Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 369: Bing Lin

"Who said that this is your place, who said that you have the final say here? Look now, you are a poor creature, and you are about to die. Lermontov's strength has been ranked among the big Rakshas ten years ago. In the first ten of the clan, killing a Chinese soft egg like you is as easy as crushing an ant." Brenjian Buszowski laughed with a tilted mouth, and saw Chen Wulong being beaten up to Wang-Eight- Like an egg, he felt very relieved and couldn't help telling Lermontov's true identity and truthfulness.

How terrifying was the former top ten of the Great Raksha Sect?

All the subjects of the Principality tremble.

Ekaterina saw her bridegroom's lover being beaten so badly, she was seriously injured and lost combat effectiveness, her heart was cut, and she turned her head and wanted to ask Yu Yue for help.

However, Yu Yue was not in his original position. He had already stepped out to reach Brenjian Buszowski's side.

Brenjian Buszowski was still there watching the good show and he laughed, and suddenly found that there was another person next to him. He was shocked and turned his head and cursed, "Fogweed, what are you doing?!"

Yu Yue didn't talk nonsense with him, stretched out his hand and grabbed him by the neck to lift him up.

Brenjianbushuvsky was originally tall and handsome, but Yu Yue took his feet off the ground at this time, but he still couldn’t struggle. How embarrassed.

He could only make a helpless "Uh...uh..." voice.

The doctor who bandaged him was already frightened and fled.

The stag Lermontov picked Chen Wulong on the huge antlers, turned his head, stared at Yu Yue, and uttered in the form of a stag: "Let him go!"

Yu Yue pinched Brenjian Buszowski's right hand tightly on his neck, and said coldly: "You let go of him first."

The two sides stood still and faced each other for a while, and the two hostages Chen Wulong and Blunjian Bushuvsky were dying.

The stag Lermontov took the lead to shake his head and pull out the antlers. The blood spurted out suddenly, and Chen Wulong fell to the ground with a mournful grunt.

Yu Yue also pinched Brenjian Bushunsky in his hands to the ground, and at the same time ordered: "Ping'er, save people!"

Lu Ping'er was happiest when Yu Yue called herself like this, although Yu Yue just felt comfortable.

Upon hearing the order, the lord of the palace deer immediately flashed the "Speed ​​Alien" to Chen Wulong's side, bringing him back to his camp at an extremely fast speed, so as to prevent his injury from worsening or becoming a hostage again.

Unexpectedly, someone could move so fast, the Buck Lermontov was shocked, he had no time to stop it.

Although a little helpless, he didn't care too much.

Because he believes that his strength can suppress the audience, even if there is any difference, he also has more powerful support.

The ministers had been divided into two factions at the Imperial Court to deal with the return of the princess. He did not express his position, but turned around to inform the Great Raksha Sect that the support force of the Great Raksha Sect was already on the way, and this time should be coming soon.

That's why he exposed his identity with confidence, and didn't put anyone on the scene in his eyes, including the fast-moving girl, and the young man who dared to hold Bruntham Buszowski up as a hostage.

The stag Lermontov closed his kiss and squinted his eyes and said: "Surrender, don't make unnecessary struggles. The will of the Great Raksha Sect is bound to come, and no one can stop it!"

Yu Yue ignored him, but squatted down, twisting the arms of Brenjian Buszowski, whose feet were already like dead dogs, into twists, creating twisted injuries that were impossible to repair, directly hurting people. Got to faint.

Buck Lermontov's eyes widened: ""

Yu Yue stood up, kicked the fainted Brunjian Buszowski to the Bucks Lermontov's side like a ball, and slowly said: "What is the Great Raksha Sect? Dare to provoke me," I will flatten it!"

The subjects of the Principality who were present took a deep breath. They had never heard of this, because no one had ever dared to say it.

Such words sounded unthinkable and unthinkable to them.

Even if it was Aoli to the Grand Duke and his wife, the second time they heard such words, they couldn't help being shocked.

Stag Lermontov froze for a moment, then laughed and said, "You guys, what a big tone! Did you know that after my report, the Great Raksha Sect decided to use troops for the Kira Principality, and at this time they were already on the road. I believe it will arrive soon!"

When these words were said, Yu Yue didn't have much to say, except that everyone present, from the prince to the ministers to the people, were all scared with horror.

What is the concept of using soldiers?

Not arranged secretly, but controlled by force!

Great Raksha Sect, this is going to be true!

A war caused by a wedding...

There are already people running out and leaving the wedding scene, and people are running to tell.

The common people cannot stop the storm, they can only call their relatives and friends to avoid the flames of war in their own way.

Aoli tremblingly asked the Grand Duke: "I don't know who is the one who brought the troops here?"

The stag Lermontov said a name: "Ustinyushka."

Hearing this name, the scene shuddered from top to bottom.

Great Raksha Sect, under the sovereign, the second strongest, Ustinyushka!

What is this concept?

In the eyes of the subjects and even the princes and nobles of the Kira Principality, this is a god-like existence!

Now, not only the people are running away, but even some ministers and officials of the royal court are also starting to run away. The Principality of Kira will be destroyed!

Stag Lermontov was very satisfied with the reaction of the subjects of the Kira Principality. The deterrent power of the Great Raksha Sect should be like this. It is frightening and unconquerable.

He laughed and said, "Don’t panic, everyone! Although Lord Ustinyushka came with troops this time, he was only trying to capture the bold madman and his accomplices who hijacked the suzerain’s tribute. The king’s court, other unrelated people will not be involved, and you can stay here to be a testimony."

This is a haughty tone of life and death.

The people stopped and looked at the couple.

The two heads of the couple are four big.

I thought, this time is really over...

The chief of the bodyguard, James, said: "I will **** the grand prince and his wife to kill Ustinyushka before they arrive!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone came to report that a troop had arrived outside the city, and it was the banner of the Great Raksha Dzong Ustinyushka that was hung and displayed.

Aoli closed his eyes to the Grand Duke desperately: "Now, even if I want to go, I can't go..."

The Grand Duchess said: "It's a big deal. At least, I can die with my daughter..."

Aoli gave the Grand Duke a wry smile: "Sometimes, death may not be an easy thing..."

Hearing that the support has arrived, the Bucks Lermontov smiled presumptuously: "As far as the matter is, don't you surrender obediently? If you kneel and beg for mercy now, you might die less painful..."

There were already people who wanted to kneel down, but Yu Yue was still the one who was most at ease.

He didn't take Lermontov's words seriously. Instead, he pointed to the top of the stag Lermontov's head and asked Ran Muchen: "Miss Ran, what do you think of the pair of antlers?"

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