought for a while and talked about his boss’s embarrassment: "Say my boss Zhao Yicheng and his wife Ximu went to visit an art exhibition together. When they faced a picture with only a few leaves When the nude-body beauty who covered her private parts was oil painting, the boss immediately stared at the painting with open mouth, and stayed for a long time and refused to leave.

"Yuki stubbornly grabbed the boss's ear and shouted, "Hey, are you going to stand until autumn and wait for the leaves to fall?"

Lu Ping'er smiled and asked, "Oh, boss Zhao is afraid of his wife?"

Ran Muchen said: "Of course, our boss has always said that there is only one pavilion owner in the Baiqi Pavilion, and that is Ximu!"

The women praised: "This is really a good husband!"

Chen Wulong said dissatisfied: "I am afraid that my wife is a good husband. Isn't this kind of values ​​a distorted value?"

Was attacked by a group of women, asking Chen Wulong whether he likes Ekaterina, and whether he wants to marry Ekaterina as his wife?

Ekaterina waved her hands again and again, saying: "I am not a tigress, I don't need him to be afraid of me..."

Lu Ping'er is still reluctant: "His Royal Highness, you can't be like this. If he is not afraid of you, he will bully you. It is difficult to be happy after marriage. Such a man shouldn't do that!"

Chen Wulong could only ask Yu Yue for help: "Mr. Yu, you are also a man, but you are saying something!"

Lu Ping'er looked at Yu Yue and said in his heart, this man is an exception...

Just listen to Yu Yue opening his mouth: "There was once a martial arts expert who could be called a ‘Master of the Generation’ once said a word--there are no men who are afraid of wives in this world, only men who respect their wives."

The girls applaud, this is a good point!

Chen Wulong can only go down the steps, okay, so be it.

Anyway, the contradiction between a man and a woman can never win unilaterally.

To Jiang Rou.

Jiang Rou said: "What you are talking about is too big. Let me talk about it for all ages."

So she told a series of fairy tales "Talk to the Stars" that she had seen in kindergarten:

It’s so quiet at night...

Sleeping on her own cot, Xiao Tau-tiu looked at the starry sky outside the window, and talked to the stars: "Do you know what the little sparrow is doing?"

The stars blinked mischievously.

"Hey, are you asleep?"

Who is speaking?

Xiao Diciu looked around.

"it's me!"

"Little sparrow!"

"I'll take you to play!"

It turned out that the stars told Little Sparrow what Xiao Quandiao had just said, so the little sparrow flew in and invited Donation.

"It's too late." Dou Diao shook his head.

The little sparrow flew away disappointedly.

Xiao Zhuozhu got into the quilt, but couldn't sleep. She asked, "Who can come and talk to me?"

After a while, a shadow appeared by the window.

It was Mimi, the mouse sitting on the windowsill holding a thick book.

"Mimi, good evening!"


"Do you also like to see the stars?"

"I like it so much!" Mimi the mouse said to Pouring, "Stars live in the Milky Way, the solar system, and the farther galaxies we don't know."

"Mimi, you are so smart!"

"There is a little prince living on a star far, far away. There are two active volcanoes on his planet. He can watch the sunset 4 times a day."

"How did you know?"

"This is written in a book." said Mimi, who loves reading.

Watering really wants to know the name of the book that Mimi is reading.

She was thinking, in the vast starry sky, can the little prince hear his own voice?

Many little yellow stars, little pink stars, and little green stars are on the deep blue sky, blinking and telling Diao Diao: "We can know what you are thinking."

Xiao Doudou said to Mimi, "The stars know what I think. Maybe, I can also find the little prince."

"Of course, it will." Mimi was very sure.

Little prince, are you cleaning the chimney of the volcano?

Are you still talking to Rose?

The little prince is standing on his planet, and he is watching the sun set.

"I seem to have heard a little girl and a mouse talking to me on the far earth." The little prince turned his head and looked in one direction, put his hands to his mouth, and greeted the distant Pouring and Mimi, "Hey, how are you guys?" ?"

The stars in the sky jumped happily.

Xiao Tau-poon heard the voice of the little prince in her sleep, and the little prince invited her to his rose garden, and the little mouse Mimi fell asleep with his favorite book...

Jiang Rou is worthy of being a kindergarten teacher. The story is told with great emotion. Xiaoyouyou likes it very much. She pointed to the stars in the sky and asked her father: "Daddy, dad, can the stars really hear me?"

Yu Yue smiled and said, "I can hear you."

"So, is there a little prince on the stars?"

"Dad doesn't know if there is a little prince on the stars, but Dad knows that some stars have huge volcanoes, and the residents there use lava to generate electricity; some stars are full of rose-like flowers, and the residents there only eat flowers... …"

Xiaoyouyou looked up at the sky full of stars, her eyes bright as stars.

Yu Yue asked: "Do you want to go to the stars to see you?"

"Want to go!"

"When we find my mother, shall we go to the stars and see together?"


Everyone smiled and thought it was a kind fairy tale.

Where did they know that Yu Yue had no falsehoods.

Finally it was Yu Yue's turn. Everyone looked at him expectantly, hoping that he could tell something interesting.

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